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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. It's been a while. Chapter 7 - 5/52 Turns Feena + Navarre killed things, as did my hoard of angry dracoknights. Rickard went shopping for steels. UNIT Class Level HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LEVEL Marth Lord 13.19 32 12 14 14 14 13 1 C Sword Luke Dracoknight 20/02.61 39 22 17 17 10 19 4 C Lance D Axe Arran Dracoknight ??/07.97 26 11 14 11 5 12 3 B Lance D Sword Matthis Cavalier 10.55 27 12 4 10 4 11 0 C Lance E Sword Ogma Cavalier 13.64 33 14 10 13 7 13 1 C Sword E Lance Sirius Dracoknight ??/05.07 30 15 16 15 6 14 3 A Lance B Sword Navarre Cavalier 09.77 25 12 9 11 8 12 0 C Sword E Lance Feena Dancer 01.46 16 2 2 13 8 5 0 E Sword Chapter 8 - 3/55 Turns Oh God Roger killed a General Reclassed Gordon to Cavalier so he could recruit Jeorge before Marth seized. UNIT Class Level HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LEVEL Marth Lord 15.10 33 14 16 16 16 13 1 C Sword Luke Dracoknight 20/04.14 40 24 19 17 11 20 4 C Lance D Axe Arran Dracoknight ??/07.97 26 11 14 11 5 12 3 B Lance D Sword Matthis Cavalier 11.39 28 13 4 11 4 11 0 C Lance E Sword Ogma Cavalier 15.44 35 15 10 15 8 13 1 C Sword E Lance Sirius Paladin ??/06.01 33 15 16 15 7 13 3 A Lance B Sword Navarre Cavalier 11.03 27 13 11 12 9 13 0 C Sword E Lance Feena Dancer 03.19 18 4 4 14 9 5 0 E Sword Roger Cavalier 09.04 26 10 7 13 6 10 0 C Lance E Sword Jeorge Horseman ??/05.00 28 11 12 13 5 12 3 B Bow E Sword
  2. I changed it to Blue Skies and I forget how to change it back.
  3. Best: I'm going to vote for Wil as best for something, because it's something he doesn't feel very often. Worst: Any manakete/laguz/mamkute/human that transforms into a furry. Uh, I'll go with Fa, because I don't like her.
  4. I guess I'm in the same boat, since I have Eyrios. Anyway, I'll probably get a bunch more done today. SP, your Lifis is a tank.
  5. That Chapter with Cyas and the bridge in FE5. Chapter 7 FE6 is kinda annoying too. As is Cog of Destiny.
  6. If the tome in question is a C Rank tome, it's often not even worth it. The only tome that should realisitically get any amount of kills is Levin's Elwind, and mayyybe Azel's fire tome. Don't worry too much about weapon critical. Obviously, Sigurd is going to kill a lot of stuff with that silver sword of his, and whoever has the hero sword is going to be doing stellar damage with that too.
  7. Welcome to Serenes Forest Forums. That's one of the better map themes in FE7, you should check out FE4's map themes, they are all pretty good (for the most part) Enjoy your stay here.
  8. Hahaha, herp derp. Should have thought of that beforehand.

  9. Don't need to go to America for that, legal age is 19 where I am, haha.

  10. I forgot you had Lifis >.< Anyway, restarting Chapter 6. Should get better exp and a similar turncount now that I think about it. and you totally stole my code chart, caps lock and all Chapter 6 - 9/62 Turns Did the same thing, except Karin hauled Nanna to the exit and put everyone's shit in storage. Bryton was left behind, but he managed to give Leaf the Odo Scroll beforehand. I probably could have had him join, but he won't be needed for the next mission, then he's gone anyway. I need to keep Karin and Lara around for recruitment purposes, and Nanna gets Fergus the Beo Sword. UNIT LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF BLD MOV WEP LEVEL LEAF 20.00 41 12 3 5 14 13 5 10 8 A SWORD EYVALE 14.33 30 9 4 18 20 11 7 9 8 A SWORD FIN 13.92 32 12 1 9 14 8 7 10 8 B LANCE D SWORD TANYA 10.43 24 7 1 13 15 12 