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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. I don't really like maxes meta's in general, it takes away unit originality. Everyone having 30 luck and supports just turns it into a dodgeoff anyway (i think it would have anyway) since weapon hit is pretty mediocre. Berserkers are definately way too strong though. Like why do they have one of the highest skill caps in the game? TRS honestly looks pretty interesting, all the skills and units I don't know overwhelm me though. I'd still be up for attempting to make a team though, it looks like it has potential, even if there is Awareness everywhere.
  2. TURN 6 VS Neimi @Nidhogg attacks Garcia @Garm! Garcia's NIHIL activates! 24 damage, 84% hit, 0% crit (85, 41) Garcia takes 24 damage! (36/60) Anon's turn. ESPI ANON ROSS 30/60 EIRIKA 00/60 AMELIA 60/60 L'ARACHEL 00/60 EWAN 60/60 DOZLA 00/60 NEIMI 60/60 NEIMI 00/60 GARCIA 60/60 GARCIA 36/60
  3. I've decided I don't want to play another FE8 game. It's not worth it. More than half the cast is totally outclassed and useless.
  4. i think garcia will be able to kill ross unless he gets blicked i think i've decided I don't want to play this meta anymore, there's no support variety and Garm is ridiculous
  5. TURN 5 VS Ross @Garm is attacked by Dozla @Silver Axe! Ross uses NIHIL and RESOLVE! 22 damage, 2% hit, 0% crit (50, 63) Dozla misses for some reason! Ross counters and kills him! Espinosa's turn. ESPI ANON ROSS 30/60 EIRIKA 00/60 AMELIA 60/60 L'ARACHEL 00/60 EWAN 60/60 DOZLA 00/60 NEIMI 60/60 NEIMI 00/60 GARCIA 60/60 GARCIA 60/60
  6. FE8 weapons are so much stronger I don't think it's much of a contest. FE7 stats are slightly better though. I guess there is the Uber Spear, I forgot about that lol, although an uberspear oswin with renewal would be pretty troll
  7. Yeah it's not just Franz, although his skill is kinda mediocre. The point was the silver forges and higher hit make FE9 a lot different. FE8 doesn't really offer a whole lot of team varience either :(
  8. if you're trading a swordmaster for garm, i think its a good trade lol also its not anything like attacking boyd. Garm has less hit, the meta has less hit in general. Garm Franz! has 38 hit on Joshua lol. 28 AS isn't doubleable by anything in averages + boosters. Swordslayers are a fair point against Gerik though. I'd like to play another averages game in FE8 too to try some things, any takers? No awakening skills though for me. Josh himself gets absolutely decimated by swordslayers anyway.
  9. maria is terrible with the devil sword until she gets like 20 levels, doesn't she have like 1 base luck or something horrid
  10. doesn't resolve flash pink or something when ingame? i gave it to boyd last playthrough and I don't think he ever got below half so i forget
  11. nihil negates the activation of parity, it flashes and stuff so it is a battle skill.
  12. i don't think gilliam is very good either wrt to joshua 22 str + 27 effective might from armourslayer is 49 - 18 defence is 31 damage if he doesn't have garm and has a non vidofnir lance he's almost ORKO'd so that's not any better. Not to mention crit chance and the possibility of an energy ring (although Franz could have defensive boosters, but he doesn't use them that well. there's really no point to not have Garm Gerik on your team, everybody else just gets a 20 MT beatstick and no longer gets doubled.
  13. the faire's aren't battle skills, they shouldn't be negated. TURN 4 VS Ross @Brave Axe attacks L'Arachel @Excalibur! Ross's NIHIL activates! 36x2 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit L'Arachel dies! Anon's turn. ESPI ANON ROSS 30/60 EIRIKA 00/60 AMELIA 60/60 L'ARACHEL 00/60 EWAN 60/60 DOZLA 60/60 NEIMI 60/60 NEIMI 00/60 GARCIA 60/60 GARCIA 60/60
  14. forgot some stuff that affects hitrates, I edited them into the past turns. Also, spoiler's Anon's Eirika has swordfaire. I'm gonna assume that it doesn't get cancelled out by NIHIL TURN 3 VS Ross @Garm is attacked by Eirika @Sieglinde! Ross's NIHIL activates! 30 damage, 75% hit, 0% crit (28, 31) Ross takes 30 damage! Ross predictably activates RESOLVE! 44 damage, 100% hit, 31% crit (94) Eirika takes 44 damage! (25) Eirika takes significantly more than 44 damage and is KO'd! Anon's turn. Espinosa's turn. ESPI ANON ROSS 30/60 EIRIKA 00/60 AMELIA 60/60 L'ARACHEL 60/60 EWAN 60/60 DOZLA 60/60 NEIMI 60/60 NEIMI 00/60 GARCIA 60/60 GARCIA 60/60 berserkers fair and balanced
  15. great knights just have way too many effective weaknesses to be good. A Garm Great knight Franz is twoshotted by an uninvested Joshua, which is plain sad. Joshua even does more damage! Which means without Garm he's ORKO'd
  16. Then you have Franz sitting around doing no damage while Garm still has two shots to hit him. Or just get a sword user to get free damage on him. His caps are just so terrible, and his averages are mediocre, as are his supports.
