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Light Strategist

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Everything posted by Light Strategist

  1. Shinies are never alts in Smash and I don't know why either. The closest you get are vague directions towards them like Greninja's "shiny" costume being paler and Mewtwo's being more turquoise than green. I suppose it's fine if you fix it with mods though.
  2. I'd say that this would be better served in the Awakening boards since not everyone who has played Fates has played Awakening thus will lead to you finding less people that are able to help. Personally, I just try to take it as it is. Every character is good in some way or another but if you play in a way that restricts who you use in your first playthrough, you may find yourself not using someone you that really like.
  3. I'd love to see Dante from Devil May Cry. He's got such a variety of moves that even his customs could all be 100% different. Plus, it's just really cool to see him toying with enemies in his games through either cutscenes or general gameplay that watching him do it in Smash would be nothing short of glorious.
  4. I dunno, Professor Oak but your Grandson's name is Buttface.
  5. I'd quite enjoy that. In fact, when you think about it, there are several ways to introduce giants in FEW as a new enemy type that could be summoned every so often. A giant Stoneborn could be an interesting inclusion since they're not exactly small normally and the size of the one in Fates' opening could be an interesting view of it. And since there's all sorts of magic and such in Fire Emblem what's to say that new things can't be done like enchanting a common monster class enemy and supersizing it? Even then, I don't see why seem to have this whole mentality of "Final Bosses can't be mid-game enemies" when FEW already did something similar with Gharnef, Validar and Iago. Fine, they're not the final boss of their respective games but they all largely contribute to the buildup to it, being the biggest threat next to it. (Well, not Iago, but you see my point.) There ARE things that can be done, and I'm sure they could be done well. It just means a little creativity on it.
  6. I was just playing Future Past 2 and because I was largely going for conversations I did the one between Morgan and my Avatar. And the thing about that circumstance that got me wasn't the more memorable Strategy Book gift that the Avatar gives to Morgan which gets mentioned in the Hot Spring DLC later on. It's actually something that Morgan says shortly after the Avatar walks away. top_0202.bmp I normally forgot about this little detail here and seeing it again just now made me realize that Morgan joining the Grimleal in the Future Past was basically just them begging for things to go back to the way things were before. Further connecting it, the very next line is: " But I cannot strike down the kind and gentle father I once knew... Forgive me, Master Grima. I must withdraw..." I just find it sad that Morgan grew up in this awful situation. Being willing to kill their own friends just because they want their parent to go back to the way they were before... it's just a hopeless situation full of despair...
  7. Several ideas for this including: Awakening prequel from her perspective to hammer home the dark times at every turn. Awakening sequel with (young) Lucina as the Lord having grown into the role after something happened to Chrom preventing him from doing so. Think Eliwood's situation in Binding Blade. Or a journey following Lucina's perspective set when Owain, Inigo and Severa went to help Anankos (by neither telling nor admitting to anyone that they had any information whatsoever).
  8. I haven't actually noticed yet but you're right. That DOES seem strange. On the other hand, it could just be so that you don't keep checking leader health for how effective your attacks are because I can see that being done to prevent people from just spamming a combo in a corner.
