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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. Actually, I would rather have 1st or last pick. You either get Haar/Titan. Or a good unit for your GMs and DBs. & picking two at once is fun :D
  2. Don't mind that, just try to have fun doing it. & i don't think anybody minds how fast you finish, just that you eventually do.
  3. Fenrir

    my asian rant

    Lol, tru that! they also die first in movies.
  4. Yeah, your correct. She's a great #2 DB to Nolan/eddy/aran. WOAH!
  5. Laura is a monster. Had her in 2 drafts, never been disappointed.
  6. I think this is just the advantage to picking Titan/Gatrie. I don't think things are supposed to be all that balanced, some units are just going to be better than others.
  7. He's stealing it from Haar. It doesn't make his armor problems vanish either. He's still having problems dragging his ass up the 3-4 ledges. & he cannot go anywhere besides Greil Army. Ulki takes the 3-5 drop, Oscar can take the 2-E. Giving Haar celerity is not redundant and unnecessary unless you consider beating stages faster redundant and unnecessary. I think ferrying Ike on 3-4 is very important. How did the seraph robe get thrown in here? Boyd does not have major durability issues, 45HP 15DEF. His hit problems can be fixed with an axe forge. His speed is a problem, but i don't think he should be getting one of titan/Haar's wing's. BEXP is a definite must, but he doesn't need loads upon loads of it. Just enough to slowplay. Yeah, but it could kick in come P4, where he sees some flyers.
  8. 3-1 is all about fighting, so i don't know how this makes sense. and it takes away from people who actually picked Soren/rhys.
  9. agreed poor logic. While 0 itself may mean nothing, ranking someone a zero simply means they are completely unattractive, with negatives being repulsive.
  10. I'm not in this draft, just throwing in my two cents. Nah that's lame, make people suffer with penalties >:D
  11. No it's fine this way. That way would mean you go lower for being better. Doesn't line up.
  12. Cain, Dheg, ranulf and Naesala. Meg for the womens side.
  13. I'll still take my horse here >:D Mia/Ike/Shinnon are good enough infantry for me.
  14. Congratz! that's a pretty good turncount. I'm gonna go deal with 4-5 and hopefully endgame now ^.^
  15. Yeah she's definitely right. Even though your 110 in P1, you should be making up the most stuff in P3 with titan.
  16. Fenrir

    my asian rant

    Agreed. Black people get shafted waaaay more than asians.
  17. I respectfully disagree. I didn't even know he was talking about childporn
  18. Yes, but the extra damage we get from fire makes up for it. I'm not that special D,:
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