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Everything posted by Enaluxeme

  1. ???In Midnight Sun Cristoph can promote to War Monk, using Axes and Light magic.
  2. Sadly, no. Maybe in the distant future I'll ask to translate it myself, but it's been very long since this game, and the maker has grown thinkig this game isn't on par with his later games and isn't interested in it anymore. Perhaps he will make a complete remake, eventually.
  3. Edward would have liked to help L'Veyi remove the traps, but he had no idea how to. He never used traps to hunt his lunch before: usually he found some little work in a town to buy something. At worst, he would kill something big, like a bear. A sword isn't good to hunt, but against large animals is effective enough. When L'Veyi finished with the traps, the party started moving again, towards the last trap, a big one. After that they would return to the camp, then go to the nearest town. "Common folks... Sure Hellis is filled with racism. It's not like humans, Miqo'te and dwarves are worthless. Speaking of which, aren't mages human-elf hybrids? One would think they praise elves, not hate them." He said nothing when Severine asked to (and later did) touch L'Veyi's hears. The idea crossed his mind sometimes, but he assumed that was an intimate gesture, and would have been at least weird to suggest such a thing. The group reached the place where the trap was set. A strange smell came from there. The bait was nowhere to be found, but there was a pool of dry blood in its place. Looking up, there was a deer leg dangling from a tree. "Ugh... Looks like we catched a deer, but something ate most of it." After a breif pause to look around, he continued: "The leg up there seems edible, though. It's even nicely dry."
  4. You've probably been unlucky, Cristoph usually turns out better than that. Also War monks use light instead os staves here. And Andre is supposed to be awesome when you pute the effort in training him (though he as much more aviability than other trainees).
  5. For me it's both the gaiden chapters and the sprites. I would have liked if you could gain access to the gaidens by playing in a very good OR bad way: it would have helped bad/new players without pissing off veterans. For the sprites, I don't mind the art style, but I hate that every class has a single color, changing only the hairs for characters in the same class. I don't dislike the story at all, since it's still a remake of a very old game, and adding more story or character development would have meant changing too much IMO. ... Also why are falcon knight only accessible through the e-shop?
  6. I found a bug, I don't know if it's been spotted before. When you go in the units list and choose to order them based on a certain stat, only hp and strenght work. If you select magic the game will still treat it as if you selected skill, if you select skill it will order based on speed and so on...
  7. I started a LP about it! #totallynotshamelessplug It's my favourite game of all times, even though it doesn't shine in any way. Maybe one day I'll ask the maker to "officially" translate it.
  8. With Elthsan's departure, we can go kick Shagaal's butt once and for all! [spoiler=kicking Shagaal's butt (once and for all)] Makind Eltshan leave the battlefield triggers this conversation earlyer than killing him and all the crossknights. Hmph. Maybe these mercenaries I hired will do more for me than those other imbeciles. Alright. You know what to do! I really don't understand how can Shagaal pay all these mercenaries. You would think that a kingdom's treasury is in the capital? And here they are, the infamous thracian dragon knights. I heard I'll fight many of them in the endgame. Set your sights on Grandbell's army, and give it to 'em as severely as you please. Let the name of Thracia echo across the land! The end of the chapter isn't near at all, so it's time for a few promotions. Using the Return staff is quicker than going in the castle normally, and Ethlin nets a level in the process: HP - MAG - DEF She's getting a good amount of magic, maybe her growths are actually higher? These two ladies deal with the remaining cross knights, and Lachesis gets a level: HP - STR - DEF Nice. Lachesis can't finish the knight off, but Alec helps. To Silvail we go! So that's what he's up to! Damn, I use that village to protect Briggid, and even then sometimes she gets killed, I hope she'll survive just with Fury's help. This General is difficoult to deal with. He has a Killer Axe and a Slayer Lance, and he's also backed up by two Armor Knights with Javelins. Holyn with an axe is probably your best bet. Level-up: HP - SKL - STR - SPD - LCK Why do you only have conversations with Ayra? WHY? Promotion time! Finally Aideen can fight! 