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Everything posted by Enaluxeme

  1. Is there a way to make so that one can only be dismounted in indoor chapters? That's just one thing Tearring Saga (and FE5? Never played so I can't say) got right IMO. I mean, Fire Emblem in general asks too much from my suspension of disbelief when he wants me to believe a dude is sitting on a throne while on a horse...
  2. I wonder if you'll ever get an eye or gorgon unit. I think you can use dark monster weapons with weaponless monsters and all magic attackers until you reach D in dark magic. If that's true you'll want Lute as sage. Also about promotions, I would personally make L'Arachel an assassin because lethality and Ephraim a warrior because higher def cap and good with bows (he should be wonderful with the brave longbow, I think?), but it's your call anyway.
  3. Actually I played a mod that makes you start with Frey in addition to the standard party, so it has to be possible to add Norne instead.
  4. So, I'm not exactly sure whether to call me a beginner at splicing or not, but here's some random splices. Notice Germe's shirt, Zeiss's face, quite obviously Guy's headband and I don't really remember who's hairs are there(I remember tweaking them a little). Can't decide what's better for the colors and whether or not to use a earring, but whatever. Erk's hairs always striked me as noble-like, so I used his face for a lordly character. The diadem is custom.
  5. Of course I'll stick around, you can basically make whatever changes you want and I'll still be here
  6. Ugh, are they all swords except for the one tome? With four lords, you should have one without swords, at least before promotion. And, as much as this may seem contraddictory, having both a tome and a magic sword as personal weapons is redoundant.
  7. Despite me wanting to do it, I don't have the time to gm anything. I haven't even updated my lp topics in forever. I don't understand the need to restart though, unless there's some major difference like different plot-points, different characters or the adding of a stat system. Speacking of wich, if you change too much from the one I presented you'll have to test it before using it.
  8. After witnessing Severine breaking free from the guards, Edward had remained aloof since they reached the inn. At first he stood silent because he was thinking about what happened: maybe he should have helped her, instead of letting the guards take her in the first place. Yeah, that would have certainly been better to Severine's eyes. However, unlike the elf, he wasn't an high rank citizien of hellis, and while the guards didn't react to the red mage almost freezing their feets, they may have reacted to him shoving them away. He interrupted his silence to greet the Miqo'te healer. It's totally possible that she didn't even notice, since he basically just nodded and mumbled something. Everyone went in the room together with Severine and Elyne, so he tagged along. He didn't really enter the room though, preferring to stay in the doorway, with his ears at the ongoing conversation and his eyes at the hallway. As he thought, there was something strange about Thyme, apart for being a fugitive from Hellis. Reflecting about it, both he and the others decided to help her after having known her for two minutes at best, even though turning her on would have been very profitable. Maybe it was the will of the crystals? Edward was thrilled. Maybe he himself was a choosen one? Even if he wasn't, he knew that helping Thyme saving the crystals was the right thing to do, and a quest for the greater good was better than wandering the land with no purpose.
  9. Ballistas, siege tomes and fortify staves seem like a very good way to add strategic planning even to a 1 on 1 fight: having some enemies drop a tome and/or a fortify or otherwise making those things aviable in the chapter or in the one before would be really positive IMO. As for the fight itself: the opponent should change his/her strategy, putting the player in the need of adapting to it. The playable character should either have different options at his/her disposal in equipment (maybe a great knight, or a str/mag class) or he/she has to be the lord, with access to the convoy.
  10. How do you think you'll do this? FE8 hack or something else? Whatever the answer, you should provide something before posting even a project topic, trust me. My advice is to not be afraid of using place holders for graphics and audio and start doing something.
  11. "And here we are, Farmland number... I think it was twentysix or seven. They don't even care about giving towns real names, at least for the smaller ones. That is, if you are willing to call this a town." As they approached the town, a group of guards stopped them. The guards rambled about a criminal on the loose, most certainly Thyme. Luckily, their description didn't completely match with the fugitive, that would at least buy the group some time. Having seen the conditions or Severine's arm, two guards quicly took her from Edward's shoulder, supposedly to bring her to a healer. The young man understood that the elf was quite opposed to being carried away like that, but the guards didn't seem malicious, and they all had to avoid being suspicious. Edward went close to L'Veyi to whisper something to her. "We souldn't leave Thyme and Severine alone, so I'm going with her. Go take the bounty, ok?" After hearing L'Veyi's answer, he followed Severine and the guards.
