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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. 13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Referring to Alm and Celica or some unnamed heroes of yore?

    If the former, what opportunity existed to give them dragon blood? Celica had the resurrection I guess, but I never heard any chance that Alm could have had of getting Duma's blood.

    It is referring to unnamed heroes.

    Outside of that, I don't think there's much information. My gut feeling is that the heroes were Rigel and Zofia. If you look at the new timeline, the kingdoms of Rigel and Zofia were founded not long ago. Seeing as there's a Rigel III mentioned, I imagine there was a Rigel I who was the founder of Rigel--and one of the champions.

    Meanwhile, around the same timeframe as Rigel III, there is a Lima III. But rather than Lima I being the founder of Zofia, I suspect the founder was Lima I's ancestor or relative, Zofia. Actually, my memory is a bit hazy, but I feel like there's something in the game that explicitly mentions Zofia being a champion... I'll need to dig around.


    Found it. There's a villager in the Forest Village that says this:

    Luthier and Delthea descend from the founder of our village, so they do. She was a mage, one who was said to be the champion Zofia’s finest disciple. For generations, children in their family have been born with a gift for magic, though only those in our village and the late king knew of it. So what fool told those damned Rigelians? *sigh*

    It sounds like Zofia was a powerful mage, which makes sense since Celica is her descendant.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

    I wonder what would happen if they did another remake of an early FE game and the characters designs were significantly different from the original. Would they just make entirely new copies of the entire roster for that game? e.g. What if there was an original Gray in FEH prior to his significant Echoes redesign.

    I was wondering that myself.

    But after thinking about it, I have a feeling the characters will probably look similar to their FE Heroes version. In a sense, you could say they've already been designed for potential remakes.

    One of the reasons why the characters from Echoes got redesigned is because their original designs were very bland. After that, the characters in Mystery of the Emblem were redesigned for New Mystery of the Emblem. Meanwhile the designs in the Jugdral games are fairly decent as they are (at least if you look at the old TCG), although I think Heroes did a great job of touching them like up (eg. Deirdre and Julia).

  3. 52 minutes ago, Marty said:

    Regarding Alm and Celica, I don't think neither of them have any divine dragon blood at all. Duma and Mila never made a blood pact with anyone, the brands are just results of a prophecy, and they don't seem to fade after both dragons are defeated like Grima's.

    The tablets in the amiibo dungeons imply that they do:

    Duma and Mila bequeathed their divine blood to two champions, and brought prosperity to their respective nations. —Valentian Revelations, Chapter 37

  4. 47 minutes ago, Book Bro said:

    Argh, I only want Alfonse, yet I got no green orbs until like the 5th time pulling where I got 1. Got only 1 a couple more times and I pulled Sharena, and a bunch of trash. Spent around 80 orbs and no Alfonse, waiting until after Thracia to try again. It felt like green orbs were made rarer this time on purpose, anyone else?

    I think it's just confirmation bias. But if it helps, there's a smaller chance of Green stones appearing compared to other stones, simply because there are less Green heroes.

    Anyway, I did my free summon, but I'll be painfully waiting for the next Legendary banner before I commit anything. Of the heroes, I'm only interested in Sharena, but just vaguely. More than anything, I just want one of the 4 so I can say I have a seasonal hero XD

  5. 8 minutes ago, MrPerson0 said:

    Google Translate (not the best, I know) says this:

    Damage due to weapon characteristics of "strengthening activity" attack system and special type further increases 
    (Weapon characteristics such as weak attack reinforcement and strengthening strengthening are covered)

    Looks like they are reiterating that only Rainstorm and Strong attributes are affected?

    Google Translate and other machine translators aren't good at picking up terminology, especially made up ones used by Warriors : P


    攻撃系 and 特殊系 refer to Attack and Boost weapon attributes.

    The examples listed, 弱攻撃強化 and 三すくみ強化, are Rainstorm (lit. Weak Attack+) and Triangle+ respectively.

  6. Hmm, I tried looking at the Japanese text in Version 1.0, but all of the DLC weapons like Gungnir aren't in there (as in they were probably scrubbed out). There are some references still there though, like Frederick and Lissa having exclusive weapons.

    Anyway, just to keep things, tidy here's all the new info from the official site:

    Awakening DLC

    The gradual damage inflicted by Tharja's Destruction Pact does not affect the rankings after a battle.

