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Everything posted by VincentASM

  1. There is a 99.99% chance of DLC (heck, even Echoes--a remake--had it), but I am confident it will continue to be unobtrusive. I have a feeling it will follow the Breath of the Wild or Xenoblade 2 DLC model more than anything. So a season pass with contents yet to be complete.
  2. Nope, but you can read in between the lines. Notice how they are very slowly revealing the official artworks. This suggests they are being drawn even now. Heck, not long after Fates came out, we had a video showing Yusuke Kozaki drawing Felicia from scratch. If the artwork already exists, there is no reason to purposely delay their release nor the release of an artbook. Logically you want to release these things ASAP while the game is still fresh. Not after a whole game (Echoes) and spin off (Warriors) is released. You also need to remember it takes time and effort to draw so much artwork. Plus it sounds like Mr. Kozaki is a very busy man. He doesn't just draw for Fire Emblem. So it's not hard to imagine he simply hasn't had time to draw everyone. I'd wager Awakening was when the stars aligned or at the least not a scenario we can always bank on.
  3. There is concept art for every (key) character, but I was strictly referring to the official artwork that's used for media purposes. Essentially, they don't want to release an artbook until most of the characters have official artwork. Otherwise it wouldn't feel complete.
  4. Yeah, check the bottom of this article. Basically, Yusuke Kozaki was asked about the artbook and he said he'll try and get it out by the end of this year (as in draw the necessary art for the book).
  5. It's... complicated, but overall I am very happy with where the franchise is. Recent games have been great, even if they have flaws. The fanbase is bigger than it's ever been, thanks to Heroes (to the point where I actually have friends playing it and I can even bump into strangers playing it as well). More importantly, the franchise is actually alive and kicking, unlike others that didn't have their "Awakening moment". I feel sorry for Golden Sun, Advance Wars fans, etc. However, I firmly believe that what IS/Nintendo does next will be very important for the franchise's future growth. I am mainly talking about Fire Emblem for Switch. Awakening was huge, but it was still limited to a handheld. FE Switch is probably the best opportunity for the franchise to really make a name for itself. I just hope they don't mess it up...
  6. I am pretty sure the list was edited since it was posted, so you can't use that as proof. It's not like these forums where it tells you if and when a post has been edited, yet you can still edit posts.
  7. I wouldn't mind, but I'd rather they try new things. Even if those new things end up backfiring, like Fates's multiple versions. For instance, I would like to see a future FE with more RPG elements (like the ability to physically walk around towns and the overworld) or perhaps a RPG spin off if that's too drastic, haha. That said, I'd be there day -1 for a Genealogy remake or another game with a similar feel.
  8. There's a gallery over here! I may have forgotten to link it from the main gallery section though... For the record, I'm missing the artwork of Jakob and Leo+Takumi's retainers because they aren't easily available.
  9. So this was pointed out to me. A new selection of clear files, based on the theme of sibling and comrade bonds, will be releasing in Japan during Late May. In the middle of the bottom row are Saizo and Kaze, which fit the theme to a T. But it took me a while to realise that this is the first time we've seen their official artwork. Hopefully this means Mr. Kozaki is still on track for drawing everyone's artwork for the promised FE Fates official artbook ^^
  10. I thought I'd try something different and split the Famitsu topic to make it easier to find all the new info.
  11. Yeah, that screenshot caught my interest, although it's hard to tell how aggressive the allies are in still motion. Also, I'm a bit surprised that they didn't have Robin as the Tactician here. But Marth is still a great choice since he's well known for supporting his allies.
  12. @MrPerson0 They are from NOE, yeah. You can find the new English screenshots here. Here's a sample. Also, new names. Tharja’s Hex: (Unchanged) Olivia’s Dance Sword: Olivia’s Blade Boost Sword (provides the Attack/Boost+ attribute): Bolster Sword Infernal Blessing: (Unchanged) Common-Materials Blessing: (Unchanged) Smithy Blessing: Master Blessing(?) Strategist’s Blessing: Tactician Blessing (same thing) Divine Caliber (makes all weapons as strong as Hero weapons): Legendary
  13. By the way, here are some new English screenshots (as far as I know). The Divine Caliber attribute is just "Legendary". I think Master Blessing was Smithy Blessing? Infernal and Common-Materials Blessing are the same. Strategist's Blessing is Tactician's Blessing. Here's a bonus for @shadowofchaos I may post more later. In a slight rush.
