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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. maybe there's a possability it varies by difficulty or something? What mode were you both playing (dondon/baldrick) I doubt it, but there's always the possibility.
  2. rexflame has 12 WT, not 14 the other sages like ilyana don't really become viable, they just suck less hard.
  3. Resolve can be worked around though, avoiding knocking them into range, Nihil, etc. Rexflame is pretty much just like "Hi one of your units dies now" Calill can have 111 avoid with it too. And you can add resolve on top of that and well...
  4. i've never actually used rexflame, so I dunno haha if anon wants to use cut weapons too, i'll do it, but i'd probably want to remake my team
  5. I was under the impression that people thought Rexflame was too OP so yeah, no cut weapons. also my team would get owned by it
  6. Hopefully you were referring to the match between anon and I, because I sent you my team! Also I might have forgotten to use cut supports. SO GOOD It also might be terrible but that's beside the point.
  7. the only reason nasir was good was being a fast tank with nihil. If Nasir didn't have nihil, he'd be a mediocre at best unit like Ena. Sure she's tanky, but she offers very little to offense, and unless you slap Nihil on her, she's not actually all that tanky since things like Wrath/Resolve and even like Adept wreck her pretty hard. She also doesn't hit very hard, and with Makalov and Brom being on almost every team, even if she doubles them, she's doing very little and Brom almost always has Nihil too. You can't give Ena Nihil either since it makes the rest of your team too weak in the first few turns, if your opponant gets their resolver going early, they mow through 1-2 units immediately. Nasir doesn't have this problem because he'll have a teammate with Nihil.
  8. he's even better with 3 wings though before resolve, since the common 27 speed tier won't even double him, although it still doesn't protect him from Sages i guess. I don't think 36 speed doubles anything special that he wouldn't be able to ORKO with braves anyway other than maybe something like a 32 speed Ranulf or something. Honestly I don't think Ena is top tier worthy. She needs Nihil to be good, and if you give her nihil, it lets the opponent play around a lot more with thier skills and kill the rest of your team. Nasir didn't have that issue because well, his was innate.
  9. I didn't really feel like either character was like the counterpart you listed at all other than their classes. Mahnya was a character that playable characters related to via conversations before and after her death, being actually related to Fury and someone Levin pined for in the past, whist Phila was just some general with little to no effect on the characters at all. she's never mentioned at all after she dies. I honestly felt she was killed off because she'd have no part in the story after Emmeryn's deal in chapter 9. Like I guess they both have the killed off by archers bit, but Mahnya's scenerio was was different and you felt way more helpless, you literally had to just sit around and mash end turn while you waited for her to die, while in Awakening Aversa (I think?) magically gains convenient risen summoning powers in a cutscene and kills Phila off. As for Pheros, does she even appear in a cutscene or chapter before her chapter? As far as I'm concerned, she's just a generic boss.
  10. Saleh joins in the prep screen of chapter 12, so that shouldn't be a problem. If the save you're using is the one I provided in the other topic, you should be able to do it without issue.
  11. Saleh has two entries in the chapter 12 Chapter data editor, did you change both of them? I successfully made him a mageknight loading a chapter save. Also you are reloading the rom, and not just resetting it right?
  12. Personally I think Brom is better than Tauroneo. He supports much better unit in general with a better affinity, especially since literally every unit he supports is very useable (the worst being Zihark or Nephenee). Tauro has like, uh Rolf and Largo I guess, Ranulf needs similar resources to him, Elincia takes at least one of the energy rings Tauro needs, and Stefan is more or less Zihark with a worse affinity and luck. Sure Resolve is nice to have on two units, but Tauro takes a buttload of resources and usually your Nihil too, making him much more predictable (although Nihil/Resolve Brom is also very commonplace). Plus he's easy for the opposing Nihilist to kill (if they're around) since they'll likely have much better stats. Brom needs three speedwings to really work though, so that's kind of a strike against him. But again I'm ranting about a unit i've never used so...
  13. I could host either one if need be, I think I was the original host of the draft one anyway. Also I don't think bishops having triple effective damage against mounts is that bad, they have a weak mag cap and a bad speed cap too, along with Light tomes weighing as much as they do (MOULDER'S CON OP), since they're easy to kill, and I assume Ivaldi would have a *2 multiplier anyway, making it worse than Aura offensively. Like Moulder with Aura has 61 attack against mounts, while a capped berserker has 60 attack with a Hammer against generals. Sure, they hit res, but without some perk, they're almost useless to use, and its not like 61 attack oneshots things either. I also have a cut supports FE9 team I'd like to test if there are any takers.
  14. http://www.sendspace.com/file/tenufs boom all chapters, both routes, including savestates for Valni and Lagdou. Let me know if there's an issue with it, I'm super tired and might have screwed up the upload also its hard mode if it matters i've been putting together a save archive to post here for all the possible games, but I only have a few games done so far (I think only FE1, FE4 and FE8 i've finished) EDIT: OH AND FE9 TOO
  15. Another thing about Boyd (and other hard hitting units really) is it's harder for them to not knock other units into resolve/wrath range. Although I don't think I've actually ever used Boyd, so all my hate could be unjustified.
  16. I feel like Zihark and Mia are just too underwhelming to be in high tier. If they can't double anything, they're pretty bad, and odds are that there'll be at least one of Makalov/Ike on a team, and a laguz royal, and other common units like paladins and snipers that aren't doubled either. They're not very good against the units they can double either (Runesword Mia isn't terrible against them at the very least). And Hand Axe Boyd has 125 base hit with a secret book. and most units have around 70 avoid, those aren't good odds. EDIT: JUST DISCOVERED YOU COULD FORGE THROWING WEAPONS
  17. Parity and + attack supports aren't uncommon either.
  18. How often (if ever) has Boyd ran 20 defence? Dragon shields are always better on high defence units already. He's still killed with a silver sword + brave if he has an axe equipped anyway. Largo supports Tauro which is pretty good for him since he needs like no resources, and gives And receives a critboost from Calill. Maurim can be made into a superlaguz, although his gauge does suck. Boyd has Brom and his bros I guess, but Mist and Titania are kind of lackluster, I forget if he has anyone in cut supports. I'm not saying Largo is good or anything (I think he's horrible) but bulkier units are generally better.
  19. yeah the hero was Greil's class, although it might be really strong to have on Gerik in FE8, so it might be better to give them a different skill although heroes had aether in fe10 too, and Gerik theoretically shouldn't be any better than Ike. I'll try a game with your mechanics, if we do averages + boosters and only if we don't use Summon for summones (summons have 1hp anyway), and Colossus doesn't double strength, and retains its normal 1.25 boost. A Garm berserker with max strength would have 80 attack and prevent a counter, and the berserker skill cap is ridiculously high in FE8 too, and the GBA meta already has pretty high offence as well. Are we just going to use Occult skills or do we get the choice of adding one of each of the custom skills as well?
  20. i'm with Baldrick on Boyd. He's super easy to kill without even worrying about him activating common abilities like Resolve and Wrath on him. I'd almost argue Largo is just as good because his defence blows so hard it's harder not to knock him below half health so he's actually somewhat threatening sometimes, and he has his own innate crit boost to counteract the possible brother bond. Largo's supports are nearly as good too, and it's not like Boyd is surviving sniper and Vague Katti crits that Largo isn't.
  21. i was so confused when baldricks picture became a cat, I didn't know who was saying what anyway congrats and stuff, game was fun.
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