    History Maps are Scion of Legend, Emmeryn and Caravan Dancer (based off Mad King Gangrel).

    New broken armor models: Chrom, Lucina, Robin, Lissa, Fredrick, Cordelia, Owain, Tharja and Olivia.

    New personal weapons

    Thoron (Robin)
    Lissa's Healing Axe (Lissa)
    Frederick's Armored Axe (Frederick)
    Cordelia's Love Lance (Cordelia)
    Missiletainn (Owain)
    Tharja's Hex (Tharja)
    Olivia's Dance Sword (Olivia)

    (Note: In Version 1 at least, Lissa and Frederick's weapons are simply Healing Axe and Armored Axe in the English version. Meanwhile, Cordelia's weapon was originally Gungnir.)

    New weapon attributes

    Attack/Boost+ (increases the damage of "Attack" and "Boost" atributes like Rainstorm and Triangle+)
    Strike Rate+ and All Stats+ from Chrom and Tiki's amiibo weapons.

    Version 1.5.0 Update

    Level Cap increased from 130 to 150.


    Speed Blessing and Luck Blessing: Boosts the respective stats for all party members.
    Healing Blessing: All party members slowly recover HP.
    Convoy Blessing: Increases number of dropped materials.
    Smithy Blessing: Increases number of dropped weapons, as well as level, quality and number of slots.
    Common-Material Blessing: Increases drop rate of common materials.


    It is now possible to record Nintendo Switch videos.
    There is an option to automatically apply the previous blessing before you enter battle (required materials will be consumed automatically). Can be turned On/Off from the settings.
    Improvements to the battle results UI.
    Bug fixes.

  7. By the way, I edited the title. Until it's proven to be an actual leak, I would consider this a rumour at best. Yes, it is possible to hack the Switch, but AFAIK, very very few people can do that.

    In any case, personally speaking, the list looks like every other fake leak/rumour that there's ever been. You've got the confirmed titles for good measure, then a bunch of semi-confirmed or educated guesses to make it seem reasonable. After that, you have the curve balls to make the list look exciting. Unfortunately, the list falls prey to the terrible subtitle syndrome.

    For what it's worth, I would not be surprised if TMS#FE jumps ship to the Switch, but it sure as heck has nothing to do with this shaky list.

  8. 39 minutes ago, Raven said:

    You took both camps or just the left/right one? (and did my Grima help out?)

    I took both camps. I actually don't know if I could forego one of them. I only know taking two camps without attacking the fort wasn't enough.

    My memory is hazy, but there may have been a Grima guarding one of my camps ^^

  9. 22 minutes ago, Raven said:

    I'm having a tough time keeping a straight face imagining someone using actual pen and paper to strategise a Heroes map. That's downright hilarious.

    Granted, I haven't attempted Infernal yet, so I may well be eating my words after my dozenth failed attempt.

    Haha, I was surprised as well. But after so many failed attempts and with a potential victory within my grasp, I was taking no risks!

    I'm a bit embarrassed to upload the pen and paper version, but the layout looked like this:


    Unfortunately Shiro couldn't KO Selena and Myrrh couldn't KO Gunter.

    What I did was KO Oboro with Eliwood, Gunter with Nowi. Then Adult Tiki KO'd Soren from the left side. Finally, Myrrh hit the fort once and Sakura hit the fort twice with Azura's help.

  10. Whew, I finally cleared Infernal last night. I must have tried it over a dozen times and I kept getting really close.

    On my final attempt, I had most of my units clustered around the enemy fort and I literally had to get a pen and paper to plan all the moves exactly so I could clear out the enemies and break the fort. In the end, I had exactly enough units to do it.

  11. 23 minutes ago, r_n said:

    Before you do, I'm pretty sure we found out there was...nothing. It was literally nothing in it. Just a big pack of what I assume is gabage data.

    Ouch. Poor people who have limited Internet usage...

    I imagine the Awakening DLC was scheduled earlier, but they couldn't fully cancel it at the last minute, so instead they swapped the download file with a dummy file.

  12. 1 minute ago, MrPerson0 said:

    So, practically useless like Desperate+. Great to hear! /s

    I don't use desperation tactics, but it seems easier to use in theory since you don't have to do anything for your HP to drop. Essentially, assuming you don't get hit, your character gets stronger as the battle progresses. Still, it does seem really risky to use and perhaps not worth the pay-off.

