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Everything posted by VincentASM

  1. No matter the poll, BSFE ranking higher than Shadow Dragon is pretty dang amusing.
  2. I don't get why those parts are in bold, assuming they're supposed to be bold. They are just trying to be intentional vague as possible. UK and European pricing
  3. Now that I've had time to think, I wonder which new character it'll be. A Shadow Dragon character or Celica or perhaps someone even more surprising?
  4. https://mobile.twitter.com/FireEmblemMusou/status/910079322571948032 1. Leo x female Robin 2. Elise x Lissa 3. Camilla x Frederick 4. Lyn x new character dun dun dun Will be shown on stage on the 22nd.
  5. Did you enter near the beginning? I think you only get booted out if you're near the end of the queue and it's busy. I dd enter near the beginning, but I slept my laptop mid-way through, so maybe that's why I got booted. Usually I don't have any problems with Cipher livestreams.
  6. Doh, I returned from lunch and got booted out of the livestream (since I'm a lowly free member), so I missed all the Warriors stuff. --And they just had to show off Sakura : P
  7. Great choice, but that is a lot of swords. The only way they can redeem themselves is by adding Linde : D
  8. THAT character, alright. Now I'm wondering who the two (or more) character reveals for TGS will be. I assume Tiki and Caeda?
  9. Hi, that's me. How naked do you want the map to be? Here's one without the labels and dots.
  10. Looks cute, but I'm more concerned about the game in motion.
  11. I'm hoping there's enough noise for IS to implement it (along with a stat re-rolling, but that's a pretty far-off dream). Although I've gotten faster at it, it is annoying to calculate it yourself--and I am also very forgetful. While Pokemon isn't a F2P game, if they can show it nicely, surely Heroes can as well.
  12. @Torii Thanks a bunch! This is a bit on the trivia side, but for those not aware, "badge" and "emblem" are synonymous in Japanese (in this case, anyway).
  13. Cute, the Validar screenshot is from History Mode, which appears to be a retelling of the original storylines. They will be fully voiced just like Story Mode. It's hard to tell, but it looks to be... traditional Fire Emblem gameplay? It says there are "battles", but I dunno if it means FE battles or Warrior battles. I'm assuming it's a bit like that mode in Hyrule Warriors with a Zelda-esque map.
  14. Same. It has some iffy parts, but I absolutely loved it on the whole. Hopefully it attracts more players in Japan ^^
  15. The growths are encrypted by the game itself. I am away from my PC, so I can only suggest Googling Shadow Dragon growths and my username.
  16. Mae with Blarblade+ would be pretty destructive I imagine, although her speed tier seems pretty average to get the best use of it. Does she happen to be +Spd? As others have mentioned, Reinhardt wrecks stuff with Dire Thunder, so there's not much point in changing his weapon.
  17. I won't lie: I was giggling almost uncomfortably at the end. Like I was back in high school and did a hilarious prank. Thanks for the laugh! I think this might belong better in FFTF though ^^
  18. There's also the twin divine blades, with the Black Knight wielding one of them. That surely cannot be mere coincidence. Anyway, this is fantastic news that I'd never thought I'd hear. I'm also curious about who the mystery publisher is...
  19. Yowch, Infernal was brutal. Reminded me a bit of the actual chapter from The Sacred Stones that it's based on. My successful team was Delthea: Pretty standard, but with Swordbreaker Bride Cordelia: Brave Bow+ Cherche: Brave Axe+ Olivia: Ruby Sword, Fury I'm lazy to retrace my steps, but I mostly huddled in the north-west corner. It took a lot of trial and error before I could survive the middle waves when the fliers start to swarm you. Cordelia was the main damage dealer, with Delthea KOing some swords and Cherche taking down some of the fliers. Olivia was just there to dance and tank one of the axe fliers when I had nowhere to escape to. Geez, thinking back, the number and frequency of reinforcements was insane.
  20. I loved how the presenters blatantly called her costume sexy. Although I have a feeling the Japanese "sexy" is a bit more tame compared to ours. I think Lara is only going to be a R, so at least it's not SR(+) levels of breaking your wallet : P
  21. Thanks! Heh, she's a Dark Princess just like Genealogy's Julius and Corrin from Fates.
  22. I had lunch partway through, so it seems I missed a bunch of stuff. @Lightchao42 Can I ask for pictures of the Veronica card and new Cipher OCs?
  23. They just went through a bunch of Thracia 776 cards, including Leif, Dancer Lara, Nanna, Safy, Delmud, Lifis, Sara, Halvan, Felgus, Mareeta and Dean. Don't have time to edit all the pics, but here's Sara ^^
  24. Ta-da! So a few people (OK, just two) were asking where the Elise and Sakura poster from Intelligent Systems's HQ came. From what I know, it was an advert in Japan, which you could find in places like subways around the time of Fates's launch. I believe nobody outside of retailers or IS have the poster. However, this isn't the first time the poster has appeared. I've been trying to recreate the poster for a while, using official materials, but it's not an easy job... Finally, I thought I'd stop being lazy and finish it. Keep in mind that it's a recreation, so it's not 100% accurate. Also, if you're interested in printing it out, I have a A3 version here. (If you do print it out, I'd love to see pictures of it!) Almost forgot, there's a version of this ad featuring Xander and Ryoma where it asks "Knight or Samurai?" If there's interest, I can "quickly" try to recreate that one. Maybe I'll make joke ones for the other siblings as well.
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