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Everything posted by Enaluxeme

  1. I'll go baron and I'll try it, it's just gonna take some time since I just started my playthrough. I doubt W.B.A. has a save from before the promotion to try it herself.
  2. You can just use the Valkyrie staff. If you pair Claude with Fury or Sylvia you can use and abuse the thing all the game.
  3. I didn't see the Centurion's sprite actually. Centurion and general are the same size, but phalanx and lieutenant aren't. Anyway, it's not like I don't like it or I won't play the game because of this. Heck, I will probably use phalanx Barth a lot. Mine wasn't a comment to be taken heavily, at all.
  4. Yup, it's kinda late. To be honest we already have way more players than necessary, I would have settled for 1 or 2 less.
  5. His growths scream knight all over the place. I get that phalanx is still the same as lieutenant, just with a different weapon, but in my mind Barth really needs to be a general. Also, the phalanx has a tiny little sprite compared to the massive size of Barth...
  6. The system used in FE Binary might solve your problem. In FE4, you need the skill Pursuit to double, and Pursuit activates if your AS is higher (even by 1 point) then your opponent. In Binary, units without pursuit can double if they have at leas 6 more points in AS than their opponents, while characters with pursuit only need 3. I would personally make the gap bigger, like 1 more with pursuit and 5 more without, but that depends by stat inflation. Otherwise, instead of halving the damage, I would just decrease it by a fixed amount (1 or 2, can't go under 1 unless it already was), then making skills that remove that mechanic for the unit (good for myrmidons) and skills that double it for the unit's opponent (good for knights).
  7. Honestly I'm a bit sad that Barth, the knightest knight who ever knighted, isn't a knight anymore.
  8. There's always the problem of balance. One thing I noticed with mage knights (the sword ones) is that they tend to always prefer using magic over swords: since tomes have more range, most enemies have more defense than resistance and mages naturally have higher tome rank than sword after promoting, you need something to justify the use of swords that's more than just "they look cool". For starters, hybrid classes should have more strenght than magic, then you'll have to play with skills.
  9. Rufus kept changing position to avoid being too close to his opponents, using the buildings as fence. As it turns out, the fight ended up moving near the place Fennel attacked the leader of the brigands, so much so that each group could hear the other fighting. With Noel firing at the brigand, the two battles officially became one. I rolled 79 out of 70 Ricardo misses (Energy:44/50) I rolled 18 out of 65 Bandit boss takes 10 points of damage (b.b. HP:54/80, Noel Heat:11/30) Counters Rufus (29 speed): 7/100 -> 65/100 Shepard (30-6 speed): 50/100 -> 98/100 Thyme (28 speed): 22/100 -> 78/100 Noel (35 speed): 5/100 -> 75/100 Overdrive Gauge (4 speed): 28/100 -> 36/100 Fennel (32 speed): 0/100 -> 64/100 Force Gauge (5 speed): 0/100 -> 10/100 Ricardo (34 speed): 0/100 -> 68/100 bandit boss (30 speed): 50/100 -> 110/100 The bandit leader was about to laugh at Ricardo for missing him, when he got hit in the shoulder by Noe'ls bullet. It somehow failed to pierce him, despite clearly hitting his body. "That hurts, you bitch! Why don't you try it for yourself!?" Name: Sub Machine Rampage Type: Ranged, Physical Base damage: 5-7 Base accuracy: 85 Cost: 3 Ammo Points Special effect: hits the same target twice (each hit must be rolled separately). He retaliated by firing his own weapon against the girl. I rolled 79 out of 60 I rolled 48 out of 60 Noel takes 18 points of damage (Noel HP:82/100, b.b. Ammo:15/18) Another pistol shot was then heard, when the two other bandits showed up, with one of them firing at Rufus, hitting him in the leg and angering his boss. "NOT HIM, YOU MORON! THE OTHER ONES!" Being closer to him, only Fennel and Ricardo could hear him talk to himself. "Why do I have to work with such an idiot? He could shoot to litterally everyone else..." Name: Pistol Shot Type: Ranged, Physical Base damage: 6-9 Base accuracy: 85 Cost: 1 Ammo Point I rolled 24 out of 36 Rufus takes 21 points of damage (Rufus HP:55/100, b.1 Ammo:4/5) Counters Rufus (29 speed): 66/100 -> 94/100 Shepard (30-6 speed): 98/100 -> 122/100 Thyme (28 speed): 78/100 -> 106/100 Noel (35 speed): 75/100 -> 110/100 Overdrive Gauge (4 speed): 36/100 -> 40/100 Fennel (32 speed): 64/100 -> 96/100 Force Gauge (5 speed): 10/100 -> 15/100 Ricardo (34 speed): 68/100 -> 102/100 bandit boss (30 speed): 10/100 -> 40/100 bandit 1 (28 speed): 0/100 -> 28/100 bandit 2 (28 speed): 50/100 -> 78/100 Turn of Shepard
  10. I actually like the Thracia portraits, the problem is the inconsistance. Now, if hanhnn will also provide english menu text, that's ten times better.