  12. The young man appreciated hearing Severine chuckle. In fact, he found the elf girl's giggle so lovely that for a second he was worried his face would match the color of his hairs. The moment didn't last, though, as someone else had something to say, in a irritate tone. The dwarf was... Talkative, to say the least. Prideful, too. By her voice she seemed female, so Edward referred to her as such, hoping to not be making a gaffe. "Please, calm down bearded lady." He resisted the urge to call her little lady, that would probably have been very insulting. "I wasn't trying to be offensive. Still, I don't like the idea of having a scrounger as an ally, but I doubt someone as proud as yourself would be like that... We started with the wrong foot: I'm Edward, pleased to meet you. I would bow, but as you can see I'm a bit busy at the moment." And thankfully so. He had no idea how to bow before someone so short: if he didn't bow enough for his head to be lower than hers, bowing would have been pointless, maybe it could even have been interpreted as mocking; if he went so down as to be lower than her, it would have been exaggerated and humiliating. "Speaking of which, we should probably start moving. You ready?" After getting Severine's confirmation, the two started walking towards the camp. "By the way, Thyme, Severine is right, you should lay low. Don't worry though: most of the hellian towns down here are full of class zeros resenting the council. Sure, someone would turn you down, but not all of them."
  13. That dancer in the screenshoots seems very female to me ._.
  14. The other swordsman didn't seem hostile towards them, and in the worst case scenario, they were four against one. Having ascertained that his sword didn't suffer any damage, Edward sheated it. He didn't notice the dwarf until Thyme talked to him. Or her. He knew female dwarves use to grow beards, but he had no idea how to distinguish the two genders aside from asking. "Wow, we are starting to look more and more like a traveling circus! Let's go before an half-dragon shows up." He helped Severine getting her arm around his shoulder, gave a look at L'Veyi and Thyme and continued: "We need to get back at the camp to get our things, then we are going to town to get care of this arm. While we are there, we'll collect the bounty and you two are going to finally eat something. As for you other two... You are free to tag along if you want, but you won't get a free meal out of it!"
  15. Hello! I'm updating! Eventually, I'll update the other LP thread too. [spoiler=Appendix dominating death] We start the update with a level, nice! HP - STR - SPD - DEF And it's a good one, too. Also, um... Shanan's here. He must have had a good reason to leave Agusty. He says he needs to speak with you. What's up? You're crying. What happened!? Deirdre left the castle and never came back. She said she was going to see you! I'm sorry! I promised you I'd watch out for her... What? Deirdre left!? And what about Celice? He's with me. See? He's right here. But Deirdre... Shanan, don't worry. This isn't your fault. I'm going to find her. But I shouldn't have let her go. I'm so sorry, Sigurd! And finally, our first holy weapon! Here. Ah! The Gaebolg? How did you get it? Your father gave it to me. He wanted me to give it to you if things got too out of hand. Boy, I'm going to clean up shop with this! So... why did you wait until now? Well, your father told me a bit about its history. I'm sorry, Cuan... The legend of the Gaebolg... It's a sad story, but it’s nothing more than legend. Yea, but... Ethlin, trust me. Anyway, this battle's about over with. We can soon return to Lenster. We have to get back to our little Altenna. Yes, we do. Cuan, no matter what happens, we'll never be apart, right? Huh? You must be worried about Deirdre. But