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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. Yeah, thats sadly true. People wanna hate somethin and race is a good spot to start for 'em...
  2. Fenrir


    my older sister is the same way... minus tetris.
  3. Most societies frown upon death of any form. If a police man shoots a guy I know, i wouldn't just start cheering if i heard about it.
  4. Fenrir


    Sports are hated by some people, totally cool with me. But normally if you don't do anything socially thats not online or over xbox,(I've met kids like this) It's a real problem. "•Play instead of doing homework?" Isn't this WHY we play/buy video games?
  5. I volunteer rotating the stars around your topic. Somebody else get the moon!
  6. I concur, but i will shorten it to less. lancelot = less.
  7. I'll take responsibility. BLAME THE PARENTS!
  8. I thought RD normal is easier than PoR normal, Battle save...
  9. Hate to call anybody stupid, but Soul is obviously right.
  10. I just beat 1-7 and this is alot of fun, Fiona got a level up and is near another. =] Ilyana is lv 16 with 57 in change. Jill is lv 15 with 57exp as well. zihark/volug are C support after 2 stages :D they stood next to each other at every possible time. I accidently Leonardo... Fiona at lv 20: 29hp, 10 str, 8 mag, 10 skill, 18 speed, 14 luck, 14 def, 10 res. from 10-20 I bexp'd her
  11. desert/thicket are worst, but you learn how they work quickly from mistakes.
  12. He's correct, THIS IS ALL A CONSPIRACY TO MAKE YOU THINK YOUR TALKING TO YOUR FRIENDS! you actually talking to a robot spitting back replies.
  13. It's gonna be needed but at least i won't be using her in endgame. Soul, what characters do you plan on using most?
  14. Lol I'm going to be using her for the first time ever!
  15. Why must you ninja edit? D: i wanted shinnon :P
  16. Oh come on, that just makes DB to easy. only Lolnardo.
  17. Boyd is fun. If you like destroying everything after a little babying.
  18. I like aran in NM... He's not worth anything in HM, but in NM... He's wonderful.
  19. Shhhh, i dont like using kyza much anyway
  20. But you said about 10 characters ]8
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