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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. I can't really say, since I didn't get a Switch until months after Three Houses released, so my opinion of the game hasn't really had enough time to change since I'm still playing through it.
  2. I agree completely with all of this: every medium has its own strengths and weaknesses that make it better for certain forms of storytelling than others. For instance, I could say that Ico is a video game with a great story. However, if one were to try to write an Ico novel (and someone actually did), it just wouldn't work as well, because the kind of story being told in Ico is one that plays to the strengths of a video game for storytelling, but not those of a novel. Even within mediums, different genres, art styles, etc., have different strengths and weaknesses. 2D animation has completely different strengths and weaknesses from 3D animation, and some of the best animated works of fiction combine the two in ways that have all the strengths and few-to-none of the weaknesses. This is true for western animation and for anime, but in different ways because of the very different art styles. The different strengths and weaknesses of the different mediums and how well they're utilized could be a great topic for discussion all on its own; trying to argue that one is inherently better than the other is just not true. Literature arguably has been more impactful than anime, sure, but that's because literature has been around for hundreds if not thousands of years, while anime is only 103 years old. The "classics" of literature like The Lord of the Rings and such have simply had more time to be more impactful than, say, Dragon Ball, and even there, different anime like Dragon Ball and Miyazaki's works have been able to be huge worldwide phenomenons with lasting impact even outside of other anime.
  3. Wow; that is some good art, which reminds me of one actual shortcoming of anime that I think most would agree on: the difficulty in keeping up with the manga it's adapting without overtaking it. Naruto was stuffed full of filler to the point where over 40% of the show is non-canon just to keep from overtaking the manga, the first Fullmetal Alchemist anime did overtake the manga and ended up having to write its own second half (and I heard the same thing happened to some other anime called Akime ga Kill or something like that; I haven't seen it and I've barely heard of it). Of course, not all anime are adaptations of manga; Code Geass was completely original... though it's perhaps not the best example since it was a writing trainwreck, but that's beside the point. Oh, yeah; Kyoto Animation is really good at that. I haven't seen the show you used as an example, but I have seen Violet Evergarden, which was made by Kyoto Animation, and you're absolutely right. The amount of expression on the characters is amazing and it was used extremely well in Violet Evergarden since so much of the show's emotion depends on the characters, and it manages to make the show easily one of the saddest things I've ever seen (if a show can make you cry, this one definitely will). Here's the "full" opening of the show just to give an idea:
  4. Interestingly, season 1 of One-Punch Man wasn't just animated by Madhouse; for many scenes including the Saitama vs Boros fight, the guy in charge of Madhouse called in favors from animators that work for other studios, including Studio Bones and Wit Studio, and those animators had to work on the show under aliases and go uncredited because they're part of studios that weren't officially attached to the show. A lot of people blame JC Staff for the drop in animation quality in season 2, but it's very likely that Madhouse wouldn't have been able to achieve the same level of animation if they had done season 2.
  5. Yeah; one thing I do love about anime is that, unlike western animation, it didn't give up on 2D animation, so it's able to pull off stuff like that. The only 2D western animation left is low-budget kids cartoons, which, while they can be great (like the first three seasons of SpongeBob SquarePants), can't really push the envelope like anime can both because of limited budget and because they're "kids' stuff". as if, "meant for kids" is a valid excuse for limiting quality. Don't get me wrong; 3D animation can be great in its own ways and is perfect for making locations in animated media, but 2D animation allows the characters to be far more artistic. Here's another great bit of animation that helps with your point:
  6. Every form of media has its own different advantages and shortcomings; are you actually wanting to talk about that, as the title would imply, or are you just wanting to say how you think anime is worse than western media, as the content of your thread implies?
  7. Well, there it was. The moment I saw that it was called "Partner Showcase", I figured it wouldn't be showing anything I was particularly interested in. Cadence of Hyrule DLC looks neat. I haven't actually played the game, nor do I really intend to do so, but new Zelda content is always cool to see. And... that's all I really can say; I don't really have any opinion on any of the other games.
  8. Huh. Thanks. I really would have to do more research as to the survey Nintendo did for Super Paper Mario. Well, after watching some playthroughs of Origami King, I think I'll pass on getting this game.
  9. I can only really see it in terms of appearance, and even then, not really. As @omegaxis1 said, if anyone in Three Houses is like Lelouch, it's Edelgard.
  10. Well, it's the seventeenth, the game has officially released, and day 1 reviews of it are... not reliable in the slightest because they're day 1 reviews. Sorry; I just always wanted to make that joke. In all seriousness, now that the game has released, how good is the game?
  11. Sadly, that doesn't look like it's going to happen. Maybe if we ever get a Paper Zelda? Or, another idea I saw someone suggest: break the series in two: one series would be called Paper Mario and would be like the more recent games, while the other would be called Mario Story and would be like the older games.
