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Everything posted by VincentASM

  1. I can probably talk more later, but the Blazing Sword era in general was very explorative... If that's the right word. From what I remember, there was a lot of gameplay and character discussions and sometimes shipping. At the time, there was a lot to talk about since everything was so new. In terms of translations, there were a few WIP ones that didn't get far due to lack of resources and enthusiasm (*cough* Thracia). The most notable complete ones were the Genealogy and Binding Blade patches. In particular, the latter was revolutionary at the time, because it was so feature complete and because it continued the unfinished Blazing Sword story that many were dying to see resolved. I didn't really follow fanart back then, so I can't comment.
  2. I am not 100% sure, but Pokemon Go isn't eligible because it was a mid 2016 game. Super Mario Run was a nominee since it came out in late 2016. Anyway, I don't know about the competitive, but I agree that the game deserves the award. I think it's only the best game in Japan though. Europe has a different game from what I can see.
  3. There's a lot to say, but I'll just mention one thing that's easily forgotten. I believe Nintendo made an effort to push the game because the Nintendo 3DS wasn't selling so hot near the beginning. Most of the games were remakes, ports or very short or experimental games. A bit like the early DS games. So when Intelligent Systems made a brand new Fire Emblem, Nintendo obviously jumped at the chance to promote it as part of the 3DS's growing library of shiny new software.
  4. Yeah, to echo what's already been said, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are basically the definitive versions of Sun and Moon. At this point, there is no real reason to buy Sun and Moon, because of all the things they've added, big or small. Honestly, I really liked USUM and all the new additions, but I wasn't exactly wowed. Most of the new things are nice, but not really "must have" nice IMHO. I did appreciate all the new sidequests and interactions, the way the story has been somewhat streamlined, and also the extra help for aspiring competitive players (like easier to get items). Having all the Legendary Pokemon is cool, but it was already done in ORAS. Still, you can't complain about more stuff : P If you're someone who appreciates the story in Pokemon games, they did write out some interesting cutscenes (mostly involving Lillie, presumably because some players complained about her screentime), but you could just watch them on Youtube I guess.
  5. While it's a novel idea, it would be incredibly painful for competitive play, I'd imagine. Basically you'd have to study each of the Poke Ball animations to know what build your opponent is using. I can't even tell what Arceus form a player is using yet XD So I think Poke Balls should remain cosmetic. Not everything has to be functional ^^
  6. Aww, that's too bad, but thanks for the heads up. Hopefully you future pulls are amazing ^^
  7. As promised, here are the results of the orb giveaway sponsored by @Jingle Jangle! The winners are: @escotanner @EricaofRenais @Kruggov @GinRei Expect a PM with your code very soon! After you've used your code, please also post the results of your summoning attempt in this topic ^^ For transparency, the technical details of this giveaway are below. Entrants: 92 Using random.org, this list of entrants was randomized and each entrant was assigned a random number, then four random numbers between 1 and 92 were generated. The winning numbers were 14, 17, 40 and 70 (not in that order).
  8. Yeah, I thought I'd cosplay for the moment ^^ Here's one with my usual outfit. I'm surprised the limit for stickers that you can place is pretty low.
  9. Glad to see you're enjoying the feature ^^ I've been meaning to spend some time with it, but I've been busy doing other things. I did put together this last night, when I was bored. There was no real reason to it other than to mess around with the starry stickers and background ^^
  10. Thanks to @Jingle Jangle, I have three Google Play cards worth $15 to give away, which is enough to cover a full 5 Hero summon. To enter, simply post in this topic using this exact phrase: "Happy Birthday Jingle Jangle!" (feel free to copy and paste) Deadline for this giveaway is Friday 1st December at 9:00 UTC. Afterwards, I will select three random entries using a random number generator. Rules: 1) Only one entry per person. 2) Only accounts made prior to this giveaway are eligible. 3) Winners must do a full 5 Hero summon and post the results of their summons within 7 days of receiving their prize. You can pick any banner, but you can't back out of summoning once you start. Notes: 1) Winners will receive one code for a Google Play card with $15 (US Dollars) credit via PM. 2) Because the prize is Google Play credit, an Android device is required to use the prize. Apologies for any inconvenience! 3) From my understanding, Google Play cards are not region-free, but you should be able to change your region via your account settings. (But note that your wallet must have zero or low funds.) Any questions, feel free to ask! Also, you are allowed to comment, but please try not to flood this topic too much ^^
  11. 3013 2403 928 if anybody wants to add me. I am playing a female character since I always find the male clothing options boring. @Rezzy I have played for nearly a month now and I generally agree. Right now the game is fun to log-in every day and do some requests, but in the long-term, it is really grindy and worse of all really repetitive. After a while, you'll speak to the villagers so often, you'll learn all of their dialogue and start skipping them instead. Furniture unlocks at a slow rate later on and the rotatable clothes and non-craftable furniture are mostly boring and/or you keep seeing the same ways. I'm also starting to lose track of the endgame. You collect stuff and make a nice camp, but then there's nothing to do. At least in the full games, you'd have to spend in the region of 999 hours for that to happen. No museum is a crime, and the lack of bugs/fish a bigger one. I understand it's to make the requests easy though. Hopefully they rotate during each season, as I'm already bored of seeing the same bugs/fish. I do like the game though. I just hope they update it soon. I was also disappointed to learn that 0.9 to 1.0 didn't seem to add anything new, but it makes sense I guess. Don't want the 0.9 players having a bigger advantage than they already have!
