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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. Four Sword Link: Description: Link from Four Swords Adventures. All four Links are on stage at the same time as one unit. Their unique gimmick is formations: they start off in default formation, in which the Links form a line behind the leader, with the leader doing the actual fighting. However, through their special, they can enter one of four other formations: Wide, Long, Box, and Diamond. In these formations, the Links fight as a cohesive unit; all four attacking at once in the direction they're each facing. Intro: Link appears and unsheathes the Four Sword, causing the other three Links to appear behind him. Standard Attacks: The same as that of Toon Link. Special Attacks: Standard: Formation. As explained before, Link enters one of four formations (or cancels the current formation if one is already active): Wide: The Links form up horizontally. This gives them incredible horizontal range when attacking above and below, while also improving horizontal recovery. However, it also makes them a wide target and thus more susceptible to vertical attacks. Long: The Links stand up on top of each other like the totem system in Tri Force Heroes. This gives them incredible vertical range when attacking to either side and improves vertical recovery. However, it makes them a tall target that is thus more susceptible to horizontal attacks. Box: A balance between wide and long: two links wide, and two links tall. Diamond: The Links stand back-to-back-to-back-to=back. On the ground, this is a Link on the left facing left, a Link to the right facing right, and a Link in the center holding up the Link above that's facing above, making it more of a triangle. In the air, however, it is a true diamond, with the Link in the center becoming a Link below. This is the only formation where the Links attack in different directions, covering all sides and maximizing offence and defence at the cost of no added recovery. Best used in brawls when surrounded by opponents. Side, Up and Down Special are the same as the other Links. Grab: Hookshot.
  2. I don't know how difficult it was in general, but I do remember learning that apparently a lot of Square Enix's issues developing their games in the PS3 era trace back to the PS3. It didn't help that the company was still using engines made in-house, and the PS3 did not make it easy for them to make a new game engine for it. The engine they did make, Crystal Tools, ended up being too specialized, unfinished, and just terrible. It says something that now Square Enix is using Unreal Engine for all their games.
  3. Or it could just mean that the part about Hubert having feelings for someone understandably stood out to her. I think that right there is the main appeal of Hubert; ever wanted a Gharnef on your team (aside from having Sephiran in the very last mission of Radiant Dawn endgame on a second playthrough)? Now you can, and, in my opinion, it was worth the wait.
  4. One thing I liked about him is that he does actually have a caring side and, unlike most "a--hole" characters, he isn't afraid to hide it. This is particularly made clear in his supports with other Black Eagles students. For two examples: His supports with Bernadetta have him actually being rather sweet towards her in his own way His supports with Petra have him express sympathy for her position as a political prisoner of the Adrestian Empire If you watch his supports with Ferdinand, the two of them debate what it means to be a good advisor and right-hand man, and Hubert gives his reasons for why he does this.
  5. So, there's been a trailer for another King Arthur movie: Arthur and Merlin: Knights of Camelot, and I couldn't help but groan; knowing how bad it was going to be. Then I felt Deja Vu; thinking back on it, I can't remember a single movie adaptation of King Arthur or Robin Hood that was "good". I mean, there have been a few movies I would consider "okay"; Prince of Thieves, the 2010 Robin Hood, and Excalibur. But I wouldn't call them good, and the vast, vast majority of these King Arthur and Robin Hood films are just so bad. For some context, I love Arthurian Legend and I've done a lot of research on the legends themselves as well as the historical basis and the time period in which he supposedly existed. I also enjoy Robin Hood, though I've done far less research. I would love to see a good adaptation; I'd love to see the legends come to life on the screen. But, ever since the 2000s, none of these films have been about bringing the legends to life; there all obsessed with "reimagining" the story with gimmicks. That would be fine if it was for the storytelling, but almost every single time, "reimagining" has just been an excuse for not bothering; take the Guy Ritchie King Arthur film: the one with dryads, war elephants, and basically nothing Arthurian while also portraying Arthur as a born-on-the-streets angsty anti-hero. That's not Arthurian at all. And don't take this as me saying it has to be 100% accurate to the legends; the legends themselves are somewhat nebulous due to having things constantly added to them throughout the Medieval Period in different parts of Europe. I enjoyed the show Merlin because, while it didn't at all stick to the legends and told its own story, it had also clearly done its research, and it still told a decent story. Some of them will claim that they're reimagining the story because they want to tell the story of the historical basis for the character, not necessarily the legends. Both the 2004 King Arthur film and the 2010 Robin Hood film did this. But then these films that do this don't bother to get the history correct. The 2004 King Arthur film is less historically accurate than Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It doesn't help that the 2004 King Arthur movie also just fails as a film. Besides, what's wrong with just showing the legends? In my experience, most people know almost nothing about King Arthur or Robin Hood. Telling them the legends is telling them a new story, so there's little point in reimagining them. What do you guys think of these films? Am I expecting too much? Is there a good movie that I've somehow missed or forgotten about? Do you think there will ever be a good King Arthur or Robin Hood movie in the future?