3 SKL - 2 SPD - 5 MAG - 2 DEF - MDF Not only she gets a C in all Anima magic and one more Staff rank, she also gets a B in Light. I always found strange that High Priests couldn't use Light magic but Sages could. She immediately buys the Light tome Deirdre sold and fights a bit in the arena, gaining a single level: SKL - SPD - DEF She's good! Jamka promotes too, but he cleared the arena already. 5 SKL - 5 STR - 2 SPD - 3 MAG - 4 DEF - 5 MDF He needed that 5 skill. Wait... C swords? GoddamnHolynwhydon'tyouhaveaconversationwithBriggid The two Javelyn guys are dispatched, leaving the General wounded and alone. He reached the village I managed to weaken the General enough to kill him with Dew. Level: HP - DEF I'm ok with this. Just get to level 20 already. Aideen only needed promotion for the arena: she's not going to kill many things since she won't get much exp and is more useful as a healer anyway. That's the level: HP - SKL - SPD Lana (or is it Mana?) will appreciate those high stats. We meet the mounted knights near Silvail and start dealing with them. The dragons, they are... Ugly. And here's Levin's level: HP Damn you Levin! You are supposed to be a good unit! Feeding Trust me, you have nothing to laugh for. Prepare to feel the terror that is the Thracian Dragon Knights! For the first time ever, Ayra and her effective sword fail to kill their target. Her future husband finish him instead. Yeah, yeah. At least he can be useful. He also gets a level: HP Nvm, he's still worthless. Just a little bit more... Ethlin may actually reach level 30 without massive staff abuse for the first time ever. Good. I noticed that Love critical always overrides Bro Support criticals. Level-up: HP - STR - SPD - DEF Look who remembered he can get more than 2 stats. Farewell, King Shagaal... Y'fool. Bye bye. What was this guy doing here? Doesn't matter. Fury starts her expedition to help some people who haven't appeared yet. Now only Shagaal remains. Level-up for Fin: LCK ... Healing round, Ethlin gets a level-up: HP - SKL - STR - SPD Thank you for not disappointing me. Lachesis gets a level from healing too: HP - STR Meh, I can live with that. The fun may begin. Cuan was surrounded by supporting units, bun failed to get a critical. And fails again in the next turn. Stop avoiding my attacks Shagaal. And the limit is reached. Fury will just sit there in the middle of the sea watching a pirate loot a village. He needed that. I think it's +1 DEF, unless Shin changed that. I didn't take a screenshot. Cuan just won't activate critical when I need it, so Sigurd will replace him. You're a despicable person! Idiot! You don't know what you're talking about! Die, Sigurd!! He manages to damage him quite a bit, and also gets a level: HP - STR - DEF It's good, but... Where's his speed? Will she get the final blow? She does! And that is the last time we see Shagaal, smited by divine power! By the way, I would really appreciate a list of growths. I'm taking the ones shown here from an old gamefaq post.
  9. The group started moving. Edward had nothing against sharing some food with the ladies, but since L'Veyi was the one to lay most of the traps, he didn't want to be the one making the offer. "I don't think you'll have any luck finding a nation to oppose Hellis. Maybe the Empire of Garlinad, the wind crystal is also there. Unfortunately, you'll be running the risk of being arrested and turned over, becoming a token for diplomats. If I were you, I would wait a bit before my next move, maybe disguise myself or something. By the way L'Veyi, we can't just stay here in the middle of nowhere. We should remove the traps and go back in town, maybe find some other work, since the damn thing escaped. Well, if you still want to tag along, that is." As he finished, they all reached one of the spots where the little rabbit-size traps were. The bait, made of lettuce sprayed with apple cider, was still there, meaning that no rabbit, nor anything else, was caught. "Nope, no rabbits. You may have more luck with the bigger traps for deers."
