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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. Ah yes, sorry, I've been focusing on other things and have been procrastinating a lot on the Heroes front.

    A while back, I hired @Ice Dragon to help work on the content, but he seems to be busier than I expected. I know he has worked on the weapon databases somewhat recently. Anyway, I'll try and discuss if we need some more people on board.

    Right now I've reorganised the main page a little and I'll probably tinker with it some more soon.

    I don't mind linking to external sites, although I prefer not to, simply because I can't control the content. At best, they can become inactive or disappear outright and at worse, they could have malicious content--which I don't think will happen, but you can never be too sure.

    I do have some downtime right now, so I'll try and add some new pages and update some of the current ones. I probably won't have time to do everything right now though.

  2. 1 hour ago, Flee Fleet! said:

    I guess I should mention those spammers who spam sites about sport matches or something.

    What's worse is that they speak in English, so I voice them as robots, lol. They also often make topic titles that seem like something a normal poster would make for discussion, but unfortunately its just bait.

    Oh yeah, those ones are pretty sneaky.

    As obnoxious as the Korean/Chinese/etc. spam is, at least it's super obvious, so we--the moderating team--can easily identify them.

    Anyway, I'm pretty sure this problem isn't unique to SF; I imagine a lot of other forums get this (especially those powered by IPB or similar forum software).

  3. After some fumbling around, I cleared Infernal with my dragon team (Young Tiki, Nowi, Ninian and Myrrh). It's what Zephiel would have wanted, right?

    I kept getting stuck around the halfway point, when all the enemies start clustering near the middle. But then I remembered to use Myrrh's Reposition to get my dragons out of danger.

  4. 1 minute ago, RedRob said:

    I care more about it than most of the stuff in this Direct. If only because Pikachu seems to be a funny character.

    Annoyed it took so long for it to get a western releases though. Wasn't it releases in Japan like 2016 or something?

    They were waiting for Part 2 to release in Japan so they could translate and release 1 and 2 as a complete package. In Japan, Part 1 was digital only IIRC.

    It's been a while so I am not 100% sure.

  5. 7 hours ago, 47948201 said:

    Whoooaaa that is sure a lot lol, thanks!

    (EDIT: Oh, though, efforts and stuff like that aren't counted? Not a big deal, the system stuff is cute and unique compared to battle voices which also have versions from Fates, but uh, how much effort are these things to rip?)

    I can't get them right now. You can try following the topic I made a few days ago for updates. Or if I remember, I'll ping you ^^

  6. @Technoweirdo

    Thanks, that's a huge help!

    Here are the Japanese versions. I had to download the 2 GB Japanese voice pack to get them XD

    From what I understand, the internal numbering has Corrin F and Robin M first, then the gender swaps.


    DLC lines are separate and for each DLC pack as well.

    Sadly I don't have the Fates files, so here are the additional voices for Sakura from Shadow Dragon.

    Grunts and spell incantations seemed to be stored elsewhere. Sadly, I'm not sure if I can extract them, since they seem to be compressed at first glance. Although I wouldn't expect sound files to be compressed if they need to be quickly used by the game all the time...

    Anyway, I'll keep looking later ^^

  7. I'd say "killed" is a strong word, but I do agree the developers pushed themselves too much, which caused some problems for the game.

    Although there was a fair amount of asset recycling, they essentially had to develop three fully fledged games in the time it takes to make one game. Which is no easy task for the size of the company.

    Personally, I think they should've just stuck with two games and maybe condensed Revelations into DLC episodes. Because as much as I enjoyed Revelations's fanservice, it was wholly unnecessary as a story path. They could've combined all the information you learn with Hidden Truths, which I also felt was unneeded.

  8. Thanks to @SciresM, I have access to the voice files from the game.

    Right now, I'm trying to label all the voice files, but it's a bit difficult since there are quite a lot of voices. So far I've identified all the ones from the in-game sound gallery, but there are lots left, including many context-sensitive lines.

    Here's my current progress with Sakura: Click me

    • "Battle" is for mid-battle messages when the character is the system voice. Complete minus one.
    • "Sysdialog" is for menu messages when the character is the system voice. Complete.
    • "Sysvoice" is for general battle dialogue. This is the one that I need the most help with.

    For those who don't use Sakura, I'll add Elise's voices soon. Then I'll try and add some more common characters like Rowan and Lianna.

    Also, if anyone is good at mass-labeling files, please let me know!


    Elise's voices added: Click me


    For convenience, here are the zip files:

    Sakura / Elise

  9. 3 minutes ago, Anomalocaris said:

    That sounds like the right move, yeah.

    Though... I admittedly don't know how to link to individual songs in the player or anything like that. ^_^;

    I would just take the lazy approach and simply tell users to visit the link if they want to listen to the music ^^

    The page itself can just be a list with hints of how to unlock the songs perhaps.

