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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. I recently completed the Link's Awakening Remake; that was a really great game. That ending... 😭 So, I decided to purchase another remake of a game I never originally played: Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Not only have I never played FF7, this is my first time playing a Final Fantasy game at all; the closest I've come before to playing a FInal Fantasy game was playing the demo for Bravely Second. I'm currently at chapter 9 of the game (the part of the game that involves Cloud wearing a dress to break into a mob boss' lair) and I have been enjoying the game a lot so far. The characters, the story, the gameplay, the worldbuilding & level design, the atmosphere and presentation are all fantastic. The combat is a great mix of real-time action and tactics and it provides a lot of fun and engaging challenge without being too difficult. If I had one criticism so far, it would be these weird ghost-like things that keep popping up at different moments in the story. I'm genre-savvy enough to figure out that these things' goals seem to be to try to make the events of the story play out a specific way, but they really seem very unnecessary. Spoilers for the very early chapters of the game: I've heard that these things weren't in the original game, and, to me at least, they're the only things that stand out as, "Definitely not from the original game". I could buy every other remake-introduced character being in the original except these ghost things; they just seem very tacked on and I don't understand why they're in this game.
  2. Link and Zelda for the win! Ike and Elincia for the win! Cool. I don't need to be told that genetics can work in funny ways; I can relate to the Whitewing sisters in being one of three siblings that look absolutely nothing alike. I've been told some variation of "You look nothing alike" more times than I can remember off the top of my head; perhaps the weirdest case was the time a haircutter once asked my mom if my siblings and I have different fathers (we don't).
  3. The animation is clearly old but well-done. The song's good. I can't help but think that Disney executives took the lyrics of the song at face value and have taken them to heart and ran with them. All the recent remakes just scream, "It's so easy not to try".
  4. I know, but I mean something like that that isn't an optional bit of side-content. I'm talking about a story mission where the player has to do this.
  5. Those are some good designs; did you draw these yourself? If so, impressive. I'm getting Deja Vu as I type this for some reason, but part of me thinks, "...But Ike got his mother's blue hair while Mist got their dad's brown hair, so why does the boy have Ike's hair and the girl have Elincia's hair?" Just to be clear, that's not a criticism of these designs; it's just a small detail I keep thinking of for some reason. Probably my autism.
  6. I don't really know what to say; I'm not good at communication, and I haven't exactly been keeping up with what's been happening in this thread. I was just trying to help by pointing out something good that came of this. I really feel like I should try to say something helpful, but I'm not sure what exactly. Here's my attempt: it is probably best that this thread end, but perhaps, "No matter what I say on this subject..." is the wrong thing to take away from this experience. I don't know what the right thing to take away from this is, but probably not something that bleak.
  7. On the plus side, you did get to learn more about what people mean by "defund the police" and were shown an interesting YouTube channel, so at least some good did come out of making this thread.
  8. A defend mission where you have to place all the defenses surrounding the base beforehand: the walls, the gates, a ballista, etc., and you have no idea how the enemy is going to approach the base.
  9. …Can someone who's played Silver Snow please explain this? I'm really not good at explaining this stuff as I don't have all the details; I'm just trying to state what I've read is the main problem a lot of people have with Byleth and Rhea.
  10. Cruel. Well, at least a tie means that both move forward; the joke ship can keep going a little longer, and those who like the well-written Ike and Elincia dynamic in the NA localization of Path of Radiance can see it keep going in the tournament.
  11. Linhardt can also save Lysithea, and since this is supposed to be a Silver Snow playthrough, drattakbowser will automatically have Linhardt.
  12. Every bit helps. Yeah; it makes no sense. It feels like a joke candidate winning in the polls for an election that has a good candidate that people like.
  13. Hilarious, but I don't think it's hilarious enough to warrant it beating Ike and Elincia.
  14. @Anacybele Can you please help out? Ike and Elincia is somehow currently losing to Corrin and more Corrin!
  15. Marianne is really sweet, and is the only girl who proposes to Byleth rather than the other way around. It's also the only pairing on this list that I've done on my playthroughs, as I've so far only done two playthroughs: one Crimson Flower where I paired Byleth with Edelgard, and the other being Verdant Wind where I chose Marianne. I do know that Lysithea and Byleth saves Lysithea's life, and it's one of the few pairings where their ending states that Byleth has kids; the others being Flayn, Manuela and Shamir.
  16. Go, Ike and Elincia! You're the best-written pairing a localization team ever wrote! Don't lose to that joke pairing! Seriously though; how is Ike and Elincia currently losing to a joke pairing?
  17. I don't think Jeritza would do so; the Death Knight probably would though, and yes; there is a difference. One of the reasons Jeritza works for Edelgard is that she helps him keep the Death Knight on a leash and only directs it at certain targets. If she gave an order like slaughtering little kids, it would undermine one of the reasons he works for her in the first place. Also, I don't think you can compare the other ones to Peri; Peri is Death Knight without Jeritza: she kills because she loves killing.
  18. I actually only know of the game by its extremely negative reception; I've never played it. I am the best at Fire Emblem.
  19. Three Houses is the worst FE game ever made! It's Fallout 76 levels of bad!
  20. Hm... Mine would have to be subject to change, as I've so far only played Crimson Flower and Verdant Wind, but I can think of a few least-favourites that probably won't change: TWSITD: They're just not very good antagonists. The sad part is that there's a lot to like about them as antagonists: a faction with a grudge against the church and the Nabateans, and access to powerful magitech in an otherwise medieval setting makes for some potentially interesting foes. The key word there would be potentially, as they really don't live up to it at all. Kronya had a lot of potential as the antagonist who killed Jeralt: a personal nemesis in a story otherwise about wars of differing ideologies. She gets killed off by her own faction just a chapter after she kills Jeralt! Solon is a mad scientist villain, but unlike other mad scientist villains like Professor Hojo who at least have impact (usually of the making-a-monster variety), he does nothing except expose his own team's existence with an experiment that goes nowhere and then get killed off after a failed attempt to assassinate Byleth. I guess he's a little more interesting in the Golden Deer path when he uses his Tomas disguise to try to make Claude more antagonistic towards the church, but that doesn't go anywhere. Thales is probably the most interesting, in that at least he's built up in part 1 and actually does stuff that's working towards a goal, but even he's weak.
  21. Sorry Cloud and Tifa; you're a well-written pairing, but I have to vote for Link and Zelda from Spirit Tracks. Their dynamic is fantastic, and the two of them together are downright adorable. Tell me you can watch any of these and think that they are not adorable: And this is just a few of many great moments between them that the game was able to give these two. I know the odds are stacked against them, as they are up against a popular pairing from a game that's considered a classic and just got a remake, but I honestly think that this pairing is better.
  22. My favourite and 2nd favourite games are already listed (Path of Radiance and Wind Waker), so I'll nominate Shadow of the Colossus and The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks.
  23. Eh; a remake of A Link to the Past would be cool, but I think the style of Link's Reawakening worked because (spoilers for the main plot twist of Link's Awakening)
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