  10. Hello everybody! Since apparently I don't have enough things to do, I'm starting a second let's play (I'll give priority to the Shin Patch, unless there's more interest here). This one is special though, as it's about a game you can't possibly know. It's my favourite one, too! I'm talking about... Do you happen to know something called rpgmaker? Well, this is an amateur, no-profit game made by an italian developer. It's full of ripped content, but I simply love it. Who knows? Maybe you'll love it too![spoiler=Prologue] It's been years since the last time I saw this...This is the main menu, with the fitting "To the Ancient Land" from Shadow of the Colossus. For some reason the gif maker had a delay of 5 seconds, but that's ok, as the resulting gif shows you the Seraphic Gate logo (to this day I have no idea why a single developer making a no-profit game would add this company-looking logo to his game... Nice animation, though). http://www.ffextreme.com/media/ff6/music/mp3/cd2/20.mp3 The first thing we see when starting the game, is this temple, accompanied by the mysterious sounding "Another World of Beasts" from Final Fantasy 6. What's happening!? We cut to this seemingly random house. Mom, look! There's many flashes! It's nothing, dear... Probably just a thunderstorm. That doesn't look like just a thunderstorm... We change location again, with another beam of light in the distance, fading. Once the beam is completely gone, the camera goes down, and this is what we find. No background music is playing, but we can hear the blowing of the wind. ... And then I said: "Hey, if you're searching for troubles, you found them!" AHAHAH! I would have broken that stupid dog's nose! Mah, I wanted to punch him in an eye... But then I thought I would have dirtied myself, so I dropped it. AHAH! What a funny story! AHAH! The dumber-looking guy walks a little and looks at the blonde guy. What are ya doing, Garamet? Hu? Me... No, nothing... I'm just watching this guy. He didn't say a word 'till the start of the trip... The brown-haired one gets up too. Ah...The greenhorn... I almost forgot... He closes his eyes... We've got a badass. Greenhorn, uh? Woah, we can rename player characters, I forgot about that. I resist to the urge of calling him Klein and go on. I advise you to not make me angry, alright? My name is Redian. Call me greenhorn again and I'll make you eat this rock. How dare you... Stop that... Let's finish this job quickly. I have no intention to stay with you clowns any longer, so let's hurry. Redian starts walking towards the van. ... Hey, what do we have to do? I hope they'll give me an extra for working with these idiots... Anyway, we must reach the pick and check the voltage generator. Voltage generator? But why? The Red Wolf will pay us to do that. That's everything there is to know. We just have to get to the top of the mountain and see if the generator works. This storm is causing some interferences and there are problems with the current in Helgon city... We don't know if the generator is broken or it's fault of the snow. Mah... I wonder why they sent us, don't they have some technician or something? I must repeat that? That's not your problem. If you really want to, ask Kie Rianold. Who's that? It's the CEO of the Red Wolf, you chump! He gave us this job! Aaah... Understood. Now let's move, or tomorrow we'll not be over yet. ... Why are you standing there? I'm feeling something... Something dangerous... That doesn't look good... What the hell was that!? I have no idea... Even a big bird shouldn't fly during a storm... It's strange. The van explodes, and a strong roar covers the sound of the storm. That roar... What kind of animal does that!? The screen shakes... https://soundcloud.com/enaluxeme/danger This track is simply known as "Danger" in the game's files (if someone knows where this track comes from, please tell me).As soon as it appears, the dragon kills one of the men. NO! Barnet!! There's no hope for him, let's go before we end up the same! The escaping begins! What are you waiting for!? Are you mad? We are going to the top! So? On the summit we'll be trapped! That "thing" will kill us! We can't change direction now. Let's go before it's too late! No way, I don't think so! I- I'm going away! The wildlife is against Garamet, apparently. Damn, a wolf! This will slow