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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. I like texas cold as well. But a lot of people whine about it.
  2. In Texas nobody complains about whether unless it's cold. And it was 104 F today.
  3. When you enter a nestling thread, and don't know it's a nestling thread, you shit yourself.
  4. 4-5 I said fuck it and took a Tibarn penalty, 4+7.
  5. True, mainly it's just a coin flip of whoever you like more. & I've always showed favoritism to Ed.
  6. Oh really? i wonder if I've been in drafts like this... Earlier in P1 his offense is, since he doubles quicker.
  7. Titania > All DB characters. I can say this without a doubt. I'm actaullly starting to wonder if Oscar > all DB as well. Mounts in P3 are just so helpful, and through 1-5 you can beat all maps with Miccy/Sothe. There is a penalty. I would say Ed is better, his offensive is far superior.
  8. Well then would you care to explain? That's what it's going to take for you guys to take over the forum. Gotta have big balls like fireman.
  9. The same reason nestling isn't banned. Because nestling somehow isn't banned.
  10. That made me laugh a good hardy laugh. I agree with you on all those topics as well I like my poptarts that way too! :D
  11. Well you think your awfully special don't you.
  12. I only do that with Semen. I piss on my forehead and let it slide down then drink it We will never know!!
  13. I don't get this rule. We can't cuss in titles, but in the threads we can cuss to our hearts content.
  14. It's funny you should mention that. I was just questioning my identical habit earlier on this fine day.
  15. Haar is the best unit, if we ban him, down the road will we ban Titan? then Oscar? Sadly i can't do another draft, but i'll join this so called resistance. If you take away the best unit of any team it's not gonna look all that great.
  16. H8ers gon H8 I meant the tier list haha.
  17. Now that's a little to far. Nestling is in no way worse than JB. neither is the scum on your shoes
  18. Of course I thought of it, but I would rather not see his name every time I look at something I like.
  19. It should definitely be nestling tier
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