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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. 5 hours ago, Motendra said:

    So I just had a thought.

    For individual characters in their moveset section, would it be okay/possible to use gif images to visibly showcase them, instead of trying to describe it? Or would that cause a bandwidth problem, etc?

    Fair question.

    I'd like to have animations, but GIFs might be excessive. I'm not too worried about SF's bandwidth, but that of the user's, especially those who aren't on unlimited.

    I'm not quite sure how we would add it to the wiki, but using Youtube or even a MPEG version might be a better solution. Due to the way GIFs work, an equivalent MPEG can be a LOT smaller, especially if there's a lot of colour and motion.


    I didn't get enough time, but I added a promotion gains table for Rowan to Lissa, in case anybody wants the template.

    You can also grab it here. Just go to edit "Level 99 stats", then replace the top row and above with this. I also find it weird how the order of stats is different during promotion and on the status screen...


    ===Promotion Gains===
    {|class="sf" width="700px"
    |- style="text-align:center;"
    ===Level 99 Stats===
    {|class="sf" width="700px"

  2. 6 hours ago, Metakirby said:

    Well I played the Japanese version and I had the same pieces with the same chapters so I think it's not random? Either way if needed, I'll have them! 

    Hmm... It could be my mind playing tricks. Hopefully they're in the same places all that time, but regardless, they'll be very nice to have.

    As for me, I've almost cleared story mode. Should have beaten before I go to sleep.

    I made a very brief start on the tome, stone and materials pages.

  3. Hmm, I added a fair amount to the Attack Crests page.

    Most of Sakura's crests are there; just missing the materials for some high level ones.

    I'm not 100% sure how to arrange the data right now. Everyone has the same crests, but the material requirements vary slightly depending on the character.

    Having ~25 tables (for each character) seems a bit excessive, but that might be the only solution. Thankfully, after finishing one table, you can just copy and paste most of the contents.

  4. Yup, take it easy ^^

    I've been playing for a couple of hours and the game seems fun. There is quite a lot of content to play through and quite a few materials to farm XD

    Just in case anyone missed it, the FE Warriors wiki is located here. There's also a link in the first post in case this topic (hopefully) gets busy.

    I've added skeleton pages for swords, lances, axes and bows. At the moment, I don't really have a lot of weapons, so I've filled in what I can. Also, I added a tiny bit more to the skills page. Looks like I need to grind a lot more supports to get those skills...

    Next, I'll probably start on pages for the other crests.

  5. Ouch at the game-freezing bugs.

    I am pensively interested in learning more. Hopefully the game isn't too buggy, but I can't be as confident since the game isn't developed by Nintendo/IS themselves.

    I did experience a couple of crashes during a demo I played, but demos are usually unpolished so I wasn't terribly worried.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Folt said:

    If it helps, I'm thinking of doing character guides for certain characters (mainly tome users like Robin and Leo). Though I'll probably play every character that have the same regular movesets to do a bit of research on how their stats make you approach them as a character compared to the other character(s) with that moveset as well. (Except F!Robin and M!Corrin since those two are just glorified costumes and don't change anything noteworthy gameplay-wise in regards to the character at all.)

    That sounds like a plan. It's good to have a focus.

    If anyone else has any ideas of what they'd like to focus on, just shout here.

    Also, if anyone is interested in gathering data for the weapons, items and crests, I think those could be useful. From what I gather, weapons can vary in quality, so it might take a group effort to find all the ranges.

    When I have time, I will try to add some more skeleton pages, like the one for swords. Not too sure what I'd like to focus on at the moment.

    EDIT: I should have sent all the invites now. If I missed you, feel free to PM me. For those who accepted, I will send out log-in details tomorrow, hopefully.

  7. On 10/18/2017 at 1:50 AM, donkeykhang said:

    I'll chip in too if necessary. It's been a while since I've edited a wiki of any sort so it'll be nice to have another swing at it and at least make some contribution.

    Sure, I'd appreciate the help!

