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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. Hey you changed your name back =] I agree, I usually do this anyways, it's much easier.
  2. Yeah they are haha, I would never have the patience for this.
  3. For the P1 tier, something i found weird was that Jill is the only Transfer character.
  4. Yeah, but i was more referring to P1 DB =p 62 turns, that's fucking crazy shit. congratz on the win here.
  5. Oh... My... God... THAT WAS AMAZING!
  6. Heather > Nephenee makes no sense to me. It would help if you can explain why you decided to do that.
  7. Ilyana and Nailah probly did more of the work than her.
  8. Aran's spd growth isn't as good, but his caps are far better. Glad you like Laura :D
  9. IMPOSSIBRU! This isn't constructive criticism!
  10. Neal's a good pick. You should be able to do 2-E in 3 turns at the most. (that's what i got, and I'm horrible at beating chapters fast) & Even though he disappears for a long time he does pretty nice in P4. I also see you wound up with Aran/Laura like i did... O.O
  11. Edwards better. trollface.jpg
  12. Have you never been on the internet before?
  13. I'm confused. Your saying goodbye to RD boards, no interwebz in new Zealand?
  14. Ring has a really nice team. The only problem is the desert stage will be difficult since alot of his units are forced to a route.
  15. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: Oh my god... I had no idea.
  16. I just found it ironic Maybe only 1 guy would, maybe every other draft that 1 guy would. But it's still a possibility that Volug can save you those 3 turns if you pick him.
  17. @ bold I'm guessing the rest of your rant has something to do with it... Still counts! Astrid may suck balls, but at the bottom it's about who sucks the biggest balls. Opposing forces. He has 2 range, meaning that he has the durability to chip. Just look at their bases, let's leave the Lyre Kyza argument there...
  18. EDIT: @ RD you can have eddy/Nolan/Aran to help here, my main point is that it just takes away from drafting him. But like i said, pay no attention to my opinion for this draft. Just imagine Tibarn being free for P4, you wouldn't want to pick him. This is obviously not even close to that scale, but I just don't like the idea of free units.(MOAR PAIN FOR THE DRAFTEES) For the love of God, finish the draft! :awesome: :awesome: Don't take this the wrong way, I'm a guy who has done like, 3 RD drafts, finished none.
  19. Jill dying, it's caused me to use a Volug penalty to protect her. EDIT: while I'm no brilliant strategist, and there was probly a way around it, he still makes that map a whole lot easier.
  20. It's got a hell of a lot to do with what your arguing though. Chip Damage, and they have more maps to do it than Oliver's 4-4.
  21. But, think of it this way. If I have nobody to use on 1-5 I may take a volug penalty(I have done this a couple of times in drafts) OR I could pick Volug, already I've saved turns. If there's no penalty, I have less reason to pick Volug, since I can just use him to beat 1-5. That's all of 1-P through 1-5 with only Sothe Miccy, and it's almost to easy.
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