  9. I was talking to (or rather bombarding) a friend with my thoughts on some things about Fire Emblem Warriors that I feel could be an important change to certain aspects moving forward with it and figured I'd present a few opinions on here to see what the community thinks as opposed to just a single individual. There is a colossal amount of text below and this is really a one-off thought. You have been warned. With that said, let's begin. Classes I think the characters we have now are fine, if not a little repetitive with their moves. However, I understand that this being Fire Emblem that Warriors has mixed with, it's likely that the movements of the characters come down to their classes as opposed to how they might actually fight. In that respect, I think that we could very reasonably add more characters with very similar movesets because we'd have more characters of similar classes. Basically, I think that character selection should be categorized not by series (and DLC at the bottom) but by a character's class denoting a moveset type as a layer above it. Basically, everyone that has that kind class and/or role in their respective games if they don't share a different kind class type. I have a few examples here just using Lords. Rowan, Lianna, Chrom, Lucina, Marth, Celica and Lyn all fall into this category. To portray an icon, it can have the last played character from the category, someone at random that you have unlocked or the character you chose at the start of the game. Now it goes without saying that the Lords would easily be the most unique of them with varied movesets befitting their noble upbringing and characteristic attitudes, so they're most easily seperated by game and can perhaps have shortcuts on each Lord directing toward similar classes to their unique style for efficent changing between similar characters. To provide a brief example, I'd have categorized Navarre in with the Myrmidons as he is basically just that. So Lyn's unique moveset would direct to the Myrmidon class and make it easier to switch between her and other Myrmidons. Now for how I'd change some class movesets to add a little flavour to each of them I'd base it on character personalities. At least to some degree. Pegasus Knights are great example of this with how varied they can be in their style. You can have Clumsy and Timid characters like Florina or Sumia taking root in one style. Confident and Reserved characters like Cordelia, Hinoka and Caeda in their existing style and you can have more Brash and Reckless characters like Marcia, Cynthia and Est in a third group. That way, you add some variety to them classes and you can keep them as seperate characters that don't seem TOO mismatched, and this can apply to all sorts of classes like Cavalier and Archer. Since that's basically my plan on how to make the current classes a little more unique what we'll next discuss is... Class Additions Naturally this should go without saying. We have very few classes in Warriors and the ones we do have are not commonly shared barring Pegasus/Sky Knight and Lord which is what...? 70% of the cast collectively? That aside, I propose that we add the Armour and Cavalier classes as unique types stylistically focused on Tellius' variations of them providing a class type of each Weapon barring Shapeshifters (this just gave me the silly thought of an Armour Bow which is amusing to say the least). Easily enough we can seperate or categorize certain characters based on weapons they can use. If for example, the Black Knight were added, he'd be an Armour Sword with a dominiative style of which I could imagine the same to be said for Zephiel. Add a little creative freedom to some characters based on their promotions or whatever to buff out a variable in Swords or Axes and you're laughing. Armour Lances are already in as an NPC class so why not add a variety in their moveset taken from existing animations in the series already and make them playable, right? Cavalier is a little more straightforward than Armours. Just give them the prioritized weapon of their origin. Sully being a Lance and Stahl being a Sword just to name an example. You could try adding variety to the moves for them but I don't see much that could be done for them. I could see them toying around a little and adding Frey with Axes, which I wouldn't hate. Mercenary is a little bit of a rocky choice to mention here since Navarre's listed as one (which is fine given FE1 and FE3 but I just feel like this could be updated) with the more common variant showing up as a Nohrian NPC class. Basically, what I'm aiming for here is a class that properly befits the Mercenary as of how it's appeared since at least Binding Blade. More focused on power when it comes to attacking as opposed to the speed of a Myrmidon. Something that properly shows that they don't really behave in the same way. This next one might be a tiny bit tricky. Effectively the same as with the Armours... but it's the Magic Users. Add the unique classes for all 5 types of magic used in the Tellius series and simply have a different costume of a more generic Mage for everyone in those classes. To adjust it appropriately, just have the class' independent moveset using more variables of the specific magic type. For example instead of Strong IV being Thoron for a Wind Mage it could be Arcwind and function similarly to Azura's Strong IV by having the freedom to turn during the attack. In addition to these, I'd like to add Thieves since they're a series staple and could have all sorts of perks that don't make them head-on fighters as opposed to just sneaking around causing trouble by opening doors and chests for allies that aren't magically protected (perhaps having an interaction like with opening a chest at doors) without a need for keys. They could easily have all sorts of fast attacks that can steal rare enemy items and materials too. Ninja I'd like to include for a similar reason to Thief but for a little more variety with perhaps a more stealthy and sneaky approach. Instead of just behaving like thieves however, they'd specialize in wearing down targets with a combination of varied Shuriken Attacks. Maid/Butler This in itself is one I could see being ignored but I just wanted to add it here because of the entire idea of Felicia stumbling about on the battlefield with just zero balance is hilarious in and of itself. But I could also see Jakob masterfully attack with knives and guarding with a serving tray looking pretty priceless. You could even add Flora effectively as a Female Jakob, making Felicia wholly unique as a completely seperate thought. Whilst I'd like to see Halberdiers and Fighters handled, we have Lissa and Oboro which are basically the same thing, so adapting moves from them for a few more characters of respective classes should work out fine. It seems odd to me that the "Claw" Weapon Type is exclusive to enemies. I get that we don't have any characters in FEW that CAN use them, but labelling the weapon type when they could just say that the specific crests reduce damage from Monster Attacks would be just as effect and not make anyone feel like something was planned for player use. So my idea could be to give it to Laguz. We could get a bunch of varied characters like Tibarn, Ranulf and Nasir to name a few and could give a few unique traits to each race. Ravens being able to function like Thieves AND Fliers making them incredibly useful is but one example. Of course the transformation gauge from the Tellius series should also be featured in the way that it's built up and drained by attacking/being attacked in a specific form to add a little more strategy to Warriors' well known high-speed hack'n'slash gameplay. (Of course a Laguz Bands would be an acquirable item for them to just sit in their transformed states permanently but would be hard to obtain.) Awakening/Fates Beast type Shapeshifters really just a term I'd use to try to incorporate Keaton, Kaden, Panne and their kids. I'd have them function a little differently to Manaketes by having them build up the Warrior gauge which wears down over a fixed period of time during transformations. The basic attacking method would be using their natural claws to attack and their Strong attacks would transform them for the specific Strong Attacks. The difference here is that they can build up the Warrior Gauge by charging it on their own power with Strong I (as a throwback to being able to do so with the Musou button older Warriors games). The last one that springs to mind is easily just for a laugh. Villager/Trainee just to have a goofy and fun few characters to mess around with but have a lot of potential. Wouldn't you just love to mess around as Donnel or Mozu? Or maybe blasting some enemies with Ewan whilst tripping over your own robe's a fun idea? The best part of all is that as the player, you'd be in complete control of this silliness and it'd be glorious to decimate experienced Warriors and Soldiers as couple of inexperienced hicks that trip over their own clothes because they're not too used to fighting. Class Change and Weapons So, as we know, promotions in FEW don't really do anything more than give a new costume and up the stats. That feels far too straightforward unless you're Owain, Marth, Tiki, the Pegasus Knights Tharja, Oboro, Niles, Linde or Navarre. As we know, a single moveset is fine, but changing your weapons in the heat of battle is something that Fire Emblem normally demands a lot of, so the best solution is of course to have a limit of 3 weapons in a character's inventory based on their promotion status and their base class' equipment limitations. Just like the main series, in other words. Since the Great Knight for example has access to all 3 Weapon Triangle Weapons, then they can use all of those and simply borrow the animations from the Cavalier variants. In this case, promoting to Guardian Knight is purely for your stats to increase, but with say, Mercenary to Hero, you'd go from being able to use a Sword to having Swords and Axes as available weapons Basically, since the idea I have is to add the necessary animations for all of the classes that lack them now, and give the new classes variables for their equipment types, it wouldn't be too difficult to give them everything based on personality type and whatnot. Now for a key thing since Sacred Stones. Promotion Branches. So we've got all of these great classes addded and assumedly the characters to fill them, but what about reclasses in games like those that provided the characters that are the main meat of FEW1? Simple. We've discussed the classes to add already and the characters in these games have a variety of options so we add at least one each that fits the character. The movesets shouldn't be an issue. Really, the reclasses are the only complicated thing (if you could even call it that). Let's start with a few easy ones. Owain should be able to reclass into Dark Mage/Sorcerer and for a little bonus, when using the costume he should get his name changed to Odin (if only as a way to use him in Fates cutscenes as Odin). "But I wanna use character X in costume Y with their base class line's moveset!" - I can hear some people thinking. And don't worry because I thought of that too. Just add an extra menu icon after first changing a character's class to change their class before a battle. You could be in your favourite