3 4 6 E BOW FERGUS 13.08 31 9 1 13 13 7 9 12 9 C SWORD Chapter 7 - 10/72 Turns RUN FUCKING RUN Could have finished this faster, but Shiva is a dick to recruit in a run like this. As a result, Fin got a couple rounds in the arena. Fergus got the Knight's Prf, and ran like hell away from Eisenhow's knights. I like how when Hannibal comes out, he just sits there. UNIT LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF BLD MOV FTG WEP LEVEL LEAF 20.00 41 12 3 5 14 13 5 10 8 - A SWORD EYVALE 14.33 30 9 4 18 20 11 7 9 8 - A SWORD FIN 14.70 33 13 1 9 14 9 7 10 8 4 B LANCE D SWORD TANYA 10.43 24 7 1 13 15 12 3 4 6 - E BOW FERGUS 13.08 31 9 1 13 13 7 9 12 9 46 C SWORD SAFY 05.40 14 1 7 7 7 9 0 3 5 5 C STAFF SHIVA 04.00 24 6 0 9 12 5 4 7 6 2 B SWORD Added Fatigue in my unit chart. Fergus is sitting this chapter out. Chapter 8 - 6/78 Turns LEAF IS SO MANLY HE CAPTURED THE BOSS. Anyhow, Leaf got a re-move, allowing him to attack the boss on turn 4, catching him on turn 5 with the brave sword, and Fin stealing his shit on turn 6. Shiva got the Elite Manual, because I felt like it, even though Fergus/Fin would have used it better. Got the Knight Prf village, but not the luck ring. It was nice that the boss had some nice shit too. Safy bought door keys. UNIT LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF BLD MOV FTG WEP LEVEL LEAF 20.00 41 12 3 5 14 13 5 10 9 - A SWORD EYVALE 14.33 30 9 4 18 20 11 7 9 8 - A SWORD FIN 15.48 33 14 1 9 14 9 8 11 8 8 B LANCE D SWORD TANYA 10.43 24 7 1 13 15 12 3 4 6 - E BOW FERGUS 13.08 31 9 1 13 13 7 9 12 9 0 C SWORD SAFY 06.50 14 1 8 7 7 9 0 3 5 9 B STAFF SHIVA 06.76 26 6 0 11 13 6 4 7 6 9 B SWORD Chapter 8x - Free/78 Turns Didn't bring enough door keys, and missed the Neir Scroll. As nice as it is, I would rather have the leg ring and the wrath manual. Tanya had the Baldo Scroll all chapter, and got some nice levels with it. UNIT LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF BLD MOV FTG WEP LEVEL LEAF 20.00 41 12 3 5 14 13 5 10 9 - A SWORD EYVALE 14.33 30 9 4 18 20 11 7 9 8 - A SWORD FIN 16.58 34 15 1 10 14 10 9 11 8 11 B LANCE C SWORD TANYA 17.08 24 9 4 18 20 17 7 5 6 17 D BOW FERGUS 17.90 33 10 1 13 13 7 10 12 9 0 A SWORD SAFY 09.76 16 2 10 9 8 9 0 3 5 20 B STAFF SHIVA 17.24 33 10 0 19 16 13 7 8 6 27 B SWORD Last Chapter of the day. Chapter 9 - 7/85 Turns Leaf used the Leg Ring on turn 1, he now has 11 movement O.o Safy and Fin sat this one out, because I wanted the Elite Sword. Karin ferried Carrion over to Selphina. Got the Fala Scroll. UNIT LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF BLD MOV FTG WEP LEVEL LEAF 20.00 41 12 3 5 14 13 5 10 11 - A SWORD EYVALE 14.33 30 9 4 18 20 11 7 9 8 - A SWORD FIN 16.58 34 15 1 10 14 10 9 11 8 0 B LANCE C SWORD TANYA 19.21 30 9 4 19 20 17 7 5 6 25 D BOW FERGUS 18.86 34 11 1 16 16 10 12 12 9 27 A SWORD SAFY 09.76 16 2 10 9 8 9 0 3 5 0 B STAFF SHIVA 19.64 34 11 0 20 16 13 7 8 6 42 B SWORD I've been bad with updating unit stats, most noteable Fergus and everyone's HP.
  11. Tis a good day, Happy Birthday!

  12. Don't forget movement stars. Chapter 5 - 17/53 Turns Leaf almost broke his light sword countering all the mages and archers, good think I picked Safy. Asvel was left behind, his door key he donated was much appreciated. UNIT LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF BLD MOV WEP LEVEL LEAF 20.00 41 12 3 5 14 13 5 10 8 B SWORD EYVALE 14.33 30 9 4 18 20 11 7 9 8 A SWORD FIN 13.92 32 12 1 9 14 8 7 10 8 B LANCE D SWORD TANYA 10.43 24 7 1 13 15 12 3 4 6 E BOW FERGUS 12.08 31 9 0 13 12 7 9 11 9 C SWORD BRYTON 17.41 36 11 1 10 11 3 11 12 8 D SWORD LARA WHO CARES