us down. I- I'm terrified... Damn you, Garamet! You are so big yet you're scared by so little! I won't go near that animal! Stupid fatball, stand aside! And this is the first battle! https://soundcloud.com/enaluxeme/battle This is the standard battle theme, a remix of "The Unfinished Battle with God Syndrome" from Valkyrie profile. ... Well, that was quick. The winning theme is "The key to singing the praises of victory", also from Valkyrie profile. I had Redian activate his skill "strike", wich does 150 more points of damage compared to a normal attack and always hits. It's useful now, but later on it's only going to be effective against enemies with very high defence, as normal attacks will be doing well over a thousand points of damage. Moving on. I'm scared! Dammit! Let's go already! Look, our first chest! It contained an ether. The dragon is following us... The group stops again on a bridge. Quick! We don't have much time! UUUHHH! We're all gonna die! Shut up, Garamet! Bernett is dead, and now is our turn! But the dragon is just in front of them. Shit! It's here... http://midishrine.com/midi/55189.mid This track, "Parting2" is part of the standard RTP of RPGmaker2003. I'm still alive, but the cold is killing me... I must find a shelter for the night... Redian walks a little to the left to see the sign and the cave. Helgon city is near, but I won't be able to reach it in such a short time... That cave... Hopefully it will be enough. Redian walks in the cave and... ... Title drop! The start of the first chapter signs the end of the prologue.So yeah, this will be quite the experiment. Hopefully it will work!
  11. Edward remained in hiding, silent, as L'Veyi climbed the tree to free the girl. She seemed to have quite a temper, but wasn't otherwise a threat. One can't be too sure though, so the swordsman waited some more, watching both the red haired mage and the blonde elf. As the situation unfolded, it become more and more clear that the two were not harmful. Edward was just about to come out on his own when the Miqo'te called him. Talk about timing. "Yes, I was about to." He said, while coming out. "As she said, as long as you steal nothing from us, we are fine with you sticking along. Not that we have many things worth stealing." As he then was just in front of the spellcasters, he introduced himself with a slight bow, with his left hand on his weapon, ensured at his side, and the right one on his chest. "The name is Edward, as my feline companion said. She's called L'Veyi. I didn't catch your name?" He turned his head at Severine as he told the last sentence.
  12. Yup, you added a forest between Silesia and the last castle. Also changed the normal enemies a bit.
  13. I just now realized she doesn't have the cutter yet. It's an easy fix. I have nothing else to say, so take this: [spoiler=The forgotten phlebotinum and the Lion King] That's why I need ask you to watch over him. No way! I can't look after a baby all by myself. Please... I'll be right back. Would you just do this for me, Shanan? Please? Yeah... alright. Whatever, I'll do it. But you better be back quick! Thank you, Shanan. Celice, I'm sorry, babe. Mummy'll be right back, 'k? So she leaves, forgetting to tell Shanan where the diapers are. And in fact, something shitty happens. Huh? Who are you? And how do you know my mother's name? Heh heh heh... Prepare for your rebirth. Once we erase all your memories, we shall introduce you to your new husband. There's no use fighting it. This is destined to be. W, what... are you d-d-doing? St, stop it!! Aghhh... S, Sig... urd... Nope, no use trying to flee. Sandima completely wipes out Deirdre's memories, with no effort at all. Thinking about it, this must be the best spell ever: just use it on your enemies and thay won't know they are opposing you in the first place! Besides, Deirdre seems stunned for a time long enough to be easily killed. It sure is fortunate Sandima won't use that spell against the player. Ever. By the way... Alec, Fin? Can't you give an hand or something? Guess not. Ah, but there's good news too! Kinda! Azel and Aideen got together! Guess no conversation with Tiltyu for Azel. Not like that's going to matter, with his children getting 40% bonus HP growth from the holy bloods. I must have taken that second screenshot for reasons I don't remember. You got a