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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. True. Are there any that you can think of? As I said before, all that comes to mind for me is Paper Mario (because of The Origami King), and that doesn't really count as that's a Mario spin-off.
  2. I realize now that I've worded my question very poorly, twice now. I guess I was more just wondering if there's anyone left as a viable potential fighter from a Nintendo series that doesn't have any yet? All the fighter predictions I've been seeing lately have either been 3rd party, characters from a series that already has fighters, or joke predictions. Does that clarify what I'm trying to ask?
  3. Basically, I pretty much just mean anything with a consistent fanbase that is either made by Nintendo, or made by someone owned by/who works alongside Nintendo.
  4. To be fair, they're on a journey together to end a hundred-year-long war. "Life is short" is probably something that they're thinking about. Plus, Aang and Katara only really get together at the end of the show.
  5. I was thinking, are there any noteworthy Nintendo series left that don't yet have any fighters in Smash? All I can think of that doesn't have any fighters left is Paper Mario, and that's not really a separate title as it's a Mario spin-off.
  6. Short answer: no. I have seen Avatar: the Last Airbender multiple times, it is one of my favourite shows, and I do not understand the Zuko x Katara ship at all. Katara hates the Fire Nation for most of the show, and by the time her mind is able to distinguish Zuko from his nation, she has other reasons to dislike him; namely his betrayal that resulted in Aang ending up on death's door. Even after Zuko became a good guy, she didn't trust him until after he helped her track down her mom's killer, which happened near the end of the series. What time is their in all that for a romance that would make any sense? Aang and Katara makes far more sense; they have an interesting and mutually supportive dynamic built on trust and respect. They deeply care about and care for each other, and it's shown in every episode. I'm not going to argue to argue that their canon romance was amazing writing, but it made sense. I understand why they like each other romantically, and it works.
  7. Which ones? The mage lines that do nothing for his speed, or the cavalry lines that reduce his speed growth?
  8. Indeed it was; I'm just saying that it wasn't universal. Some places used the title King Consort, and some didn't give them a title at all. One reason it varied a lot was because of the rarity of having a Queen Regnant; it was more a case of, "Oh my! We never considered this! We always had kings! What do we do?! What do we do?!" Same; I always laugh whenever I read that line. Huh; I must've forgotten that.
  9. That actually varied from kingdom to kingdom and even changed over time. A good rule of Medieval European History: never assume that something was the same across Europe for the whole period. Only the plague was 100% widespread, and even then at different times. That said, I can just imagine Ike's reaction if he was told that he'd have to be called Prince Consort. "Does this mean yet another funny hat or something?" I'm not saying that he has to be; I'm just saying that it is a possibility. Didn't Ike always return Ragnell to Begnion whenever a war was over? He had no special attachment to it, so it could've ended up anywhere.
  10. Who says that he'd have to do so? Based on Micaiah and Soren's paired ending, it seems that the husband of a queen regnant in Tellius does not automatically gain any rank, title, or government position. He could go outside and do mercenary work at the same time that Elincia is dealing with nobles. Priam could also be Mist's descendant, given that Marth is referred to as a descendant of Anri despite actually being descended from Anri's brother and the fact that Anri died childless.
  11. Thanks. To be honest, it's not like there haven't been strange evolutions before, and it makes sense for a cream-making Pokémon to evolve by essentially being stirred.
  12. Thanks. I am aware; Farfetch'd requires getting three critical hits in one battle, which is made easier if they hold a leek, and Milcery requires the character spinning around while holding a specific type of item.
  13. Or you could just leave all of Dorothea's supports with people other than Petra at B until the final chapter, then watch the a-supports the last time you're in the monastery. That's the trick I came up with on my first playthrough to get the paired endings that I wanted.
  14. Nintendo charged full price for the Link's Awakening remake: a graphical update of a 20-year-old Gameboy game. Anyway, I think a bundle would be a good idea, though it would probably minimize the amount of work done to each game; we'd probably see some updated textures and maybe a couple added endings, but little more than that. I also like that idea of a brief epilogue story. That could be interesting.
