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Pretty Cool Guy

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Everything posted by Pretty Cool Guy

  1. Hero and Swordmaster (Hinata's specifically) look amazing.
  2. Sorry If this was already asked, but has anyone noticed if here has been any gameplay changes like Sacred Stones?
  3. Too bad Hisame doesn't have a personal pickle katana or something.
  4. When I talked to Walmart customer service about my preorder, he said it would arrive on the 25th so I they are just going to ship it once the game releases.
  5. My Top 5: Hinata Arthur Laslow Selena Niles
  6. I tried that method, but when I opened the app, it wouldn't let me past a screen that told me to update. I've heard some people got past it, but I never could.
  7. I just called in to the Walmart customer service on my first try and got one ordered with a confirmation email! Thanks to everyone providing information!
  8. I sideloaded the app onto my Android but when I loaded up the Walmart app, it says I have to upgrade. Is there a way around this?
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