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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Penna4Ef2o8&feature=youtu.be I think i'm going to 5 turn dragon's gate, I think the member card saves the one turn it costs, plus i'll get Legault and his stuff too, and I won't have to promote Florina. 19x in 3 turns with a bunch of stuff.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKkhY7aPaMk Chapter 19. 19x should be up shortly too.
  3. I could, but hacking the game isn't really true to the spirit of the run. It'd only make it easier, since the enemies there are a very high level, and there's an extra statbooster there (dracoshield i think) and a gem too, so yeah.
  4. I don't know if its just me, but I'm seeing this when selecting a file: then the game screeches at me when it crashes in the prologue.
  5. I dunno if I'll rig a 10% crit lol. It's not like the one turn requires any strategy or anything.
  6. They're buyable in chapter 21, then not till endgame. Chapter 21 is theoretically 1 turnable, but it needs a crit, which seems lame. I honestly don't think I need all that many if any more pure waters though. Barrier staves should be enough.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83e_OzluUaA Chapter 18. Nothing new here.
  8. in my old S rank run, it took i think 27? turns in chapter 10 of nils dancing and tanking three enemies so yeah. Its honestly not that interesting of a chapter anyway, its just blitz the boss with a bunch of stupid poison weapons.
  9. Unfourtunately, since I LTC'd Lyn mode, it was impossible to get Nils to level 7, so i'll be unable to go there :(
  10. Yeah, I'm pretty sure all of Lyndis's Legion would have dialogue if Florina did. Thanks!
  11. holy crap 3 chapters in a day and its only halfway done what is this madness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45a5p8xUKIQ pretty much the same as espinosa's strat except the devil axe pirate suicide.
  12. aaaand here's the actual chapter 17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ooLQhA-1Ms and a exp comparison from the other run too, ESPI UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS HECTOR 09.15 27 14 09 08 05 12 04 MARCUS ??/04.XX 33 17 17 11 10 11 08 LOWEN 09.20 28 12 08 11 05 13 01 KENT 08.54 27 11 11 10 03 06 06 SAIN 13/03.16 31 19 09 20 08 13 03 FLORINA 08.87 27 10 12 14 13 07 05 ELIWOOD 06.81 22 10 06 11 11 10 02 PRISCILLA 04.33 too lazy ME UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS HECTOR 09.83 26 13 09 10 06 12 02 MARCUS ??/04.07 33 18 16 14 10 12 10 LOWEN 12.40 32 12 08 16 08 11 03 KENT 12/03.11 34 17 18 18 04 13 05 SAIN 07.85 23 12 05 09 08 08 00 FLORINA 09.50 31 10 12 16 08 06 08 ELIWOOD 09.64 25 12 10 13 13 10 05 PRISCILLA 04.57 16 07 06 09 07 03 07 The only real big differences are Eliwood's and Lowen's huge level lead, and my Marcus is a lot better. Espi also funneled a lot more exp into Erk and Matthew (for some reason...), so that's where the outlying exp is probably.
  13. Yeah, I just confirmed that you can recruit lucius in the 6 turn clear, priscilla has to proc speed and dodge one of raven's attacks or the attack of an archer though. Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjExgBJG4mI&feature=youtu.be
  14. TOO LATE ALREADY DID IT my guess is he is, but you miss out on the knight crest. My Marcus and Kent could both orko the boss with heavy spear, so they could go over and rescue the dudes out of the way for raven. I'm actually almost 100% sure its possible.
  15. Lowen is on SPEED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mdjiyt21_go&list=UUcp11fr85Q1lEVSEHtv53pA got both villages, nobody died, 3 turns. Hopefully chapter 17 will be more interesting! I've also opted to get the Knight Crest instead of the Hero Crest and the Unlock staff like Espinosa did, I'll want an unlock staff for endgame, but they're buyable in Eubans' chapter secret shop. This will let me promote Lowen much earlier than he did, and I don't intend on actually promoting any hero crest users (raven is a very long shot). In any case it won't be needed for a long time. I'll do my comparison thing after chapter 17. The boss is a chump, I don't even use armourslaying or killer weapons!
  16. yeah they're the sword cavs. Hector only has to dodge one attack to live anyway, and the thunder mage has 64 hit too.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mpct1e7Nv6A&list=UUcp11fr85Q1lEVSEHtv53pA tonight turned into tomorrow hopefully i'll get chapter 16 done soon. EDIT: the ai seems to prioritize 11 defence Hector over 6 defence florina ragequit
  18. Its been a long time since i've played awakening, but i'm pretty sure Lucina only has a retreat quote and doesn't cause a game over
  19. its an entirely new track. I really like it too.
  20. yeah its definately not required, but i'll probably get it anyway. I think Matt can get level 4 in chapter 15 by killing only three enemies anyhow. Chapter 15 recorded, but I'm going to make dinner so it likely won't be up for a while Eliwood reaches level 8!
  21. Yeah, I find I never have enough money to get her elite and warp, but the Bank of Dew could definately help in that regard. On the other hand, how is Aideen not level 30? (not that she'll have much of a problem)
  22. wow i'm really surprised Tiltyu level capped in chapter 4! I honestly struggle to make her hit 30 after chapter 5. What's your secret?
  23. Yeah 16 is probably going to be pretty boring since its just Florina dropping Marcus and Hector and stuff I realized that if I want the silver card (which I'm not sure I do honestly) i'll have to give Matthew 2 levels (which wouldn't be hard but...) I want outside opinions on this before I have him kill a few enemies in chapter 15. Is it worth it? Will it cost a turn (my guess is yes)? Also I could theoretically have three Paladins in 17x, although I doubt i'll promote Lowen early. EDIT: just by counting squares, i'll be able to get the silver card. I'll find Matthew level 4 then.
  24. Chapter 7 maybe, but Chapter 6 there are very few enemies unless you rambo it in which case the more durable dudes like Brighton shine more than a foot unit with mediocre combat this being said I haven't played Thracia in a few years now so I could be remembering incorrectly.
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