problem with that? My father'd be so disappointed with you. A true knight doesn't sneak around stalling for time! Nope. But a true lion king does the best for his people, in this case that would be to dethrone you. You're not even listening to me! Look, I... hmph. Okay, I'll get my men ready. I'll let you know I'm proud to be a Holy Knight of Agustria. If I'm to die, I'll die fighting. Your Majesty, please watch over Silvail while I'm gone. I cannot begin to tell you what your years of loyalty has meant to me... This battle will determine the fate of our nation. Give it all you've got. Cross Knights, ATTACK!! Gee, you really whant the player to hate you, uh? I'm taking command here! The rest of you strengthen your defense of the castle! Ugh, I hope Fury can get to that pirate fast enough. Level-up by healing! HP Seriously? Oooohh, no. Where is he going anyway? So, this is where I sould put a screenshot with the crossknights approaching, but I didn't take it, so here's a cute kitty instead: As you can see, the knights themselves are a joke. Here's Fin's level, by the way: STR Fin, you will be around during Gen2, you are supposed to be good by then. During opponent's turn, they all gang up on Beo... All of them... It's him! Lion king Eltshan! The fact that Eltshan didn't say a word to Beowulf makes me think they weren't really friends and he lied to get his sister's attentions. And that's completely 100% canon. I still have every intention of handing over Agustria. Please, I just need a little more time! ... Sigurd, I've heard enough. It's just you and I on the battlefield now. Two knights fighting with grace and honour. But I'm not about to fall with the Mistolteen at my side... 'Til death! The rest of the turn goes smoothly, with Ayra doing some tricks and getting a level: HP - LCK - DEF Good, considering she has maxed SKL I even poke Eltshan for free exp. Level-up for Ardan: HP - SPD I think he maxed something. He's turning out amazing. You can't fight Sir Sigurd! Is betraying one's friends a part of the honour of being a knight!? Eltshan, please! (sob...) Trust him! Can't you hold off your attack just a little bit longer? As any proper lady, Lachesis mastered the art of crying at will. I don't want to see you cry, but I have no other way out of this! If Shagaal is defeated, Agustria will fall as well. That’s not true! If Shagaal withdrew his troops, Sir Sigurd would also back out of this. Please, talk with King Shagaal. He can't ignore the commander of the Cross Knights. ... Okay... I'll give it one more shot. I'd rather risk my life for my friend than this crazy war. That is the way of the knight. Lachesis, this sword is for you. Isn't this the Earth Sword!? Eltshan, I can't take this from you! Lachesis, keep it as a memento from me... just in case. Now you be careful! Wa-wait! Eltshan!! You will get Agustria back someday. I'm certain of it. Eltshan, you imbecile! Now what are you babbling about!? I knew it! You ARE in cahoots with the enemy! Somebody! Seize this traitor! Off with his head! We'll make an example out of him! I should've known this wouldn't go well. This will mark the end of Agustria too I'm afraid... You contriving little fool! Take his head off right here! Lachesis... With Eltshan out of the way, clearing the cross knights is an easy work. Azel: MAG Sylvia: HP - SPD - LCK Jamka: HP - STR Pretty standard levels for these three, but Jamka is now level 20, which is good! Until next time!
  14. When L'Veyi said her group disbanded, she did so with a sad tone in her voice. Edward was unsure whether to keep asking or not, but something else caught their attention. The rope besides L'Veyi: one of the traps sprung. Edward quickly tidied up the maintenance kit and followed the Miqo'te girl. While approaching the trap, the two started hearing something. It sounded like a muffled orison. Edward was more and more confused, until he managed to get some of the words: pruina and frigidum, mixed with other words he didn't catch. He had no idea what those meant, but he heard those before, and he knew they had something to do with ice magic. Someone was chanting an ice spell. Finally, the pair got near enough to see what was happening. Two girls, one caught in the trap. "...What is she doing?" he whispered while looking at Severine, as she finished chanting and casted the spell.
