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Everything posted by VincentASM

  1. Whether she "died" or not, the point is that the games make it quite clear that Nagi and Naga are one and the same. Medeus clearly recognises her and her appearance in Awakening is very, very similar. Of course, we don't know really know transpired between Naga's death and her reawakening as Nagi, but the simplest explanation would be that Naga kept her old body somehow. Perhaps the "coffin" she was in, was some kind of advanced stasis pod, not unlike the one Link wakes up from at the start of Breath of the Wild. The other mystery is what exactly was Naga/Nagi doing in another Outrealm? Was she hiding there? And where or what is this Outrealm? But that's probably a subject for a whole other topic...
  2. The only thing I'd argue against is, I'm pretty sure Nagi is just Naga but she woke up/revived early. When the game calls her an "avatar" on "incarnation", I don't think they meant it literally, but rather they were trying to keep the connection as vague as possible. Unrelated, I forgot to mention, but I always thought the Morphs in Blazing Blade had more in common with the Deadlords than the Risen. Of course, this doesn't really factor in the Awakening Deadlords being actual Risen. Hmm... Perhaps the new Deadlords are a combination of a Morph and a Risen (like a double corpse or something)?
  3. Oh yeah, I forgot Mila explains the purpose of Naga's Falchion. However, in terms of the timeline, I do think it would make more sense if Mila and Duma didn't know from the start. My gut feeling is, similar to what was mentioned, Mila realised the purpose after she was sealed and "killed". Perhaps in the spirit world, she communed with Naga or other dragonkin or somehow gained knowledge in a way mortals cannot comprehend. Which reminds me, Awakening DLC spoilers...
  4. That's a good question and the paragraph that has this info actually explains it. Apparently the corruption in the Zofian court persisted even before Lima IV's time. Basically, the Zofians were spoiled by Mila, and this led to conspiracies in the royal court. So that's why the Zofian rulers were more short-lived. I assume the political problem that caused Lima II to promote Mycen was related to this. (And also why Mycen lived through so many Zofian kings.)
  5. I think it might be that. The calendar was developed by an astronomer so they should have measured it accurately. If not, it could explain the discrepancies with the Archanean calendar. But that could be simply the book's mistake since they mislabeled at least one year.
  6. I read it as the seal is meant to even if the city was destroyed. I just borrowed the official English translation, where they worded it a bit vague. If you went by the Japanese translation, it would be more along the lines of: "Even should the city crumble to sand. None shall break the seal of the demon alchemist Forneus." My theory is that the seal is a prototype Fire Emblem (because of its appearance and the way it's a shield that seals) and can only be undone by those with (divine) dragon blood. Which means they never expected, say, Alm and Celica to go there and undo the seal. BTW, a few more tidbits from the book. I'm a bit lazy to translate the pages they're from, since the rest of the info is stuff we know. The Zofian Royal Family The rulers of Zofia, in order, are: Zofia I, Zofia II, Lima I, Lima II, Lima II and Lima IV (so 6 in total). (Rigel is a bit more simpler. It's just Rigel I to III, then Rudolf.) The Seasons of Valentia Flostym, Avistym, Pegastym and Wyrmstym correspond to Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Canonically, there are 91 days in each season. (So 364 days in 1 year.)
  7. @Kirokan Here is the rest of the Thabes stuff. Nothing ground-breaking, but it's nice to have everything together. A Mage's Account While at Forneus's workshop, I watched him study a moving corpse. It was too much for me; I fled in fear. The man was insane. I ponder if his research trespassed the grace of the gods. If he were left unattended, would he bring calamity to this city? Oftentimes, one can hear a terrifying voice from behind the sealed door. Like a baby, but like a monster... Although Forneus committed a great sin, he must have been trying to create a god. I think his insanity started ever since he lost his beloved wife. The Senate's Account In Thabes, lived an alchemist named Forneus, proclaimed for his genius. At the beginning, he was marveled. In time, he would be feared by all. In the deepest part of Thabes, Forneus's workshop can be found. Two matters consumed Forneus, and he spent his life in their pursuit. The first was how to mobilise the dead and control them as his army. The second was the creation of a singular, perfect being. At one time or another, there were rumours of people mysteriously disappearing near the vicinity of Forneus's workshop. We senators urged Forneus to come forth for discussion, and we repeatedly sent missives, but he refused to respond. Eventually, soldiers were dispatched to Forneus. They were strong soldiers who ranked among the best in Thabes. Not one of them returned. Finally, the Thabes Council chose to seal Forneus’s workshop with him inside it, deep within the underground; the path to the workshop was permanently sealed with the Sage's Shield. The seal they used was made to last until the city crumbled to sand. That way, none shall disturb the demon alchemist Forneus.
