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Everything posted by VincentASM

  1. This is (another) glitched topic. Actual post is located below.
  2. The above was last week's video that I forgot to post here. This week's... I was trying to see how many on-screen enemies you can have at once. Apparently it's 15 in the Secret Shrine before the game crashes. Anyway, I ended up with a pretty creepy mess and, due to boredom, I decided to make it even more creepier.
  3. So I've been messing around with Echoes a bit more... As soon as I learned that Grima/The Creation was in the game, I couldn't resist pitting it against Duma. Due to gameplay reasons, the winner should be fairly obvious.
  4. Managed to clear Infernal without burning a stamina potion, just. Final team was Young Tiki (Lightning Breath, Fury and Quick Riposte), Bride Cordelia (Brave Bow), Azura and Sakura. First turn, I broke the wall and threw Tiki onto a defense tile while chipping at the Sword Cavalier. I forgot to use Fortify Def, but she survived the enemy onslaught with 1 HP or something. Only Green Mage is gone. Next turn I retreat south and cast Rehabilitate to get Tiki back to full health. Thief attacks Tiki, survives and blocks Kleine. Sword Cavalier gets KO'd during the enemy phase. Turn 3, Bride Cordelia with Hone Attack KOs Blue Mage on defensive tile and weakened Thief. Tiki finishes off Clarrise and Sakura heals her back up. Only Sword Fighter is left and he cannot KO Tiki. Victory!
  5. Yeah, I don't remember needing the Gossamer Hair twice either. Anyway, to confirm, I do not recall any other chances to get the Gossamer Hair, so if you accidentally tossed it before doing the fisherman quest, you won't be able to do it. (But you can get Dagon Fillets via other means.) There is a "chance" of Duma's Apostle and Mila's Servant dropping Gossamer Hair, but since they already have a held item, they will never drop it. Unless you can encounter one without a held item that I forgot about.
  6. Episode 3 This is one of the places that made me REALLY want to figure out how to break the boundaries. I'll confess, I tried a lot of methods, but what actually worked was a complete accident. Logically, it's not too hard to figure out. You just need to literally think outside the box XD
  7. I don't think there's a limit. You might be thinking of the limit in the original Gaiden. When I was battling at the Mountain Graveyard, all enemies dropped items and there were more than 5 enemies (I'm guessing 8). Don't forget the drop rates are pretty dang low. Luna is the best at 1.25%, but Guardians don't spawn every turn.
  8. I cannot physically check (since hacking DLC requires tools I don't have), but theoretical data and many runs of Inner Sanctum (and Astral Temple) suggests they are in big pots only. Smashing the other pots can be useful for other items though, like Astral Shards if you need any. Plus they can alleviate the boredom of going through the Inner Sanctum to find 0 big pots... Sure, if you want. I mainly mentioned Guardians since they have a pretty decent 1.25% drop rate. Still, due to the rather sporadic spawn rate, you'll need to wait several hundred turns before having a decent chance : |
  9. I think Yuzu is a Priestess since it's the only on-foot physical female class : P You can use Subdue to lower Shade's HP. Anyway, personally, I felt like this DLC was supposed to be Fates, but they dropped it at the last minute due to backlash or whatever.
  10. Feel free to add me for Team Sakura. ID is in my signature. I will probably send over Bride Cordelia if I remember.
  11. I always imagined he somehow fell or crawled into a boat. There's a boat nearby in the scene where Tatiana finds him, even though it's probably always there in the background. Otherwise, maybe he found a piece of driftwood?
  12. Yeah, but as I said, it's really obscure. I can't remember precisely where it appears. It might be in the instruction manual as part of the "story" or maybe it appeared during the very first demonstration 2 years ago. Either way, I know about it since Emma brings it up in the mini-column with the 4 mascots on the official Cipher website. What happened is that Randal appeared in his (normal) older guise, then his younger guise and finally back to his older version all because the card game rotated between Binding Blade, Blazing Sword and back to Binding Blade. Emma wonders if Randal's "time-traveling" is due the Boundless Chaos, but nobody on the team knows what the heck it is. So it's kind of ironic how Randal mentions it in Echoes. So far, Warriors seems to rely on the Outrealms. If anything, I'd imagine FE Heroes might have a tangible connection to the Boundless Chaos, what with all the timelines getting mixed up. I suppose the Tempest could be related as well. Anyway, I doubt it'll be of much importance. It's more of a hand-wavy explanation from what I understand. But who knows...
  13. That is pretty much the best way, other than grinding on the Guardian reinforcements while fighting The Creation (for Luna) or going through the Inner Sanctum. As far as I know, the pots in B9 have the highest drop rate at 0.26%. It's still pretty low, but better than 0.06% from B10 and 0.13% from the Inner Sanctum (which only features 1 or 2 big pots). Also, the drop rates decay by 1/3 each time, so you should be able to get items on the 3rd visit. However there is a "bug" that can prevent you from finding the intended number of items each time you battle an enemy. This shouldn't be an issue for B10 though.