    I'll start sending out wiki invites between now and tomorrow for those who expressed interest. There's no need to rush if you get a message; you're free to play the game to get a better feel for it--or even play it all the way to completion ^^

  8. I am conflicted.

    On one hand, I love the choices. Olivia and Linde? Yes, please : D

    But Owain, Niles, Oboro and Navarre are such massive teases. I mean, I like them all, but they're already in the game to some extent...

    At least Gharnef, Iago and Validar aren't included or I'd be really rolling my eyes.

  9. 3 hours ago, Azz said:

    @VincentASM Here is the full list of max stats from the Japanese wiki page.


    If possible, I want to verify them in-game, just in case there are any typos etc. For now, it's still a very useful reference.

    1 hour ago, wissenschaft said:

    We can add a page detailing the mechanics of the game. As in weak point attacks and what the stats mean. Speaking of which:

    There are also skills in the game. Each character has one skill you can unlock. Skills can be shared between characters through supports. This is why everybody can support everyone else despite a low number of supports actually having a support conversations.

    A page on mechanics would be great I think. Especially for Warriors newbies like me XD

    I have a fair idea of how some of the stat-based mechanics work, but not so much the action-related ones.

    There is a page on Skills, but the characters haven't been assigned yet. I can use your info to assign them in a moment.

    58 minutes ago, Folt said:

    Oh I've had some fun doing a bit of trivia with their stats:

    Top 5 Best and Worst Characters in each stat:

    Also, what clones excel in which stats compared to the other (victor in bold, loser in italics if it's between three clones, and stat differences between highest and lowest in parentheses):

    Best character for the Phys/Mag conversion skill for each weapon (except Stone):

    Thanks. We should totally have a section for analysing the characters.

    Dang, I didn't realise Sakura's Magic was so monstrous...

    8 minutes ago, Jedi said:

    I can probably help with small details, but I don't have much time to edit the wiki myself.

    That's cool. Any little helps ^^

    10 minutes ago, Anomalocaris said:

    One thing that might be worth noting. In Hyrule Warriors, a character's C2 combo (weak + strong) is usually a fast launcher attack for juggling enemies into the air, and their C3 combo (weak + weak + strong) is usually an attack with good forward range like a projectile or a lunge. C4 is usually a stationary area attack to hit all around the user, and C5 and beyond vary wildly from character to character.

    I have no idea if that's still applicable here, but I don't see why it wouldn't be since from what I understand it's pretty standard in Warriors' movesets. If it is applicable, that might be a good general tip to mention somewhere.

    I'd be interested to know if FE Warriors follows that structure. Unfortunately I don't know myself since I just spammed buttons when I had a chance to play for a short while XD

  10. 1 hour ago, Azz said:

    Those would be useful. I'm also wondering if we can figure out how the stat gains work, but plenty of time for that.

    Yup, I took a brief look at some Japanese guides. Seems like there's a lot out there, but it's hard for me to figure out things without context. It should be easier once I have the game in hand ^^

    1 hour ago, wissenschaft said:

    Might be a good idea mention characters that work well together. For example Ryoma can knock backs enemies which ends his combos but pair him up with Camilla and you dive attack immediately with her and switch back to Ryoma to continue his combos. It may not sound like much but it speeds up your mob clear times and every sec counts when trying to S rank maps.

    Of course such pair up advice probably has to wait till we have a chance to play all the characters ourselves.

    Pair Up partners and stuff sounds interesting; I hadn't really thought of that.

    Here's a very WIP page for Rowan.

    "Stats" can include base stats, maximum stats, maybe stat growth if we can figure it out. Also A+ support partners could potentially go under here.

    "Movesets" should be pretty straightforward. I am wondering if this should be a table, bullet points or paragraphs. It depends on how thorough the information is. There's a part of me that wants a table with screenshots of every move, but that could be going too far XD

    "Usage" would be how to use the character and pair up.

    Besides that, I'd like to work on the profile a bit more. Not quite sure how to make everything look nice while keeping all the relevant info. I'll think about it for a bit...


