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Everything posted by chococoke

  1. You're age 11-13. You're a girl. I can, thus, infer that within 1 week you will make another stupid ass post here proclaiming her the biggest bitch of all time. I had a sister that was once your age, I remember all of this.
  2. Alright, I'll fulfill people's wishes. Keep in mind, I have no idea about anything outside FE 6-10.
  3. Already discussed with Lumi. And Titania is there because she fucks bitches, nothing much more needs to be said.
  4. Manith to Middle. Rolf to lower middle (how do you think him and Mist passed time when they were kidnapped in that shack?) FE6!Bartre above FE7!Bartre keep em coming
  5. All flaming/arguments/whatever is welcome and recommended. Note: I had to make a rough outline because I have somewhere to be, any new characters are obviously welcome. No valid arguments needed.
  6. Wait, I forgot this isn't a HHM draft. Nevermind, using both archers isn't as joke-worthy.
  7. Someone should draft both Wil and Rebecca.
  8. I'm not really gay for him, but I AM jealous of how many girls are fucking obsessed with him. Though I honestly think if I grew my hair out like him and was marketed the same way, I could have a fanbase like his. As long as I got any semblance of facial hair lasered off my face into Limbo.
  9. Is fucking gorgeous. tune to 3:25 and this song is now on my lifting playlist, durf
  10. Include everyone, even the people who didn't ragequit from the FE10 draft muh fucker
  11. Is there any interest in another draft tournament? I haven't played Path of Radiance in ages, and I'd like to give it a go.
  12. Oh, duh, completely forgot there was an attainable Energy Drop on 2-E.
  13. Best: Nolan Worst: FE7!Bartre. Hate that fool. I'd like to nominate Best/Worst Character-Unique Boss Conversation
  14. How does an Ulki transfer result in a 1 turn clear of 2-E?
  15. Your 20/03 Oswin has more strength than my 20/18 Oswin did in my HNM draft playthrough. Though, I'd like to see yours reach 22 speed.
  16. First kiss and crush happened together, when I was 13 during the end of 7th grade. First love? I think my current girlfriend actually qualifies for that.
  17. Oh, I've attempted to take penalties, but my only non-draftee remaining that can actually do anything is Pent, and even his assistance is not enough for me.
  18. I feel somewhat embarrassed about not finishing my HHM draft, given that I made it pretty far. However, it was my first ever HHM run, and I'm currently stuck on a level that is nothing short of impossible for me to beat given the characters I have, as well as the resources available to me. I still do have the save file, though, and occasionally I play it for shits and gigs.
  19. Last night was somewhat of a blur. All I remember is my friend getting thrown through a window and bleeding everywhere
  20. Alright SF, before I go out I'd like to make this thread. What is your number 1 New Year's Resolution? Mine is not to have my mind esploded by stress next semester.
  21. Alright, I'll be that guy. What's the correlation?
  22. Yeah, keep the knight crest. There's really no use for it whatsoever except to screw over your funds.
  23. Please update soon, so I have a reason to smile as a large winter storm prepares to stop me from going home tomorrow from college.
  24. I hear tampons are a good gift to get for girls who have periods AM I RIGHT GUYS WHO'S WITH ME
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