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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. Sounds kind-of like Treasure Planet: extremely underrated and pretty much overlooked by Disney. Thanks. Yeah; I sort-of did. I knew I wanted it to be a fantasy war story, and I knew I wanted at least one of the protagonists to be a peasant, so I took a bit of inspiration from Ike. The character I've written is very distinct from Ike, but definitely inspired by Ike. I hope I'll be able to finish the book at some point. Anyway, back to discussing the different pairings to vote on, …Ike and Elincia for the win.
  2. Interesting; I've never actually seen that movie. By the way, I've probably mentioned this to you before, but I'm writing a fantasy novel with a mercenary and a princess that get together. It obviously won't be the same as Ike and Elincia, but I think you might like it once I'm actually able to finish the book.
  3. Thanks. I don't think it would be too difficult; Four Swords Adventures was made without Capcom as far as I can tell.
  4. I don't think this would really happen, but, much like how they made an anniversary port of the original Four Swords game, I think it would be cool to see a "Four Swords Bundle": Four Swords, Four Swords Adventures, and Minish Cap. I would love for a new addition to Four Sword Zelda. What I would love to see in such a game: 1. Full 3D: imagine controlling four Links at once in a fully 3D environment; I think it would not only be achievable, but would have a ton of potential. 2. Formations are brought back and expanded upon. 3. An overworld instead of a level-select. Now, if the game were made for the anniversary this year, I doubt it would have all this, but I would love to see a Four Swords game that did this.
  5. Cool; I didn't know about that. That certainly would explain it if that's what happened. Yeah; maybe in a remake; preferably one with better support conversations. Even if it was only in a localization, it is sad to see them not have an ending together when their a-support in Path of Radiance ended like this (after three support conversations of referring to each other as "Princess" and "my lord Ike"): Ike: You employed me as a mercenary. I’ll give you your money’s worth! …No. It means more than that… To my last breath, I will do all that I can to ensure your dream…Elincia. Elincia: Oh, Ike…
  6. Ike and Elincia! Easily one of the best pairings a Fire Emblem localization team ever wrote! Their dynamic is fantastic, as shown so many times in the game, including: the moment Elincia tells Ike, "Give them... a sound thrashing!", the time Ike refers to Elincia by name (rather than by title) when ranting at Empress Sanaki about how she was treating Elincia, the moment they both reminisce about how long its been since they left Crimea (a moment Ranulf tries and fails to avoid interrupting because of how romantic he considers it), and so many other great moments that others like @Anacybele would probably describe better than I would, like the ending cinematic when Ike reassures Elincia that she will be a great queen and they hold hands as they head out to greet the Crimean citizenry.
  7. Neither am I. I've said before that I don't really ship characters; I prefer to just look at whatever the story or character dynamics are and either I enjoyed it or I didn't. I like the Ike and Elincia pairing because I really enjoyed their dynamic in the North American localization of Path of Radiance; it was possibly one of the best-written character dynamics in FE in this regard, and there was a lot of chemistry between the two of them.
  8. Based on the overall tone of a lot of the replies during this set, I suspect that a lot of the votes have been protest votes; they aren't voting for a ship so much as voting against the opposing ship.
  9. This was cool, though it's a bit weird to make it that a lot of this stuff is only available for a limited time. I'm most looking forward to that bundle of 3D Mario games. I never owned the original Mario 64, and while I did play Sunshine and Galaxy, I never actually finished them. I probably won't get the re-release of 3D World, because I've already played through and completed pretty much all of it; I just have yet to complete Champion's Road. By the way, does this mean that the Legend of Zelda anniversary will have a Zelda Battle Royale? I wonder what that would look like.
  10. Thanks. Now I will do everything I can to forget this so my innocence can be preserved. I like this idea; having some characters that can't s-support the avatar makes a lot of sense.
  11. I suspect that this would be controversial: A custom protagonist that can achieve s-support with multiple characters at once, with all the gameplay benefits, and the protagonist is the only character that can do this.
  12. That's not the only reason Mary Sue/Gary Stu characters are widely disliked; they unnaturally distort the plot around themselves so they are the center of all that's important (just look at Corrin from Fates), worsening the plot, and they are also considered boring because, where other characters would struggle, the story bends over backwards for them so they don't have to struggle to overcome anything.
  13. M!Corrin and Felicia because I prefer Lysithea end up with someone that can save her, like Linhardt. Valter and Erika; I know nothing about them, but Ike and Soren are good friends; a romance would detract from it. I know nothing about the last two, because, while I have played Fates, I didn't recruit most of the 2nd gen characters.
  14. I wasn't expecting an answer. Should I indicate when I'm trying to make a rhetorical question (this question is not rhetorical)? Okay; interesting. I honestly have never played Trails or Persona.
  15. Thanks. Is this an overreaction to how much the Fire Emblem pairings dominated the first set? We already had the second set for that! How are Byleth x Edelgard or Byleth x Marianne losing?!
  16. Just wondering: what will happen in the event of a tie? Anyway, Byleth and Edelgard are fantastic: he helps her learn to trust, and she helps him learn to feel. It was meant to be rhetorical, but thanks for the info.
  17. It's okay. I realized anyway that I wasn't really doing much to rally them aside from reiterating that this is the last chance for voting for Byleth and Edelgard. I changed it now to include some reasons why I liked their dynamic. Byleth and Marianne is another Three Houses pairing that I like; Marianne is the girl I paired Byleth with for my Golden Deer playthrough. What's not to like about Marianne starting off shy and depressed only to be the only girl that takes the initiative and proposes to Byleth (seriously; as far as I know, she's the only girl in Three Houses that proposes to Byleth rather than the other way around)?
  18. I already have, but I'll do so again: This is Byleth and Edelgard's last chance! Vote to keep them in the competition! The love that saves a ruthless empress from her worst instincts; a love that enables an emotionless young man to express himself. What's not to like about the two of them together?
  19. Come on, M!Byleth and Edelgard! You can win this one! This is the last chance for Byleth and Edelgard to continue in the competition! Go, Marianne! Why is it that every time I root for Marianne, I feel like Naruto rooting for Hinata during the Chunin Exams?
  20. Japan was on the verge of surrendering, though, as they were about to face war with the US and Russia; there are even recordings the emperor made that confirm this. There are also recordings suggesting that Truman approved of dropping the bombs not to end the war with Japan, but to scare Russia before going into post-war negotiations. But I'd rather not start a debate about the nuclear bombs. Going back to discussing Sylvain, sorry that I ruined the Sylvain character for you by pointing out that advice box question.
  21. Black and White was actually the first Pokémon game with a region based on somewhere outside of Japan; specifically, New York City.
  22. Zweihander: it's a two-handed sword nearly the length of the wielder, and it was mainly used by bodyguards, but also for breaking pike formations by charging in and using the sword to push away the pikes: …Oh; cool or badass words, not cool or badass swords. Never mind. Though I would say that the term Zweihander still sounds cool.
  23. Good to see some non-Fire Emblem pairings winning. I wonder how long they'll last.
  24. Fire Emblem: the typical story. I saw Marth and Roy in Smash Bros. Melee, looked at their trophies and was like, "Fire Emblem? What's that? Why does it say 'Japan Only' in brackets?" And that eventually led to my family getting Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.
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