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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. Article on the main site

    Tentative logo:


    One of the big new features is disposable characters, which are like generic soldiers, but slightly fancier. They exist so you don't have to worry about character deaths as much.

    You can view a bunch of disposable characters in this blog post. Note that the latter half includes some plot important characters. You can also refer to the table in my article to figure out who's who.

    This Gaiden was originally planned for a Summer release, but there's a lot more work involved than expected, and private play-testing is scheduled for the end of this year. So it's looking like it might not come out until 2019. But we've got the English version of Vestaria Saga I, plus the Lucca Gaiden to hopefully look forward to.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Etheus said:

    And I am happy for the 1 million sales. That's great. I represent two of those copies myself. FEW is my most played Switch game. I've given the game positive reviews and word of mouth. But that does not mean that I should just accept the final word on the game being "it's all over. Dunno if there will be a sequel. Sorry if none of your favorite games were represented. Now let's talk about ass and legs."

    I understand your frustration somewhat, but I think you're reading too much into things. It's just a fun little interview to discuss the newest DLC and tie up some loose ends ^^

    With regards to a sequel, I feel like they want to leave it open-ended, like with Darios's fate. Besides, it's not like they can state "yes, we're definitely making a sequel!" without Nintendo and IS's permission. For bigger IPs, announcements have to made via the proper channels. The fact they're interested is already a good sign.

  3. Via the main site

    This interview was published in late April 2018 and talks about the conclusion of the currently planned DLC.

    There's some discussion about the three characters added via the Awakening DLC Pack, some promoted costumes and also a nugget about Darios (where the spoiler comes from).

    From what I can tell, development on FE Warriors is implied to be over (as evidenced by this being the "final interview", as well as the various remarks). I think a few people were expecting more DLC, but I believe there was some miscommunication in an earlier interview.

    Anyway, hopefully we get a FE Warriors 2 with characters from other games!

    (Also, I'm not very good at translating speech and I was practicing, so hopefully I didn't make any mistakes.)

  4. 22 minutes ago, SlipperySlippy said:

    There's absolutely merit to your deduction, but it's still a hard bargain since we can only make educated guesses.

    A lot of "hardcore" Fire Emblem fans... are still fans of Awakening and Fates. I feel it's disingenuous to couple "veterans" and "veterans who dislike Awakening/Fates", when the latter is most definitely a vocal minority. 

    What I think is the most believable reason for good sales is a combination of viral marketing, the booming success of the Switch & Fire Emblem: Heroes and Fire Emblem Warriors being a solid Warriors experience. Heroes has already pushed the franchise into mainstream media. And, if that games anything to go off of, Lyn looks like to be the most profitable character of the franchise considering the egregious number of alts. 

    Yeah, sorry, my choice of wording was a bit poor. I just meant those who aren't massive Awakening/Fates fans or fans of the classic games.

    I would agree with the success of the Switch and Heroes, plus FE Warriors actually being a good game. But viral marking? Unless you mean all the negative news about the roster choices, which ended up being fantastic publicity in the end ^^

  5. 11 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    But that's kind of the problem. Only really in Japan. I wonder if more fans would have been drawn in if they replaced Shadow Dragon with Blazing sword or Tellius. It would have ensured the people who skipped on the game because of representation might not have skipped the game. 

    The western fans that joined before Awakening weren't really tossed any sort of bone and were very grumpy as a result, some of them didn't buy the game because of this. Wouldn't it have made more sense to get those people on board? I doubt any Japanese fan who really liked Awakening and Fates would have skipped the game just because Marth isn't in but the other side of the fanbase is different. The stereotypical ''veteran'' western fan has issues with the new style but they don't have the nostalgia that ensures Marth and co would make up for the lack of the older games. 

    Yeah, it's hard to know which way would have had better results. At the end of the day, we're all armchair analysts, haha.

    For what it's worth, like @Jedi said, Shadow Dragon (or the first game anyway) is iconic for being the first Fire Emblem in Japan. I am not super familiar with the Japanese community, but I imagine it's similar to comparing with the original Super Mario Bros or the very first Legend of Zelda. So it's not just that it'd be nice for the devs to acknowledge it, they probably have to as well ^^

  6. My advice would be to take things slowly and don't rush. This applies to most big projects.

    What you can do is routinely brainstorm ideas and experiment with various engines until you can focus your project. Ideally, you should have a clear vision of what your project will become. Then do your best to work towards that vision. If you don't have a clear idea at the beginning, that's totally fine!

    As for more specific advice, I think one of the most important steps is to choose a genre as early as possible. Do you want a strategy RPG just like Fire Emblem or perhaps a traditional RPG where you wander around towns and dungeons? Or maybe even just a visual novel or point and click adventure game?

    Also, try not to feel too unmotivated when things don't seem easy. After all, you're probably just one person and probably an amateur (versus, say, a group of professional game makers).

  7. 9 hours ago, SlipperySlippy said:

    But why?