  8. They are fun maps where you can trigger conversations between certain units. These conversations are usually between characters who don't already have support conversations. On the first turn, you can trigger conversations one way, like Character A can talk to Character B. After a few turns pass, Character B can then talk to Character A and finish the conversation tree. In addition, I believe there are 4 characters who can interact with a special tile on the map and you get a special conversation and cutscene artwork. (Swimsuits for Summer Scramble, etc.) As for the conversations themselves, I don't recall anything really sexual (besides, say, Nowi commenting about Tharja's boingy bits, which was changed in some versions). They are just slice of life things. But it was a long time since I played any of these maps.
  9. What the. Ahaha, the year going backwards is a mistake in the book. Yeah, the years not overlapping confused me. At least it got better near the end.
  10. By the way, some things I wanted to point out. The timing of the mysterious pair's visit appears to be after Thabes was destroyed, hence the ruins. Also, if they have dragonstones, it would be after the dragons' crisis started. The dragonstones seem like a pretty significant detail too. It means they may not be Duma and Mila since those two never knew about dragonstones. Also, it points to dragonkin within the party. On the other hand, when the narrator talks about dragonstones, they use a term only used by Kaga during Holy War. It refers to the jewels on Regalia type weapons like Falchion. So it is possible the party might not be Manaketes. That said, I am not sure if that was the connection they were going for. Very, very few fans know about the dragon jewels. Rather, I imagine the narrator doesn't know what a dragonstone is and called it a dragon jewel.
  11. Well, it A) doesn't need to be retconned because it was described as an Outrealm Gate to begin with and B) Fates has a Dragon's Gate that is an Outrealm Gate, so the reverse should be true. Nils calls the Dragon's Gate a portal in time and space, which is functionally the same as an Outrealm Gate.
  12. I think it was meant to imply that the dragonkin party came from off-shore, but they were not the calamity described in Furian folklore. Here's something else you might like. Dunno if I can translate any more today, since it's getting late. The Death Masks The critical component in the death mask is a particular shelled insect, born accidentally during an experiment to create artificial life. It is as big as a thumb and resembles a shellfish. I have come to call these marvels of nature thanatophages. Placed on a cadaver, shockingly, thanatophages set down roots and assert control by means of internal parasitism, and are capable of moving the body. By embedding the thanatophages so they live on the reverse side of the mask, the death mask is born. When there is no bait, the thanatophages inside the mask sleep like a stone. When placed on a person and given the proper stimulus, they can erode the host body and freely control them within 2 nights. Some kind of preservation fluid is ejected from the thanatophages' roots, which suppresses the host's decay; it appears that they can be preserved for a long time. It also seems like the body muscles are toughened compared to before death. Thanatophages feast on the flesh of the host, but it seems they like to move the host to hunt for prey and take in nutrition that way. The masks exist to tell the thanatophages that their will is mine, to control them. The shape and design of the mask is based on the face of my deceased wife. Since the cadaver can move. Then, what would happen if they were placed on a living human... it is interesting to think about. Thanks to the senate, I have many cadavers at my disposal. I can create an army of masks. They are faithful and only listen to my orders. Some may call them hideous, but to me, they are my adorable pets.
  13. Oh yeah, the kanji refers to a blue/green colour, so it can be read as blue or green, depending on the context. Like the blue colour of the sea or skies.
  14. Oh yeah, it makes sense from the Valentia Accordion. It was just confusing in Echoes, where they left it vague. For a moment, I thought Alm and Celica were the calamity...
  15. Oh yeah, here is the Japanese text if anybody wants to scrutinise it. 碧き炎をまとったかのような勇者と、輝く羽を持つ乙女であった。 あれは・・・・・神々しこ、あるいは竜の者たちが持つ竜玉の、 Yeah, it is azure; as in, it's a different kanji versus the one in Ike's title. Although... I just remembered. "Azure-flame" is the Japanese name for Vert, one of the five gemstones in Awakening's Fire Emblem. Guess where Vert is in Awakening? In Chon'sin...
  16. I am just as confused, honestly, haha. I am torn between the pair being Alm and Celica or someone and Naga. Although when they talk about dragons, I have a feeling it is supposed to be read literally. I'll have to see if I can dig up any new info. The calamity from the west confuses me as well. This is actually mentioned in game when you visit Furia. Also, I was thinking of Ike, but he's not a dragon unless he blood-bonded. Even still, he's the hero of "blue" flames, not azure. But that could be the historian's choice of words...