  11. He wouldn't have been able to inherit it anyway, sadly. As for me, I have no problems giving the brave axe to the Joha brother I choose, as it's always the best possible weapon for him.
  12. Differently from his opponents, Rufus knew about the village's houses and structures, enough to throw a needle at Thyme without exposing himself. The senbon did hit the mage, but she didn't fall asleep like before. Perhaps, the higher level of adrenaline prevented her from falling unconscious. As for Fennel and Ricardo, they decided to attack the lone bandit, who saw some glass thing falling near him... "What the..." ... before exploding when crushing on the ground. "WHAT THE HELL!" I rolled 69 out of 72 Thyme takes 13 points of damage (Thyme HP:77 Rufus Seal Throw uses:9/10) I rolled 71 out of 60 Thyme doesn't fall asleep Counters Rufus (29 speed): 7/100 -> 7/100 Shepard (30-6 speed): 50/100 -> 50/100 Thyme (28 speed): 22/100 -> 22/100 Noel (35 speed): 105/100 -> 105/100 Overdrive Gauge (4 speed): 28/100 -> 28/100 Turn of Noel I rolled 62 out of 75Bandit boss takes 16 points of damage (b.b. HP:64/80, Fennel Mana 95/100) I rolled 40 out of 25 Bandit boss doesn't get on fire Counters Fennel (32 speed): 0/100 -> 0/100 Force Gauge (5 speed): 0/100 -> 0/100 Ricardo (34 speed): 100/100 -> 100/100 bandit boss (30 speed): 50/100 -> 50/100 Turn of Ricardo
  13. Rufus was still protected by the building, giving no signs of leaving the hiding place nor surrendering. Meanwhile, the bandits split up, with the boss keeping his position while the subordinate went searching for the other one. Thyme casts Enochian (Mana:120/150) Counters Rufus (29 speed): 107/100 -> 107/100 Shepard (30-6 speed): 50/100 -> 50/100 Thyme (28 speed): 22/100 -> 22/100 Noel (35 speed): 105/100 -> 105/100 Overdrive Gauge (4 speed): 28/100 -> 28/100 Turn of Rufus
  14. I don't understand. It seems like OP is serious, but the topic is in the far from the forest sections, so...
  15. Shepard tought of seeing Rufus through one of the windows of the buildings and immediately grasped the opportunity to fire his weapon, but Rufus wasn't hit. In fact, he was never in that place. Strange, perhaps it was a trick of the light? In the meantime, Fennel managed to find two of the brigands, one of whom was the guy holding the machine gun. Judging by what she could hear of the discussion they were having, they were trying to figure out what to do. "But boss, we can just come back another day! Why risk our hides when they are killing each other already?" As expected, the submachine guy was the boss. "We can't let them destroy the village like this, you idiot, we won't get paid! Besides, what if they stay here for some time? We can't wait doing nothing while they are comfortably resting their asses! Now go find that other coward before I put some holes in you myself!" I rolled 77 out of 56 Shepard misses (Ammo: 9/10) Counters Rufus (29 speed): 49/100 -> 107/100 Shepard (30-6 speed): 2/100 -> 50/100 Thyme (28 speed): 66/100 -> 122/100 Noel (35 speed): 35/100 -> 105/100 Overdrive Gauge (4 speed): 20/100 -> 28/100 Turn of Thyme
  16. Rufus takes cover, getting out of Shepard, Thyme and Noel's line of sight. Rufus gains and uses a new skill: Take Cover. Name: Take Cover Special effect: buff: Rufus gets 30 bonus evasion when targeted by Ranged skills. Is removed if Rufus uses a Melee skill. Counters Rufus (29 speed): 20/100 -> 49/100 Shepard (30-3 speed): 75/100 -> 102/100 Thyme (28 speed): 38/100 -> 66/100 Noel (35 speed): 0/100 -> 35/100 Overdrive Gauge (4 speed): 16/100 -> 20/100 Turn of Shepard (Shepard gets the same skill, as it makes sense for him to have it)