character's desired costume and class and unlike the main series it wouldn't be mutually exclusive. Characters Honestly, this really goes without saying, and surely by now you've seen a few ideas I have for including some characters as it is and frankly, I don't need to say much else. After everything there, I've pretty much covered most of how to apply significant or popular characters to an FEW2. At this point it's really just: Pick a character you want Find their appropriate class or class variant. Pick the appropriate personality type within that class variant Attach the appropriate moveset to that character. What could be easier as a foundation? Now this feature might get on a few people's nerves as it's typically a controversial topic within the main series discussions, but hear me out first. We use an Avatar Creation System. Warriors games are no stranger to this type of feature and I think it could really add a massive amount of flavour to Fire Emblem Warriors since we're familiar enough with the concept in a simplistic fashion. A few key things I've suggested as key features could really be used for these features as well. Personality traits for one. Let's say you make an Avatar that's a Clumsy Mage but an adept Cavalier proficent in Swords. If you remember my brief mention of Ewan in the trainee section, the character could use those independent animations as a Mage and switch to match Xander's sword style as a Cavalier. Or perhaps you want your Avatar to be a fierce Taguel but you want them to be a capable Axe Knight? All it takes is a tiny bit of creativity and you could combine your favourite characteristics and make the one character you truly want to use more than the main cast, based on several people from the main cast! And that's just looking at the class variables without the seperate weapons equipped to them in each class! History Mode Someone, please tell me I'm not the only one that didn't like how the finalized History Mode's official battle was handled. I don't mind the idea of Anna showing up to be unlocked by appearing on a History Map. That's all well and good, but I don't think the actual Battle that the History Map is based on should be locked that far behind the effort to unlock it. To elaborate: Having to have outright cleared an illustration to be able to actually do the battle in a Warriors style seems incredibly longwinded to me. Instead, what I'd do is have a small sample of official history maps per involved entry and story-based DLC for an entry if applicable. To make it simpler, let's say that the games that never had DLC can get 10 official history maps that are just on a smaller scale than we currently have. Awakening and Fates could either get the same 10 with 4 or 5 DLC episodes featured each OR go half and half by having half of the main game and half of their DLC. That said, I'm not quite done just yet. In addition to the History maps as they are, just using stages from the new world for the battles that take place, it'd be much more authentic to the History experience if we got new stages based on the historical maps you're on to really help set a more specific mood. Can you imagine doing the Awakening's Future Past DLC episodes on the current FEW? What about if they had appropriate stages to make it feel right? Or at the very least a handful of old maps as stages with weather effects for certain battles to provide the right mood. Official Mode Kinda taking this from Dynasty Warriors Gundam series basically but, I think a cool way to unlock some variable characters could be through doing battles in an Official Mode that follows the series' notable historic battles to the letter in a pure Warriors style would be pretty cool. To give history mode some credit, you could have to unlock some corresponding maps for the other mode by doing them in the opposite first. Elincia's Gambit for example could be unlocked in Official Mode by unlocking related characters for it in Story Mode. Then, by clearing it in official mode, you can unlock the History Map of Elincia's Gambit which could contain a bunch of goodies for the appropriate characters. Villains I've already covered characters so why do villains? You might be asking. And sure enough, it seems a little silly but I wanteed to make this something a little more refreshing. Several notable villains in the main series exist just to be large nuisances in gameplay or otherwise the just final boss. Which is exactly why I think that after meeting many difficult requirements like clearing every History and Official map from the villain's game of origin or events that they were strongly involved in, they should be made playable with some more unique movesets. Or maybe as a DLC Pack/Update feature about a year after release, like Ganon Mode on Hyrule Warriors, but with more variety. Conclusive Message Not an actual part of the game now but... Phew... I THINK I'M FINISHED! Typing that was an ordeal... Now, since this is the end, I will clarify that I just fully wanted to share a well of ideas that bubbled up in me for some personal thoughts and ideas on handling another entry. What we have right now is just so open to possibilities that coming up with so ideas wasn't too difficult. Rather than commenting about the resources required for everything I've described, as well as time and budget for it (which I pretty much doubt would likely be done, even if certain areas of the franchise were DLC exclusive content) why not list off your favourites, least favourites and things you'd personally add? In the meantime, I'm going to go and quietly die because this was more effort than I'm ever usually willing to put into anything and it was bloody exhausting!