  12. Well, as I said, it was just speculation on my part, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was the reason for the obvious discrepancy, given that the story was one of the most widely celebrated aspects of Super Paper Mario.
  13. Pretty much no one I've seen talk about this thinks that the survey Nintendo did was any good for the very reasons you're mentioning. My best guess would be that the survey was done through some magazine, so most people who filled it in hadn't even played Super Paper Mario. I've seen that a number of times: people reference surveys that were put in magazines, only for it to be revealed that most of the people who filled it in didn't even consume the piece of media in question. Eh; he only said not to do any new characters. From everything I've seen, Tanabe is responsible for the removal of story and RPG elements, the shift from storybook to papercraft, the emphasis on paper gimmicks, etc.
  14. I like Zelda, though I'm not a fan of hack & slash. Anyway, we should probably go back to talking about Paper Mario.
  15. I meant Adventure of Link; I had no idea that Hyrule Warriors has exp (I never played it).
  16. Sure, but Breath of the Wild also had combat and such. I'm talking about a game that is just taking pictures, and nothing else. I agree; it wasn't a very good title.
  17. Thanks. Yeah; Paper Zelda would be cool.
  18. The Legend of Zelda Snap: take pictures of your favourite parts of Hyrule! Mario Survival: Can you survive in the Mushroom Kingdom? Acquire shelter, water, and food; especially cake? Fire Emblem Dating Sim: Meet your true love in the army barracks of a fantasy world!
  19. I was only suggesting Paper Emblem because it's IS; I honestly think a Paper Zelda would be far better.
  20. Thanks; I'm glad you enjoyed that joke. As someone who has never played the original or TTYD, I think a remake could be cool. I see. In that case, another idea I had was that they could make something like Paper Zelda or Paper Emblem: take what the first two Paper Mario games did, but with The Legend of Zelda or Fire Emblem (probably Zelda). That way, fans of the new Paper Mario games still get the new stuff, and fans of the old stuff can at least get a repackaged version that has what they liked about the originals, just applied to a different series. I should probably say right now that the "Paper Zelda" idea is not original; I got it from watching this video someone made as an April Fool's joke: 🤣 Yeah; I don't think it's a good idea either; I threw it in as a joke.
  21. I suppose, though wouldn't it make more sense to go back to the series' roots? Or, at the very least, why not release a remake of the original or TTYD, see how well it does, and then use that to determine what to do with the series? Or maybe they could do what Fates did and release two games: one like the old games, one like the new games, and then a DLC that takes the worst of the old and the new?
  22. Thanks for the info. Yeah; it is sad to hear about what's been happening to this series. I heard from a video that, while Miyamoto made some suggestions, it was ultimately the producer of the last three games: Kensuke Tanabe, who made a lot of those decisions.
  23. I've never played a Paper Mario game, but I've heard some things about the series and I've seen the trailers for the new game. I was wondering: why is there such a heavy emphasis on papercraft? I thought that was a Yoshi thing. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the aesthetic of the first two Paper Mario games "paper" in the sense of a storybook, rather than papercraft?
  24. I would suggest leaving the fight with TWSITD for after Dimitri and Rhea are defeated. I was even thinking of an idea where, after Rhea is dead, Thales in his Arundal disguise teleports into the city and thanks Edelgard for killing Rhea. However, he then proceeds to gloat that, now that Edelgard has done her part, her time is over. He attempts to assassinate her; revealing that he too was planning to dispose of her (just as she planned to do to him) once this was all over. He even says something like, "What did you think I was planning to do once this was all over? Crawl back under a rock?! No; our days underground are over. Thanks to you, the Imperial Family controls all of Fodlan, and thanks to your uncle's image, I am Imperial Family. It will be a new age for humanity, Edelgard, just as you wanted. Only, it'll be an age of the Agarthans!" The assassination attempt is thwarted, but Edelgard, Byleth and the army is forced to flee as Javelins of Light rain down upon the area. TWSITD begin making their move to claim power, we see people and places get blown to smithereens, and Edelgard is utterly destroyed; wondering if everything she did was for nothing, and getting rid of Rhea and overthrowing the Church of Seiros only made things worse. But, we reach for her hand, we promise her that we'll bring the Slitherers down together; just as we had promised, and the rest of the story and the remaining chapters are dedicated to stopping the Slitherers' evil plan.
  25. Matthewmatosis is a reviewer I watch. I don't really "depend" on his reviews, as I mainly watch the reviews after I've already played the game, but the insight he gives into each game he reviews is really deep and he does a really good job. Another game reviewer I watch is MauLer, though he hasn't done a video game review in a very long time. He also does a good job as he's very thorough, but he's less concise. As a result of both of these things, his reviews are very long (though they're usually broken into multiple parts, which helps). Again, I don't "depend" on the reviews; I mainly watch them to find things about the game that I missed or went over my head, or to put into words why I liked or disliked something about a game, as communication is not a strong point of mine.
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