  11. 30 minutes ago, nocturnal YL said:

    Do the newcomers come with skills? I doubt it, but it's not impossible.

    I don't see any reason for them not to have skills. I think even Navarre, Oboro, Niles and Owain have placeholder skills.

    4 minutes ago, Lord Chrom of Ylisse said:

    Do you guys think this game is worth buying? I initially wasn't too interested but then I heard some of the soundtracks and began to reconsider. Fire Emblem is my favorite VG series so I think I might want to get this game. Plus atm Splatoon 2 is the only game I have on my Switch rn so I'm not using my Switch as much as I'd want to; this game might fix that.

    If you're looking for a meaty action/time-management game, Warriors should be a good choice.

    Or you could wait until the game comes out to find more reviews/impressions.

    There's also Super Mario Odyssey coming out on the 27th if you don't hate 3D platformers.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Thany said:

    I have some very good Warriors knowledge. So i essentially know how it controls, but is there anything in particular you want information about form fire emblem warriors, like what each battle map is like, what music plays on what stage, characters movesets, or even story, or something akin to comparisons to other warriors games from how this game plays compared to them? Im just curious if theres a limit on knowledge we should add in.

    Unless there's a dedicated trivia section, I would try keeping it FE-themed. So no comparisons to other Warriors games, just in case the reader hasn't played them.

    As for the rest, I totally understand being careful not to clutter the pages. So I'll have to think about it.

    We could perhaps have a brief synopsis of the map at the start. I think the game has one, but it may be after the map is beaten, so in the past tense. Map music isn't too important, but that info could be in the music/sound room page.

    I imagine some experimentation will be required when we start doing the maps. Once we've got the first map done, then we should move onto the rest.

    Anyway, I'll start creating a skeleton for the Warriors section tomorrow ^^

  13. Cool, I didn't expect so many replies so fast.

    1 hour ago, Anomalocaris said:

    I've never worked on this site's pages before, but once I have the game I wouldn't mind working on it if that's allowed. Or is this solely for editors?

    My only other Warriors experience is with Hyrule Warriors, but I do like analyzing the nitty-gritty stuff of these games so I have that going for me at least.

    Anyone can join in. I just need to create accounts on the wiki for those who don't have one. (Accounts have to be created manually by admins.)

    Nitty-gritty stuff sounds like what I need ^^

    1 hour ago, Phoenix_Kensai said:

    I'd be willing to help, though... like you, I don't have a ton of experience with the Warriors games, and I'm not sure how much free time I'll have this month.

    But if there's any way I can chip in,  I'll do what I can.

    Thanks. Don't worry if you don't have a lot of time; any help is appreciated. Or if it turns out you don't have time, that's fine as well.

    1 hour ago, Captain Karnage said:

    I'm up for helping, 

    I just happend to have lost my password :(

    Haha, no problem. We can work something out. I'll PM you later.

    1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

    What exactly do you have in mind for moveset and mission descriptions? I'm not sure if you would need to describe in detail how Elise uses her Magical Girl powers to smite her foes or how many spins Lissa does in her moveset, or if you just say "push these buttons to do this thing that's good against these enemies" and "in this mission beat up a generic archer and then beat up Validar, and then defeat the giant monkeyman and save the 9th dimension".

    For the movesets, I'd like to see at least a descriptive explanation of how to do the combo, what it looks like and what kind of range it has. I'm not too familiar with Warriors, but I'd be interested to see an explanation of the combos in front of me. Like how to do Takumi's arrow rain. Of course, you can just spam buttons XD

    For missions, it could be a brief timeline of the objectives and some tips with dealing with them. I've only played the demo, not the game, but I imagine you'll have an easier time using certain characters against certain bosses. Like high Res units against magic-based units. This might be obvious for FE fans, but maybe not Warriors fans.

    Maybe some advice on time management if a lot of side objectives are occurring. Also, where Anna spawns assuming she's in a fixed location. Or any other secrets if they exist. I'm just guessing for the most part, having not played the full game yet.

