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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. fucking summer time and i still get shit about run on sentences goddamnit that's hardly a reason that someone is good, oliver can use purge and heal, more useful than chipping with a jav imo.
  2. i only said basic and el magics =p. all of the second chapters of P4, 4-3,4-4 and 4-5 have recruitable units that you need to talk to, stefan, oliver and volke.
  3. I think the herons are in just the right spot. This is one thing that shouldn't be argued about. Also, @Queen Elincia, Oliver shouldn't be dropping into bottom, he should be at the bottom of low, he's not as useless as Fiona or Lyre, those two should probably never be deployed.
  4. Wow, you just convinced me Eddy beats aran.(but i friggin hate aran) Since Int suggested it i decided to. =p Eddy Vs geoffrey, soren, callil, Kieran and tanith. 3 of these units are CRK meaning there worth is...hard to predict, they make 1-2 chapters much less of a pain in the ass but they don't do to much elsewhere, Should Kieran ever be deployed in/after 3-11?(assuming he's not crowned)So eddy has 1-P and decent contributions the next few chapters, with the added bonus of a good lategame, edge to eddy?IMO yes Geoffrey is a bit better than Kieran no(transfers involved) because of his access to the brave lance, which makes him pretty nice on 3-9, and he ORKO's everything on 2-3(except boss?)but, geoffrey doesn't even have accesss to 3-11, 3-E and the first stage of P4 not to mention he is useless on the quickest P4 non-endgame stage. So geoff is litterally 2 stages, does 1-P and ok contributions later in P1(and a nice 3-12?)make enough ground for ed? Soren...is he ever absolutely helpful? ed > soren, both characters require work and eddy has better P4 while soren does do ok later in P3 it's not good enough imo Callil, 2-E and 3-9 before joining up with the mercs, on 2-E she can meteor stuff and on 3-9 she does more of the same while her chip damage is more relevant, her 3-11 is probably just chip damage, but you have lots of people to do that, and many more that aren't durable, this is a close call, because compared to the two other CRK her later game doesn't just absolutely blow. MANITH!!! she has bad bad bad availability but on 3-11 she's got flying advantages, and she also has this in P4 making her an alright addition to the silver army. so is utility better than sheer combat in P4? this is probably the deciding factor. Now for Aran, i'll compare him to, Boyd, mist(t) rolf(t) and heather. Boyd, i've already done an arguement for this....look at my previous post here. mist(t) as someone already pointed out, do GMs even need two healers? i think one is helpful, but the fact there are two hurts both of their values, aran > mist(t) rolf(t) as much as i dislike rolf, he probably beats aran, he can ORKO paladins on 3-2 with his transfers, aran is nowhere near this helpful on his third stage, he can take an attack but doesn't come close to ORKOing. We have to remember however the game is more than a character's first three stages, Aran is doing more of the same in P1 while Rolf(t) is ORKO even more enemies later on in P3, Aran however has his nice durability in P3, but that's not enough imo to beat rolf and his much much better P4/endgame. Rolf(t) > aran. oooh heather, if aran drops and it's below heather there will be much heat, I like heather but aran's tankish P3 probably gives him the leg up. so thats a closer look at eddy and arans spots on the tier list. it's bad comparison with the thought process of someone who just got home from a flight and is realy tired but it IS a thought process XP EDIT: @ Queen Elincia, reyson is higher than rafiel b/c rafiel has 2 stages before P4, while reyson has 5.
  5. I wouldn't say that, It makes soren a lot more durable, it's not ike's best option, but using a mage isn't your best option. Soren doesn't need it but he wants it, Mia might be better but, she will do ok on her own. Also, someone said use callil, Callil is probably the best mage for endgame b/c rexflame and rexfalme + white tide = double on auras, Sanaki cannot pick up rexflame without a lot of levels and a lot of str blessing, and then theres lolmod.
  6. Oscar doesn't really suffer, he can use brave bow or silver forge, neither are bad weapons, boyd is the only one who struggles.
  7. Dark magic is the only magic not labled for the typeof magic like wind and elwind, instead it is worm and carreau.
  8. while it's not her average to be there, she can use parablossom and her cap is 35, Astrid!!!
  9. oh no i'm being completely serious ;D and Boyd is actually better once you train him, he can at least run around with a hammer on a couple maps in p3 Smashing armors, which i think is worth something, and his last P3 maps he can be promoted by, 3-11/3-E(it can easily be earlier), giving him a couple maps he's really good at, and he's also pretty good in P4 and endgame even on HM, with a speedwing(possibly the speedwing from 3-9)He should be doubling his first P4 map and with a 3-4 levels should be getting more speed since his growth is 45% on average he'll have 25 speed, so he should have 27, enough to double some P4 enemies and he can take out armors well. Aran on the other hand, somewhat pays off for P3 DB maps, that's 3 maps. He averages 24 speed after class change, only 1 behind boyd, but with a 10 worse growth, boyd is beating him in P4, not to mention boyd's superior strength. I would say that boyds P3 > Arans P1 but aran does have his P3 to give him a slight edge, but Boyd P4 > Arans P4, it's a pretty tight race between the two of them, imo Boyd wins, but this all weighs on how useful you think Aran is in P3, I don't think it's as good as others do, so if you think Aran's P3 is worth training him all through P1 then Aran > Boyd, or if you don't think Boyd is as good as i think then Aran > boyd, but i would say end of P3 boyd and his P4 makes up/beats Arans P3 and Boyd's P3 pre-promote beats Arans P1(Boyd actually can hit people 1/2-3/4 of their health while aran is at best hitting half their health, and the hammer is what makes it decisive to me) And, you aren't forced to debate this O_O IMO everyone but rolf beats aran on your list, but obviously i have a low opinion of aran.