    If an opportunity arises, we can always add links to the wiki page later.

  10. 37 minutes ago, Anomalocaris said:

    Oh, nice. Thanks for doing this!

    Some of the titles seem a bit odd though. Like "The Darkest Shade of Black". I'm pretty sure that's called something else in-game.

    Edit: Do you want me to link to this sound player on the Warriors section of the wiki?

    I just grabbed the names from the first file I found. I don't actually have "The Darkest Shade of Black" in my sound gallery, but I believe it's from Owain's introduction movie (where he appears in front of Lissa).

    It might be a good idea to make a page that links to the sound player. For one, the music in the game appears to be in a different order, so it might be useful to use that order. Also, I'm not too sure how it works, but it seems you need to listen to the songs to unlock them?

  11. A special thanks to @SciresM for providing the game files.

    Click me!

    I will add easier download links later. Also, there is the Shadow Dragon DLC music, but no Fates DLC music just yet.

    Tracks 97-99 are from the Shadow Dragon DLC. If I mislabeled these tracks, let me know.

    Finally, Track 96 seems to be a repeat of Track 71; I couldn't hear any differences anyway.

  12. On 2/19/2018 at 3:41 AM, Anomalocaris said:

    Ah, good, good. We can probably just copy and paste those in with permission from the folks in that thread. Though I'd definitely bold the character names.

    I also set up a preliminary History Mode script page, so now the only red link on the main page is Sound Gallery. @VincentASM How exactly will we go about filling in that page? Embedded music players?

    Sorry, I missed this when I was away from home for a week.

    Anyway, I'm currently trying to rip the music now. It seems to have worked, but I may need help labeling the tracks. Watch this space...

  13. 12 hours ago, Ae†her said:

    That one kind of looks a bit more colorful than Missiletainn in Awakening. Missiletainn in Awakening looks very similar to Mystletainn (Awakening's Mystletainn anyways) actually, same shape and colors. Unless of course the lighting is causing the dark blade part to look whiter than usual, and that blue part is a very hard to detail to notice on my 3DS.

    I'm curious though what the sword all the way to the far right is though.

    Yeah, the replica seems a bit more brighter.

    Here's a picture I took from the game in the desert where there's better lighting.


  14. I bought Binding Blade while I was on vacation in Hong Kong. Previously, I heard Fire Emblem was basically fantasy Advance Wars, so it piqued my interest.

    Afterwards, I ended up beating the game 8+ times because I couldn't get enough of it. However, I had a bootleg copy so the save data eventually stopped working and I lost all my progress >___<

    One of these days, I need to buy a legitimate copy of it...

  15. 5 minutes ago, Azz said:

    The real question we should ask though is, why Missiletainn out of all the swords in FE?

    I'm assuming for the memes? XD

    14 minutes ago, Thane said:

    Here's an image of the weapons I took. The only weapon that got left out was Armads, to the left. Maybe it's one of the swords further back? I don't recall seeing that one though.

    It could be one of the swords near the back since Missiletainn's handle looks sort of similar to many others, with a green jewel surrounded by a golden casing. Or maybe Kawade kept it to himself ^^

  16. 6 minutes ago, Zelgius said:

    It looks similar to Odin's Missiletainn.

    We have a winner!

    I think @Azz deserves bonus points for answering Mystletainn though.

    Anyway, since it's hard to tell from screenshots, here are the renders of the Mystletainn and Missiletainn in Awakening.

    EDIT: I think the sizes are meant to be the same, but I was lazy to move the camera to the exact spot for both.

  17. 11 minutes ago, Thane said:

    I don't recall seeing that being offered for the photo event...

    Strange. I was gonna ask you actually ^^

    9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    Is it Mercurius?

    I had a look and it's not that. When I have a bit more time, I'll post the render for Mercurius and other swords that it's not.

    4 minutes ago, Darrman said:

    I have no idea, so I'm going to guess it's some super special sword used in one of the manga.

    I thought it could be from Hasha no Tsurugi, but it's not Al's Champion Sword. Any other manga is probably far too obscure to be featured ^^

    1 minute ago, Azz said:

    It looks like Mystletainn to me. Or it could be what's his names sword from Hasha no Tsuguri.

    Hmm, you're on the right track...

  18. Sorry, I have a terrible habit of multi-tasking and forgetting important details ^^;;;

    Anyway, I'll need to use the calculator to figure out how to propel myself back into Tier 20. A couple of months ago, I sneaked in every other season, but now I can't break past Tier 19 anymore. I'm assuming my merge counts are falling behind, which makes sense since I prefer to 5* unique heroes, rather than work on my arena core.

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