  17. By the way, here's the first parts that I skipped over. Note that some of it may be slightly inaccurate because I had to guess or outright skip some tiny kanji. "Unexpected Things" (From a historian's transcripts) In the dark night, I witnessed fireflies, then thousands upon thousands of death. In the darkness, there may be the light of dawn. Darkness has a will of its own, and it mockingly laughs at each life. **************************************** That fishing village was "unusual". Everyone seemed to give me a deadly stare. The shadows from the western sea that I saw, they were "unusual". I heard the following old stories from those who lived in Furia for a long time. It is said that a great calamity shall come here from the western seas. An ancient fell god driven yonder by the divine dragons' ruler, holding a grudge against the land of Archanea, shall return--- Therefore, they train in combat. To prepare to face the unknown horror. So that's why the air in Furia Harbour feels so thick and tense. When the Furians reach adulthood, it is said they test their bravery by visiting the ancient city ruins in the north of the eastern desert. The ruins are home to ruffians, and sometimes Terrors appear. They are taught to travel the desert, where the horizons are naught but sand, until they suddenly see the abandoned tower. That tower is the tower of Thabes, the ruins' landmark. **************************************** That day, it was not the calamity that came from the western seas. A hero that seemed to be cloaked in azure flames, and a maiden with shining wings. They were... gods, or dragonkin with dragonstones; a mysterious group that livened the place with their majestic presence. But, in other words, they were "unusual"--- My curiosity gave me no choice but to follow them. **************************************** "It", suddenly was "there"; emotions beyond my knowledge awakened inside of me. Fear, awe and despair--- Sealed with a Secret Here are accounts left behind by various people. These writings were carved on stone tablets retrieved from the depths of the Thabes Labyrinth; they recounted a madness incomprehensible to common folk. An abominable darkness within the Archanean continent where man and dragon co-existed. Perhaps the inevitable outcome is--it is not safe to divulge. If you are unfortunate to uncover these pages, I would recommend that you keep everything to yourselves. --At the very least, it no longer has anything to do with me--
  18. Anyway, now that I've had some time to digest what I translated... Yeah, I think we probably know what happened to Forneus now. Poor guy tried to stop his own creation and probably got killed, eaten or assimilated. Also, it kinda creeps me out a tiny bit that humans and dragons might not actually be that different. Perhaps they have a common ancestor (similar to the Zunanma in Tellius)?
  19. I thought it was a metaphorical bridge, but I guess it could be an actual bridge as well? Yeah, I have a feeling the owner of the blood isn't too important. From what we know, there are many divine dragons, not just Naga.
  20. I am making better progress than I thought. There are 5 accounts and I've transcribed 2 of the longest ones. Also, I was able to translate perhaps the most interesting one... The Creation At last, blood from a divine dragon! Although it took some time to cross that dangerous bridge, at least it wasn't a folly. Now I have the real thing. Even just looking at it, the blood, its power is terrifying. Beautiful. After mixing the divine dragon blood with human fluids, certain herbs and nectar, I sealed the concoction in a vial and observed it for 40 days. New life had been born. At first, it was a tiny thing, the size of a thumbnail. Looking at it, it looked no different than a human fetus, but without a doubt, it was a new life form that had the blood of the gods. I carefully decided to watch over the growth of this new life form. I kept it at the temperature of a horse's womb and, each day, I gave it my blood. On the 80th day, its humanoid shape gradually started to disappear. Eyes appeared, its neck grew and I could see a tail growing from its behind. Slowly and slowly, it began to take the shape of a dragon. However, it was an unusually-shaped dragon, not at all like a divine dragon. Its six eyes seemed to be smiling at me from inside the vial. Does it possess consciousness? Is it I that it's smiling at? I think I have created something truly tremendous. Even though it is now as big as a puppy, it shows glimpses of a terrifying power. I have yet to find a solution to control its rampage when it becomes an adult. Its voice echoes in my head; I feel like I can see inside of it. Within it, I can see dark thoughts, Violent thoughts. It makes me tremble from my heart. At the same time, I feel like it can look inside me. As it stares at the trembling me, it smiles re-assuredly. "That thing has become a dangerous existence that nobody can control. It pains me, but I have decided to destroy it with my own hands." (The account comes to an abrupt end.)
  21. Gosh darn, I thought I was done, but @Kirokan showed me two really cool pages about the secrets of the Thabes Labyrinth. Annoyingly, the text is small and sometimes really fancy, so it's challenging to transcribe, never mind translate! I do think once it's done, there will be some very interesting discussions. In particular, there's a very intriguing reference that I'm trying to wrap my head around. Sorry for the vagueness, haha.
  22. Heya! I think I remember seeing you way back, but wow, I can't believe it's actually been a whole decade (I had to check your profile just to be sure). Anyway, thanks for giving us a progress update and don't sweat it too much; we were all young once. I hope your career goes well too ^^
  23. Honestly, I was surprised that the Gradivus in Valentia and Archanea are supposed to be one and the same. It is a bit of a stretch to me, but I guess you can hand-wave it. It's a bit annoying since they already introduced an explanation as to why there can be multiple Gradivus or any Regalia--by forging Blessed weapons. But I can understand if they wanted to backpedal and claim only one of each Regalia exists canonically. EDIT There is a seal preventing anyone from getting in and Grima from getting out. So somebody must have broken it, unless Grima got that powerful.
  24. Haha, that did seem a little odd. Maybe they never used that aspect? Timeline Part 8 of 8 Whoo, that was fun. @Kirokan Let me know when you can send over Tatiana's page : )
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