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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. It would probably help if you mentioned if the classes should be built with a particular game in mind, so that we know about the weapon types and spells and such available. It would probably also help if you mentioned whether this topic is meant for serious, genuine ideas for classes, or if it's meant for comedy (i.e. come up with the funniest idea you can think of for an FE character class based on a real-life job/hobby).
  2. Okay then. I hope my advice does help. I can also recommend some anime that are good for starting to watch anime.
  3. I'm still somewhat new to anime, so I can only really say how I started watching anime and hope it helps: I was recommended a couple shows by some acquaintances (the shows being One-Punch Man and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood), so I looked to see if they were available on any of the streaming services that I already had, and they were; they're both on Netflix. After that, I began looking for more to watch, and after being recommended a number of anime that weren't available on more generalized streaming services, I began looking at anime-specific streaming services such as crunchyroll and funimation to see if they had the anime I was looking for. And... yeah; that's basically it. So, basically, what I'd say is to start by looking to see if you have access to any anime that you're interested in on anything that you already have and, if you don't, look at anime streaming services. I don't know if this is the best advice, but it's the best advice that I can give. As for finding the time to watch them... yeah; I can't really help with that.
  4. Not really. The most obvious reason people would point out is that it isn't Japanese, but, even if we just talk about the animation style, it's a deliberate mix of anime and western cartoon animation, unlike something like Castlevania which is a deliberate attempt at emulating anime.
  5. I honestly didn't mind that; it did stand out a little that so many of his classmates were there, but the reasons for them being there made enough sense that I honestly didn't mind or find it that artificial; Shoto was there because his dad got an invite and couldn't be bothered to attend so he sent Shoto made sense, Iida being there because his family was invited but only he could attend because of his brother's injury and subsequent retirement made sense (and was a neat reminder of the Hero Killer arc), Bakugo being there because he won the Sports Festival with Kirishima being there as his +1 made sense, Yaoyorozu being there because her family's immensely wealthy and sponsors the event made sense, Ochako and Jiro being her +1s made sense, Kaminari and Mineta being there because they found a part-time job on the island... is the one that's pushing it a bit; I mean, it makes sense that the island would be looking for temporary additional employees on the day of an important event, but Kaminari and Mineta managing to find two of those jobs seems a bit unrealistic. Not to mention, Mineta getting to the island by getting a job on the island... I get that he's supposed to be clever, but he's also lazy. EDIT: After seeing the big reveal in the latest My Hero Academia chapter, I started thinking about something: given how there does seem to be a lot of social stigma against the quirkless in hero society, and given how most members of the league of villains joined because Stain's ideology resonated with them on some level (Mustard because he hates the hero schooling system, Dabi because he hates his dad, etc.), it could've been really interesting to see a member of the League of Villains that was quirkless and joined the league because they hated how the hero society puts quirks on a pedestal. They could've made an interesting villainous foil for Deku and a certain other character, and given how Spinner's able to be at least somewhat threatening despite his quirk just being that he can stick to walls, I'm sure that a quirkless villain could be made threatening and competent in different ways (perhaps relying heavily on ambush tactics and gadgets or something like that), especially since they'd only have to be essentially an elite minion, not a major arc villain. It also would've been hilarious to see them clash with the even-more-quirk-revering Meta Liberation Army; they could've said something like, "You guys already have society loving you because of your quirks, and you want more?! You all sicken me." Finally (manga content ahead; the anime-only should not read this as this is heavy spoilers):
  6. Normal types are immune to ghost type; that's at least something. Of course, ghost type is immune to normal type.
  7. Funny enough, I haven't even played the demo. Yikes; that all does sound grindy. Heh; "defeat this many enemies without getting hit at all" missions would be almost the opposite of the kind of missions I was suggesting for an actual prequel. Speaking of different types of missions, I heard that one of the waves of DLC included a mission called "Objective: Survive", clearly in reference to the famous final mission in Halo: Reach (an actual prequel game)… except it is not only possible but easy to beat all the enemies and survive. …It's like they're deliberately mocking anyone that feels the game should've been an actual prequel.