  15. "Can you... Actually, nevermind." Edward didn't find the sight of the rabbit fat draining on the girl's cheeks pleasant to see, probably because of the bellyful he had the day before. He didn't want to be rude, and he knew he would have been if he complained about such a small thing. Not that he could help it though: it has been so long since the last time someone accompanied him in his travels. Sure, he wasn't completely isolated, but still. It felt almost funny to be called "big guy". Edward was durable, but he saw some very buffed individuals since he left home. Maybe L'Veyi just started adventuring, or maybe she was just making some fun of him. In any case, the Miqo'te girl was right. Even if they didn't manage to capture the BandelKuar, not having to worry about how to fill your stomach was a relief. "I agree, we should stay here and watch over the traps. If that moster doesn't come back there's no reason to hunt it down in the first place. I heard the tip of their tails has the same properties of phoenix feathers, but that's all we lose. Provided that the rumor is true, anyway." It was too soon to check the traps. Edward sat down on the same log he occupied last night, with his sword and the items needed for the maintenance. While he was checking the edge for any chippings, he started another conversation. "So, why were you alone anyway? It was pretty stupid for me to wander around on my own, but... How can I put it? You don't strike as capable of holding your own against a group of monsters. Not counting all the unscrupulous people you can find."
  16. And yet you'll never let Florina be straight, will you? XD
  17. A screenshot of tumblr posted on imgur. Someone asked why in every sci-fi we are the basic race or even the weaker, others pointed out our extreme durability even compared to other animals.
  18. Just a little thing I quickly wrote after the idea popped in my mind. I didn't make a spellcheck, so there might me an error or two. Enjoy.
  19. Maybe both gen2 gets wiped out (in other words: completely killed) and their parents help them destroy the powerful demon boss in the afterlife.
  20. @Rapier: Snowy made me pick a shard regardless, so the same should be for you. I don't think your character's appearance should be in the inventory space, you can just add another field. As for the skill, is Snowy's call. Same for Ashura (don't know if named weapons are ok to start).
  21. With Fates out, we now have three different games with a pairing system and children characters. What do you think it's the best? I'm gonna stick to FE4, at least until I actually try Fates. For what I understand, it's fairly similar to Awakening's, except for all that personal skills thing. I like how in Genealogy you have holy blood that affects weapon ranks and inventory inheritance, not only skills and growths to care about. Ah, and regarding growth rates: having all caps except HP being base stat + fixed amount makes almost any possible growth matter, regardless of class (except only strenght on Sety and Corple and magic on Lenster and Faval).
  22. Something something something: something! Something, something... Something? ... Something! [spoiler=Something]Somet On to Madino we go! Some characters are strategically placed to be attacked, while Ethlin makes her way through the trees. Those mages will chase her because they desperately want some attention. Or to die, one or the other. Midir. Never a joy. Cuan. See last comment. I was just trying to weaken the guy, planning an healing from Etlin... But I can't complain that Jamka is an awesome unit. If only GBA dancers were so useful... Grab the money, grab the exp, grab everything! Level-up: HP - MAG - LCK - DEF YES. Dew is not the only one stealing around. Other people are killing stuff. And Levin even gets a level: HP - SKL - SPD You are a mage, Levin. You may actually want to get some MAG sometime. I think effing Ardan got more MAG levels than you. 'course, the opponents pass their turn killing themselves. I help them in the next turn. Staffbot gets yet another level from healing: HP - SKL - STR - DEF And I like it. Her older associate doesn't fare as well: STR She is pretty much set, tho. For me? Why, thank you! Unfortunately, he wasn't giving us a present, and he's also pretty good (actually it's just the castle, this game's boosts are huuuuge) Anyway, level-up for Sigurd: HP - SKL - LCK Thankfully your wife has some decent speed growth to help your son. Uh... Nope. Sure, why not? +3 STR for Fury. She needed that: with her being untouched and everything else being buffed, it's no surprise that she fell behind. I'm not sure if she missed of she isn't fast enough to double that guy. Still, she