    56 minutes ago, Azz said:

    I'll happily help if I am needed.

    Thanks, I'll add you to my list.

    20 minutes ago, Motendra said:

    I'd be glad to do so, once I get my hands on the game (and a Switch)

    My knowledge on Warriors isn't as widespread as Jedi over here, but I've played my fair share of the series (Well, minus Samurai and all the crossovers, barring Gundam, but thats neither here nor there)

    Sounds great. That's a lot more knowledge than me, so don't worry about it ^^

    4 minutes ago, Metakirby said:

    I could help too, playing Warriors since I was 6. Already have the game in Japanese right now, I'll get it on switch as soon as it is released here in Belgium. 

    Great. I think it'll be useful to have people who've played the Japanese version. I'd double-dip too, but I don't have the budget ^^;;;

  14. EDIT: Here is a link to the Fire Emblem Warriors wiki.

    In a few days, Fire Emblem Warriors will be coming Westward. So I'm hoping to expand the Warriors section on the main site with useful game information.

    Fortunately I will be getting and playing the game, but my knowledge of the Warriors series is pretty much non-existent and I've never been that great with action games in general. Therefore I am looking for knowledgeable people who can help and contribute their wisdom to the Warriors section.

    I should be able to handle things like information tables, but for more technical/Warriors things like move sets and how missions are structured, I'd definitely need a helping hand ^^

    Also, due to work and other commitments, I won't have a lot of free time during the latter half of October, so I'm also looking for some grunt work, like moving the support conversations to their own pages.

    The plan is to add the content to SF's wiki. We did the same for the previous crossover, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, as well as the Cipher card game.

    Adding content to the wiki is fairly straightforward, even if you've never used a wiki before. I keep saying this, but if you can figure out how to make a forum account and post here, you're practically fully qualified. That said, if you have any questions, do let me or the other helpers know.

    If you are interested in helping, please post here. Likewise if you have any queries or suggestions.

    I'll post some more instructions later on. Otherwise, thanks for coming by!

    EDIT: Basic instructions for using the Wiki can be found below.


    Creating a SF Wiki Account

    Currently, user sign ups are disabled on the wiki, as a strict measure to stop bots vandalising the wiki (which has happened in the past).

    To sign up, simply post here to register your interest and I'll send you a PM. Alternatively, you can PM me with your desired username on the wiki.

    Beginner's Guide to Editing Wikis

    Note 1: You can also check out the Help section on Mediawiki.

    Note 2: The | symbol is the one to the left of Z on a QWERTY keyboard (you need to press Shift as well).

    1. Editing pages

    You can edit existing pages by going to the page and clicking the "edit" tab along the very top of the page. Likewise, you can create or view discussions, check the page history, etc.

    When editing a page, you should find the editor similar to the one you use for posting on forums, but a bit more simpler. You can use the buttons to bold text, add links etc. or you can manually add formatting yourself.

    Before you become accustomed, you can refer to this cheat sheet for commonly used formatting codes.

    2. Creating and linking to pages

    If you want to create a new page, the best way is to edit an existing page that will link to the new page and create an "empty" or "tentative" link to the new page.

    Green links are pages that exist, while red links are pages that don't exist. Clicking a red link will allow you to create that page.

    You create links by placing [[ and ]] between the name of the page. For example [[Rowan]] if you want to create a link to a new page called "Rowan".

    Sometimes, the name of the page doesn't really suit as a link (or vice versa) or is ambiguous, in which case you can add | after the name of the page and put the text you want for the link after it. Eg. [[Rowan (Warriors)|Warriors]] will create a link to "Rowan (Warriors)" and the link will say "Rowan".

    3. Managing Tables

    Tables can be tricky beasts at first, but easy to tame once you get the hang of them.

