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Everything posted by VincentASM

  1. Hiya. I'm afraid we don't allow discussions on piracy. If you really must, there are other communities that can help you.
  2. Thanks! On a related note, I know there's a Prism Scale in Kala'e Bay as well, so you can have Milotic much earlier. If you have somebody to trade with.
  3. Whoa, that's a game-changer. Especially for Vikavolt. Is there an earlier place for Crabrawler? I don't recall hearing anything. Can they even make breeding any easier/more efficient? Well, for features, there is... (Light to medium spoilers since the are featured in promotional materials, but there is some leaked info.)
  4. @Connor Mezza Ah, I see. I really like that. Sure, you have my permission to change the tables ^^
  5. Very interesting. Thanks for the investigation ^^ Done! Oh yeah, the tables there are a bit unwieldy. I'm not sure if splitting the material and amount would improve things from a readability perspective though. I think it's easier to read Archer's Shoulder Pad x1, Archer's Breastplate x2, Captain's Bow x3 versus Archer's Shoulder Pad, Archer's Breastplate, Captain's Bow | 1, 2, 3 Anyone have any suggestions?
  6. I suppose it's unlikely given its beastly stats, but maybe it'll get a new form to tie in with the Gen 8 game?
  7. Hmm, good question. I asked the same thing earlier XD It might just be a placebo effect, so I edited out the text in the meantime. Thanks, I was busy writing the text that I forgot Anna appears in those maps. EDIT I also made a start on the gameplay mechanics page. As a Warriors newbie, I only wrote about the basic gameplay. Hopefully somebody with technical knowledge can step in to fill the rest ^^
  8. Thanks for the recap! Honestly I think it was a solid Direct, but it could've been better. Even as a fan and somebody who knew a lot of the XC2 gameplay, I felt like they crammed a lot in a relatively short amount. They also should've shown off more of the areas (Titans) IMO. I don't know why they keep lingering on areas for mere seconds, except for reducing spoilers. Considering a lot of the gameplay stuff was explained in previous trailers and the new gameplay stuff was mostly fluff (except the Rare Blades, which are on the Japanese Twitter), I would've had the Direct focused on the story, areas and finally the rare blades. But of course, the Direct seems to be aimed at everyone, including those who haven't seen a thing. So there wasn't much they could've done. Anyway, Japanese VA is nice. Really happy they're continuing the trend set with FE Warriors. Expansion pass I'm really conflicted about. On one hand, I would've loved an expansion pass for the original Xenoblade. Like maybe make the unused Bionis's shoulder accessible. Or even add more to the story. So when they revealed one for 2, I was happy. But at the same time, I'm starting to get a bit tired of DLC, since they keep pushing it (in BoTW, FE Warriors etc.).
  9. Hiya! Welcome to the forums! I've sent a PM with instructions. Ahaha, welcome to the forums. Thanks again for giving permission earlier : ) Thanks ^^ I've sent a PM with instructions. Anyhow, I had a busy Monday, but I can hopefully do some more work today. I did manage to S Rank Together to the End. I don't know if it was because I had Beastslayer on Marth and Sakura's weapons or because of their Dual Specials (or both), but I chopped off nearly half of Velezark's HP with one Dual Special o__o
  10. Dang, not Velezark again. I still need to S Rank that other map with him it in before I sleep tonight XD I may just stick with The Path is Yours TBH. I quite like how the twins and Corrin play; I just need to grind them a little bit more, especially Corrin. Anyway, I managed to squeeze in some pages for In the White Light and Embrace the Dark. So that was somewhat productive of me. Ah, I almost forgot, I got permission from two reddit users to adapt their character guides for the wiki. Rowan+Lianna Lissa As I probably mentioned, my technical knowledge of Warriors is very limited, but the guides look good to me. If we are going to use the guides, we'd have to credit them individually on the pages. Speaking of, there is a credits/contributor section at the bottom of the main page. Feel free to add yourself or names of anyone who's contributed. I've been all over the place lately, so I don't quite remember everyone ^^;;
  11. I must say, I was in for a rude awakening when The Path is Yours only allowed 3 units. I completed that illustration thinking I could use most of the Fates heroes >___< Looks like Within the Heart might be the easiest Anna map for me, considering the units I've leveled up.
  12. I see. I keep getting conflicting info, but I could give it a try. BTW, just to check, is Corrin available for the Hoshidan/Nohrian Heroes deployment limit maps? It's not super important, but the more options, the better ^^
  13. I finished editing the history mode tables. This should be the last time I change them for a while. Eventually I want to replace the icons with the actual icons from the game, but honestly I don't really know how to do it. Sadly the Switch's in-built screenshot function blurs the images too much, so I can't rip the icons that way. I also don't have the 3DS version to see if I can get it that way. Maybe I'll try pestering @Jedi to grab screen captures of the Warriors-only sprites (I mainly need enemy Darios, Gharnef and the Time-space Distortion; everything else you can probably grab from Awakening/Fates). Also, I'll try the suggestions for S-Ranking Together to the End. My units are really high level, so it's just time management, I think. Oh, I'm not really great at fighting Velezark either. I think I took ~10 mins. Perhaps I do need to save up my dual specials...
