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Everything posted by VincentASM

  1. Nope, nothing changes. I guess he's pretty lucky, haha. Splitting Axes are common drops in Astral Temple/Inner Sanctum. Devil Axes are rare/uncommon drops there.
  2. I actually quite liked Ike how vanished from Tellius; I imagined he had some amazing adventures and never looked back. Plus Awakening pretty much answered where he went in Priam's paralogue. He found an Outrealm/Dragon Gate and eventually ended up in Ylisse/Valm.
  3. Hehe, Emma looks appropriately tiny in-game. Can't wait to send her after waves and waves of Terrors.
  4. Managed to watch most of the livestream, although I had to leave partway to grab lunch. Really happy that Cipher is still going strong ^^
  5. Hmm, I got a freeze when I rewinded in the Secret Shrine. Cursor went off screen in the top left corner and my screens went black. Had to force the power off. Only thing I can think of is I went back to the very start of battle. It was only 1 turn ago too.
  6. Hmm, B9, huh? @DoesntKnowHowToPlay Was it against Fire Dragons as well? I have experienced the wonky cursor before. Usually happens when a character dies and I rewind, then the cursor flies to the top-left corner (or one of the corners), but thankfully it snaps back to the battle map.
  7. I see. Do you remember any examples? Or did you note down any inconsistencies? Even though the script for that game was transcribed by hand, I can't imagine many reasons for lots of missing text.
  8. After being MIA last week, Mila's Bounty 4 is available to download today, at least in Europe. I assume North America is getting it when their eShop refreshes later in the day.
  9. Oops, forgot those scaly beasts. Yes. I should probably rename them since not everyone knows what the Risen are. Yeah, which game are you referring to? I initially assumed Echoes, but that game is almost fully voiced, so I am not sure.
  10. Don't feel bad. You can always get more feathers. Not +Atk or Spd isn't the end of the world. You could've been a poor soul who pulled a -Atk or -Spd when she was a banner character. Only time will tell if it was the right choice, but you sometimes have to make choices to get ahead of the game. I was thinking of 5 starring a similar Tharja to wreck Veronica, but ultimately decided against it since I had lots of backup units. I assume you didn't have that luxury. Anyway, right now, I can almost clear maps 1 to 6 in my sleep. Sometimes almost literally when I can't sleep and am bored. A flawless victory on Map 7 is generally a coin toss depending on the distribution of enemy units. But team 2 can usually mop up; haven't had to resort to team 3 for a long time.
  11. There are also venue exclusive items if you click the button below. Mainly older sleeves and play mats. I still need the little sister one XD
  12. Eine and Kleine. Reese and Clarisse. Yeah, I can live with that.
  13. Vaguely. Can't say much without getting into spoilers. If you mean by retcons...
  14. Kinda surprised at no Kris, since we already have Robin and Corrin. Hmm, hopefully it's worth it to pull Katarina. Also, that "Echoes" in the Paralogue is a massive tease or a troll. C'mon they must know what that word means for fans.
  15. I do think there needs to be some variety. While the game does randomise units and shuffles the first 6 maps somewhat, after a dozen goes, you've pretty much seen everything. No idea how they can improve it though. Also, I'm not terribly fond of the grind either. I can imagine why it's there, but 70+ perfect runs to get the best reward (Quickened Pulse) is just painful. That's 490+ maps. Even if some only last a few minutes. (And that's assuming you get a perfect run, which you won't at least half the time unless you're GOOD or have $$$.)
  16. Sadly not. To add to what's already mentioned, story-important characters can die in the Final Battle and afterwards because they don't appear in the story afterwards. Prior to that, they always "retreat". There is no alternate versions of dialogue where those characters do not exist. (So if you hacked the game to remove Saber etc. he would still appear in dialogue. The fact he can't die merely serves to prop up the illusion, so to speak.)
  17. For fun, I modified the Astral Blade Combat Art so that it triggers 100 hits instead of 5. Honestly, I wasn't sure if it would actually work... Also, I'm hoping to show a video of several unused skills. Just need to figure out how to trigger some of them.
  18. There wasn't a DLC update last week. I'm guessing they wanted to space out the DLC since the last paid DLC (Cipher Companions) is due on 22nd June. Maybe we'll get 4 this week and 5 on 22nd June?
  19. Yeah, that's how the game determines what the rusted items become via forging. Also, forgot to mention, but the Ancient Ring from the DLC can only be loaded in that one DLC map. Unlike the other DLC items, which are in the global folder, the Ancient Ring is stuck in the local folder. Makes sense since you aren't supposed to keep it. I guess you could hack the Coral Ring to give it 40 Res or something : P
  20. @Tukurai You can get Boots in the post-game, not just from Mila's Bounty. Anyway, good luck!
  21. Main team Azura: Sings mostly to keep units out of danger or to finish off enemies. Also fairly decent against reds with Sapphire Lance. Sakura: With +Def and Def +3 can take a few weak hits. Main use is healing with Rehabilitate, but if desperate can stall weaker foes with Fear. Tharja: Only 4* but the secondary damage dealer and bonus unit. Gains +14 damage with all three allies nearby. Has Quick Riposte 1 to occasionally ORKO Veronica. Cherche: The main damage dealer with +Atk and Brave Axe+. Does not have Death Blow, so has to make do with Atk +4 and special. Shout outs Tiki: Last resort to take out Veronica and Hector. Has Fury 2 and Quick Riposte 2 to hit hard on counters. But is generally on a team without healers so I have to be careful. Soren: Counters Reinhardt and Olwen kind of. Can suicide against Veronica or land the final blow. Olivia: The last resort dancer. Has Ruby Sword to tank a hit or two from Veronica, but barely does any damage. Just there to do Azura's job if team 1 falls. Bride Cordelia: Less mobile than Cherche and doesn't have WTA against anything, but serves a similar-ish purpose.
  22. To provide a few more thoughts, one could argue that Act 6 isn't canon story-wise. But the details within are most definitely canon, otherwise the developers wouldn't have put them there. Think of it as developer's notes that you can read in game. Same with the stone tablets in the amiibo dungeons.
  23. Sorry, I finally had time to do some testing and Mogalls spawned via Divide do not drop items. So I can only assume Balors work the same. I hope you enjoyed the Renown though, assuming they give Renown ^^;;;
  24. I'm conflicted when it comes to DLC. I actually really like the idea of DLC so long as it provides satisfying content beyond the main game. For all the complaining, I do think Fire Emblem's DLC is mostly that. The main issue I have is the pricing model. It just seems counter-productive and counter-intuitive for all the small bits and pieces of DLC to cost more than the full game. At least IS was smart to price the DLC versions of Fates's story paths at less than the full game. Anyway, as for my habits, I generally buy what I need and nothing more. That said, I have been swayed on occasions. Awakening, I only got the story and class DLC and some of the better skills. Eventually I caved and got the Golden Pack for easier grinding. For work-related purposes, I ended up buying all the DLC anyway. Fates, I dunno what I was thinking but I bought all of the map packs. No regrets though since every DLC offered something new. The only thing I was disappointed about was the lack of the final wave of Japanese DLC. Echoes I tried to be more careful with my money. At the moment I only have Astral Temple, Inner Sanctum and the Deliverance DLC. Later I'll be getting the Cipher DLC. Thinking of grabbing a handful of classes.
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