    A typical table may be coded like this:

    { |
    ! Header 1
    ! Header 2
    ! Header 3
    | A
    | B
    | C
    | D
    | E
    | F
    | }

    Which looks like this:

    Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
    A        B        C
    D        E        F

    To start a table, use { |. To end it, use | }

    Each time you use |, you will create a new column. Meanwhile, using |- starts a new row. Using ! is similar to |, but treats it as a header.

    If you want more columns, simply add more |. Likewise, if you want another row, add another |-.

    You can also add formatting to tables. By default, you should always start a table with


    This tells the wiki to use the SF style for tables, which adds green colours for the headers etc.

    Often, you may want the table or columns to have specific widths. Simply add width="N px" or wdith="N%" either after class="sf" or before the column content. For the latter, you'll need to use | as a separator. Eg.

    !width="25%"|Column name

    Additionally, sometimes you may want to collapse multiple rows or columns into one. In these cases, you can add




    before the content in a row or column to make that row or column occupy N rows or columns. Similarly, you need to add a | as a separator. Note that if you occupy multiple rows or columns, you'll have to remove the "absorbed" rows or columns as well. Eg.

    !colspan="2"|Column 1 (occupies 2 columns)
    !Column 2
    !Column 3
    |Content in column 1 (A)
    |Content in column 1 (B)
    |Content in column 2
    |Content in column 3

    You can also create tables using HTML, but by omitting the tbody tags.

    4. Other things

    If in doubt, press "Show Preview" to check what your page looks like with your current edits.

    Finally, if you're really unsure about something, let us know in this topic!

  15. Thanks for pointing out the spam topics and a huge thanks to the admins/mods for clearing up the messes ^^

    Whew, I'm glad it's not too difficult to clean up the trash using the forum tools. That said, it was a pain in the butt right before I was in a meeting XD

    I've also banned multiple IP ranges, but the spam bots seem to have a wide variety of IP addresses at their disposal.

  16. Cross-posting from the main site.

    It brings me great pleasure to announce that TheVinceKnight is joining the Serenes Forest team as the chief editor of the Fire Emblem Cipher wiki.

    In the blink of an eye, it’s been over 2 years since the Cipher card game graced us with its presence. During this time, several capable volunteers have worked tirelessly to keep the Cipher wiki up-to-date, making it one of the greatest Cipher resources on this side of the community.

    Among them is TheVinceKnight, who in addition to being one of the mainstays has also been incredibly helpful with recruiting other editors to work on the wiki. So to be honest, his new job will barely be different from what he’s always been doing!

    That said, with his higher position, I am hopeful that he can continue to lead the Cipher section to new heights. By the way, if you are interested in contributing to the Cipher wiki, you are more than welcome to send a PM to either me or TheVinceKnight on the forums.

    Operation Vinception Begin

  17. The game definitely seems to be entering one of its lull periods, unless it's merely the calm before the storm. Although, if I had to guess, perhaps they're spacing out the events so that Japanese players can enjoy the recently-released Warriors in peace?

    But like others have suggested, it's not really a game you're supposed to invest a lot of time in in one go.

    Personally I am quite guilty of spending too much time on Heroes on occasions. This period is particularly bad since I bankrupted all my orbs to try--and fail--to get Olivia. Meaning I have no orbs to do anything and, worse, no Olivia to train : /

    Still, I am reasonably content, since they just gave out an amazing free unit in the Black Knight and I do have the new Azura, which I really wanted as well. Sometimes you can't have it all, hehe.

  18. 26 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

    Geez, you'll make me feel even more guilty taking from you then. Haha.

    Thank you, my friend. Just talking with you about it earlier helped me compose my thoughts to better present it here.

    Instead of the panic mode you saw me being in our Twitter DMs.

    I'm still in shitpost denial making jokes with heroes and our dillema:


    Oh no, I'm not literally poor, thankfully. So you don't have to feel bad at all. I can still afford luxuries, just not that many ^^;;;

    More than enough, I'm happy I could help out. I generally suck at being a pillar of support, but if I helped out even a little just by listening or being there, that makes me glad.

    Haha, it's good to see you're able to poke fun at the situation. That's a good sign, I think.

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