  8. …Okay. Is this thread for discussion about not watching anime, or is this just a joke about all the "official [insert anime title here]" threads that have been popping up?
  9. Yeah; I see what you mean. Okay. Okay. Yeah; it is absolutely something that should've happened. If they were to make it as DLC rather than a separate game, I would hope that it at least would be like Torna: The Golden Country: a DLC that can be purchased and played without having to purchase the base game. I'd only buy it to play the actually-a-prequel DLC, so I see no reason to have to also buy the base game. Huh; why do you consider Age of Calamity to be those things? Just curious, as I have not played it or any Warriors game.
  10. Interesting. Is that a bit like being a Black Clover and always having to tell people that almost everyone that reviewed it when it first released was unfairly bashing it and that the story is actually good and creative (I say this as a Black Clover fan)? By the way, what did you think of the two Warriors spinoff ideas that I posted?
  11. …I should've guessed that something along the lines of this would be the first reply to this thread. I see. It's a good series that's definitely worth reading/watching, and it has definitely overcome its rocky start.
  12. I know what you mean. I do think Dabi was kind-of interesting before the reveal, but only because of stuff like his competence at leading the capture of Bakugo and moments like when he remembers the hero Snatch and says that he actually does think about the relatives and loved ones of his victims. But yeah; the reveal was executed extremely well. At this point, I'm curious about if the league is even still the league; they've lost so many members at this point and they're not exactly looking for new recruits. It might've been interesting to see their numbers get somewhat replenished by the Tartarus breakout through the villains that got captured during the mission to kidnap Bakugo getting released and rejoining the group, but Muscular and Moonfish were defeated right away, and Mustard didn't appear at all. Where was Mustard (please no condiment jokes)?
  13. A real underdog amongst modern shonen anime; Black Clover was initially widely mocked upon release with people accusing it of ripping off one shonen anime or another, but its fanbase has only grown larger and larger, and overall reception of the series has grown increasingly positive, to the point where, while not as popular as the likes of My Hero Academia, it is popular enough that it stands alongside them. So, with Etrurian Emperor making discussion threads for Naruto and My Hero Academia, I thought I'd make a discussion thread for Black Clover. Yell and scream your Black Clover hot takes as loudly as you can, then yell that you're not done yet with giving Black Clover hot takes. Right here, right now, surpass your limits at giving Black Clover hot takes, likes, dislikes and more. …Is this too many puns? I should probably start with one or two takes of my own: 1. Asta and Yuno could've easily carried the series themselves; their dynamic is that good. I'm not a fan of the typical antagonistic shonen rivalry, so Yuno is a breath of fresh air among shonen rivals with the way he actually looks up to Asta (metaphorically, obviously not physically unless Asta's standing on a chair), their rivalry is mutually supportive rather than antagonistic, and his faith in Asta is absolute. Don't get me wrong; I don't think the series would've been as good as it is without Yami and the Black Bulls, but I genuinely believe that if the series had been focused almost purely on Asta and Yuno, it would not have necessarily been to its detriment. They're easily my favourite protagonist-&-rival duo and, as far as brothers in anime go, they're up there with the Elric brothers.
  14. 1. I'm not sure how much of a hot take this is, but I think Two Heroes is the only My Hero Academia film worth watching. The other two aren't awful or anything like that; it's just that there's not much that they offer. Two Heroes on the other hand ties itself very strongly to the main plot by diving into All Might's past and shows us something awesome that we will very likely never see again: By contrast, World Heroes Mission only really served to take time away from making season 5. 2. I really liked the interplay between serious arcs involving danger happening outside the school and lighthearted arcs about school activities: the midterm exams happening right after the Hero Killer arc, the School Festival arc happening right after the Work Study arc, the Joint Training arc happening right after the Pro Hero arc, etc. I thought it was a great way to handle the overall tone of the show, helps it stand out from its fellow shonen battle anime, and while some might see the school arcs as lulls, I see them as great opportunities to slow down for some character and worldbuilding as well as for the characters to get stronger in time for the next serious arc. Lets not forget that the arc that many fans see as the one where the series grew the beard: the Sports Festival arc, is one of the lighthearted school activities arcs. Right now in the manga, I understand that right now everything's in chaos and it's the darkest hour and all that, but four serious arcs in a row is really taking its toll in my opinion. I don't know; maybe a Final Exams mini-arc or something like that would be a big help. 3. The Dabi twist has to be the most predictable character identity reveal since Tobito. That said, like Tobito, the reveal isn't any less suspenseful or good just because it was extremely heavily foreshadowed; it's still a really good reveal with a lot of really interesting ramifications. 4. Speaking of which, I like the character development Endeavor has undergone; I particularly like that the author hasn't tried to shy away from the complexities of a situation like this.