    Also, focusing on Fates/Awakening/SD and being successful are not correlated.

    Fates and Awakening are more marketable in the West and Japan--and Shadow Dragon in Japan.

    While we probably won't know how much of an impact that choice had, I have a feeling it had a big influence. After all, most FE fans these days are probably Awakening and Fates fans, given those games sold the most.

    On the other hand, it suggests hardcore fans are probably a minority. Especially those who opted not to buy the game because of the focus on those particular three games. Otherwise sales would probably be much lower.

    Anyway, that's just what I'm thinking.

  8. 19 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

    Hi Leanne.
    This might be a stretch, but does the software allow to randomly cycle between banners? Would be cool to have different characters and stuff.

    There isn't any feature like that, but it should be possible to code in theory.

    I think we very briefly had a rotating banner at one point, but that was for a very old version of the forum software. That or the code became outdated before we got to use it...

    Anyway, I'll try to look into it, but don't expect it for a long time ^^;;;

    17 hours ago, Ae†her said:

    I actually wanted to make a thread addressing the one color space at the top of the forums page, and if imagery could be added like drawn trees for Serenes Forest or stars in the night sky for Night Forest, but I didn't know if it was out of place so I didn't. Anyways, I like the changes so far. I see there's still some tinkering going on because of the way Leanne's image is looking a little weird, but I'm glad that the blank one-color space is being replaced with some imagery.

    We had some actual banners a while back, but the latest big forum update kind of broke them. Sadly, we just never got around to updating the banners >___<

    By weird, do you mean the fading out along the edges? Or something else? That's because Leanne and the logo are placed on top of the background image and there's automatic padding around the edges.

    15 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

    I love the new header! Really brightens up the place :D

    Do you have a link to the image used, please? Especially the version with Leanne (and hopefully any other characters)! I'n pretty sure I've seen all three herons in that style but I can't find it...

    Yeah, it is Leanne's newest card from Fire Emblem Cipher.

    @Kirie compiled a bunch of cards from the same series over here. (Be wary of mild Tellius spoilers and what ifs.)

    13 hours ago, unique said:

    i like the new night forest banner but also it kinda makes it look like lehran's setting serenes on fire 

    Hahaha, I was a tiny bit worried it might look like that. The other reason I chose him is because he was canonically at the forest during the fire.

    8 hours ago, Septimius Severus said:

    I like the new avatar size and banners. They look great~

    I'm also seconding this.
    Please keep it forever.

    Oh dear, the avatar I whipped up in a few seconds has probably got more approval than some I spent hours on XD

  9. 20 hours ago, Johann said:

    @VincentASMUsing the default theme, but I'm not too crazy about the notifications blending in with the background. Seems worst of all with the default theme. Maybe either a more contrasting color than white, or perhaps a little box around those items and shift the art over a little?


    I've added a translucent box now. Hope that works : )

    Also, you may have noticed another change to the default banner...

  10. 59 minutes ago, Etheus said:

    I would be legitimately curious to see what crossovers Fire Emblem could have in the future. Hell, maybe they could do something as small as put the Falchion or Ragnell in Dark Souls Switch or Skyrim Switch. Maybe Ike, Marth, Lucina, or Robin could appear as a guest character in Soul Calibur. It's fun to think about.

    I'm hopeful there will be more as well.

    Don't forget we've had FE reps in Project X Zone 2 and Monster Hunter Generations. So from that perspective, Skyrim or Soul Calibur doesn't seem that strange to me XD

  11. 9 minutes ago, Zeratul said:
      Hide contents


    Focused like this it actually doesn't look too bad.
    Though there was one instance where it was more "blurried" but I don't seem to be able to replicate it. Maybe it was a loading issue.


    I changed the banner image to a different one before you posted ^^

    Anyway, I just had enough time to add a character to the Night Forest banner. Hope it looks OK. Didn't realise it was midnight already...

  12. 2 minutes ago, Zeratul said:

    Can I just say that your "Test Avatar" is magnificent?

    One thing I don't like about the "Blue Skies" banner is that you barely see the stuff on the top (like the notification bell, messages and profile) because it is overly white. Of course both functions will have that red number pop over them but it might be better to find something with more contrast.

    The Serenesforest one is rad though.

    Can you upload a screenshot so I can take a gander?

    I tried to pick an image with as few clouds as possible, but it's hard to predict how it'll look in every resolution ^^;;;

  13. 5 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    Nitpick: Maybe it's my rather wide screen, but the light part of the banner in Night Forest bleeds into the upper-right control panel.  If this is the case on something that isn't 16:9, would it be possible to move that section of the forest a wee bit to the left?

    Otherwise, these new banners look really nice!

    I was worried about really wide screens, since I can't test those with my monitor.

    Could you upload a screenshot that I can use for reference?

    Ahaha, anyway, you're all too kind. I had somebody with more graphical capabilities check the banners and I barely got a C grade for them XD

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