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Everything posted by VincentASM

  1. Haha, it's a start, I guess. But a pretty rocky one. Thanks anyway ^^ Thanks! Oh, that makes a lot more sense. It does look like the first time Sothis has appeared outside of the night Byleth awakened.
  2. Can anyone help me translate or check some translations for some dialogue screens from Famitsu's website? Japanese speech is one of my weaknesses, nevermind some of the more colourful characters we have this time... Here's the current one I'm stuck on: おぬし、 そろそろわしが話すのに慣れよ ! その度に驚いて転ばれても困るわ。 I have no idea what she's saying, but I think it's something to do with her (archaic) way of speech?
  3. Definitely. I think @Kirokan was going to get the book as well. Anyway, I'm super interested in any pages that look like they have lore info. Timelines, country profiles, that kinda stuff ^^
  4. Possibly, since I think it's a valid interpretation. That said, I think they were aiming for "Lorentz" specifically. If that's the case, I'm guessing it'll remain the same in the English version, since they haven't changed any names yet.
  5. Just in case, here's the link for the UK store. Pre-orders for the limited or standard edition from the UK store come with a free coin and pouch too. Looks kinda tacky, but hopefully they change the design. Maybe to one of the crests.
  6. I think you're right on all counts. It's more or less the same UI as Echoes. So it's 3 uses remaining in the screenshots. I think that would be pretty cool. I wouldn't even mind if he was just testing you. It beats him dying near the start like nearly every other protagonist's parent. Also, unless I'm mistaken, he rejoins the Knights of Seiros. Assuming the Church is at least partially corrupted, there's a decent chance he'll end up on the opposing side. Conversely, the battalions that joins you are from the Knights of Seiros. So it's possible he'll assist you at one point, but then die helping you...
  7. It could just be fluff like the calendar in Echoes. At the least, I do think they will use the calendar to limit certain activities per day. Like the study lessons for example.
  8. Right, I forgot they changed that in Echoes. In Gaiden, they were classified as White Magic--well, only Nosferatu was, Seraphim was still Black.
  9. Fair point. It looks like a more traditional line up, but it could change with later ranks. I actually think they're not allowed to reveal those details, until Nintendo lets them. You can usually notice this with all the different magazines reporting the same kind of things. Well, Faith magic seems inspired by White Magic from Echoes/Gaiden, which had offensive spells like Nosferatu and Seraphim.
  10. Oh yeah, her ponytails are further apart now. Makes her look less like a generic character XD I think some of it might be the change in angle though... Also, looking at the class profiles, it seems magic is restricted by class. Commoners and Nobles can wield a "small amount" of magic, while Monks can wield magic, freely I guess. Myrmidons, Soldiers and Fighters don't have any mention about magic, so I'm guessing they can't use it.
  11. All four are called base classes and are available at Level 5. I dunno why Fighter seems to need more aptitudes though. Oh, it's also Fighter, not Warrior. But it's a very easy mistake to make. EDIT Maybe Myrmidon and Soldier are more specialised and need C in Sword/Lance or something?
  12. Actually, those are Iron versus Steel weapons. The category is "stock". So you can only buy 3 of each Steel weapon right now. There's only one more lance compared to swords though--and that's because lances have Javelin. Oh yeah, what's really cool is that after Steel, there are Practice weapons. I think they were localised as Trainer (Sword) and Practice Axe in Path of Radiance.
  13. Yup, good eye. Lysithea is what I've been using. She's also the character beneath Hilda.
  14. Yeah, looking good. We also got confirmation for Mercedes since she's speaking in one of the screenshots. Anyway, it's cool we managed to figure out most of the house members before we got any official information XD I am curious about that recurring female though. I'm guessing you could recruit more students later. Or maybe it's just a generic student? That could explain why we keep seeing "her".
  15. Nah, I think they'll keep it something similar. So far, none of the characters have had name changes and we've got Claude who's really close to Genealogy's Claud. Although I guess he's from a non-localised game. I'm still not 100% sure, but I think they're wearing male clothes. The big eyes are throwing me off though XD
  16. Yeah, there is, haha. Just in case, there's a clearer version of the Skyrending Pulse screenshots. Like this one:
  17. Click me A lot of the screens are the same from the magazine, but there are some new ones. Here's some of the more notable ones: Note: The pics I've attached are the preview images. You can make them bigger by clicking the Famitsu images. Felix from Blue Lions Hubert from Black Eagles Note: The enemy is wielding Nosferatu. Ignace from Golden Deer EDIT Garreg Mach Monastery There is a calendar system is place. Today is 23rd of the 4th month. Current season is Sun, which may be translated as Solstym, if you follow Valentian convention. The objective is to speak to the 3 House Leaders. I think I see a cat as well? Meow.
  18. The "third" name is just Raphael, I think. The last symbol is a Nu, but it is hard to see.
  19. It's also featured in the Seasons of Warfare calendar. But if that''s the Church of Seiros's flag, what's the flag being raised in this image? Edelgard can be seen holding this flag too, but it doesn't look like Adrestia or the Black Eagle's. I guess it could be the Knights of Seiros? Hopefully we'll find out soon anyway.
  20. Some of the info is believable, but I'm always skeptical. In this case, they seem to be levying the fact that armoured Pokemon aren't real to make the "leak" seem more believable. Also, I hate to sound like a certain time-traveling fairy, but this is not a "leak". Unless there's proof, this is simply a "rumour". A real leak is when Nintendo or a retailer accidentally reveals some information. Or when a legitimate insider shares some information. This seems to be none of those.
  21. Yeah, he mostly worked alone for Silverbirch, last I heard. But the bulk of the work was already done in Vestaria Saga I. This gaiden is presumably like an expansion or DLC that recycles assets. Still, writing all the new dialogue and designing all the maps and events is a big task. So he definitely worked really hard. They have been a bit quiet but it's still coming. I heard the SRPG Studio engine isn't that friendly, which makes it harder for all the translation and QA they have to do.
  22. Yeah, since that's the primary written language in China. I guess they were only targeting China at the time, not Hong Kong etc.
  23. I only spent a tenfold since I'm still saving up. Got a Liger and dupe Cupid, which was alright. Now I have every 5-star Light Dragon and almost none for the other elements, ahaha. I also cleared High Midgardsormr recently with Valentine Hildegarde. Double wyrmprints make it easier now, but you still run into iffy players in public rooms. One day, I might build a Valentine Ezelith since finding a room as a healer is a pain. Current wyrmite stash is 76.9K
  24. Around 2006/2007, Nintendo was pushing the iQue Game Boy Advance in China. Originally, they planned to release a Chinese version of Binding Blade but it--along with many other games--never passed review. That version disappeared into obscurity until a few days ago. Thanks to Hidden Palace, you can now download the lost prototype. As far as I can tell, the game is fully translated. Besides the text, I haven't noticed any changes. There are two extra splash screens at the start though. The game's Chinese title is also "Emblem War Records" or "Emblem Chronicles/Saga". Right now, the game is simply known as "Fire Emblem" (in English) in Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc.
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