  17. Then Garm comes along and Franz is dead. Or any of the multitude of effective weaponry that exists.
  18. Franz and the other mounts are pretty dumpster tier without Garm, dunno why they're so high Saleh seems pretty good too, honestly. Although you can't use siege tomes in the normal link arena, are we just going to ignore that (can't double with bolting anyway) I'd like to try an fe8 game with a team not built around 40 def Gilliam to really know what's good though, haha.
  19. TURN 2 VS Ross @Garm attacks Neimi @Brave Bow! Ross activates NIHIL! 31 damage, 73% hit, 29% crit (60, 35, 43) Neimi takes 31 damage! Ross attacks again! (85, 44, 25) Critical hit! Neimi is KO'd! ESPI ANON ROSS 60/60 EIRIKA 60/60 AMELIA 60/60 L'ARACHEL 60/60 EWAN 60/60 DOZLA 60/60 NEIMI 60/60 NEIMI 00/60 GARCIA 60/60 GARCIA 60/60
  20. CHAPTER 6 - 4/36 TURNS Gave Franz the dracoshield, helped a lot. He went up the middle, (nabbing the halberd, its key for next chapter) while other units picked up his scraps and such. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON RANK EIRIKA 10.62 23 07 13 16 11 04 04 B SWORD EPHRAIM 08.20 27 10 12 14 11 09 02 C LANCE FRANZ 12.27 28 11 10 13 05 10 01 C LANCE D SWORD ROSS 02.96 22 14 05 08 11 07 02 C AXE GARCIA 09.59 32 12 11 08 04 08 01 C AXE COLM 04.92 19 06 04 10 10 04 02 E SWORD CHAPTER 7 - 4/40 TURNS Ross the PIRATE! Garcia and Franz rescue dropped Colm onto the river, and Ross ran a space further than him on the river, further up. They passed Eirika onto Colm on turn 2, who gave Eirika to Ross on the same turn, dropping her further up. Eirika made Murray Javelin her on turn 3, so Ross could OHKO (!) him with the Halberd on turn 4. Franz got a lot of levels, and Colm stole the energy ring. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON RANK EIRIKA 11.47 24 08 14 17 11 04 05 B SWORD EPHRAIM 08.20 27 10 12 14 11 09 02 C LANCE FRANZ 15/01.00 32 14 11 15 07 12 03 C LANCE C SWORD ROSS 04.92 23 16 06 08 11 07 02 C AXE GARCIA 10.53 33 13 12 08 04 08 01 B AXE COLM 05.68 20 06 05 11 11 05 02 D SWORD CHAPTER 8 - 5/45 TURNS Franz promoted and charged the throne while Ross cleared out the knights in the chest room, Garcia killed enemies near the start, and Colm got the Robe. Ephraim got some levels too, which is good since we're going his way! UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON RANK EIRIKA 11.47 24 08 14 17 11 04 05 B SWORD EPHRAIM 11.47 30 12 14 14 11 10 03 B LANCE FRANZ 15/02.85 33 14 11 15 07 12 03 B LANCE C SWORD ROSS 07.68 26 17 07 08 13 07 02 C AXE GARCIA 11.52 33 14 13 08 04 08 02 B AXE COLM 06.73 20 06 05 11 12 05 02 D SWORD Look at that, Ephraim had the same amount of exp as Eirika did before the chapter. CHAPTER 9 - 11/56 TURNS Yeahhhh Fort Rigwald is long got Ross's Ocean Seal. Colm is out of luck. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON RANK EIRIKA 11.47 24 08 14 17 11 04 05 B SWORD EPHRAIM 12.80 31 13 14 15 11 10 03 B LANCE FRANZ 15/05.13 35 17 12 17 08 13 05 A LANCE C SWORD ROSS 10.02 28 18 10 08 14 08 05 B AXE GARCIA 13.21 35 15 13 08 06 09 03 B AXE COLM 08.57 22 07 06 12 14 06 02 D SWORD I also recruited Amelia, I have a feeling Ross would love a speedwing but I think I need to save it for Cormag.
  21. dont be afriad to use weapons like the Ridersbane and the silver lances you have (if you have units that can use them), lots of enemies in the chapter are weak to them (especially the reinforcements, which I assume you are having trouble with.)
  22. misses Eirika, Rangers, Rouges (lol), Assassins, Swordmasters, Dancers (TETHYS OP), any Excalibur user, or any other Garm user that's not a Great Knight or male general. The +10 avoid is more gamebreaking too. it brings something like a 60-70ish hit down by 10, which is actually like 14-18 in true hit.
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