  13. Catch an army of Zigzagoons to fetch you shit I love your writing.
  14. Chapter 2 - 5/10 Turns FIN AGAIN I am rather sad that Leaf hasn't got a level, he keeps missing on the few attacks he does get off. Oh well, 2x is for that. Fin rescued Leaf, and ran to the throne. With his Leaf support, he had a sexy 28% crit on the boss (without PCC) and killed him with the brave lance. Eyvale got the speed ring village, and Tanya got the vulnerary. Leaf used the Life Ring on turn 1. UNIT LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF BLD MOV WEP LEVEL LEAF 01.80 29 4 0 2 5 6 3 5 6 C SWORD EYVALE 13.64 29 9 4 18 20 11 7 8 8 A SWORD FIN 10.14 31 10 1 8 12 7 7 10 8 B LANCE D SWORD TANYA 02.98 20 3 1 7 10 7 3 4 6 E BOW Chapter 2x - 19/Free Turns HOLY BATMAN LEAF GOT MOVEMENT, IF THAT'S WHAT ANIME UP MEANS Stole Shiva's shit, but didn't release him so I can get him later. Leaf used the speed ring because nobody else really needs it. Debating whether to get the Baldo scroll or not. UNIT LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF BLD MOV WEP LEVEL LEAF 06.22 32 6 0 3 10 7 3 5 7 C SWORD EYVALE 14.00 30 9 4 18 20 11 7 9 8 A SWORD FIN 12.98 32 12 1 8 13 7 7 10 8 B LANCE D SWORD TANYA 06.00 22 6 1 11 12 10 3 4 6 E BOW Chapter 3 - 10/21 Turns Not sure if Warp, Baldo Scroll, Evayle's items and a shield ring that I can't use until chapter 8x are worth two turns. Probably not, but oh well. UNIT LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF BLD MOV WEP LEVEL LEAF 11.72 37 8 2 4 11 7 4 6 7 C SWORD EYVALE 14.33 30 9 4 18 20 11 7 9 8 A SWORD FIN 13.92 32 12 1 9 14 8 7 10 8 B LANCE D SWORD TANYA 10.43 24 7 1 13 15 12 3 4 6 E BOW To quote Integ, "Fin is a sexy bitch" Chapter 4 - 16/36 Turns SP, I have no clue how you unlocked all the doors and got all the chests and had everyone escape in 16 turns, all I could get was 4 chests (Light Sword, Kill Sword, Iron Sword, Vulnerary) and Lifis stayed in prison. Lara and Bryton are my freebies btw. Machua might have better movement, but Bryton's offence is much better. LEAF ROLLED MOVE AGAIN WHAT IS THIS UNIT LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF BLD MOV WEP LEVEL LEAF 13.04 38 9 3 4 11 9 4 6 8 C SWORD EYVALE 14.33 30 9 4 18 20 11 7 9 8 A SWORD FIN 13.92 32 12 1 9 14 8 7 10 8 B LANCE D SWORD TANYA 10.43 24 7 1 13 15 12 3 4 6 E BOW FERGUS 05.58 28 5 0 9 8 6 6 8 5 C SWORD BRYTON 11.78 33 7 0 8 6 3 9 12 5 D SWORD LARA WHO CARRES Chapter 4x - 14/free Turns Freed the children, got the Sety Scroll, and got the chests.
  15. Pre draft thoughts Fin - He's pretty awesome, has a leadership star, and a horse. Fergus - He's pretty awesome, has an awesome PCC, and a horse. Safy - Repair staff? Shiva - Good foot unit. Pahn - Exists for stealing people's shit. Decent base build for stealing Silvers and Kill Swords. Tanya - Avaliability? Glade - He's Fin's bff and has a leadership star. Misha - Not bad with a magic sword, and flies Eyrios - Picks were getting slim. Ralph - Picks were getting really slim. Trewd - Picks were getting really really slim. Conomore - Picked so one of the other two couldn't have him. Verdict - Starting after I figure out how to work Elite mode. Chapter 1 - 5/5 Turns FIIIIIIINNN Fin rescued Leaf, and carried him to the gate, while Eyvale made sure Halvan got to his village without being attacked. Tanya chipped at an archer and got the Life Ring Village after Fin, who dropped Leaf on turn 3, got himself a short spear and killed the enemy there. Elite mode is crazy. UNIT LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF BLD MOV WEP LEVEL LEAF 01.60 22 4 0 2 5 6 3 5 6 C SWORD EYVALE 13.22 29 9 4 18 20 11 7 8 8 A SWORD FIN 08.30 29 9 1 8 12 5 7 9 8 B LANCE D SWORD TANYA 01.60 20 3 1 6 10 6 2 4 6 E BOW
  16. Not sure if this is the place to put this, but when you click on the "General" section of the main page, it directs you to the Berwick Saga page, and the "Gallery" redirects to the General section, and so on and so forth, explaining the two music sections. I bet this has been said elsewhere
  17. I picked him so somebody wouldn't get a unit who could do something. Also, extremely stupid question, in the OP when it says no using Rescue on Leaf, you mean the rescue staff right
  18. Ewww Dark Dawn Anyway, welcome back, and I had completely forgot about this draft, haha.
  19. I'll pick Conomore, because the other two are so worthless anyhow. And idk Integ.
  20. Trewd, because I can't have Conomore, Xavier is a bitch, and Shanam is a hoe. And I might take one of the other two. Actually screw him, Delmud. Trewd costs turns. Too late I guess, Trewd it is.
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