  14. Yes. You can go back and redo the final battle by the way, although I am not 100% sure if the ending triggers again.
  15. It's a Cipher reference and a pretty obscure one at that. It's implied to be the mysterious driving force that allows all the Fire Emblem timelines to connect so that the Cipher card game "makes sense" story-wise.
  16. Episode 2 is up! Note that you can actually visit the Southern Outpost on foot via normal gameplay, by using StreetPass. But you can only explore a tiny square. (This tiny square also happens to be inaccessible to me in the video.) Next up is Zofia Gate. I'll probably do Novis Greatport after that.
  17. 1. Number of drops goes from 1x to 2/3x, 1/3x and finally 15%. 2. Probably, but it's hard to check. I *think* the maximum possible for any room is around 20, but very few places have that many items. Otherwise, the maximum is simply the upper limit listed in the Drops per Area. 3. There is no cap beyond your convoy. All items count the same in the convoy.
  18. It was a 5 minute hack. Replacing weapons is much easier than adding weapons. That said, I did have to rename a label. Also, I wasn't sure if Ragnarok Ω would crash the game XD Maybe we'll find out another time...
  19. Just for fun, I edited the Prologue so the kids have slightly better stats and a pumped up critical rate. I forgot to show the stats on the bottom screen, but all the kids have the same stats as when they join your party. Meanwhile all the weapons have 0 Might and Weight, 90 Hit and 50 Crt. Hope you don't mind me spamming all these videos ^^;;; Who knows what crazy things I'll think of next time.
  20. Hard to tell. I imagine they made a decision very early on since making full 3D villages would eat up a lot of resources. Anyway, later environments are about the same level of detail. That said, I think some villages start recycling zones. Ram Village is 3 separate zones, but Mountain Village might just be 1 or 2. Despite both having the same number of locations to visit. How it works is that the game stores all 3D areas as "fields". This includes battle maps, dungeons and "adventure" areas like villages. I just tricked the game into loading a particular field as a dungeon. This is also how the game quickly switches between the map view and in-battle view. The in-battle view is actually a dungeon based on the map view. Or the other way round. Hope that makes sense. (The real magic is how I managed to break out of the StreetPass zones.) You can go pretty far, but there is no "floor" after a certain distance. So you usually just sink into the hill. Then eventually there's no hill and just empty space/sky. I haven't tested exactly how far you can go, but you can run for long enough to make you bored XD
  21. Normally you can only navigate villages via a menu. But via a little magic (i.e. hacks), I am able to take a pleasant stroll around Ram Village. Of course, the developers didn't bother coding in anything you can't normally see. So don't expect a lot of secret details. Still, it's fun to break free and have a better perspective. Anyway, I'm planning to make this a small video series. Hopefully there are people interested! Next video will probably be the Southern Outpost. I've already recorded a couple of videos, but I just need to upload them and stitch them together, etc.
  22. Forgot to mention I doctored some items and skills. None of the "unused" items actually exist and are just existing items renamed for thematic purposes. So Paragon Ring is really just the Keepsake Ring, etc. Also Lethality had 0 HP cost, so it was even more broken originally XD It's the Attacker's Res. One thing I wanted to attempt was to use it against Medusa... Yeah, the attributes are for show. Each class is individually assigned a weakness (or multiple). For reference, every playable class is defined as mortal. As are Arcanists, Witches, etc. The creepiest thing is that Fiends and Guardians are classified as Mortal + Armour + Terror. Not sure if they just copied data from Baron or they literally are half human, half Terror... There are other "for show" attributes too. Such as Absolve and I *think* Phantasm. Saints actually have a hidden skill that negates terrain damage (shared by all or most Terrors), but they slapped on Absolve so you can "see it". Similarly, I believe you can't have multiple "halve weapon" effects, so how Phantasm works is that there are two hidden skills (Halve Magic and Halve Bow) and Phantasm merely pretends to be the sum of those skills.
  23. Well, it's just the same as the Brave effect from Fates. You trigger consecutive hits on the player phase only. I do think Speculum would've been a game-changer though. Perhaps it was going to be enemy-only? But no enemy uses combat arts, hmm.
  24. So the game features a bunch of unused skills that aren't in the final game for some reason. The best one is probably Speculum, which reflects magical damage. It's as amazing as you imagine. There are also some from previous games, like Lethality, Vantage, Pass, Counter, Wrath, Paragon, etc. I guess they couldn't fit them in. Fun fact: Lethality doesn't work on Duma or Grima. Duma has a hidden Nihil that negates OHKOs so he always gets left with 1 HP. Meanwhile Grima just seems to shrug it off and I dunno why. Maybe because of Dragonskin?
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