  15. Ah; I see. I haven't watched Dragonball. I've seen that one; as far as Naruto filler arcs go, that one wasn't bad. Hinata defeating those rock ninjas with her new jutsu (that she sadly never used again because it was filler) was really cool. That and the Six-Tails arc in Shippuden were probably the two filler arcs that I liked the most.
  16. I can see it as well. In retrospect, I probably should've mentioned that, as it does unintentionally sound like I'm dismissing the idea; doesn't it? Who's Toriyama? Anyway, I can agree about that: the romance is not a major focus and it's usually in the background. Well, Kishimoto has apparently stated in interviews that Naruto and Hinata ending up together was one of the things that he planned almost from the beginning. He did apparently decide on increasing her role in the final arc in response to her popularity, but Naruto and Hinata ending up together was planned long before that. One reason I think this is true (aside from, well, why would he lie about that?), is that her relation with Naruto did have some prominence as early as the Chunin Exams arc, most notably in the scene where Naruto talks to Hinata before his fight with Neji and he actually drops his boisterous façade and confides in her about his insecurities; something he noticeably never does in front of any other character; not even the ramen guy or Iruka. I agree; she was definitely the best fit for him and she was one of the most interesting genin. She and Naruto are probably my favourite characters in the series. Oh, I think I saw that filler arc. Was that the one where they're hunting for that rare beetle?
  17. That would've been an interesting twist, though there would've needed to be an explanation for why only Boruto and Mitsuki were being tested, as no one alerted any of the other genin about Amado's kidnapping. There were so many ways they could've written it, and they went with one that does nothing for the story or characters. Why did they do that? Anyway, one thing I recently noticed was that the most recent episode of Boruto seems to have caused some people to ship Tsubaki and Denki. Hardly surprising; almost any scene where two characters interact for more than a second will cause some people to start shipping those two characters. But it got me thinking about the romance in the Naruto series and how it was handled, so I thought I'd discuss that: From my admittedly limited perspective, romance subplots have never almost never a strong point of battle shonen, and that's perfectly fine; it's not exactly a major focus, and I honestly think that the vast majority of romance subplots in any genre are usually garbage. In the case of Naruto, Kishimoto even outright stated that he feels uncomfortable writing romance, so he never planned on showing characters actually getting together; his plan was to show enough for two characters getting together to be plausible and then have the epilogue chapter show them already together. So, with all that in mind, what did I think of the romance in Naruto? Honestly, it surprisingly has a lot of strengths. Shikamaru and Temari probably got the most focus in the manga, and there really isn't much to say there: their interactions are good, there's enough setup for it without it overstaying its welcome, and Shikamaru Hiden: the light novel where the two of them actually get together (and where Ino and Sai get together) is pretty good. Naruto and Hinata also have good chemistry and meaningful interactions, and for those two, there is actually a lot that I could say there, but I'll keep it short. It's interesting how the two of them grow to depend on each other for their emotional well-being, it's fairly well setup thanks to the Chunin Exams arc and the Invasion of Pain arc, it's fitting that, in a story about Naruto gaining the acceptance of the village that originally hated him, the person he ends up with is the person that already loved him, and The Last: Naruto the Movie was really good. Looking back, even Sakura and Sasuke, as a concept, has some interesting things about it: Sakura going from having an empty, shallow crush on him to developing real feelings for him after getting to know him is a neat idea, and, in retrospect, the