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Everything posted by VincentASM

  1. Hasn't that always happened though? It's not necessarily a bad thing, I think, as long as we don't take things too seriously. I actually get rather amused when people bring up my name when Sakura is involved. At the same time, I wasn't exactly, say, rallying for her to become president during the War of the Clerics. Nor was I depressed when she lost (well only for a few minutes).
  2. Since I don't have a save nearby, does anyone know the exact timing Jedah leaves during the Swamp of Duma? I am looking for the turn number and phase. Eg. turn 8 of the player phase. I'm trying to reverse engineer some events, but I can't figure out the turn-based ones. So I thought I'd look into an "easy" one.
  3. Yeah, as soon as I saw Frederick, I knew somebody would be excited : P It's also pretty funny how the Awakening trio are from the beginning of the Awakening timeline. Before they become heroes.
  4. It looks like we got the trailer that was teased by the official Twitter account.
  5. I'm assuming there's isn't much to explain. We're getting special map(s) themed after Alm and Celica where you can earn Orbs. Just like previous special maps that aren't Hero Battles or Grand Hero Battles. I am pretty sure (and hopeful) that the theories about gambling are simply reading too much into words with little context. Otherwise, I blame Twitter limitations. I guess they didn't want to bother having multiple tweets to explain more.
  6. Yup, you've guessed correctly. So we ended up with a win-win situation, except for the poor souls who actually wanted to see the OCs.
  7. It's just a fancy title. The Fire Emblem was basically absent from Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 as well. What makes a Fire Emblem game isn't its namesake, but it's story and gameplay. There have been a bunch of Zelda games without Zelda, for example.
  8. No, that's when the Twitter poll ends. They could theoretically reveal the conversation(s) as soon as it ends, but they never specified a time/date for the reveal. So I wouldn't count your chickens just yet.
  9. Episode 5 This place gave me Majora's Mask Stone Temple vibes. I think it's the blocky sand-coloured towers.
  10. Pretty sure that's just a case of bad/amazing luck, ahaha. I honestly don't think they bothered to code decaying drop rates. This isn't some F2P game where they need to manipulate the odds to make you keep playing and paying. Besides, if you bought Inner Sanctum, you've already paid and therefore earned the rights to non-fixed drop rates.
  11. I don't like posting announcements of announcements, but since there's not a lot to discuss... I assume it's separate from the Twitter poll results. It's totally going to be Robin and Lissa, right?
  12. Yeah, it's weird. Maybe Yusuke Kozaki got bored or IS just didn't feel like forking over the extra cash? Besides the royals, there's artwork of Felicia, plus a couple more of the retainers like Niles, Hinata, Odin, Oboro, Jakob. I forget the entire list. Thing is, most of the additional artwork was used for something. Felicia was for the convention in France. Jakob and Oboro appeared in the Top 4 male/female 3DS themes. Meanwhile Niles, Hinata and Odin were used in the drama CDs. In the end, they must have run out of excuses to get Yusuke Kozaki to draw more artwork...
  13. Good catch, but that's how it is in the game data. Maybe they wanted Conrad to join earlier? Either way, it's not wrong per se. You can read it as Celica/Conrad having no Act restrictions. I think there's similar weirdness with the rare monsters. Some spawn from Acts before you can access the dungeon.
  14. Ryoma and Chrom is in 2nd place and there are 2200 retweets with 3 days to go. I imagine we won't reach 3000, but you never know. Anyway, I think the outcome should be pretty good. The top 2 winning combinations are heroes who never met (properly in a Fire Emblem game), so it should be interesting to see how they react ^^
  15. I haven't had time to check, but I assume it counts units who are dead at the time of completion. Anyway, I don't think the achievement is that strict, so I wouldn't worry too much. I managed to clear it without recruiting a couple of characters, so undoing a few deaths shouldn't be considered a stretch.
  16. Mine was 4* male Corrin. I *think* my 2nd was 5* Roy, but I can't check because I merged him.
  17. I don't remember it being hard. FE12Dictionary.bin looks like the most obvious place to check. If all else fails, you can compare the original with the edited file. Sadly, I can't remember where I put my notes. Hopefully it's not in the overlay files, because I really don't remember what I changed there XD
  18. Want to know what's really funny? Those isolated sections are actually from the main dungeon itself. They didn't even bother cutting out a piece of the dungeon, it literally loads the entire room/area if memory serves correctly. For example, the bit where you talk to Python at the entrance of the Deliverance Hideout. If you could walk around, it's just the first explorable area of the dungeon XD So yeah, resources may not be the only reason.
  19. Just a stab in the dark. From 30th June to 2nd July, the Pokemon NA International Championship is being held at Indianapolis's Indiana Convention Center. If anybody does happen to be attending, I would like to ask for a small favour. In return, I can offer a Pokemon you're looking for, within reason ^^
  20. Good point. I have no idea except I guess they opted for ease of use--and I suppose that train of thought extended to the villages too. Still, I always did find it jarring whenever you entered a menu segment in a dungeon. I would have loved even just an empty room with a save circle on the floor or something. Very good question. I think I ended up going on vacation and forgot to cover it properly. When I have time, I'll have to take another look...
  21. I'm curious if it's due to hardware. The devs had no issues coding 3D villages, but when messing around with dungeons, I found that you can't have more than 15 enemies on-screen and even with 15 enemies, there's horrendous slow-down. Presumably if they had explorable 3D villages with say 5 villagers and 2-3 of your companions to talk to, the frame rate would be just as bad. Especially if there are a bunch of houses and animals as well. Ah well, we can always dream. Or maybe FE Switch will be our salvation : P
  22. Who knows, maybe we'll break 2000 retweets? We're already at 1200 with 4 days left.
  23. The official FE Warriors Twitter is holding a poll lasting for 4 days or so where you can vote for the conversation scene you want to see revealed. Marth x Chrom Rowan x Liana Ryoma x Chrom Corrin x Xander If the tweet gets 2000/3000 retweets, the 2nd and 3rd choices will be revealed as well. The tweet does not explain how the conversations will be shown--or how much of the conversation. Hopefully it's a video, but it could be a few pasted lines in Twitter.
  24. So I've talked a bit about Echoes's unused content here and there. At last, now that the final DLC (that we know of) is out, I can finally post the article detailing the game's unused content I've been working on. Ta-da! Anyway, I don't think there's anything ground-breaking that hasn't already been discovered or discussed, but hopefully the article is a useful reference for some.
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