gets a level: HP - SPD - LCK Good enough. Why do such things keep happening? Aaand he's dead. Ayra's collection of swords increases, but this one doesn't meet her tastes. With her low MAG, a Fire Sword would be the only magic sword worth using with her, but I don't think there's any in Gen1. I don't want to waste this exp. And with this... Ayra's collection of effective swords is complete! Now we can seize. We had no chatting the whole update, gotta fix that. Eltshan's Cross Knights are all that's left of Agustria's military might... If they'd just lower their swords, this'd all be over with. Someone murdered Prince Kurth while he was returning from the Isaac campaign. Meh, I'm not pairing Aideen and Claude anyway. Somebody what!? Who would do such a thing? Well, Lord Vylon was always seen at Prince Kurth's side. But since the murder, he's disappeared. I hate to say this, but... There's suspicion that your father committed the murder. What!? That's inconceivable! There are all kinds of nasty rumours cropping up in Grandbell. The most prevalent one is that you and Lord Vylon conspired to kill the prince. His Majesty's became so overwhelmed by it all that he's fallen terribly ill. Kurth confided in my father for everything. What could my father gain from his death!? What about the two dukes who opposed the prince, Leptor and Langobalt? I'd suspect them. I also thought so, but there's no evidence on either one of them. And the Leptor faction currently has control of the Royal Court. How about His Majesty's aide, Lord Alvis? What does he make of all of this? Yup, that's the best person to trust, Sigurd. (To be fair, I would trust Alvis too, he seems like a capable leader and not that bad of a guy) I'm not sure. I don't think he's bitter towards you, but I can't say he's on your side either. Is that right? Geez... My poor father. Aagh! I wish I could go straight home, but I have orders from His Majesty to guard this area. Claude, what should I do? I'm currently on my way to Blagi Tower. It's on the island just northwest of here. I'm of Blagi descent. If I pray at our holy tower, the truth will be revealed to me. Tiltyu, you are not black. Hey, you're Tiltyu from Freege, right? What're you doing here with Father Claude? I can't have him wanderin' around out here all alone. So I'm protectin' him. And that's a good thing. For some reason, the guy doesn't want to bring a tome with him. ...But you're Duke Reptor's daughter, right? Look, all that fightin' stuff's beyond me. Besides, I'm in love with the priest, you see! I'm at a loss with this child... Well, once I know the truth, I'll rendezvous with your troops. I hope we can return to the homeland together. Me too, Claude. Thank you so much for everything! See ya! I mean... Something something!
  23. Briggid "best" pairing is probably with Holyn. Very good Patty right off the bat and high skill Faval.
  24. If snowy allows it, I don't see a problem with having 2 thieves, provided that they change to different classes later on. I'm changing the wind shard to earth. My skype is simply Enaluxeme.
  25. Name: Edward Appearance: Note: he's holding the sword wrong, Edward would never do that. Race: Mage (doesn't know) Gender: Male Age: 24 Class: Warrior Magicite: Earth Shard Skills/Spells/Abilities: 2 Handed Inventory: Bastard Sword (weapon) Leather Armor (chestplate) Potion (consumable) Backstory: Born in Juvenatium, Edward lived a simple childhood with his father, former adventurer and swordplay instructor. As a child, he loved to play pranks with other children and explore the nearby woods: while he is certainly more mature now, he never lost his willingness to see the world. Unsurprisingly, he learned his father's art. While he wouldn't consider himself a master yet, he thinks he's qualified enough to teach the basics, should there be the need. Once Edward turned 18, his father revealed that his mother didn't die, but he ignores her location: he lied about her being taken by an illness. He feard Edward would run away in search for his mother before being ready to leave, and he didn'want to burden his son with the tought of having been abandoned. An year later, Edward started adventuring, with no destination in mind, and is travelling ever since. Focus: Despite searching for his mother, finding her is not Edward's only reason to travel. He's a young man searching for his place in the world. He may become a knight in some far-away kingdom, work as a mercenary, start teaching like his father, or abandon the art of swordplay for a more peaceful job. Who knows, perhaps he'll make up his mind during his adventures, maybe he'll find friends, or even love.
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