  17. The circle drawn by Rufus suddently sparkles, and the purification is cast upon Shepard, Thyme and Noel. All three of them immediately get dizzy and fall asleep. Shepard in particular was running to get closer to Rufus, thus he crushed on the ground waking up instantly, though confused by what happened and not close enough to his target for a point blank shot. I rolled 17 out of 58 I rolled 09 out of 90 Shepard falls asleep I rolled 19 out of 57 I definitely didn't roll 81 out of 80 Thyme falls asleep I rolled 07 out of 50 I rolled 70 out of 90 Noel falls asleep Rufus gains 5% bonus chance of applying a debuff against humans. Counters Rufus (29 speed): 4/100 -> 62/100 Shepard (30-3+20-10 speed): 47/100 -> 121/100 Thyme (28-10 speed): 56/100 -> 92/100 Noel (35-10 speed): 0/100 -> 50/100 Overdrive Gauge (4 speed): 0/100 -> 8/100 Shepard is not asleep anymore Shepard isn't affected by Weaken Body anymore Counters Rufus (29 speed): 62/100 -> 91/100 Shepard (30-3 speed): 21/100 -> 48/100 Thyme (28-10 speed): 92/100 -> 110/100 Noel (35-10 speed): 50/100 -> 75/100 Overdrive Gauge (4 speed): 8/100 -> 12/100 Thyme is not asleep anymore Counters Rufus (29 speed): 91/100 -> 120/100 Shepard (30-3 speed): 48/100 -> 75/100 Thyme (28 speed): 10/100 -> 38/100 Noel (35-10 speed): 75/100 -> 100/100 Overdrive Gauge (4 speed): 12/100 -> 16/100 Noel is not asleep anymore Turn of Rufus
  18. Even without being able to deploy everyone, a system to give experience to unused characters would be helpful. I always tend to try everyone, but it's been easier in FE4, thanks to the arena granting a solid amount of exp to everyone, and PoR, thanks to the bonus exp you can give characters in the battle preparations. Fire Emblem games need a way to make unused characters not fall completely behind.
  19. After the first shot, Rufus and Shepard got some distance, as the physician was forced to back off for being the target of two enemies and also in order to have the space he needed to write his circle. After changing his weapon for a bigger gun, Shepard decided to get close again. Counters Rufus (29+15 speed): 60/100 -> 104/100 Shepard (30-3+20 speed): 0/100 -> 47/100 Thyme (28 speed): 28/100 -> 56/100 Turn of Rufus
  20. Thyme's fire blast quickly flies in the general direction of Rufus but, luckily for him, the doctor leaned forward to give a better look at his wound and was only grazed by the fire. As the situation got worse for the therapist, he quickly wrote a circular sign on the ground. For anyone not used to it that would appear amazing, as the circle was clearly perfect despite being written in the dirt in the span of a second. I rolled 81 out of 81 Rufus takes 7 points of damage (Rufus HP:76/100, Thyme Mana:135/150) Thyme is now in Astral Fire status Counters Rufus (29+15 speed): 16/100 -> 60/100 Shepard (30 speed): 70/100 -> 100/100 Thyme (28 speed): 0/100 -> 28/100 Turn of Shepard
  21. The first villager Fennel spoke to almost completely ignored her, leaving her with a harsh and obviously fake "I don't know a thing". However, an old man got closer to her and started explaining. "These criminals started appearing some months ago. They never killed someone, but always use violence with no qualms. Lord Masuki said he would get rid of them, but nothing has been done, and now someone even thinks they work for him!" It wasn't possible to gather any more informations with the Walther brigand, Shepard and Rufus shouting threats at each other. Of course, the situation only got worse. After being attacked by Rufus, Shepard responded by firing his pistol. The shot successfully hit Rufus's left arm, even though it didn't pierce bones nor major bloodvessels. When the fight began, most of the bystanders dispersed, the armed guys with them. I rolled 04 out of 76 Rufus takes 17 points of damage (HP:83/100) Counters Rufus (29 speed): 58/100 -> 116/100 Shepard (30 speed): 10/100 -> 70/100 Turn of Rufus (You others can intervene whenever you want, aiding any side, by stating a skill you intend to use)
  22. They translated RPGmaker programs before, maybe someone will eventually translate this too. Hopefully.
  23. It depends on the game. If they are actually usefull, I'll use the heck out of them. In darkest dungeon I prefer blighting or wounding an enemy instead of doing immediate damage. In most final fantasy-like rpgs they are useless, sadly.
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