  15. I think I'll have to divide into categories; you see, I try not to say I dislike something if I recognize its merits but it simply isn't something I enjoy. I save, "I dislike this" for things that I genuinely think have problems. For that reason, I'm going to split my answers between "Not My Cup of Tea" and "Games I Dislike". Not My Cup of Tea: 2D Mario Bros. Games: I can easily see why these games are well loved. I'm just not a fan of 2D platformers. The Spider-Man Game: I tried it, and there were plenty of aspects I enjoyed, so I can see why it was a big hit. But I disliked certain aspects of the combat and the game overall wasn't my cup of tea at all. Games I Dislike/Am Torn On: Xenoblade Chronicles 1: I don't so much dislike the game as much as I am torn on it. I played it once. I loved the story, the characters and the worldbuilding. But I did not enjoy the gameplay at all. Exploration was a pain, the camera was a nightmare when fighting anything larger than the main cast, I don't like combat that relies on abilities that run on cooldowns, and who thought spike damage was a good idea?! If you aren't aware, spike damage was a system where you took damage whenever you attacked certain opponents without any way of knowing which enemies cause spike damage and no way to avoid it except by equipping spike-damage resistance upgrades to your item slots. Super Mario Odyssey: As much as 2D Mario games are not my cup of tea, 3D Mario games are something I enjoy a lot. I really enjoyed Sunshine and Galaxy as well as the DS remake of Mario 64. I got Odyssey on sale and, at first, I really enjoyed it: Mario's movement is absolutely fantastic. However, as I played through it, I became increasingly torn on it. There are just so many moons, and a lot of them are obtained by going through tedium rather than by completing a fun challenge. I got tired of collecting so many moons for doing things that weren't a lot of effort. I also don't like how the game's idea of progression within each Kingdom is simply dumping more moons that weren't there before into areas you had already been. Why not unlock new areas within the Kingdom as you progress; areas that bring in new challenges or expand on the challenges you had already seen? It especially doesn't help that certain kingdoms, such as the Cloud Kingdom and the Ruined Kingdom, are nothing more than a boss room with some extra moons scattered about, when they could've been so much more.
  16. Okay, I think I've decided: Scorbunny, Rookidee, Wooloo, Chewtle, Galarian Farfetch'd, and Alcremie. Thank you all so much for your help.
  17. Alcremie it is. In any case, it's probably for the best that I'm going with Alcremie. Whichever of the two fighting-type Pokémon I pick, I will end up with at least five Pokémon that are focused on physical attack & defence, so it would probably be best to have at least one Pokémon that focuses on special attack & defence.
  18. Oh. Okay. In that case, which do you recommend: Alcremie or Galarian Weezing?
  19. True, and I do intend to trade for one. I just don't like using traded Pokémon in my story team. By the way, which fighting type do you think I should use: Sirfetch'd or Falinks? Or should I maybe use one of the other Pokémon I listed?
  20. I am interested in getting Galarian Ponyta; the game's region is based on the UK, and the unicorn is Scotland's national animal. But, as you said, it's exclusive to Shield. It was a tough call but I think i would prefer getting Sword, one reason being the legendary.
  21. I was using the names of the first to refer to the entire line; that's the reason I put, "Galarian" there. Sorry for the confusion; I realize that I should've been more clear. Interesting. Those are good points. It's a really tough call.
  22. Am I the only one that thought Miklan's chapter was fine, but just didn't like how dumb Gilbert's AI is? Actually, the more I think about it, the more I didn't really like it. I guess its only redeeming features for me were the bottlenecks and the different elevation making it that archers could safely shoot at my units. I enjoyed baiting the archers with my tankier units and then bringing them down with my own archers. Oh yeah, that was a good map. I second Capturing Derdriu as one of the best maps. By the way, what did you think of Chapter 12 of Crimson Flower?
  23. Thanks. Scorbunny it is then. Well, in terms of dark type coverage, my plan was to include Milcrey or Weezing (both fairy types), and at least one of the two fighting types, so that should cover it. I can't decide between Sirfetch'd or Falinks; having both would be redundant, but I find them both so interesting. I know I want to use Wooloo almost regardless of viability, so that's Scorbunny, Rookidee, Wooloo, Chewtle, Milcrey/Weezing, and Farfetch'd/Falinks. That's six; I just need to decide on the fighting type. Which one (if either) would you recommend?
  24. Best: Chapter 12 on Crimson Flower: The map is nothing special on Blue Lions/Verdant Wind/Silver Snow, but on Crimson Flower it's amazing. The enemy units are always throwing new tricks at you as you progress further forward; giving the siege on Garreg Mach an almost rhythmic back-and-forth. You send your units down the middle? Boom: enemies in the bushes. You send your units along the sides? Boom: Seteth goes on the offensive if you defeat Flayn. Get past Seteth: not only are there ballistae and magic towers, but giant golems appear, and you still have to bring down Catherine and Rhea. And I'm sure I've forgotten some of the cool things they do with this map. If I had one criticism, it would be that you can't control the allied units. When I play through paralogues and I see that allied units can be directly controlled by the player in those, I think, "Finally! No more stupid AI ruining my plans!" But then I play the main story chapters that have allied units and I'm like, "What?! I thought this game finally fixed that!"
  25. So, I plan to get Pokémon Sword at some point. For context, I've been playing Pokémon since Diamond/Pearl, and, so far, I've played every generation since then except gen 5 and gen 8. When I get a new Pokémon game, I have it that my story team consists entirely of new Pokémon (including regional variants as of gen 7). I've seen all the new Pokémon and regional variants for this game, I've made a list of the Pokémon I'm interested in using, and I need help narrowing it down to a team of six: Starter Pokémon: Scorbunny Sobble Other Pokémon: Rookidee Wooloo Chewtle Sinistea Galarian Koffing Galarian Farfetch'd Milcery Falinks Stonjourner Any suggestions?
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