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Everything posted by chococoke

  1. Come to Washington, DC and lets throw down bruh
  2. That's not what your father told me last night.
  3. Yeah, I couldn't finish it. That was actually rather unnerving...
  4. People who put Soul in High Tier and Render Their Tier List Null Tier Black Cat
  5. You know what Bartre's speed average is for level 12? 7. You're a whopping 2 points above his average and you're complaining about how slow he is? Do you ever look at characters' bases and growths before you play?
  6. Gah, fuck you all. If you've got nothing nice to say, keep it to yourself, dickwad.
  7. Yes, well, playing a video game and perceiving the intelligence of a kid who's handicapped aren't exactly easily compared. In this case, I'd say you would be better off letting said kid with Down Syndrome know that the way he/she goes about their business is okay with you, if a bit different. Fire Emblem IS supposed to be fun, you know. And this place isn't supposed to be a place where players should hold back their thoughts in fear of being called "scrub" by anyone. Though, I suppose common courtesy sometimes escapes the best of us. It is a bit easier to call someone a scrub from behind your computer, anyhow.
  8. How do I convince my girlfriend to have sex with me while the antibiotics for her wisdom teeth nullify her bitch control? EDIT: Wow, so that's supposed to say birth control. Why does typing "bitch" feel so natural?
  9. Welcome to Serenes Forest. A few users here have stripped the fun out of Fire Emblem, and boiled these games down to a perverse science that involves both "Tier lists" and "Efficiency." Please ignore said users, for your own sake. In other words, it isn't scrubby. People like dondon enjoy putting others down. Go about your business and believe what you want to believe. EDIT: Also, Sain at level 18 in Lyn Mode? No fucking way.
  10. I've always wondered, what's that flash at the beginning of the level?
  11. Reset until you get an amazing Marcus. There's your maximum efficiency. Okay, in all seriousness, if you get a Marcus with enough Strength/Speed procs, you will destroy everything. Which is why people play with the Fixed Patch, I suppose.
  12. I'd probably say Cog, but only because it's impossible to be unprepared for VoD after just having a gaiden chapter where you merely buy weaponry. I had no idea what to expect the first time I hit Cog on my first HHM playthrough, and it absolutely annihilated me. Laughably.
  13. Well, I beat the level. I also just did a write up and lost the whole thing. Titties. It involved a lot of finesse (took me 15 turns.) Luckily, the one thing I wasn't short on was 1-2 range weaponry. Sain with the Brave Lance and Nini's Grace was more than enough to kill Lloyd. GG, Cog.
  14. Well, the only issue is that said 28 mag druid come along with the corner valks.
  15. Many Pure Waters and a Barrier, unfortunately I only have 1 Restore staff because I'm mentally handicapped and never thought to get another one. I got Kenneth's version of PFoD, which isn't really too easy to get Harken on, so I don't have him unfortunately. My Raven is a pretty acceptable replacement, though, and I actually managed to get him S rank Axes. I didn't train any fliers, either, because I'm mentally handicapped.
  16. I'm tired of this fucking level. I have yet to defeat it on HHM, due to constant RNG screwage typically involving status staves on my important units. I'm kind of in a hurry right now, but on my current playthrough, I was literally breezing through HHM up until Cog, and the level has currently caused me to restart numerous times (probably more times than I've had to restart total up to that point.) Anyway, does anyone have any advice as to how to tackle the level? Take out the initial aggroing units before taking on the 5 Valks in the top left corner and the female druids? I usually head to the left and take on the Luna Druid/Shamans, which, now that I think about it, is a crappy idea thanks to how broken Luna is. I'll post unit stats and relevant equipment if people are interested.
  17. Do chapter 19xx in your HHM playthrough. Eets phun.
  18. I can't wait to see Pent destroy things. ...Whenever that may be.
  19. Meh, I've never been a huge fan on Marcus with an S rank in axes. If he doesn't proc speed a few times, wielding the Hand Axe causes him to miss doubling on a lot of enemies (especially mid-game.)
  20. He worked all day. I worked all day. He was gone when I woke up and he was asleep when I got back from work. Happy Father's Day, Dad.
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