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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. Something trivial I noticed when working on something.


    A slightly pointless detail, but if you look carefully at the wall behind the throne [where the dragon girl is sleeping], it’s the same teal-coloured wall from when the game’s logo is shown. In fact, it’s literally the exact same wall–when you paste the game logo into the top-right corner, the texture matches exactly.

  2. Nothing too special, but if anybody wants the crests from the tapestry without having to turn your head all the time, here you go:


    For reference, going from top to bottom and left to right, crests 1, 9 and 17 seem to be the most important, in that they correspond to the crests/flags visible on the world map.

    I'm also getting Genealogy of the Gods and Hoshido/Nohr vibes from the symbols and their arrangements in the outer circle.

  3. I would be interested. As in, I think it would be ace to have more Fire Emblem games in general, provided it doesn't cause the development team to become stretched thin.

    However, it really depends on how it's handled.

    Right now, we already have Echoes as a potential sub-series to re-introduce older games to newer generations--as well as previously Japanese-only games. Shadows of Valentia seemed to do pretty well without simplifying the mechanics too much, so I'm doubtful they'll go along that path. I'm also not too keen on, for example, simplifying Genealogy of the Holy War or Thracia 776, since the complexity is what made those games so fun.

    Although, say, there was a Fire Emblem Heroes: Chronicles of Archanea or something, I reckon that could be a good way to re-introduce Marth to newer fans, especially since Shadow Dragon was kinda lackluster and failed to do its proper job.

  4. 38 minutes ago, NinjaMonkey said:

    I'm pretty sure that if there was an avatar, then it would have been mentioned in the trailer. So, I'm going to assume that IS are dropping avatar characters for this game.

    Awakening's first trailer didn't mention an Avatar. We fans just guessed it from the evidence available.

    This is looking to be a similar case, except we've only seen one version of Beyleth so far.

  5. 1 hour ago, Tactician_Iris said:

    @Aggro Incarnate beat me to it, but Regan is located directly south of the Moon Crest/Glyph on the map.

    I do believe Hresvelgr is spelt that way on the map though, since an extra ligature on a minuscle v was not uncommon for this kind of blacklettering (it's a sort of Bastard Secretary/Lettre Bâtarde style). It's easy to mistake a v for a b at a glance, but if one looks at Enbarr in the south you can see that the b has a more rounded shape than the v. The third region is rendered as Blaidad on the map, the i is faint, but there (I didn't spot it until I replayed the trailer).

    Thanks, that's a huge help!

  6. 25 minutes ago, Tactician_Iris said:

    Oh, look blacklettering - my kind of Calligraphy.^^

    But dang that is a very blended style - is it French/Anglo Saxon minuscels? It can't decide at any rate


    I'm in a bit of a hurry, but anyway, here's what I'm seeing that hasn't been mentioned yet (as of me writing this post):

    Note: N=North, W= west and so on. M=Mid.


    • Garatea (MN)
    • Guinivere (NW)
    • Vergilius (ME)
    • Toutatia (NW)
    • Brionac (W)
    • Alill (N)
    • Regan (N)
    • Hofring or Nofring (W)
    • Edamand/Edmund [due to how the a/u are rendered it could be either] (NE)
    • Mylddin (SE)
    • Hrymr or Nrymr? (E)
    • Amid (ME)

    I'll take another closer look once I have my reference material at hand - and I'll use the bigger map from the JP website that you linked in the other thread @VincentASM.

    But, I'm heading out so it might be a while before I have a chance to.

    Thanks. I can't seem to find Regan though. Can you point that out?

    I just noticed there's a place called Bladdad to the north.

    Also the three key characters have Hresvelgr, Blaiddyd (Bladdad) and Regan as their surname. I can see Hresbelgr on the map (towards the far south, near the emblem) and Bladdad, so Regan would complete the trinity.

  7. 1 minute ago, Thane said:

    Man, Edelgard and Dimitri sure have some difficult last names; I completely transcribed them incorrectly from katakana!

    Yar, it's not your fault. They really seem to like their mythological references ^^

    I kinda knew the first one (I think I saw this in Bravely Default or Golden Sun?) but the second one I had to Google.

  8. So the first thing we saw in the trailer was a world map (presumably of Fódlan yay, we got a continent with a name again!) with a bunch of fancy text.


    Funnily enough, I'm finding the fancy text--despite being English--kinda hard to read. Besides the really obvious ones like Adrastea and Leicester. Anyone want to take a stab at identifying the names?

    I can also see Rusalka, Brionac, Charon, Aegir(?). Basically very fantasy-esque names.

  9. I think it's nice. It lets them develop the characters without spending massive budget for a manga or anime. It's a shame I don't understand spoken Japanese, ahaha.

    BTW, I'm working on an article for the Echoes drama CD, but here's the description:

    Valentia Year 401

    Chancellor Desaix has been defeated and Zofia Castle has been reclaimed.

    The Deliverance led by Alm crushed General Berkut at the Rigelian borders and has started to advance into the Rigelian Empire. As the march into enemy territory is progressing smoothly, trouble breaks out within the Kingdom of Zofia. Clive, a key member of the Deliverance, sorties a part of the Deliverance to resolve the situation.

