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Everything posted by chococoke

  1. it doesn't deserve the same criticism. that doesn't mean the left is 100% innocent. one of their candidates is currently under investigation, an investigation that seems to turn up more and more evidence/cover up attempts by the day. their other candidate is a socialist who wants to hike taxes. (i don't know about all of you but i love paying taxes, top tier civic duty) whoever organizes their debates puts them on weekend evenings instead of a primetime weeknight slot that would get the most viewers. it's really not a bad tactic, because the republicans hold their debates when the majority of people can watch. so people tune in to laugh at trump who inevitably gets the most air time. i'm not coming in here saying conservatives are the children of jesus but the left isn't completely innocent. my dad is a staunch conservative and always complains to me about how the media favors liberals. sometimes i wonder when certain networks that hold the republican debates try to turn them into flame-fests instead of actual productive conversation. i'm most excited to see how the trump v. republicans battle turns out. hopefully the "freedom kids" that trump started his rally in pensacola with will somehow undo him.
  2. My take on the Hail Mary blitz: if your pass rushers are disciplined, can collapse the pocket and not allow the QB to escape, he cannot step up and get a good throw off to the end zone. If one pass rusher wins a 1-on-1 with an o-linemen, the play is more or less over. Rodgers is one of the best at navigating the pocket and so he managed to buy just a little extra time. There was actual pressure on him which forced him to throw the pass while falling backward, which just makes the play even more absurd. I'm not condoning the defensive play call but there is actual strategy behind it. The Lions rushed 3, gave Rodgers an easy path to step up and throw a bomb ALL WHILE covering the lateral against nobody. THAT was a joke. I don't think the Pats would get demolished by either team. They match up very favorably against the Panthers, at least on defense.
  3. I read a blurb on rotoworld about Mike Wallace and it got me thinking... I wouldn't be shocked to see him sign a prove-it deal with the Ravens next season. Seems like a good QB/offense that he can rehab his value in (Bridgewater couldn't really throw the ball downfield) and would give Baltimore a deep threat compliment to the baby punching "Ice up!" fellow.
  4. Love that the Pats o-line looked decent all game. Don't love the defense playing pretty poorly all game (and Collins/Mayo both going out with injuries.) Originally I wanted the Steelers to win tomorrow. However, I believe that would require Peyton basically gift wrapping the game and handing it to Pittsburgh (he's done this at least once this season.) Honestly, I'd be fine seeing the Broncos beat them down tomorrow. Definitely going to be watching that center for the Steelers to see what kind of stuff he gets thrown at him after that cheap shot on Denver's safety in their first match up.
  5. Game day, fools. The Patriots are going to set an NFL record today for most offensive line combinations used in a season. With that being said, the battle in the trenches is going to be key for both sides. If KC's line opens up running lanes, it's going to be a long day. Nobody wants that. On the other side, I expect very few runs from the Pats, a lot of hurry up offense, and plenty of James White. On defense, I expect a lot of Collins-Hightower double blitz looks (not necessarily actual blitzes) as Bill tries to get into Alex Smith's head. It's going to be an interesting game.
  6. Sifted through some Facebook poop and found a few Patriots fans suggesting Chris Mortenson has cancer as some kind of sick karmac payback for the deflategate reports. I hate everyone on the Internet
  7. Looks like Gronk isn't going to be completely healthy for this game on Saturday. The Collins/Hightower combination is going to have to elevate this defense to another level if the Pats are going to make a run at SB50. I'm starting to lose a little faith.
  8. Ana, you need to calm down. You get stupidly upset when other players say mean things. Who cares what he says? It's PACMAN. He's salty and he's a clown. Seriously, just try to relax about this stuff. We really don't need any more paragraphs about how absolutely amazing Antonio Brown is or whatever awards/lists he's made.
  9. Maybe Peyton's HGH supply will run out this week and he'll be throwing wounded ducks against the Steelers.
  10. It was truly an ugly game. Shazier's hit on Giovanni Bernard was brutal - Bernard took Shazier's helmet to his chin and was basically knocked out. Instead of a penalty it ended up being a turnover. One of Cincy's LBs dropped a red zone interception that Ben threw into his gut. I'm not excited to face the Chiefs.
  11. I don't hate the Steelers. I just would rather play the Bengals than the Chiefs. Looks like this game is gonna come down to a long field goal attempt
  12. I would be okay with them beating the Packers. Only because it'll give the fans even more false hope. Also, I could be completely wrong, but doesn't the NFL usually do one game from each conference per day on playoff weekends? This is the first time I can recall in a while that they've scheduled the AFC match ups on one day and the NFC match ups on the other.
  13. The Skins playing well has certainly been unfortunate living around their fans. Pretty sad state of affairs when they're the home team with the best chance of winning on wild card weekend
  14. I believe Dalton would be back by then. But to be honest with the state of this O-line, any team in the playoffs right now could wreck the Pats so I'm prepared for whatever nonsense happens in this postseason. I can take only slight, slight solace in the fact that neither the Ravens nor Giants are in the playoffs.
  15. I'll pour some out for you when the Steelers lose to a team led by AJ McCarron :')
  16. Seriously, Ana? It's actually hilarious to me that you have the balls to tell someone to "learn to read posts" when they're reading your post in the tone you use. Guess what? The post DOES come off as snooty and exceptionally obnoxious. These, of course, are traits you display with startling regularity (which, on an Internet forum, is really saying something) which is why I typically ignore them. However, it's definitely aggravating when you act like it's someone else's fault for misinterpreting your comments. Like, I understand it's not face to face conversation so it's tougher to convey the tone you're using. But damn, either be more careful of the words you use or don't act so surprised when people call you out for it.
  17. I always found that the devil's lettuce assists with hangovers pretty well, especially the ones where you wish death upon yourself numerous times (tequila beat me down a few weeks ago.)
  18. Wow, Kirk just derped super hard and took a knee instead of spiking the ball. I really hope the Eagles win this game now. Also might let the Colts off the hook for worst play iof the season
  19. That's completely debatable but it doesn't change my point. If you're gonna lose your cool to the point that you risk another player's well-being (after the whistle, no less) then you clearly need to sit a game and get your shit together.
  20. Like I said earlier, OBJ-Norman wasn't one-sided. They were going back and forth literally all game. Our definitions of targeting clearly differ. I'm sticking with my college football definition of "using your helmet as a weapon to attack the head/neck of an opposing player." Makes a bit more sense to me
  21. Uhhhhhh if you really think Wallace wasn't targeting on that play you're either in serious denial or haven't seen the replay. OBJ should've been thrown out before he even had the chance to do his charging bull attack. I'm not saying everyone needs to be suspended after a dirty hit. I'm saying anytime you have a situation where a player uses his helmet as a weapon and is essentially attacking the head/neck area of another player, that player needs to be taught to keep his fucking cool. He also did it after the play was basically over. It's as dirty a "play" as you can make on a football field. Seriously, watch the replay and tell me again he wasn't targeting anyone on that play. I know your homerism flows uninhibited throughout your body, but you really need to understand that a hit like that can cause serious, serious damage to someone. EDIT: Here ya go https://vine.co/v/iKF5EmQLXXw
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