    Anyway, I will probably close this topic in a bit, since we probably won't be finding out what that mysterious download was. If we do find out, feel free to make a new topic or PM a member of staff to re-open this topic.

  13. 1 minute ago, r_n said:

    Is Destructive Pact the japanese name for Vengeance? Because that's the exact effect

    No, but good thinking.

    I also typo'd the description, just in case you saw the old one. Anyway, the difference between this and Vengeance is that the skill holder's HP apparently decreases automatically with time. I assume this is what the "pact" is referring to.

    Just now, Technoweirdo said:

    On an unrelated note, @VincentASM, I should've checked on this earlier, but did you ever finish labelling all of Sakura's soundbites?

    Unfortunately not, but I did make some progress locally ^^

  14. Skill info. Note that the skill names may change, although at least one should remain the same.

    Olivia has Galeforce, which raises Awakening and Warrior gauge each time a strong enemy is defeated.

    Tharja has Destruction Pact, which increases attack power with low HP, but causes HP to slowly decrease with time.

    Owain has Balancing Resonance (very loose translation), which increases attack power the smaller the difference between the STR and MAG stats.

    EDIT: Fixed a mistake.

  15. 10 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    A quick update to keep people in the loop. Things have come up at work, which chewed into the weekend, so things will be delayed until tomorrow probably (I will try to sleep tonight).

    Current plans are to add tomes, breaths, and staves and update the existing lists to finish the list of weapons in the mid-week wave. Refinements will be added afterwords, though that'll require me finagling with icons, so it may take some time.

    Thanks! I might be able to help with the icons. If you have time, send me a list of what you need ^^

    I've since updated the list of Heroes and availabile skills, although they still need improvement, especially the skills.

  16. Thanks for the suggestions. I'm still trying to think of a way to combat the bots without inconveniencing too many members.

    Personally, I would prefer not to impose a posting restriction, since I feel like it discourages posting. Although I do kind of like the idea of requesting members to post in the Introductions board first. Hopefully the bots don't figure that out though...

    Also, just my two cents: I think these bots are mainly created to increase exposure. So it doesn't really matter if the forum members don't speak the language, so long as the links appear in search engines etc. Likewise, I can't know for sure, but I bet there are probably organisations out there automatically sending the bots to various places all over the Internet.

    Unfortunately, we're just poor victims of unethical marketing : /

    Anyway, time for me to return to the tactics room...

  17. 19 hours ago, Marcus Aurelius said:

    It's been a long time since I've played, but I'm pretty sure that the fire dragon moves in the Japanese version.

    This is not the first time I've heard this claim, but likewise, I have not seen any concrete proof of this happening.

    I always thought it was a misconception from the earlier days.

  18. 8 hours ago, Grima the Fell Dragon said:

    I've noticed, around the same time everyday, a good 2-4 spam bots just come in and start posting spam topics and I'm wondering..... Would there be anyway to stop these spam bots from posting? 

    If not, i will diligently report each post to help out the mods.

    Yes, please report them if you can. They are pretty obvious to identify, but sometimes we are busy and unable to check the forums.

    7 hours ago, Kazuya said:

    I'm pretty sure the moderators know. They seem to just spam General. I'm pretty sure an IP block could solve the problem. 

    I'm afraid it's not that easy. This is also a problem with other forums as well.

    Basically, whoever is sending the bots is using a variety of IPs. If we implemented wide range bans, a lot of actual members would be affected.

  19. 8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    I remember reading up the party was suppose to start at the bottom of the map. Unfortunately, I can't find where I read it. I already rechecked the Protoype section of Blazing Sword on the main site, but found nothing.

    For what it's worth, there's a picture on how to open the debug menu, which shows the final chapter, and the character at the bottom.

    But it's hard to say if they really started there, or it's something else involved with using the prototype. And yes, the final chapter had a different color, but it is the same map.

    You might be thinking of this.

    It was a long time ago, but I remember the spellcasters being annoying. That's probably why the party was moved higher in the final release.

    I don't recall the Fire Dragon moving in either of the betas, but it's possible he moved in an earlier beta that we don't have. We may never know though!

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