we'll find her soon. Yeah, I want to think so, too. But... Ethlin? Why are you crying? You think something bad's going to happen? I'm just... It's so sad to think those two may never see each other again. They were so much in love. How could such a horrible thing happen to them!? Ethlin... So. Many. Words! Them Grandbellians'll attack up this way 'fore too long. Whaddya reckon? Dobarl! They're coming because you guys went behind my back and raided the villages! I won't have this insubordination! Hey! Enough from ya! We tried lettin' ya lead us, but ya too power hungry! I've got news for ya sis. Ya ain't t'late cap'n's real daughter anyhow. Ya's jus' this cryin' lit'le girl on a ship we attacked. So th' cap'n decided t'raise ya himself. Then ya grew up 'n started orderin' us around. Makes me head hurt jus' thinkin' 'bout it! What!? That can’t be... But we've no use fer ya now. I believe t'is dyin' time fer ya. Hold on! You're not taking me that easy, you rotten filth! And so Brigid flees to the west. Too bad the village is being pilfered right now :/ Finally, geez! As always, Brigid is capable of ORKO the pirates. Still, that 27% scares me. We can't be messin' 'round here. If pirates showed up, they'd kill us fer sure. I'm coming. By praying to Lord Blagi I've learned the truth behind what’s been happening. It's just as I thought it to be. I also found our family's Sacred Relic. It's been missing for some time. The Valkyrie Staff. Have a look. Nice try, but you can't beat Sylvia. She likes it rough. This staff here? It's magical and can return life to those who have passed on already. Only one descendant of Saint Blagi can use it, and that's me. Hmm... So can it bring back my sweet grandma? Well, no it can't. You see it has certain limitations, so it won't work on everyone. You see, we're all born with this life force. It's called 'Aegir' and... Huh? You lost me. You're (yawn...) puttin' me t'sleep. Anyway, we don't got time for that stuff. We gotta get movin'! Yes, you're right. Let's go. Some level-ups by healing and dancing: Ethlin: HP - STR - SPD Aideen: HP - SKL - LCK Sylvia: HP - STR - SPD - LCK - MDF Sylvia's one is particularly pleasaWHAT- Ok, got it. Valkyrie Staff, fine. Meanwhile, Holyn is warped home by Aideen and promotes: 3 STR - 3 SKL - 3 SPD - MAG - 5 DEF - 3 MDF He also gets a B rank in axes. Aideen got a level for her warping services: HP - STR Bleah. On the enemy phase, the pirates attack the ladies. Bad choice. Don't ever attack the ladies. They get badly injured but manage to pull through, netting these levels in the process: Brigid: HP - LCK Fury: HP - SKL Tiltyu: HP - SKL - SPD - MAG Fury: HP - SKL - STR - LCK Tiltyu got all the important stats at her first level. My hopes are high for her. So, I just now realized I didn't take a screenshot of Brigid... She is basically the same, except for the C rank in sword she's probably not going to use anyway. The pirates start picking on a kid. Since they use axes and have more money than most enemies, he's gonna have a great time. Miracolously, Fury avoided the arrows, but I'm not willing to bet on her to do so again. I let her kill one of them and gat away as far as possible. The hunters are going to attack Brigid; if she is alive by the next turn, Fury will come back to help her. By the way, did I mention that I never played the Shin Patch past this point?
  16. Wrong? Andre seems to have a pretty good str growth for a magic-oriented character, and he has enough levels to get very high strenght. As for Cristoph you are probably right, but I don't think he would be bad as a War Monk either.
  17. I think crits never use the true hit system.
  18. Just use a patching software where you can. If you can't use another pc there are even patchers for android. Linking to roms is forbidden, so no pre-patched files.
