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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. back when I was going to actually finish an FE4 LTC, I actually recorded chapter 1, I could upload what I did if you wanted. as for Lachesis/Dew, that's a tougher question. She starts with 10000g, and you can have her kill Elliot for the Silver Lance for 2500g more, but after that, I'm out of ideas after a money dump from Dew. Remember that it only actually costs Dew 20000G for the elite ring, so he could clear the arena in chapter 2 (he honestly doesn't have tooooo bad of a time asides from the two lance using enemies), then you could have him keep the skill ring or something before money dumping Lachesis so he'd essentially keep 10000g if he needs it for later.
  2. hey don't diss buttface he actually has res so he's not targetted by sleep staves and his stats aren't awful never forget base strength promoted daisy though, never forget
  3. Has more than one person actually mentioned Oifaye falling off (hard) at all? Sure, he's functional with (or even without) rescources, but i'd rather funnel said resources into better units later on. Oifaye's performance early really isn't much stronger than the rest of your team's anyway, especially considering Chapter 6 he's likely to do very little because it's advantageous for Celice to be promoted for chapter 7, and all the kids get inheritance. Power Ring Delmud has equal or better offence than Oifaye immediately at base. His higher stats just disappear very quickly in comparison to your other mounts, other than like a bad Lester. I don't even know where he's being considered tierwise anymore since the OP hasn't been updated (I don't think), but in my opinion he's at least worse than Delmud.
  4. Pretty much any sword user with pursuit can ORKO the dragon knights with light sword + magic ring, unless it's like, Alec!Delmud or something. Pretty much anybody can kill stuff with a 50 kill light sword. Just because Oifaye can do it doesn't mean it's impressive.
  5. Just give Leaf the bargain ring, and a couple of rings, and he has no issue affording Elite.
  6. I assume you've tried burning RN's? But i've never heard of this happening. Obviously you rigged Deirdre's defence and she takes 0 damage
  7. Sigurd boosts himself way over the mountains because of the leg ring, and Sylvia can't actually get anybody closer because she sucks at moving over mountains. Noish was danced on the last turn, and this is as far as he can reach. Sigurd can seize from where he is there, two turns after Silesia initially falls. Ignore the fact i've already seized it obviously. EDIT: yeah no rescue until it's irrelevant in gen 1.
  8. I don't think anybody can actually get in range (other than Fury, who has to kill the general at the other castle and can't be two places at once) but I could be wrong.
  9. Actually, on second thought, Holsety might cost a turn, I don't think there's any way to kill the stoopid mage that blocks sigurd from seizing the castle. He should still do Levin!Fury regardless though.
  10. EDIT: I'm pretty sure you can 9 turn chapter 3, you need master knight lachesis, promoted Ethlin, knight ring Sylvia, and the Hero Lance on Fury. EDIT EDIT: I hit quote instead of edit, oops double post. I'm loading saves and seeing how fast it's theoretically possible to clear most castles by just moving units as quickly as possible, so I should be able to get estimates for the other chapters eventually. If you want saves for every castle i have them if you want them. I don't think Holsety actually costs turn either, since Sigurd comes up one space short of seizing the last castle like a chump. I think it costs turn to get in gen 2 though, so it's probably not worth it anyway. I think Chapter 4 is 18 turns without rescue, and i'm pretty sure Chapter 5 will be 14 turns without rescue. Claude and Aideen can only fall in love by turn 9 at the earliest, so you won't be able to use rescue.