  14. I edited all the History Mode tables, but I've gone back and further edited the first two ones to move the notes elsewhere. When I get more time, I'll do the same to the other three. Also, I made a mistake and combined Timed Attack and Timed Onslaught. I fixed it for the first two tables, but I've yet to check the remaining ones. Just in case anybody notices anything strange. Huh, I liked the final boss summoning in theory, but it got tiring the 2nd time in Together to the End. Plus with the boss reviving, I have no idea how to clear the map fast enough for a S Rank. I barely managed it for Noble Lady of Caelin : / EDIT: Invisible Ties for reference.
  15. Seasonal units have their issues, certainly. But at least you get a generous window of opportunity and they are widely advertised. Ayra just appeared out of nowhere mere days after the main Holy War banner and there was basically no good reason for her to be separate from Holy War, considering it was a 3-man banner and she could've been the 4th. Not to mention, by then, most people probably burned their orbs hunting for Sigurd etc. On a related note, I do think the Halloween banner was released rather unfairly, just days before Halloween starts, while other games tend to release them earlier. So a lot of people probably thought there wouldn't be one. (And of course, I had to burn all my Orbs on Performing Arts, ahaha.) EDIT Anyway, my position is mostly unchanged. I am not a huge fan of Ayra, nor do I really want her, but I am very annoyed with how they released her (as mentioned in my 2nd paragraph). Just less annoyed than earlier XD
  16. Not that I'm aware of, but we can use a still from a cutscene. Anyway, I've been playing through History Mode, trying to catch up. So I haven't been able to add much content today. I did reshuffle the main History Mode page a bit and I also tried to edit the table for Together to the End. I realise there's a LOT of info to squeeze in the table, but I tried to minimise the width as much as possible. 1000 pixels is about the maximum I would recommend and even that's stretching it by a far margin (800 pixels is about ideal, but I think that's impossible without cutting out some info). The other thing I did was move the guide links to the left so for the people with small resolutions, they can still see the links straightaway. When I have more time (and there are no objections), I will change the other tables. EDIT: I could move the notes elsewhere, but I'd have to see what the other History Mode pages are like.
  17. Thanks, I'm liking the progress with History Mode. You may have noticed I started making a table template for the stage details and S Rank requirements. You can find the table over here. I'll also try and cover as much ground as I can. So far, I've jotted down a lot of notes in notebook for several maps from Noble Lady of Caelin and Together to the End, but I've only had time to transfer this info to one page so far.
  18. I'm finally back home. Thanks for the hard work everyone ^^ I'll get back to adding what I can once I've fully rested. I actually really liked the guide, but you're correct that it would be incredibly time consuming to write one for every single history mode battle--and I wouldn't ask that of you or anyone. Ideally, we could provide a very concise guide with the key points. We could remove most of the directions/guidance and simply focus on what happens on the map. For example...
  19. Sounds good. I haven't completed a single one or checked them yet XD
  20. Okay, that's what I expected. Just making sure ^^ In that case, I think the column is fine for now. We just need to axe the co-ordinates. For people focusing on a specific illustration, knowing which illustration you get a piece for could be useful.
  21. Hmm, that's a very good point. It did feel strange to me that they just never appeared again. Thanks all! I'm just gonna disappear for a while, until 1st November. I will be demonstrating FE Warriors at an event (again), so I'll be continuing the good fight, just in a different manner ^^ In the meantime, if anyone requires an account for the wiki or needs any technical help, @TheVinceKnight is the guy to talk to.
  22. I've updated the weapon pages to remove slots and add how to unlock the weapon. Right now, I haven't thoroughly checked the effective bonus weapons. Just to check, has anyone received a duplicate of these weapons? I only have one of each so far. Also, I made a table for the story script. Plus I added a tiny amount to the Prologue. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of time today to do much else. If anybody wants to work on the story script, I added some text files here. Look for "Story A". You can throw the .dat files into Notepad etc. This is not all the text though; it seems to be mostly the opening and ending scenes. So no movies or mid-battle dialogue (I need to look for those files later). The final chapter(s) are also missing, strangely. Looking through the files, there were apparently going to be additional chapters.
  23. I think go with the aliases for now. Maybe we can add a note later. In that case, yeah, we can drop the slots column. Unlockable/location column sounds useful as well, if that mechanic is true. It sounds logical (and would match up with the amiibo drops), but I'm not sure how to test it.
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