  12. Yeah, I agree. It's easy to tell when they showed off the prototype based on the NES Zelda ^^ Anyway, I could probably go for ages, but I'd love it if the next Fire Emblem started branching out even more in the RPG department. Right now, Fire Emblem is well known as a high quality strategy RPG, but that genre is a huge niche. So the next logical step would be to make it more of a RPG to appeal to a much wider audience that would otherwise not be interested. Of course, I fully expect the battles to remain Fire Emblem, so grid and turn-based. But in between battles, I think it would be awesome to actually explore the world, especially the towns and castles. Gaiden already let you visit towns and Echoes lets you explore dungeons, so there is precedence. On top of that, I imagine the developers would further expand on the support and interaction elements. I have no idea what they could do though. But for some strange reason, I'm imagining "dates" like in Persona. Or the heart-to-hearts in Xenoblade. They wouldn't have to be all romantic (although that would be a big selling point)--the main thing is focusing on the bonding between characters.
  13. Sorry, by jesting, I was trying to look on the bright side of things. When you put it that way, I admit I've mishandled the situation a little. Would it be better if I was already planning to sell these things anyway? True, I don't really enjoy gambling (and I'm under no illusion that I'll actually get what I want), but I'd be happy to support the developers. If we're talking about immaterial goods, I don't think it's that much different to, say, DLC. I suppose it sounds desperate, but it seemed like the best option at the time, making use of what resources I had.
  14. Hey, I aim to please : P Well, I've been dwelling on this since the banner started and while I can't say it's an amazing idea, it's an idea I'm happy with. The things I'm selling I don't need and I'd much rather have the space. Finally, while kitty Sakura is probably gonna be repeated eventually, I'd rather try and get her now, rather than later. Well, I do have some plans, but it's really tough to get the job I want. This year, I've been doing a lot of work as a brand ambassador and currently I am slaving away writing a guide. I also graduated nearly a decade ago, by the way ^^;; I have tried eBay, but it's very hit and miss. I did sell some unwanted games a few years ago, but most of them barely broke even. Recently I sold my Pokemon cards as well, but then I got hit with some unexpected bills and a hefty fine (although not as bad as shadowofchaos's), so most of that is gone.
  15. Well, the GBA Fire Emblem is technically still available. But somebody is eyeing it for 60 USD. Oops, I hope it didn't sound like that! Nah, don't worry, I'm not addicted or I would've blown my life savings on the game or something : P The stuff I'm selling I'm not attached to and I actually need to get rid of. The topic title is just an attention grab, I'm sorry ^^;;; Also, I totally understand there's a very good chance I'll not get the character I want. I mean, I've already been trying for 3 weeks to no avail. It's all about buying additional chances. I do have a part-time job, but I have bills to pay. It would be nice if I had a better paying job, but one step at a time... I need my kitty : 3
  16. That's the only bad thing about so many Fire Emblem games out right now XD By the way, there will be a mainline Fire Emblem game on the Switch soon, plus many other amazing Nintendo games out now (eg. Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odyssey) or coming later (eg. Xenoblade Chronicles 2). Of course, I do know the Switch is very expensive since it's a console. Sure, that's fine. I'm still fishing around for offers at this time ^^ Ideally before Saturday, but anytime before the summoning focus is over.