  10. Please don't use a mage on an efficient run-through, this is like using brom. bad move, bad speed, but mages have worse def, but, then again they don't have as bad terrain penalty. I hate to be so negative about someone else's PT, but on HM neither is gonna help you much. There is gonna be a better option, Haar won't need the energy drop, he might do bad late-game, but he's gonna tear up P3, even with a bit(but hardly even this)pre-mature crown. If you really want a mage, Ilyana is a total joke, support soren with ike, it makes him decent, proper bexp and he caps every stat(yes my soren's generally cap Str) With Ike support he'll have a nice P4, even on HM doubling many things, but his endgame will suffer, but he is gonna be nice on the first stage and can staff after this, so he's not a total waste, just not ideal efficient guy. By all means though, if you want, use him it's your play through, this is why we watch these threads, to see what different people do.
  11. I've played hours and hours and hours of FE10 and just realized there is hit BEFORE crit, i always thought, lets see, gamble with 50 hit and 75 crit, she's gonna crit him right? often it works but im just retarted for not getting that, no wonder mia missed a 98 crit that one time...
  12. Yeah he definitely overrated her. also, while i was thinking about him earlier, does Aran belong in upper mid? i would say no, anyone else agree with me? He's got like two or three stages where he actually does something worth noting, but what about Brom(t), he helps on 2-1, 2-2 and depending on how you play it 2-E. Aran is nice on 3-6 and 3-13, i guess 3-12 too...but he's as useful there as brom is at 2-E, Aran however does have part 4 and mobility in his favor, but brom gets part 3 and is more useful here than Aran is in P1, since aran only has 6 move on these stages and is worse than brom compared to enemies. So brom's P2 stages > Aran's P3? and Brom P3 > Aran's P1? Aran gets part 4 but that doesn't make the difference.
  13. make one about Tibarn, and another about Boyd, i think they'd be good =]
  14. haha, the herons are quite trustworthy, and how is this off topic? its about resources right? anyways... hmmmm the worst skill? a killing edge mia or even a max crit forge(might want might(WOW i actually said tht), but hey why not?)she can have pretty nice crit, and you mentioned wrath, wouldn't this own? +50crit so it's at least 50, now it's 100. Wrath + gamble? often you need/want another skill with wrath(like resolve) but gamble? this gives you 100% crit i don't get how this is bad. I use it on Mia quite often tbh, she gets vantage/adept/gamble, with a max crit forge or killing edge she's got 50+ crit, chances are she gets a crit, two attacks and it's +50, so if she ORKO's an enemy now she can OHKO and even if she doesn't get first crit, she might get an adept, i don't see why you would sell this skill for a whopping amount of money at end of P3 when you need no money, and it goes good on mia, only thing i can think of better is cancel, but your giving that to haar.
  15. one of his only advantages against jill(t) i think jill(t) could win Vs nolan, but he's around for many more stages, which IMO gives him the edge.
  16. actually, you know the stone the herons have? they could communicate with those.
  17. haha, pigeon communication doesn't work because they don't know where other armies are. It all breaks down, but i like it, it's basically like saying all your resources are pooled together. It doesn't make sense but i like it =P
  18. well, it does work if the merchants(who own the convoy) have 5 white gems, you put a white gem in the convoy, they take it and you can take it out, it's not the same physical white gem, its like when you put $5 in a bank your not getting the same $5 bill if you take it out, but it's virtually the same thing.
  19. well everyone finds smash v intercepter more interesting ;D but to your point, that's hard, i can't say which is better, i think they should be next to each other on tier, maybye jill(t) > shinnon? i like the sound of that.
  20. Hmm, i always thought of the convoy of some sort of banking system, the merchants have every item in the world X123456 and if you put it in they store it and you can pull it back out, if you were 1/3 of an army you would naturally share resources with the other 2/3.
  21. lol, his first point neph has a bad P4 unless promoted, let's see, Ike's P4 would struggle if not promoted, 27 speed would struggle to double, and he'd have no Aether to even make him somewhat salvageable, that's the best beorc combat unit, who struggles without promotion. He says later neph can't promote without a crown? what the heck? she can get nearly 10 levels even in HM in P2 if you take your time on 2-E but she'll at least be at Mia's starting level. And why do so many people think aran is useful in P1, he's annoying to train even in NM, he was the lone DB i used, i shoved P3 Bexp and a speed wing down his throat, still a fail endgame, and the only stage he did well at was the easiest P4 stage, the snowy one against paladins. Aran's P3 is not as good as Nolan because nolan has tarvos, and access to an Xbow, while Jill can be trained amazingly well for 3-13H4X, Aran well let's see with a forged steel lance he's a little short of OHKOing the best tigers.
  22. you just opened my eyes, to something i never even thoguht of, mia/zihark > neph/aran. I just thought that was cool, because IMO myrms > soldiers.
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