  10. Not necessarily for magic users as they could hypothetically channel magical energies into their muscles as opposed to their weapons to get physical results. However given most of the series' handling of melee/magic then it stands to reason that individuals have to dedicate their lives to a practice of one or the other for the best results. Those that mix are typically gifted individuals like Odin, Mist or Robin.
  11. Your best is all you can reasonably offer to give and all that can truly be expected of you. If that's all you have to give. You can't be considered at fault for any failures if you're putting in that much effort. I apologize for not having more helpful insight for you. But I hope you at least feel better with the words I have shared.
  12. I once dreamt that I ended up having a heart-to-heart with Severa who was apparently still grieving over her parents' deaths and got thanked for it. All the while I was confused about why that particular situation under those very circumstances.
  13. This comment reminds me of how much I just love Camilla's hair colour in Fates. I don't know why. It's just so... nice!
  14. In about 20 years we'll see Fire Emblem but with babies using Swords. It'd be funny for about 10 minutes but the supports will definitely suck.
  15. What-if there was a Tellius prequel with Greil as the main character? That'd be awesome using your idea. Could even give him Urvan as his personal weapon if it goes leads to events after him cutting out his tendons.
  16. That reminds me that I'm supposed to do several things. Play the Jugdralian games at some point and go to bed now. Was meant to reply to this earlier too. I have to admit I quite like her design and I seem to have subconsciously called on it without having known about her apparently! O_o
  17. Y'know, I actually forgot entirely about every one of them. The only one that jumped to mind was Vanessa. Rather amusing since I still have playthroughs of Shadow Dragon and Radiant Dawn that I need to finish. Funny enough though, I thought of Red as well and instantly denied it because of Cordelia alone. What about blonde? Like with Klein's hair. That'd stand out as looking almost golden I'm sure. See? Even opportunity strikes when I jump between tabs before hitting send.
  18. So what seems like a really cool idea is a Green Haired female Pegasus Lord that wields Axes! I wrote that as a joke, but that actually sounds amazing.
  19. I'd like a sequel to an older entry with a handful of returning cast members from the original. Just to sorta mix things up a little. At any rate, I'm kinda banking on Green or Red hair... unless the new Lord is an Avatar again...
  20. It really is. Heck, I just like the sound effects of the stat increases in Awakening and Warriors. It's strangely soothing...
  21. Be funny if they were the bad guys.
  22. Even if it weren't, you can't take off your skin. Not if you're someone like me who is just always cold in winter no matter how many layers I add. I could wear my heaviest coat over a sweat shirt over a long sleeve shirt with gloves, thick pants, and a winter hat and I'd still freeze. I just cannot get warm in winter. It's probably due to being pretty skinny and thus lacking much body fat. Fat traps heat. So I've got little to keep heat in. Whereas this lets heat just bounce off me in warmer months, so I have some natural heat resistance. I don't even mind sweating, and I can walk in 90 degree temps for a bit without being bothered. I also don't sunburn easily despite being rather pale skinned. Besides, my favorite ways to vacation are summer things like water parks, amusement parks, zoos, etc. Basically outdoor stuff. I guess that makes us opposites. I suppose it doesn't really help me that my best friend is like a human radiator. XD
  23. I can easily see it being "Let's Go Pikachu" Just because "Shocking" points IMMEDIATELY to Pikachu and 'Historical' could just mean the whole "New Story in an old region that's not a remake or direct sequel" angle. That's just my take anyway.
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