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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Heh, Lyn is the same way with me. Always fragile, and doubling for 0-3 damage. The only thing Matthis really needs is maybe 10% speed, and maybe +1 base str, +3 base skill, and +2 base luck. His defence growth is excellent, and his strength growth is the same as Abel's.
  2. So... Lyn should have a 70% strength growth? And Matthis 60, and Rickard 70? Wow. Anyway, here's my balancing. FE 7 Dart - Promotes with Hero Crest, but -10% Str and Spd growth. Vaida - Uhh, adding base speed seems logical, but all her other stats bar resistance are very, very good. Joins in Unfufilled heart maybe? Rebecca - +1 all bases, archers get a 1-2 range bow. Rath - Joins promoted with average stats, D in swords. Louise - +5 HP, +2 Str, Skl, and Res. Wil - See Rebecca, +1 Con Nino- Join at Lvl 12, +1 Con Farina - Costs 5000 instead of 20 000 Karla - All growth rates doubled. Wallace - Starts as enemy and gets HM bonuses. Renault - +4 base magic.
  3. Except it does exist, and that's what makes her uber. She doesn't need any more help.
  4. Best: RathXJaffar Bartre X Renault A Worst: PentXHawkeye C They don't even talk to each other, Pent just listens to Hawkeye shout somewhere across the battlefield.
  5. I don't know what happened here. Sorry for the double post.
  6. I myself consider myself an athlete and know quite a few others who play FE. However, posting on internet forums, not so much. But again, I did pick 3 physical classes.
  7. Well, I'm quite big, so fighter/warrior might be the logical choice, but I am quite passive when not playing sports, and tend to play defensive positions in the sports so I'd say Armour Knight would be my first choice. That is a problem though, as I am quite swift, so my second choice would be a bulkier Hero. Third choice would be Paladin because they are awesome. Growths HP Strength Skill Speed Luck Defence Resistance AK 90 55 45 25 5 60 20 Hero 80 45 60 45 5 35 20 Paladin 75 50 50 40 5 40 20
  8. FE 1/11 Abel FE 3/12 Luke FE 6 Lance FE 7 Kent FE 8 Seth/Kyle
  9. HOLY SHIT I STARTED. Chapter 1 14/14 Turns It was quite difficult as Jagen was my only unit that could do shit all to the boss, because of lolMarth and Draug being doubled. Draug was actually excellent in this chapter, and had 2 defence procs that will help him later. Jagen missed about 4 times with his silver lance, but I guess that conserves some uses. Everyone but Shiida died. I actually recruited Wrys as a meatshield so that Marth would survive. Unit Class Lvl HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Marth Lord 2.70 18 6 3 8 7 7 0 D Sword Jeigan Paladin 2.46 23 7 11 8 1 9 6 B Lance D Sword Draug Knight 3.00 22 8 3 3 1 13 0 D Lance
  10. I would leave Ogma as a mercenary if you are using Barst. You can reclass him to fighter if he is struggling in the strength department. Once he promotes, he will become a Hero, a unit that can wield both Axes and swords. Wolf and Sedgar make excellent generals, they can also reclass to Hero after gaining some bulk from being a general. For a bow unit, if you have trained him at all so far, Cord makes an excellent hunter. If not, you can always use Wolf/Sedgar, they are good at anything that isn't a Sorcerer. NM does in fact means normal mode. And when a stat is capped, it will flash green. HP caps at 60.
  11. Haha, I was going to compare your Marth to my Marth on my last run, then I realized he didn't even get to level 15 in the first place. But your Marth has +/-0 HP, +4 Str, +3 Skl, +2 Spd, + 3 Lck, and +3 Def. That's awesome for a draft run.
  12. Haha, I was going to compare your Marth to my Marth on my last run, then I realized he didn't even get to level 15 in the first place. But your Marth has +/-0 HP, +4 Str, +3 Skl, +2 Spd, + 3 Lck, and +3 Def. That's awesome for a draft run.
  13. Maria's Bro, your Marth and Shiida are absolutely ridiculous. I wish mine could be that blessed.
  14. I'm sorry what? Promotion makes Shiida exceptionally better than she was before. Growths don't matter in this case, as her promotion gains are +4 STRENGTH and +5 DEFENCE. Those are huge bonuses. Thats 20 Levels of strength and 50 levels of defence, in one. Besides, as previously stated, her job is just to one shot tougher enemies such as Armour Knights and Cavaliers, while providing chip damage on other enemies with a Javelin.
  15. Personally I would leave Ogma as a Mercenary for a while, until he gets enough speed anyways. His speed growth is pretty crappy as a fighter, and his base speed is unremarkable.
  16. I would give Shiida a higher rating myself, as once she promotes, her strength and durability issues are more or less solved. I'd bump her up to at least a 9. But that's just me.
  17. Just posting to say that I will get around to doing this when I have time.
  18. Ill get around to my run soon enough, just life is getting in the way. Btw eclipse, what was your turncount in the last NM draft, I finished my run. (Drafting tourney III)
  19. I almost started, but Jagen missed with an iron sword for the bosskill, then got critted by the boss. Fml.
  20. Chapter 23 Turns 7/134 Gave Marth the pure water and a vulernary, and he ran to the throne. I did not kill Gharnef. Frey killed everything. Chapter 24 5/139 Turns Frey WTFpwned the boss on turn one, and then cleared a way for Marth to get to the throne. Chapter 24x I don't need anyone other than Frey to win, so he killed everything so I could finish my run quicker. Got Nagi, I guess. Endgame 4/143 Gave statboosters, (aka made Frey uber) He rushed Medeus, and killed him with the Gradivus. Yay, 7 turns better than my last run. I'll get stats up in a minute. EDIT: Actually, I don't give a damn, so i'll just post Frey's. Unit Lvl Class HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Frey 20.00 Pally 60* 25* 28* 25* 25* 30* 17 A Lance A Sword
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