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Light Strategist

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Everything posted by Light Strategist

  1. Same here. In fact, it's the first video game that made me feel a deep and meaningful emotional connection to the characters. And the plot itself is of a type that I haven't seen in ages. Where the good guys actually lost. I wouldn't be on this forum at all if wasn't for Awakening and amusingly enough, I have Pokémon X and Y to thank for that. And amusingly enough, Awakening made Pokémon X that much more special to me and later on encouraged me to play other Fire Emblem titles. All in all, it really had a positive impact on me.
  2. I'd like to think I'm below adequate to adequate. Half the time my plans work and half the time I have to pray. It's gotten to the point where I just start rashly judging moves in anticipation of other things because I'm impatient at times.
  3. Does it have to be from the same game though? Because when I saw the title my brain immediately thought of replacing Corrin with Vaike. I don't honestly have a clue how it'd turn out but it'd be pretty damn hilarious.
  4. Seeing what you've done just made me realize that my thoughts from a few days ago about the idea of Gundam game with Fire Emblem's gameplay would be a really solid concept. Now I want to play it...
  5. Could be seen as a correlation. He's a gambler and look what happened to him.
  6. Probably something to do with the reason the Game Corner is no longer a thing in Pokémon.
  7. At first I thought of Lethe when you first meet her in Path of Radiance from the way you were describing them but then my mind jumped to how scared of everything Yarne can get and effectively slammed them together. Adding to your idea, a Manakete with a human allergy could be funny too, as they could keep sneezing breath type attacks.
  8. If you haven't played Awakening and were considering that, it's the same there except I don't recall being able to check your other weapon proficencies without changing class.
  9. How about a squeamish Barbarian? Just the sheer thought of blood makes him feel sick and he was constantly made to kill villagers and such by other Barbarians. In reality he'd be rather aggressive and hot-blooded but but the moment blood is mentioned he turns into a quivering mess. Not unlike this but less likely to faint. Thanks, NinjaMonkey!
  10. Honestly, I'd like a sequel to Awakening that's actually set in the same general areas. I'd like the kids to be the leading focus this time around, however. Just because I'd genuinely like some of the untouched characteristics of them to be touched on. Heck, I wouldn't mind if it was set with Inigo, Owain and Severa returning from Fates somewhere in the story. It'd be really cool to incorporate the information into it.
  11. Seconded. Though, you forgot to mention the mental toll her leadership duties had to have taken on her. Having to keep a brave face to keep up morale. Sure, Inigo, Cynthia and Owain may have helped alleviate the stress a little but Lucina was the one person that everyone would've turned to for hope in that world of endless despair. Frankly, I'm amazed her face can even successfully contort into a smile at all.
  12. I'd like some context to this. Death seems frequent enough that it's not a one-time thing. This just made me imagine someone falling down some stairs or off of a cliff or something.
  13. Hehe... looks like... I couldn't outrun destiny... It looks like... the rest is... up to you...
  14. I try to make weapons personally for the characters that get them. At least in Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn I've done that, though it's probably because the colouring mechanic allows the weapons to appear more individualistic. In Awakening and Fates I just try to name a Sword "Shadowdarkness" for Owain and always complain that it's something HE suggests that you can't do. At any rate the names are sometimes simplistic and sometimes grandiose. I never really have a theme.
  15. All I can say is: Hope is free. there's no guarantee you'll get it though.
  16. What if the promotion was fixed at a certain point but you could still promote before then? So if you hadn't promoted yet you'd get the promotion, but if you had then the event could go a little differently and perhaps give you a unique weapon or something.
  17. I see no problems with what they've done. They're basically saying that they want the largest possible number of consumers to have this type of game readily available to play. Meaning that the companies involved with development make more sales and thus get larger budgets for more projects later down the line. If you look at Pokémon's anime it's sorta how it's been produced as well. Much earlier on, there was little communication between episodes that were being produced and how acceptable they'd be in each territory. Various things such as Onigiri were censored to make them more familiar to overseas audiences. After the Pokémon Company took over dubbing it it's lead to better communication between Japan and the west in terms of producing content that perfectly fits in all regions and as a result, there's hardly any censorship in Pokémon nowadys except for perhaps a bit of throwaay dialogue on a rare occasion. That's all that's really happening with Xenoblade here. They're making it so that there's no boundaries between how it's made in Japan that might conflict with it in the rest of the world. Effectively, they're speeding up the process of how they make games by preventing any need for a content removal overseas.
  18. True, but it's pretty clear about how much of her hair the shadow of her hat is cast over. It's roughly the same shade as what the game considers her inherent hair colour. