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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. EDIT: Recently, I realized something regarding Kurogiri: (Naruto spoilers ahead) EDIT: Another hot take: speaking of Dabi and All for One, while I don't like (spoilers for the anime-only) EDIT: Something I recently realized: the plot has carefully kept track of the bullets that permanently erase quirks: who has them, how many are left, etc., but is it just me, or have all the characters forgotten that there are also still bullets that can temporarily erase quirks? Overhaul distributed the temporary ones to multiple small-time crime groups, yet there wasn't even a mention as to whether or not those ones have been found.
  2. I don't know what's stopping people from replying; I was just suggesting stuff that I thought could help. It more than likely is the quietness.
  3. True. Plus, his quirk is really interesting; he literally is what he eats. No disrespect to Mirio or Nejire, but Amajki is probably the most interesting of the UA big three and not just because him being a dork that looks like Sasuke and holds his best friend in high regard reminds me of Yuno from Black Clover. By the way, after seeing Dabi in the most recent chapter talking to
  4. Yikes; that all does sound extremely bad. I can understand why Sonic '06 is always referred to as essentially the terrible Sonic game. I have heard of Sonic Boom as being another bad Sonic game; was that the one that tried to reboot the series and that gave everyone scarfs and bandages?
  5. Good point. Perhaps there could've been a middle-ground.
  6. It is a really good anime. There's a lot that I could say, but you've probably already heard everything I could say about it.
  7. Uh, what? I said bad regardless of bugs or glitches; you said the knuckles thing was a glitch; that's what I was getting at. I didn't say that glitches aren't fundamentally bad. I don't know how I could've made that clearer. Uh... what? First, I asked if someone could help me explain what I was saying to you since there was clearly a problem of us misunderstanding each other. I wasn't disregarding you; I was asking for help with communication. I literally had the word "help" in the sentence, and I definitely did not say "someone who isn't Zapp" at any point; I said "someone who Zapp won't misunderstand". Second, what? When did I ever express that I didn't believe you?! Never is the answer. There's a difference between asking further questions and not believing someone. Third, I said that you were strawmanning because you were taking tiny bits of stuff I said, misinterpreting them, and blowing them way out of proportion. Fourth, I've been interacting just fine with everyone else on this site. I don't want to say it isn't me, since I'm certain that I'm definitely not perfect in how I communicate with others (I have autism), but all this only ever seems to happen when discussing something with you. To anyone seeing this: all I wanted to do was ask about Sonic '06 out of curiosity and make a small remark about the Sonic Frontiers trailer that was shown at the game awards; how did that become this?
  8. His name is Iida; it's not an L; it's an uppercase i. Anyway, I agree that his prominence in the story has dropped a lot after Shoto's rose. I'm not sure if I'd go to the point of saying that he's underutilized, but I see what you mean. Maybe Shinso will replace him? In all seriousness, I agree. I think Mineta could've worked if he had gotten a lot more character development a lot more quickly in order to not be annoying. He has an interesting quirk and he's smart, yet lazy... but 99% of his character is that he's a blatant pervert, and it's extremely annoying (though at least him getting inevitable comeuppance for his actions is usually hilarious).
  9. You're right that I should've asked instead of assuming. I apologize. Anyway, one thing I now realize that I should've clarified, when I said, "broken gameplay" earlier, I meant something fundamentally bad or problematic regardless of bugs or glitches.
  10. My main point in that one particular paragraph you only quoted part of earlier (the one where I tried to clarify something) was that I was just saying that the towers look almost exactly like BOTW towers but with rings (as in they visually look the same). As for the original point of the first paragraph you had quoted above, my point was that, from what was shown in the trailer (as in I'm not jumping the gun and outright accusing the game of anything; just saying what it looks like right now; this all should've been obvious from how I phrased it), the Sonic Frontier game looks like it's using BOTW's template. Beyond the towers that look like the ones in BOTW, the trailer literally does a panning shot of the horizon while Sonic stands on a cliff face in much the same way as the iconic shot from the BOTW trailers, not to mention all the areas shown being sweeping shots of wooded area, grasslands, ruins and robotic structure and such in a way that again echoes the BOTW trailers. Anyway, can someone who Zapp won't misinterpret and borderline-strawman come and help? *** I read that part, but you said that was in the knuckles/rouge stages; are those main missions? I read a bit about the game just before you arrived, and what I saw listed Sonic, Shadow and Silver missions, not knuckles missions, so I figured that those were side missions or something (that's why I specified main missions).
  11. Again, it was supposed to be just one example of how it differs, and it wasn't even my main point in that paragraph. Why are you so fixated on one tiny statement that I tried to clarify as to what I actually meant and then just ignoring the clarification? So it was a hyped up buggy mess with insane loading times? That certainly does sound terrible, but given the way everyone talked about it, I thought there would've been more to it than that, like broken gameplay in the main levels or something like that.
  12. I keep hearing from many different people about Sonic 06 being essentially the terrible Sonic game; the worst of the worst; the one that not even the biggest defenders of the more recent Sonic games would ever even try to defend. But I've never heard anyone say why that is; what it was about the game that made it so terrible. I don't know anything about the game other than its reputation, so I am curious.
  13. I know that BOTW did not invent the idea of using towers as a gameplay mechanic in an open-world game as you described, but you have to admit that BOTW towers are different from Ubisoft towers in terms of mechanics (for instance, to find things on the map, you have to look for them, whereas Ubisoft games automatically fill the map section with icons indicating things). Plus, when I said that the Sonic Frontier towers look a lot like the BOTW towers, I was largely meaning in terms of aesthetics; they look like BOTW towers with stone rings attached to them. The towers were also just the one example I decided to give of the game looking like it's copying Breath of the Wild's template, with the intended implication that there were others I could easily point to. That is an excellent point. If they had said something like, "To help make the game, we partnered up with [insert dev team that knows how to make a 3D open-world game here]", then that would've been at least somewhat reassuring. And that Cyberpunk comparison is an interesting one, as that game was made by a team that had previously made a semi-open world game in The Witcher 3, and we all know how Cyberpunk 2077 worked out.
  14. I don't remember that, but it is very likely that he said that, and that would be another example of Madara breaking rules for the sake of power escalation; their reanimated selves are supposed to be stronger because they have unlimited chakra, and yet, an eyeless living Madara is somehow stronger than his reanimated self. I think the most recent episode of Boruto being the last time we'll see Konohamaru lead team 7 was about as fitting a sendoff episode as they could manage; Konohamaru was not well-utilized at all as their leader, and this episode feels like the first one to actually give Konohamaru some dignity.
  15. I will admit that I'm not a Sonic fan and I haven't played any of the games, but I seriously rather doubt this. Don't get me wrong; in the hands of a competent and creative team that's given the time that they need, theoretically, a good 3D open-world Sonic game could be made. However, at best, an open-world Sonic game would only really be better than Breath of the Wild at movement across the map; I don't see how it could be a better overall open-world game than BOTW. Not only that, but the precedent for 3D Sonic games being well-received in any lasting way, shape or form is... not great. It's still a game being made by Sonic Team, and the last Sonic game to get decent reviews was Sonic Mania, which was made by someone else entirely. Finally, it can't exactly be more innovative than BOTW if it's using BOTW's template, and, from the look of the trailer, that's exactly what it's doing. The towers even look almost identical, just now with rings.
  16. @Etrurian emperor I'm not a fan of the Bakugo character either. He's a different take on the typical antagonistic shonen rival, but he's still ultimately an antagonistic shonen rival. The fact that it took so long for him to finally apologize to Midoriya for how he treated him also didn't help. At the very least, he did cause what is quite possibly the funniest moment in the entire series: him having to be chained to the 1st place podium at the end of the Sports Festival arc. You'd probably like the character Yuno in Black Clover: he's initially presented as a typical shonen rival, but as early as episode 1, it's made clear that he actually looks up to Asta a lot and that his faith that Asta can succeed is absolute, and that he's a friendly and supportive rival rather than an antagonistic one. Anyway, I'm not sure if this aged really well or aged really badly.
  17. It was actually a case of me misreading the awards list. Thanks for pointing that out.
  18. I completely missed the Game Awards as I had no idea when it was going to happen, so I ended up having to read the awards on Wikipedia, and I still have yet to see all the announcements. I will say that I did get some laughs; not nearly as many as I got in 2020 when every award was given to The Last of Us 2, but I did get some laughs: 1. Seeing that the voice actress for that giant lady from Resident Evil 8 got the best performance award got a laugh; I admittedly haven't played the game and I'm sure she probably deserves the award, but I'm almost certain that they gave her the awards simply because of how famous the character became for a while thanks to all the memes. 2. It was kind-of funny seeing the list of nominees for Best Family Game consist entirely of Nintendo games except for one, with that one being the game that won (It Takes Two). I didn't play It Takes Two, and it won Game of the Year, so of course it was going to be given every award they nominated it for, but it is still funny. Seeing Halo Infinite win Players' Voice award was surprising rather than funny; I admit that I know next-to-nothing about the Halo series, but I thought every new Halo game made after Reach gets tossed into the garbage bin. I honestly expected Metroid Dread to win Players' Voice. EDIT: I have now seen the Star Wars Eclipse announcement. Let me get this straight; there's an upcoming Star Wars game being made by the same studio that made Detroit: Become Human among other David Cage games?! That is hilarious! Easily funnier than the awards somehow. A David Cage Star Wars game; just the concept sounds like a hilarious recipe for disaster. I also have now seen the Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak trailer. The werewolf monster looks really cool, and I am definitely interested in this expansion of Rise. I also saw the Sonic Frontiers trailer. So, the next phase of Sonic is to take some notes from Breath of the Wild like everyone else? I've never been interested in Sonic; I hope for the fans' sake that the game is good, but precedent gives me reason to doubt that it will be.
  19. I think most people would agree that, by the latter half of Shippuden, the power scaling became all out of whack, and Madara was the epitome of it. Normally, I would quickly point out that the Madara that beat five Kage was a reanimation Madara with infinite chakra, but the fact that he was still shrugging off attacks even when alive and without any eyes retroactively means that him being a reanimation didn't mean much. That said, it was established all the way back in the Chunin Exams arc that using all eight gates would make someone powerful enough to beat a Kage in exchange for it being the person's last fight, and I think that's a real biggy: it isn't power in exchange for a few years or a power that would kill a non-Uzumaki; it was power that would kill the user as a certainty if not for the healing power Naruto got from the Sage of Six Paths.
  20. Outside of the ballisticians in the Archanea games (Shadow Dragon and Mystery of the Emblem), there haven't been any examples of mobile physical long-range artillery. We often see FE games have 3-10 range spells that can be used by mages for damaging an enemy from a safe distance, but we don't see physical-damage versions of that.
  21. Yeah; there are a ton of things they could do. For just one example, other than Leo's unique spell in Fates, has there ever been a plant spell in Fire Emblem? That could be really interesting. I personally would still want light magic to have offensive options (in terms of offense, light magic's niche could be stuff like dealing more damage to monsters), but stuff like fire magic having greater accuracy in forest areas sounds really neat.
  22. Thank you. I don't think I ever used Fimbulvetr, so I never would've known that it was also an ice spell. …You're right; how did I forget that Sagittae is also in Three Houses? Now that I think about it, there was also Agnea's Arrow, which is really similar. …I really need to replay Three Houses if I'm forgetting these spells. Actually, after watching a video showing Sagittae, I realized why I had forgotten it: instead of being the series of energy arrows that it was in SoV, it instead was just three tiny simultaneous blasts of magic that could easily be mistaken for an ice spell or a light spell and just plain easy to forget. Bring back the arrows! Anyway, what did you two think of my overall point (that, if they're not going to have the elements matter in gameplay, they may as well come up with more non-elemental spells)? I agree that it needs to not be terrible; outside of seraphim (and even then, seraphim's only good against monsters), the offensive light spells are almost useless; white magic really is the healing & utility type of magic. I suspect that the developers probably thought that, if the offensive white magic spells were great, then there would be little reason for a character to learn black magic. Of course, there are obvious reasons I can think of for still wanting black magic spells: having more spells (since spells have limited uses), some characters aren't good at learning white magic, different spells having different benefits, etc. I agree about the dark mage class system being a mess; the class system overall is something I really hope they take the time to refine in the next game.
  23. …I vaguely remember this thread having been about the Game Awards at one point, but it's been so long that the memory's very fuzzy. I kid, but I'm not really the person to make that joke, since I'm the one that went off-topic in the first place by asking about the Sonic sequel. Anyway, when I said earlier that I consider the Game Awards to be a joke and that I just hope to get some good laughs out of it, I was mainly talking about the awards themselves. But now, with the knowledge about the Sonic 2 trailer, I can easily say that I hope to get some laughs out that as well, and who knows; maybe the trailer will surprise me and have me laugh at something intended to be funny. Yeah; Detective Pikachu was actually really good. Pretty much, although the outcry about the Mario movie is more than just "Chris Pratt bad"; it's also, "Illumination bad", which I actually agree with. Illumination made one decent film: the first Despicable Me movie, and that's it.
  24. One thing I am certain of is that the next FE game is probably going to reuse a lot from Three Houses; they spent a lot of time on all those assets, so they're probably not going to toss them aside after one game. As for the magic elements specifically, the thing is that they're really decoration. In terms of gameplay, they're categorized into white magic (light), black magic (fire, ice, lightning, wind) and dark magic (dark). I could see them reusing this categorization, but with new spells (especially for dark magic, as I doubt they're going to once again have dark mages be associated with advanced technology) and that could result in different "elements", especially for anima/black magic (whatever they choose to call it in the next game). There was only one ice spell in Three Houses and it wasn't very useful, so I could easily see that disappearing. Wind will probably reappear since that's always the anti-flying magic, fire is pretty much assumed in any fantasy game involving magic, so that will undoubtedly reappear. Lightning is similarly pretty much assumed, so it will probably remain as well. Now, that's what I predict will be the case for the next FE game; as for whether or not I think it's good or should be changed... I honestly think that, if they're not going to separate the anima spells by element in gameplay, then they shouldn't limit themselves to "elemental" spells, and the next game would be a good opportunity for them add other types of offensive spells. One thing I actually liked about Shadows of Valentia was that, in addition to the "elemental" spells, it also had Sagittae: an offensive spell where the caster unleashes a series of energy arrows that aren't of any "element". I think it could be interesting to see stuff like that be included in the list of offensive spells for the next FE game.
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