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Etrurian emperor

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Everything posted by Etrurian emperor

  1. Kinda funny that Lyon get a new alt with each passing your since his introduction while fellow GBA villain Nergal isn't even in the game.
  2. Given how Lyon's dating Eirika and his dad seems to be okay I guess the story's gonna end with it all being a dream.
  3. Is it me or has been IS playing it much safer with their seasonals than usual? This Christmas we already had a banner with just the Three Houses lords, now we have a Stones banner with only the main characters and Magvel's Altina. No minor character in sight and certainly not as the focus.
  4. I don't think its weird. Selena just seems to be the equivalent of Altina or Igrene. The more mature ''middle aged'' lady they seem to find a reliable whale bait. In a banner as safe as this they wouldn't let such a favored archetype go.
  5. There's a meet the hero comic about Sharena staying behind because she's shy about the valentine outfit exposing her legs. Kind of a weird complaint for a girl with a swimsuit cipher. Personally I think the poor girl's parents just locked her in the basement so they could take Veronica instead. He might have had to bide his time but Ephraim dev won in the end. Would be a fun plot twist if Ephraim dev and Tana dev are the same guy.
  6. That's possible though its also possible that Duma moved himself and his followers into a domain that was already cold and swamp infested to toughen them up. In either case the area seems much more livable during Awakenig's timeline.
  7. I think Elephants being able to slam units several tiles backwards after an attack could be a good gimmick. Maybe also making them a cross between physical and ranged unit. Being able to attack with the tusk up close or the rider firing with a bow from afar. In general they'd likely be kind of an armor knight equivalent among the calvalry class.
  8. The Meji restoration is always a fun era so I have my eye on Ronin.
  9. ''On black wings'' and ''Lion king Caineghis'' are the obvious ones.
  10. Valentia already had its turn but I'm still very much in favor of making a valentine Mae and Boey. They're practically family and literally family in their ending so they fit the valentine theme in both ways. Celica probably considers them family too. The Greil brothers would be perfect for a family theme but them being all males makes that completely impossible. Even if we were to add Titania as their ''mom'' IS would still never go for it. Begnion also has some potential. You have Sanaki and Sephiran who's her dad, and Sigrun who's kind of her mom. It be cute if Muarin and Sigrun were to team up and set up a ''playdate'' for their kids.
  11. Given the theme is family an Engage one with Alear, Lumera and the twins would have made sense. However since Lumera got an alt literally a second ago this now seems unlikely. Alear and Veyle is also a possibility though. Archenea is a strong contender. They could do one with Marth and his immediate family. His big sister and brother in law Merric, his surrogate little sister Tiki and his bride Caeda. This would also have the added benefit of not ''disturbing'' the balance of a banner being mostly female. That said like Lumera Marth also got an alt a literal second ago. Magvel hasn't had its Valentine yet but I can't say I'm exited about yet another banner with the twins and Lyon. For Fodlan its possible to have a Jeralt banner with him, Byleth, Alois, his wife and his wife's weird simp.
  12. ''A hero sides with the Laguz and justice, the maiden of Dawn sides with Daein and the Beorc'' The narration does kinda suggest it is. As does the senate.
  13. Looking forward to it. My scedule for getting a PS5 hinges on how they impress me.
  14. While I think she's a bit too young and bratty to be deemed as a ''mom'' in this form I do like Tailtiu a lot so that's what I'm going with.
  15. Yes. Without a doubt. There's no better way to learn a language than be continuously exposed to it. I think that is among the reasons English literacy rate is so high among Dutch youths. Games, movies, shows are almost all aired in English over here while countries like France and Germany dub these things in their own language.
  16. It was very nice to see Alfonse win but not entirely surprising. People have grown to appreciate him quite a bit over the year and he's the only OC(certainly the only male OC) who gets treated as an actual main character. I guess people also resonate with the ''Zero to hero story'' since he was dismissed as a mere bench boy on launch.
  17. I think that's more likely to be shown in a Nintendo Direct. True. Warrior games have been rehabilitated to some extend since focusing on Nintendo characters and anime boys instead of obscure historical figures but they are still seen as pretty low brow.
  18. I've heard people speculate that Bernie fans will move on to Alcryst next CYL but I doubt it. There's a pretty unfortunate double standards when it comes to social anxiety in characters. Female characters are allowed to be, male ones are not. The same reason people go ''So precious must protect!'' about Marianne is the exact same reason they have contempt for Ignatz.
  19. I think it’s partially what Humanoid said. TH being sandwiched between controversial games and thus having an inherent positive bias for it. One could argue the result indicates a rejection of Engage’s gimmicky cast and an embrace of Fodlan’s more nuanced cast. I think the results don’t support that though. It’s hard to find a more gimmicky character than Bernie and she completely trashed Ivy who the “anti gimmick” crowd should have supported if that was the reason. Being among the more normal persons didn’t help Diamand much either. I think the most important factor is that Fodlan just made a good impression on people and that they want more. When Hopes released everyone was already kinda sick of Fodlan but when the game came it people realized there was still more to do with the cast and world.
  20. I think it plays a part but is more a factor for Marianne. For Bernie I think the reason is simpler. She’s just all around “cute and moe”. In terms of personality and design she’s not unlike the party loli while being an adult and it thus not being so awkward. And then you can get the “I can fix her” on top of that.
  21. ENGAGE SWEEP! Kinda nice for Alfonse that he ranked first.
  22. I think we need more Lords and main characters who aren't very nice, and who aren't afraid to play the jerk from time to time. Alear, Shez, Robin, Chrom and Corrin. They're all so nice. They wouldn't hurt a fly or defend themselves when people act wildly unreasonable towards them. We should have a lord with a bit more edge to them. Take Lyn and Hector for example. They're good people but they both behave unpleasant from time to time. Lyn's pride causes her to lash out when she doesn't need to and Hector's often pretty rude and violent. Another example is Ike who's a very good guy but not really a nice one. He's overtly blunt, pretty much never respects enemies that don't fall into his specific niche of warrior culture and for someone so against racism he's surprisingly classist. Somewhat annoying all three of them had their edge removed in later games. Now people would say this isn't an unpopular opinion. If asked just about anyone would say they want more nuanced characters who aren't quite so goody two shoes. But its interesting that when the fanbase gets these characters they often don't really act like it. Its worth noting that a large amount of people turned against Claude the moment he became the morally shady schemer people claimed they wanted him to be. And Michy, arguably the poster girl of the flawed lord was hugely controversial during the time RD got released while her counterpart. The reaction to Celica being such a gigantic dummy is warranted but even before that people have criticized her when behaving in manners not unlike Lyn.
  23. The name is easy. I like Etruria and I'm an Emperor. Hence Etrurian Emperor. Arvis being among my favorite characters and an emperor made him a pretty logical profile pic. It helps his cipher art was rather good.
  24. Another aspect to consider is that customizing your avatar is mostly meaningless anyway. Even if you get the option IS is pretty open about this not being the intended experience. Whoever you make or name won't be Robin. When there's a crossover it will always just be default Robin with his default voice and his default appearance. No crossover ever had him keep the hood on and name him ''the tactician''. And in cases where avatars don't have a personality so you can imprint on them they will get a personality when appearing in later titles. And I get that. Giving Byleth a personalty in Hopes was the better option, just putting default Robin in Smash and Heroes was the better option. But it still highlights the futility of customizing an avatar when IS is so clearly going to stick with the default options and give them a personality in the next title anyway.
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