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Everything posted by Michelaar

  1. Those are quite some defenses, that's pretty awesome!
  2. I like Elincia a lot. I have to agree with others that she seemed more like Guinivere and Nina 3.0 in PoR, but in RD she really elevated to a great ruler, comparable to the other rulers of the countries in Tellius, all of which are pretty great characters in my opinion. She really felt human in Part 2 of RD, dealing with the struggles of ruling a country which makes her seem a lot more down to earth. She is also awesome with the Amiti and can make really short work of the Part 2 endgame which is a huge plus in my book. Her voice acting in heroes is also great. Overall, really great read, thanks for making this Ana!
  3. I'm mainly very curious if there is backwards compatibility, heard conflicting opinions so I hope that gets cleared up.
  4. Oh hell yes, Summer Dimitri please? I'm here for that all the way.
  5. I'm guessing it may come tomorrow/tonight? Considering most of the events if not all of them have already passed.
  6. Gabriela couldn't help but giggle at Ren's comment. ''Hmm, perhaps. You should meet me later, then we'll discuss the possibility.'' Having said that, Gabriela flies over to 23-12 and Shines a light on the dracozombie.
  7. Club des Reines is absolutely fantastic, and I love it.
  8. Gabriela dropped Agni, and then waved goodbye. She was needed elsewhere. ''You do your best work here, and i'll do mine where they need me. I trust you'll be fine on your own.'' Gabby moves to 22-8.
  9. They have been labeling them as NH and SH forever I think, and Adrift was definitely labeled as NH. The fact that they are in the normal pool proves that they are in fact NH.
  10. I voted other simply because I do no care at all. I am fine with them being in CYL, I was fine with them getting their own banner, I am fine with them being Mythic heroes, I am fine with them being in New Heroes foci along with other new heroes. I also believe that Alfonse, Sharena and Anna should be added to a grail shop or otherwise be summonable. I would enjoy being able to merge them up and I am sad that it is impossible.
  11. You somehow managed to post the exact trailers I had in mind before I had a chance to! I totally agree with you! In addition, i'd like to add the first trailer of Xenoblade Chronicles 2. It filled me with so much excitement, since 1 was so good.
  12. Yep, that's what i've been finding out too. Today I have been painting what I think a hypothetical heaven would be like. I haven't exactly gotten very far, but I hope to make it into something truly beautiful. And yes, I do plan to keep them! They are always memories I can keep in mind. Who knows, perhaps in 10 years time, I can look back at them and reminiscence about the good and the bad we've been through. Haha thanks! Ace Attorney is awesome, I do hope they come out with a new one soon. I do hope they will come to the west too, and it might be possible if you look really far (Since I think most of the Sherlock Holmes stories are now public domain) but I'm guessing they'll just leave them in the past. The first game has a completed fan-translation, which I've finished playing. The second game has it completed up to it's second trial. The second game is way superior to the first one, kind of like the Miles Edgeworth games.
  13. Gabriela moves to 19-6 and drops Agni to 18-6. "Well, I hope you enjoyed the ride. And... be careful."
  14. My life is fairly generic for any teen. Go to school, go home, play some videogames, do some homework. The current situation of all that is going on in this year has made 2020 one of the worst years of my life. People are dying, being killed, and it's all giving me anxiety. To combat this, i've been playing more games, but i've also bought some paint supplies and started to express my feelings in art. It honestly feels great just producing your feelings on a white sheet with paint of all colours available while you are able to just escape from the troubles of real life, and all that goes on in the world today.
  15. Would we be getting a feh channel though? Are there any hints?
  16. Mine is also definitely arriving tomorrow and frankly I can't wait.
  17. I think it depends on the case, there are different ones. For example, my right joy-con started drifting pretty quickly so I sent it in and they fixed it. My left joy-con never did, as with my pro-controller, which makes me think it's just a case-by-case basis.
  18. ''Alright, handsome, you're a bit heavier than Taliyah, so I can't go as fast with you on my back, I hope you understand...'' Gabriela flies over to 16,8 with Agni still on her back. ''Tell me, how do you enjoy flying on the back of a real siren? I bet it's unlike anything you've ever ridden before.''
  19. So I end HoF for the day with my team as follows: - Brave Lyn Lvl 34 - Mulagir (PRF refine), Rally Def/Res+, Joint Hone Spd - Ninian, Lvl 32 - Blárserpent+ (+Spd), Dance, Moonbow, Mirror Stance 2 (Sacred Seal) - Nino, Lvl 33 - Giga Excalibur, Rally Atk/Def+, Pulse Smoke 3, Chill Spd 3 (Sacred Seal) - Fiora, Lvl 35+1 - Cake Cutter+ (+Atk), Brazen Atk/Spd 4, Atk/Spd Oath 3, Brazen Atk/Def 3 (Sacred Seal). Fiora is definitely my MVP so far.
  20. Considering their pattern was already broken, you cannot say this with certainty.
  21. I don't think he loathes him at all. He noticed Dimitri was going down a dark path earlier than anyone, and of course, had disdain for such a path, as it was a bloody battle that caused his brother's death. ''A true friend is one who can tell you when you've messed up.'' That's my take on it anyway.
  22. While Gabriela flew, she spotted Agni, trying to find his way in the woods. ''Hey, there, Agni. You're looking more than a little lost in there. I do hope you made sure Taliyah is safe, yes? Oh, why am I even asking, of course she is. You're rather handsome.... for a mere human. Here, you should get on my back. I'll help you get where you need to be. Now, hop on.'' With that tangent over, Gabriela flies over to 12,9 and rescues Agni.
  23. Oh wow, I love the desert theme of that map, nice that it's based off that one map from Part 1 (forgot the name), I wonder what music will play?
  24. FE4: Ch. 10, Light and Dark. FE5: Adversity FE6: Path of the Divine Generals FE7: Distant Travels FE8: Determination FE9: Greil Mercenaries FE10: Echoes of Daybreak (I think that's the name?) FE11: Footsteps of Fate FE12: Expedition FE13: Don't Speak Her Name FE14: Justice RIP FE15: What lies at the End FE16: Funeral of Flowers (Though really, I love them all.) FEH: Book 4 Map Theme.
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