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Everything posted by chococoke

  1. Can't Nino also get decent exp from the horde of physical units in CoD?
  2. Karla and Farina are in both HNM and HHM
  3. +1 reader Also, +1 FE7 cartridge purist. Mine still gets quite a workout given its age
  4. Rath has 18 con? That's a heavy man. Also, Serra is unhurtable with the Sol Katti
  5. IIRC, Maxime is given bonuses as if he were a normal enemy as opposed to a boss in HHM, leading to his absurd stats. The same is true for Fargus in EHM (though thankfully you don't fight him.)
  6. I usually just use them to rend the flesh of people that upset me. Easier than using the rippling muscles
  7. You've done little in this thread to disprove my assertion ;)
  8. Eh, why not? [spoiler=Flavor of the month] [spoiler=light photoshop used]
  9. I hope things continue to look up for you, Elie. Sometimes, I wonder if being anti-relationship with all of the females I meet nowadays is the wrong mentality... then I read about things that your is doing and... well, women are dumb, irrational, and almost not worth all of the fucking effort to deal with. Almost. I hope that you find a winner soon, man. Lord knows there aren't many of them out there
  10. Hector has an entire chapter immediately after he promotes that is little more than glorified training for him. After that he can put a decent hurting on the legion of generals in Ch. 31 (especially if the Wolf Beil was obtained in the previous chapter.) He definitely has trouble catching up in Ch. 32, but 32x is a small chapter (and he has WTA against essentially the whole map.) The final chapter is also decently small, and it's easy to position Hector in front of Darin's room. He matches up very favorably against Sure, his combat is limited post-promotion and his move sucks. But I'd argue it's certainly more than "about nothing." Also, the Armads comparison was me trying to argue Hector > Lyn. I regret using the term niche, but that was more of me trying to say that Lyn was replaceable and that this was a point against her.
  11. No items transfer from LHM; you'll need to use Hector if you want to have any chance of killing Wire. Matthew against Wire is lol (even their battle conversation suggests so)
  12. Maybe niche wasn't a great word to use. Yes, other characters share Hector's bulk. Hector also gets insane mileage out of the Wolf Beil in terms of typically having WTA when used against vulnerable enemies. He can OHKO units like nomads, at a part of the game where arrows are actually something to be afraid of. Well, for units that aren't Oswin, Marcus, or mah boy Hector. I was also attempting to say that Lyn is completely replaceable as a combat unit. Her saving graces (forced deployment and Mani Katti, plus that support does help) really don't outweigh the fact that a unit like Raven, who is also sword-locked, is better defensively and can promote earlier, essentially achieving what Lyn can, and then beyond that when hand axes become available. Plus, Hector has a much easier time in general finding enemies that he has WTA against. I'm fairly certain there are many more lances than axes, especially in the midgame. No, Hector isn't your only durable unit. But what other axe users are even viable to use in the early-mid game who aren't named Marcus? Each one of them requires babying to a certain extent (plus, just LOL if you're using Bartre or Dorcas.) Hector kicks ass from the moment he arrives. There are a ridiculous amount of enemies who are weak to his Wolf Beil, and with a secret book tossed his way (since we're talking resource use here...) his hit will be that much more manageable early on. If we're feeling really lucky, we already swiped the Silver Axe from ch. 15 to allow him to OHKO weaker enemy types (plus, again, who is going to use it?) This is just how I feel though, of course. I think Hector is a great unit, certainly better than Lyn. There's no way that Lyn is overrated on this board though, most people hate on her pretty hardcore.
  13. I agree that it can't be ruled out for her. My original point was that Hector is a better unit than she is. While she does acquire bow access and solid promotional gains, she doesn't promote until late and, by that point, we've already had at least Raven bash things with his sword and promote. Hector's niche is not replicated by any other units until much later in the game, and his usefulness doesn't start wavering until later on ( likewhen he caps his level.)
  14. Guy actually has a better speed growth than her. That coupled with the fact that he can promote much earlier than her make his offense very comparable to hers. Lyn is certainly one of the more viable candidates for the Energy Ring, but I'd personally rather give it to a unit like Florina (or whichever cav I decide to promote in LM) rather than a unit I feel is somewhat redundant
  15. One point to remember is that Hector has incredibly favorable matchups early in his/Eli's mode vs. bosses. He can get levels rather easily this way, as long as the player isn't concerned about conserving the Wolf Beil and/or giving all boss kills to Marcus. Lyn with training and an energy ring is definitely a formidable offensive unit, but she only sports 4 defense and 23 HP on average at level 11 unpromoted (granted, you argue more than 10 levels in LM, but that seems fair.) By the time she joins in HHM, Hector has already seen quite a few bosses that are dispatched by him easily (as long as he connects with said kill shot.) He is good enough to be used even if he wasn't forced. Unpromoted Lyn does what a few other male units do better (Guy and Raven say hello with their HM bonuses) and is worse off than they are defensively to boot.
  16. You should've trained Canas' staff rank to B or whatever is necessary to use Berserk, so he could use it on those two heroes in the middle of Cog. Makes everyone's lives much easier
  17. Hector owns both Eliwood and Lyn pre-promotion (unless you played Lyn mode and gave her a bunch of statboosters) He can gain experience relatively easily and doesn't need to be fed kills/statboosters like the other 2 lords That with the fact that Armads is easily the best of the 3 Prf final weapons make him the best lord to me. Hector hurts people post-promotion, even with his 5 move. Plus Eliwood is just a bitch, and his horse is only good for giving him the aid necessary to be Hector's personal chauffeur. Granted, all I do is play HHM nowadays, so I always use Hector. He's easily one of my favorite characters in the game, though
  18. Hector isn't vulnerable to knight-harming weapons until post-promotion, I believe
  19. I like how the Hero wasn't from Bern, but hailed from the land of "Extra!"
  20. Haha nah I didn't mean to imply you should start over, I just think it sucks the fun out of the game when your units are now OP as fuq compared to the enemies. I guess it would be pretty chill if Wolt got every boss kill from here on out...
  21. Boo arena abuse, makes the playthrough a lot less entertaining imo
  22. I'm assuming you do these chapters with the RNG list showing? Given you had Tate attack an enemy that had a decent chance of ORKOing her
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