  11. Depending on how lucky you're feeling with Cuan, you can recruit Jamka in chapter 1 too (in 17 turns). I honestly want to say the killer bow is required in chapter 2, but it might not be the case. If you can get Dew the Light Sword and Elite Ring he can probably pick off a few kills in chapter 2 with it in the third castle (whoever gets it initially definately won't need it anyway) and then he can probably sell it at the third castle and Lachesis can pick it up and return spam or something. You should be able to promote her for chapter 3, although if you can't, promoted Alec/Noish with the light sword ORKO's the cross knights (they might need a couple magic procs or the light ring). I think it's pretty important to have per promoted though, since if she is, she can warp Sigurd to the top castle (Madino?) after he seizes. Promoting Dew for chapter 4 will require some pretty hardcore arena abuse though, if he has the cash, buying the skill ring helps out a lot, since it gives him a much better chance to activate Sol. 16 turns in the lowest in chapter 6, even with rescue!Lana. Celice comes up one square short if you rescue him back and he goes south of where Arthur and Fee spawn :( I'm not too sure on the other chapters, but it's definately possible to promote Leaf (it will be easier if you actually can get Nanna, since having her return Leaf means he gets to act out of the castle on turn 1. You can also rescue people over the water northwest of Lenster. You probably don't need Holsety for Alvis, Aless almost ORKO's him with the Power Ring and continue procs. If I think of other things i'll post them here too.
  12. I traded a kakuna for something insignificant and ended up getting the same kakuna back ~3-4 trades later.
  13. Light sword Alec is honestly pretty good against him, although he won't have the magic ring if you're giving it to Deirdre. Fin still does pretty decent damage to him at least.
  14. I almost think Ethlin should be free in these. It really really sucks not having any healing early on, especially if you have units like Lex who are going to get hit.
  15. It doesn't make him kill anything, it just increases his usability. If he procs any skill (or has the hero sword) he kills anything though.
  16. It's much the same as giving Midir the speed ring, without it, Midir is a much weaker unit. Noish without the pursuit ring is pretty mediocre, but he gets a lot better with it, especially if he's fathering someone. Same goes for Lex I guess? Lex with the pursuit ring is literally only better against armors, so his performance doesn't even get significantly better. It doesn't fix his issues of fighting swordusers or 2 range enemies (although the 2 range thing applies to most units)
  17. Yeah, I guess there are a few more armours in chapter 3 than I remembered, it could be useful on him there. I'd rather have it on Noish or something if i'm using him though, it makes him so much better, and Lex is already pretty good without it. A pretty good chunk of the armours in chapter 3 have Javelins, bows, or swords too (so he can't counter or won't double) so it's only really useful on the player phase. he kills them... if he hits. Lex's skill nor the Hero axe's hit is very good.
  18. Jamka's really not too bad to recruit in a draft like this, and the killer bow is REALLY good. Jamka kinda sucks though.
  19. I usually just let Ethlin take it for Leaf, Levin doesn't really need it once he gets holsety, and Lex definately doesn't need it because he doubles like a quarter of the remaining enemies in the game anyway.
  20. I think the only real way to beat medeus is throwing Katarina at him with a huge thoron forge and spirit dusts to knock off a solid chunk of damage (with all the spirit dusts and a +10 forge she does 75/99 damage) then find the other damage elsewhere She can blow up Gharnef pretty easily too, 0 luck too strong. The obvious issue is still money like dondon said. EDIT: Also I honestly thing generic enemies are way more of an issue than the bosses.
  21. Lex isn't consistantly good though. He does very little in the prologue, and is very, very average in Chapters 1, 4, and 5. I still think a unit that is better in the harder parts of the game is more valuable that being above average in the rest of it.
  22. I agree with the statement of Fin > Lex => Cuan. Lex is probably better because Cuan's really only better in the prologue, they have similar attack power and defences in chapter 1 and 2, and then Lex promotes sometime in the middle of chapter 2 or the start of three and is probably better.
  23. If you passed down the killer bow, lester's hit usually isn't much of an issue. I still think Midir is better, since the killer bow is debatebly better than the Hero Bow anyway, so pursuit matters more.
  24. Wow, turns out he does. For some reason I thought he was 30/30/30 for Str/Skl/Spd.
  25. Yeah, I didn't think of the arena. Although the killer bow is pretty much an insant win come providing Midir actually got stats (which sometimes doesn't happen...)
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