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Everything posted by Jeheza

  1. I'll call the game just Fire emblem 7 just like I always have.
  2. This is actually pretty good idea. In the game, your main lord is a criminal that commands a group of bandits. The core chapter clear objective is to destroy all the villages in the map with your bandit units (like in the GBA games) with low turn count before enemy reinforcements (the good guys, including the real Lord, cavalier, Paladins) appear and come to kick your arse.
  3. FE1 - Linde (I always liked her in shadow dragon.) FE2 - Sevr (Have not played Gaiden but with the remake being a thing, I’d think he’d be cool) FE3 - Hardin FE4 - Arvis (Not played the game) FE5 - Ishtar(Not played the game) FE6 - Lilina FE7 - Louise FE8 - Lyon FE9 - Tibarn FE10 - Black Knight(Meg could be a good joke character, tho.) FE13 - Kellam ( considered Vaike) FE14 - Kagero (As birthright candidate) Felicia (As conquest candidate)
  4. Yo! Welcome to the forums. What is your opinion in Awakening Lunatic+ mode? Is it complete BS or did you perhaps enjoy it, assuming you have beaten it?
  5. While I want Genealogy of holy war, I see it as slightly better move to remake Roy's game for the reasons people above have stated above. Nevertheless, any game it may be, I hope it's for the switch and not for the 3DS.
  6. Day one vote went for my boy Lyon.
  7. And the 3DS titles introduced the breeding gimmicks for the players too, Avatar being the Ditto of the series.
  8. It’s been a while. Hello to all old and new people of the Serenes forest forums! 380 days ago I left the forest for a journey and now my year long hiatus is finally over and I’m officially back as a semi-active member of the forums! Wonder if anyone actually remembers me… I was trying to access here at the beginning of this year but couldn’t log in because of technical problems. Now that the forums have been updated, it seems that the problem has been fixed. Thanks Jyosua! btw. I’m actually digging the new look of the site. Some of you guys were curious where I was going and I promised I’d tell something from my adventure upon my return. Won’t be going in too much detail with this topic. As for FE, I was hyped from the warriors first but after watching the direct earlier today, my hype is more directed towards Shadows of Valentia. I told one of my friends last Christmas how i’d loved that they’d make a good remake of an older FE title such as 2 or 4. Especially the former since in my opinion the game looks so outdated, which is why I never got around it. Only time will tell if Echoes will be good but I have my hopes up! The footage from the direct actually brought tears to my eyes. I’m exited from the upcoming switch title and the mobile game too, even though I’m not that much a mobile gamer. I’m also Anticipating Scribbles event 2. There were lots of amazing works last year and I can’t wait this years contributions. That said, I finished my own entry few days ago. Still might improve it a little though. This year seems like a good year to be an FE fan! Can’t wait to discuss interesting topics here again.
  9. Kuro Usagi from Modaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo?
  10. I'd say that in this game, Time Up is pretty much same as death. But yeah, it's good you're continuing this someday (more nostalgia content for me xD). Still, next time you run out of time or lose all hearts, its a game over. As a tip, I suggest of going to Emerald passage first since it's easiest one of the four, (though, even that is going to be challenging on a near-blind Hard mode)
  11. Thanks for the positive comments guys! @Balcerzak Glad to see you liked the credits roll reference :) I wonder if anyone has noticed a short cameo melody from another game series that I used in the medley.
  12. Thanks to everyone who voted my Fire Emblem Medley. I put lot of effort to it and am quite pleased with the outcome. I probably could have been able to fine-tune the remix to even better but my busy schedules made that impossible. That said, it's a shame I haven't had time to view all of the entries and probably won't have – My SF time is quite limited atm. Gave my vote for Alluring blossoms. the art is just so beautiful. I really hope This kind of event becomes annual here in the forums.
  13. making my list entirely based of RD, since haven't had an opportunity to try Por yet. Top 5 females: 1) Sanaki 2) Ilyana 3) Mist 4) Vika 5) Mia Special mentions: Michaiah, Leanne, Nailah, Nephenee, Jill Top 5 guys: 1) Ike 2) Sothe 3) Sephiran 4) Naesala 5) Black Knight Special mentions: Nolan, Leonardo, Zihark, Volke, Stefan. I like too many characters, so it's hard to make lists like these...
  14. Welcome to the forest. Hope your event entry does well in the contest.
  15. Wow, that was pretty tight battle against the gym leader. I was sure you would be losing but it's nice to see that your sololocke continues. hey man, thanks for being considerate of my busy schedules. My journey might even take a year so I still might not be able to watch your LP's frequently, but I should have chance to do so at least some day biweekly/monthly, so play Wario land 4 whenever you feel like it. I definitely watch your Hardcore LP of it whenever you plan on doing that, unless I mess up with the grenades...
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