    During the march, Alm discovers a village that has been turned into an imperial base, and prompted by Lukas, must make a terrible decision whether to burn down the village---

    As soon as Alm entered the empire, somebody was waiting for him to step foot in Rigel Forest...

    Authored by the development staff, an original story encompassing a whopping 90 minutes! Alm's inner conflict, Lukas's anger, Forsyth's anguish, Python's chivlary, and Faye and Silque's girl talk!? This is an original drama CD that occurs during Act 4, when the Deliverance spend several days in Rigel Forest.

    The bonus track "The Voice Calling for You" is a vocal track included for the first time! This previously unheard song that tells another ending will soon come to light...!

    Disk 1

    Nimble Assassin
    Baffling Forest
    Whereabouts of Justice
    What to Believe

    Disk 2

    Towards the Light
    Battle at Dawn
    Encounter and Farewell
    "The Voice Calling You"

  10. I imagine it's a 10 to 30 sec random clip from the new games. But I also have a feeling that the new games will be revealed prior to the show.

    Of course, I could be totally wrong.

    As such, I'm not really gonna bother to follow it. I've already stayed up for the show once and it was painful (I am clearly not the target audience).

  11. The most notable one for me is a 5* speedy red mage (eg. Celica, Katarina). During AA, I frequently think to myself "hmm, a speedy red mage would be really useful right about now". I guess there's Tharja, but I don't want to 5* her unless she has a good boon+bane.

    I'm also holding back on 5*ing Reinhardt until I get a +Atk one. I've never felt like I needed Reinhardt (I have Brave Bow Cordelia for all my nuking), but I am curious as to how he performs. Then again, I can borrow someone else's Reinhardt in Rival Domains XD

    Anyway, looking through my catalog...

    I only have Brave Lyn out of all the Lyns. I actually summoned two in the original Brave Heroes banner and got two more while trying to snipe Halloween Sakura during Fallen Robin's debut banner.

    I have all 3 versions of female Robin, but only the standard male Robin.

    I have at least one version of every Fates royal except Ryoma.

  12. 51 minutes ago, Mell said:

    So, I'm planning to buy Fire Emblem Echoes today and I heard it's pretty different from Awakening ( the only one I played). I saw some gameplay videos and stuff but I'd like to have some opinions. It's difference from Awakening is a drawback? Does the gameplay differs so much?

    It is indeed very different to Awakening--and most other Fire Emblem games. That's because it's based on Gaiden, the 2nd game that experimented with a lot of things.

    From an objective viewpoint, the changes honestly lean more towards the bad. But you could also view it as an interesting history lesson. Or you may be intrigued enough by all the changes to ignore the flaws.

    What makes Echoes so good is the presentation, from the full voice acting, the amazing character artwork, etc. Overall, I feel like the positives greatly outweigh the negatives. But you should be mentally prepared for the wacky and often drab gameplay.

    If you're interested, I reviewed the Japanese version a while back. I don't think my opinions have changed much, except I can say the English dub is fantastic : )

  13. I'm really hoping the official reveal is soon, since there's very little to go off.

    From the names, they sound like remakes of Yellow, since Yellow was Pikachu edition in Japan. But it's sounding like they're sequels or re-imaginings instead?

    It's also very interesting that they went with Eevee for the other version. The fight for best-selling version is gonna be something to behold XD

    Also, my gut feeling is that these are Gen 7 games. I don't think Game Freak ever said the Switch games would be a new generation. Especially if the games can connect with Pokemon Go as rumoured, since unused data for Go connectivity already exists in Gen 7.

    Plus it would make more sense for Gen 8 to be a new region to keep in line with tradition.

    That said, USUM already broke the mold by adding new Pokemon mid-generation, so I wouldn't be surprised if these games added new Pokemon as well (whether it's Gen 7, 8 or something in-between).

  14. I think it stems from the opening of Chapter 19 of Revelation, which is slightly more vague in the Japanese version.

    When explaining Anankos, Azura says along the lines of:

    "That [referring to the statue]... is the Silent Dragon Anankos.
    The Dawn Dragon of Hoshido,
    the Dusk Dragon of Nohr...
    and the Silent Dragon Anankos of Valla."

    Japanese as a language is really context-heavy, so there are a few ways one could interpret Azura's speech. One of the possible interpretations is that all three dragons are Anankos. However, if you read the rest of the dialogue (when Xander asks why Garon was worshiping the Silent Dragon), it seems more like the three dragons are all separate.

    To make things easier, the localisation adapted the dialogue to make it as non-vague as possible (Azura says each country has its own dragon).

  15. 1 hour ago, Florete said:

    It doesn't mean anything in particular. She's said that before, people over analyzed, and it was just seasonals as usual.

    Not sure if it's already mentioned, but I'm pretty sure it's a sloppy translation mistake.

    Japanese rarely has plural terms, so you generally use the context to determine if something is singular or plural. Also, "new" isn't incorrect per se, but the term they usually use in Japanese is "super" or, in other words, what we call "special" heroes.

    So what Feh is actually saying is "Special hero(es)". Which makes sense.

    Anyway, I'm really hoping for bride Ninian!

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