  19. As expected, after being cornered the bandercoeurl used its magic attack. Instead of panicking, Thyme rushed to the monster and severed one of its whiskers. In pain, the beast pulled back its head, letting its blast at a random direction. That direction just so happend to be Edward's face, but it wasn't too hard for him to crouch and avoid the beam, which hit and petrified a nearby tree. The warrior stood up, with the intention of dealing the final strike to the creature now that it was supposedly weakened enough. However, the beast was still strong enough to send Thyme flying with a desperate blow. The girl was shoved roughly in Edward's direction, so he quickly abandoned the idea of running towards the monster and braced himself to literally have a girl in his arms. He catched Thyme and cushion her crash with a tree, fortunally not the one turned to stone. The impact hurt, but neither of them was injured in the process. "You allright, flying girl?" he said in a joking tone. When Edward stood up again, he saw L'Veyi riding the bandercoeurl with her blade in her hand, and knew the fight was over. After the fighting was done, Severine went arount offering to heal the wounded, starting with Thyme. "I'm fine, thank you for the offfffor the love of- Did that thing hit you!?" Edward stood there, visibly concerned, watching Severine's arm. He knew he didn't have a remedy for that. "I'm afraid we don't have a gold needle, and you don't neither, I suppose." He scratched his head a bit. "We were going to town anyway, but that definitely isn't comfortable to go around with... If you want help, I'm here." Edward held out his left arm, but suddently realized he dropped his sword. "Ehm... Just a moment." Quickly, he turned around to search for it. It was half way through the spot where he catched Thyme and the three that embraced them so lovingly. Once he reached the weapon, Edward took it up and carefully inspected the edges for any damage. While he did that, with the sword pointing towards him parallel to the ground, he noticed a bright yellow in the corner of his eye. Looking in that direction, he saw a guy. His blonde hairs shined with the light passing through a spot with no leaves. "... More company. This forest is more crowded by the day." He lowered the weapon, but without putting it away. As his father used to say: to trust is good, not to trust is better.
  20. I would like Roy more if he didn't promote at all and instead had slightly better growths and a max level of 30 like Shadow Dragon Marth. In fact, the same thing applies to thieves: compromising with the lack of promotion is one of the things Shadow Dragon did right IMO.
  21. My Djambo is level 9 at chapter 8 and I don't want to bring him along just for 50 exp. At least I'll know what he can promote to when you start the next chapter. Anyway, chapters get much harder from this point on, and this is only normal mode! Maybe it's because I like to train everyone.
  22. Actually the only guaranteed incest is between Diadora and Alvis.Raquesis is only rumored to have a relationship with Eltshan, and both of them have children with someone else. AiraXHolyn and ClaudeXSylvia are only distantly related, and real life nobles had weddings with much closer relatives. Really, the only strange thing is pairing Aira with Lex, but you aren't forced to pair her daughter with one of her cousins anyway.
  23. And there's some implication another half siblings couple has an affair near the start of the game. Not only that: depending on the player's choices, you can have cousins marry, and a girl that is the love interest of a pair of brothers can be their cousine too if her mother was paired with their uncle.
  24. Edward was the first to go for his blade. Not because he realized what was about to happen, but because he noticed L'Veyi's ears rising, and he knew when a Miqo'te rised its ears, danger was approaching. He drew his sword. Left hand resting on the pommel and right hand just below the guard, with the index gripping it for higher control of the weapon. He always fingered the guard when fighting against monsters, as he didn't have to worry about an opponent's weapon sliding on the blade and cutting his finger. L'Veyi was the monster's first target. The moment of fear sent a thrill down his spine, but thankfully she avoided the attack, wounding the beast in the process. He saw Severine chanting her spell while Thyme attacked the monster's side, getting his attention. Soon after, he moved between the two. Thyme wasn't helpless, and adopted a defencive stance right after attacking. Still, Edward doubted her ability to take a swipe from such an enemy. The tiger-like monster was right in front of him. By poking it, he gained its attention. Edward got into stance: legs bent, with the right one forward; the sword between him and his opponent, the blade pointing up and slightly to his right. He waited for the monster to attack. He heard that kind of monster had a dangerous magic attack. If it used that, the only option would have been to roll and avoid it. Instead, the beast attacked Edward physically, swiping the left paw at him. Edward quickly made a step backwards, still keeping the right leg forward, and catched the attack. His blade didn't oppose the paw. Instead, Edward let his weapon be pushed by it, and used the impact's strenght to his advantage: following the paw, the sword made half a rotation towards the ground, protecting Edward in the process. Then, the swordsman redirected the force to continue the rotation and simultaneously moved sideway to the right, hitting the monster's back with the back edge of the sword. Edward immediately retracted the sword and, before the beast could react, he thrusted, piercing its side. As the point reached the bone, he retracted the sword again to avoid getting his weapon stuck, and went back to his defensive stance.
  25. In chapter 7 NPCs can corrupt the shrine. Is it intentional?
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