scene where she pleads for him to stay in the village and he actually considers it before deciding to knock her unconscious and leave is actually an interesting character moment for both of them; it's really the execution where their dynamic leaves a lot to be desired. One problem I have with it is that I don't think there were really enough moments of her actually getting to know him in part 1 for there to have been a noticeable change in how she felt; there weren't any moments late in part 1 before Sasuke leaves where she said or did something that she wouldn't have if she still only had the shallow crush. Another problem that I have with it is that her shallow crush on Sasuke is really overbearing, and I don't just mean that in the sense that it was annoying; I mean that it's overbearing from a writing perspective as well: it easily overshadowed other aspects of her character in part 1. Of course, these problems were compounded on and exacerbated by what is probably by far the biggest problem with the romance in the series: the love triangles in part 1 of Naruto. Now, I am a bit biased in that I have never once encountered a well-written love triangle outside of something like Twelfth Night where it's played entirely for absurd comedy, and it's to the point where I sometimes honestly think the concept is fundamentally flawed from a writing perspective. But I honestly think that the love triangles in part 1 were ultimately a waste of time that had pretty much no upside, and that the series would've been better off without them. Interestingly, I'm not alone in thinking that the Naruto series would've been better off without the love triangle stuff; one person who also thinks that is Kishimoto himself. Apparently, in an interview in 2017, Kishomoto expressed regret writing, "the messy love triangle" between Hinata/Naruto/Sakura, going on to say that Naruto's shallow crush on Sakura was never meant to be anything more than a red herring meant for lighthearted trolling; Naruto ending up with Hinata was the plan from the beginning.
  18. Yeah; it would be nice if it's just a test, but it likely isn't. There are multiple reasons for that. The first would be that the very first main arc (Land of Waves) established Kakashi's abilities and reputation by having him singlehandedly win twice against a feared opponent that the students stood no chance against (Zabuza), whereas Konohamaru never got any establishing victory on nearly this scale. Then, when enemies like Itachi came along that could soundly beat Kakashi, it was actually impressive and, perhaps more importantly, the villains that beat Kakashi were actually impressed by him: Itachi is impressed that Kakashi survived the Tsukyomi torture, Pain is wary around Kakashi's corpse in case it's a trick, etc. The enemies that defeat Konohamaru never show any such respect; the worst case of this was Koji mocking Konohamaru and saying that the title of jonin clearly doesn't mean much. But perhaps most importantly, villains outright wiping the floor with Kakashi was done very sparingly; more often what would happen would be Kakashi assisting in beating the antagonist and making a meaningful contribution without making the victory any less Naruto's. The best example of this would probably be Kakashi using Kamui to vacuum Sasori's arm off; enabling Naruto to close the gap against Sasori. Konohamaru never gets any such contribution.
  19. I think so? I didn't play the game for very long. Thanks for the advice. Maybe. That might not be a bad idea. I heard about that game. I might try it. So, funny story. I purchased the Metroid Prime Trilogy from the Wii U e-shop, only to discover that I can't find any of my Wii remotes. So, I'll have to search for one before I can actually play it. So I bought one game collection that I grew frustrated with and one that I couldn't play when I bought it. At this rate, next week I'll try to buy a classic game collection and accidentally buy a completely different game entirely.
  20. Thanks. The irony is that it finished downloading and installing, and now I can't find any of my Wii remotes. Anyway, thanks also for understanding that I was just trying to explain something and not necessarily criticize it.