  17. Ahaha, it's tempting, but I couldn't say goodbye to my Day 1 account. Thanks! Yeah, I don't doubt they'll repeat the event. I mean, they already brought back some spring and bridal characters for the Legendary Summoning Focus. Oh man, I would actually be freaked out if they did another seasonal Sakura so early. Yeah, that's a good feeling. I wouldn't say kitty Sakura is necessary for my enjoyment of the game and I could probably survive without her. But it's just painful since she was the character I was most looking forward to. I am also a huge cat fan by the way *____* Yeah the region-lock is a bit annoying. Actually, if you just wanted the event Pokemon, I could receive them from the deliveryman and trade them directly to you. It would take a while to trade 20 Pokemon, but quicker than mailing the cartridge over : P
  18. Nah, I'm British! If you're wondering about the French Pokemon file, it's because I originally redeemed a Rayquaza event from France. So I set the in-game language to match. By the way if you--or anybody--is interested in the Pokemon game, you can trade the Pokemon to Bank or another game, then delete it and start a new file in the language you want. Also, I may have an offer for Blazing Sword. Oh yeah, a bit of background information for this one. I bought two copies of Blazing Sword to try the Link Arena and also for my sister to play. But she doesn't play anymore and the Link Arena is pretty dull XD
  19. Sorry about that! I do think it's wise to warn users though and I will take your warning to heart. It's why I haven't spent excess money on the game so far. Thanks, I think I'll need all the help I can get XD
  20. I appreciate the concern and I am aware of what you're both saying ^^ That said, I would feel happy spending money on the game. It's just that my budget is extremely thin right now, so I haven't had the chance to do so. Also, I should've been more clear, but was exaggerating about the items being important (it was meant to be a click-bait parody title). I am actually also looking to make space, since I don't have a lot of space right now.
  21. * Sorry, I'm just exaggerating a little. I really didn't want to do have to do this, but the odds aren't looking good for me. Basically there's just under a week left on the Halloween banner and I have not been fortunate enough to pull my most wanted character, kitty Sakura. When the banner started, I had exactly 0 orbs because of poor self-restraint and lack of foresight. Fast forward to now and my orb balance isn't much higher than that. While my luck hasn't been truly abysmal (I do have Jakob and Henry, yay), I'm not holding out much hope. Of course, I am currently trying to blitz through the Tempest Trials for additional orbs. But it's a huge gamble with so few days remaining. That's why I've decided to try and pawn off some of the more valuable items I've been keeping, but don't have any use for. If anybody is interested, of course. Note: I ship from the UK (Europe) and can ship internationally, but it may be expensive for medium/large items (around the region of 26 USD). Here's what I'm selling: 1. Club Nintendo Luigi's Mansion 2 Diorama. Unopened. 2. Fire Emblem (GBA), European version (region-free). Used, but comes with box and manual. Save seems to work fine. 3. Pokemon Omega Ruby European fan edition box and steelbox without game and game box. 4. Pokemon Alpha Sapphire European version (region locked) with 20 event Pokemon, including all 20th anniversary mythical Pokemon. File is French. (If you don't want the Pokemon, let me know.) (More may be added.) You can find pictures here. For pricing, please tell me what you're comfortable with. With the exception of the steelbook, I am looking for over 40 USD for each. Any questions or concerns, feel free to let me know. FAQs 1. How can I pay you? --Preferably via PayPal, but maybe Google Play credit? 2. When will the items be shipped? --As soon possible if price + shipping has been agreed on by both parties. 3. What if you summon kitty Sakura while this topic is active? --I guess I'll use the money to hunt for merges? I do also need to pre-order the Sakura nendoroid still... 4. Are the event Pokemon legit? --Yes, I obtained them myself while the events were active. Full disclosure, I have backed up this save file, but I will delete all back ups after the sale. (The backups are just for safe keeping. I already have all these Pokemon on Omega Ruby.) 5. Who does the Fire Emblem save file belong to? --My sister. 6. Do you accept donations? --I would strongly prefer not to. If you don't want any of these items, I can try thinking of something.
  22. Done! I'm currently busy with a work project until early December, so I won't be too active around here. If you need me, feel free to tag me or PM me ^^
  23. Part of me wants the Order of Heroes Anna to be Loki all along and there was never an Anna in the first place. So that's why Anna is missing in the trailer. But I doubt IS would go so far, especially with the Anna antics in the paralogues (unless Loki is an amazing actress). Plus what would happen to your Anna unit (especially if you built her up to 5 star) after the reveal happened? I also just realised the fire kingdom might have the game's Fire Emblem XD
  24. Laevateinn? I wouldn't be surprised if they changed her name. We did get Sharon to Sharena. By the way, each of the characters has a intended design from the design sheets. Fjorm is meant to represent a swan on a frozen lake. Sutr is a demon that wears flames. Laevateinn is a raven that brings death. Loki is a dazzling, bewitching flower ("dazzling" can be a synonym for bewitching, so she is doubly "bewitching" : P).
  25. So some Japanese websites got sent a bunch of assets for Book II. Click me. Red twin-tail girl is called Lævateinn. Woman with the large assets and wielding a staff is Loki. There is also attack/special/damaged art for all 4 characters. Neutral artworks Design sheets (1st page) (If this has been posted already, banish me to the Ice Kingdom.)
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