  14. Which part? The support conversation or the renaming of her skill to Vengeance? XD
  15. Okay, I can send this topic home...
  16. Infernal Blessing is probably the biggest clue that this is the end. Of course, they could provide Infernal Blessing+ or something that raises the enemy Level cap to 200 or something. We'll just have to wait and see... Still, I am surprised we might never get playable Darious and the Sorcerers. I honestly thought it would be fairly easy to add them, since they are all clones, right? But I guess they just couldn't find the right opportunity or there wasn't much incentive (since TBH the 3 Sorcerers aren't exactly the most interesting "characters", although Iago can be pretty funny).
  17. Besides what Ice Dragon mentioned, going by previous trends, the Legendary banners always have at most one Legendary Hero of each colour. This was implied when Fjorm was replaced by Ephraim in the banner. For the next banner, we know Ike, Fjorm and Gunnthra are all present, so the new Legendary Hero--if there is one--cannot be red, blue or green and thus must be colourless. According to the data-mines, the next Legendary Hero is Robin and assuming she's the colorless hero, a colorless dragon makes the most sense from the available options, since Robin is at least connected to dragons. The other options are bow Robin, dagger Robin and staff Robin, which seem even less likely to me. Of course, it would be funny if we all guessed totally wrong XD
  18. Totally random, but it'd be amazing if Olivia's Sword wound up in Heroes. I'm also hoping Nintendo is kind and uploads the 4K renders onto their press sites ^^;;;
  19. Ignoring the gameplay implementation, holy blood inheritance is largely random. More importantly, there's no rule that major carrier + no carrier = minor carrier. According to Kaga's notes, a Brand is a sign of major holy blood. So the likes of Celica, Chrom, Emmeryn, Lucina and Owain are all major carriers, assuming holy blood works the same way. Lissa I'm not sure about. She could be a minor carrier or simply a major carrier whose Brand has no yet manifested. Anyway, dragons have always been an important part of Fire Emblem, so I'm happy they've tried to make things consistent, even if they had to retcon things.
  20. I assume it's because none of the History Maps scroll, so they have to squeeze in as much of the original map in as possible. The Dark Pontifex is a big offender--that map was originally pretty tall, since it was in a tower IIRC.
  21. I think it's the other way round. There is a Legendary banner at the end of every month. So they decided to overlap the Spring banner with the Legendary banner. That said, the Spring banner--much like most seasonal banners--lasts a whole month, so it would've overlapped anyway XD
  22. Fair enough, although I don't think it would cost that many resources. You'd just need to change the release schedule via the servers and contact all relevant people. I assume Famitsu didn't get the memo or just forgot to amend the date. Still, I dunno how Nintendo actually works, so maybe it's actually more complicated than that. Unrelated, but I have "fond" memories of New Mystery and Awakening encrypting the growth rates. There was literally no reason to do that except to foil data-miners. But thankfully the encryption was flawed, so it was still possible to reverse-engineer. Yeah, I don't disagree that there are lots of BS rumours every other day. For what it's worth, I do believe there was a reasonable chance of Awakening DLC appearing. Even if there wasn't precedence. That's all I can say on the matter... The only other reason is probably related to bug-fixing. After all, Xenoblade's New Game Plus mode had to be delayed to fix bug(s). In that case, a release date was already officially announced, so they had to announce a delay. But the Awakening DLC Pack never got a specific release date beyond "March 2018" so they had a lot more leeway.
  23. This is probably conspiracy levels of theorising, but I have to wonder if they changed the dates to mess with data-miners and/or leakers. On the FE Heroes side, data-miners were able to determine the release of the Awakening special maps, which I believe come out roughly a week before each Warriors DLC pack (although I'm a bit tired to check right now). So that allowed us to estimate the release date. Likewise, I think I heard some rumours about the Awakening DLC appearing in the 8th March Nintendo Direct, which of course didn't happen. But perhaps it was going to appear there and have a 22nd March release date--or earlier.
  24. I like that idea. We've had fallen heroes, it's time for good villains XD If this topic gets big, I would recommend making a new topic for the actual banner. Makes it easier to separate the info.
  25. Yeah, that info is quite intriguing. Colourless dragon makes the most sense given the circumstances, although I can't quite wrap my head around Robin being one. As mentioned, we already have Grima as a Green dragon. Perhaps Legendary Robin is a purified version of Grima--a Divine Dragon, even? Also, I will rename this topic just to make it more clear.
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