  21. Yeah; I suspect that it's mostly the manga's doing, but the anime really isn't helping. He hasn't gotten a single significant win against anything that wasn't a random bandit or a dying white zetsu. This is a guy who defeated one of the Pains when he was a kid. I think the main reason is that the manga has an almost-obsession with giving as many wins as it can to Boruto. Outside of Naruto vs Delta and Kawaki vs Isshiki, when was the last time someone other than Boruto actually won an important fight in the manga (and Momoshiki vs Boro doesn't count)? The Ao fight could've easily been given to Konohamaru, and it would've made his defeat at the hands of Koji actually somewhat shocking instead of the usual, and it would've been Konohamaru that actually would've had a dilemma about sparing vs killing Ao since Mugino was his friend, but the manga chose to give the fight to Boruto as it always did. Forgive me for not responding to it right away; I didn't want to risk getting into another heated argument, I wanted to clarify what I was asking about, and I'm running back and forth to check the progress of Metroid Prime Trilogy being installed on my Wii U, so I can't really make huge replies without it taking a while. In regards to what you said, I get the symbolism; I was just wanting to explain why I think a lot of fans feel, as the person I was responding to put it, "I've seen so many people say 'Well Madara was too strong so Kishimoto had to fridge him', as if Kaguya isn't more busted." People feel that way because Madara was established as someone the heroes could not beat while Kaguya was established as someone they could beat. That was my whole point. I wasn't saying that I agree with those fans; I was just saying that I think I understand what they're getting at. I never said that his one weakness being something that the heroes could defeat was contrived; I was stating that there was no way for the heroes to beat Madara without that victory being contrived. In short, I didn't say that what did happen was contrived, but that a scenario of the heroes beating Madara would've been contrived due to how he was written, and I was saying this just to explain how Kaguya, despite being more powerful, was written in such a way that the heroes could beat her without it being contrived. Does that make sense? I see. Thanks for answering. Naruto vs Sasuke was definitely the true finale, though I did like the post-finale episodes that were adapted from light novels; ending the anime on Naruto and Hinata's wedding was definitely a good choice. And yeah; it is hilarious seeing Orochimaru in those scenarios.
  22. I was more referring to the fact that you also quoted what I said about Orochimaru as well as what I said about how Kaguya wasn't the true finale; Naruto vs Sasuke was the true finale (unless you're watching the anime, in which case Naruto and Hinata's wedding is the true finale), so I was wondering what you thought of those things.
  23. Yeah; I liked that they did that for Denki; it showed that he doesn't have to rely on the tools. The fall of Kara was that they depended on their tools and fell apart once the weaknesses of those tools were discovered. Yeah; I really disliked that as well for about a thousand reasons; five of which I put in the spoilers tag, and you gave reason number six and seven: the subplot resulting in their disqualification wasn't interesting and it didn't amount to anything else, and it could've easily been averted since Amado had means of self-defense. Ending the arc on Boruto and Mitsuki getting disqualified was just a really dumb decision. But hey; on the plus side, next week, we can look forward to seeing Konohamaru be a punching bag for the thousandth time; that should be interesting (sarcasm).
  24. So it was a weakness that the heroes couldn't use to win. That was my point; his one weakness was something only Black Zetsu could utilize, not something any of the heroes could use to defeat him. By the way, what did you think of the rest of what I said that you quoted? Anyway, did anyone else see the latest episode of Boruto? I was really enjoying the 2nd Chunin Exams arc up until now, but the way they chose to end it was possibly one of the dumbest ways they could've chosen to do so: I liked the Denki vs Tsubaki fight, but that was basically the only thing I liked about this episode. And that's a shame, as I was really enjoying this arc.
  25. To be fair, he did get a moment to be creepy and imposing again when he helped Konohamaru fight a one-legged old businessman. And, as you said, it is fun seeing Orochimaru put his autograph on a card, and take part in wedding videos for Naruto and Hinata's wedding. The most fun of course is from seeing him be a doting parent to Mitsuki (and it's also rather heartwarming). You have a good point, though I would just disagree about the series having a bad ending because of Kaguya, since Kaguya was not the ending of the series; the real ending after all was Naruto vs Sasuke, and that at least was handled very well. And, since the Naruto anime adapted some of the canon light novels that take place after Naruto vs Sasuke, the ending of the anime was Naruto and Hinata's wedding. But that's beside the point. As for that statement about Madara, I think the problem that they're highlighting is that Madara was a Boring Invincible Villain: he just shrugged off everything that the heroes threw at him, leaving not much way to really defeat him without it being contrived. Kaguya, as "busted" as she was, had a clear weakness: complete lack of skill, and had been written with a built-in way of defeating of her: sealing her away as the Sage of Six Paths and his brother had done centuries before. I don't think that was the reason for writing in Kaguya of course, but I get why people thought that might've been the case.
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