  6. You're welcome. True, but that's the reason I tried to split personality and dialogue when discussing them. As I pointed out with Geralt, a character can have a fixed personality and variable dialogue options. I do think that Byleth having variable dialogue does not make them less fixed in personality; all the dialogue that I've seen (I've only done two routes so far) fits the established personality of a quiet, socially-awkward stoic teacher who gets better understanding of their emotions thanks to their time spent teaching. Interesting; I think that variable dialogue could work, but only if the next FE game keeps "main character/protagonist" and "avatar" completely separate, and the variable dialogue is combined with a truly custom character. What I'm hoping for is something like Rook from Xenoblade Chronicles X: Elma is the protagonist, and the story follows her, but Rook is the viewpoint character for the player, and Rook very much is custom: custom design, custom gameplay, custom dialogue, etc.
  7. Largely a lack of personality pre-character development (it's subtle, but it's there), which is one of the comparisons I made between Byleth and Geralt (from The Witcher games). I said it was variable dialogue; I never said it was well-executed variable dialogue. That's another reason for the comparison to Geralt.
  8. Byleth is certainly a better attempt at a custom character than Robin or Corrin, but they still have issues. This. Robin, Corrin, and Byleth all seem like bad compromises for making a custom protagonist: Robin and Corrin have the gameplay customization of a custom character, but the fixed dialogue and personality of a fixed character without having the, well, character of a fixed character. They're both compromises. Byleth is almost the inverse: fixed gameplay and personality, but variable dialogue. In that way, Byleth is more of a player-insert character than a custom protagonist; playing the game feels less like we are them, and more like we are guiding them on their journey. In that sense, Byleth could easily be compared to similar player-insert characters such as Geralt, who has a similar level of customization (if not more) in gameplay and dialogue options while still being a fixed character. However, there are some big differences between them: Geralt isn't named by the player, and Geralt is full of personality.
  9. From what I saw of the presentation so far (I haven't seen all of it yet), my reaction is... eh. To be honest, I was more excited by the Paper Mario game trailer, and I don't even play Paper Mario. That's not to say the presentation was bad; far from it. It's just that nothing really caught my attention either way.
  10. After clicking "edit", there should be a bunch of buttons above the text box. Click the one with the picture of an eye to create a spoiler tag.
  11. May I suggest putting the different teams in spoiler tags, both for organization and because of the sheer length of this list?
  12. I absolutely love Path of Radiance, with it not only being my favourite Fire Emblem game, but also my favourite video game. I recognize that there are probably better video games, but I just like Path of Radiance. To me, the characters, story, worldbuilding, and gameplay are all great. I understand; I personally am just glad that he had actual presence throughout the story unlike a lot of FE final bosses, even if he never personally interacted with the main heroes. I'm not sure what you mean by this; what do you mean by "it could've used more [grandiosity]"?
  13. That could definitely work, though I would also want to see that there is still plenty of dungeon-crawling, puzzle solving, and crazy items like hookshots. BOTW was great for exploration and such, and I could see its gameplay integrating well with FF7R gameplay, but BOTW was lacking in dungeon-crawling and such.
  14. Is arguing something about Nephenee and Florina (and I don't know what that "something" is).
  15. Just wanted to point out: Xenoblade or Three Houses, not Xenoblade of Three Houses. That out of the way, I think both games are good, but are best played in manageable chunks. So, basically, do both; play a bit of Three Houses whenever you're tired of Xenoblade.
  16. I could see it; Link and Hyrule in a more Final Fantasy-like setting and gameplay that's a cross between Zelda gameplay and FF7 Remake gameplay. Imagine applying Zelda-like dungeon crawling and puzzle solving in a Final Fantasy-like world. This has a lot of potential.
  17. Read the A-Support between Linhardt and Lysithea; it's actually really sweet and it might change your opinion on Linhardt.
  18. Linhardt was speculating as he didn't yet have a way to remove them at that point. He was just wanting to know if Lysithea would rather have her crests (as in both of them) or her normal lifespan. @RainbowMoon It's true that her crush on Byleth, male or female, extends outside of supports. The thing is, while Edelgard has explicitly romantic paired endings with male characters outside of Byleth, examples include Hubert and Ferdinand, she has no such paired endings with any female characters outside of Byleth. That's the reason I said, "it's complicated." She needs the paired ending for it to work. If it's any consolation, her paired ending with Felix has her live a brief, but happy life with him.
  19. Yeah, he isn't loyal to a particular cause; he outright says that his loyalty is to Edelgard, not the Adrestian Empire. But he wouldn't fight for "anyone as long as they provide an opportunity for him to exercise his combat skills". His reason for serving Edelgard is one of feeling he owes her: she found him after he had just killed almost his entire family and had inadvertently created the Death Knight, and she gave him a new identity and found ways to help him control the Death Knight and point the Death Knight at specific targets. He feels that he owes Edelgard his life. Given how the Death Knight behaves around the Western Church and Solon, he seems reluctant; he's working for them because Edelgard told him to do so.
  20. Actually, I just updated it. Is also a fellow introvert.
  21. Didn't know that I simply have yet to update my profile since the day I first created my account.
  22. Likes the Male Robin & Cordelia pairing (so do I).
  23. True; I was just pointing out that it's the only case. Would she want to keep the crest of Seiros? I mean; it was given to her family by the very same person that she led a war against and slaughtered.
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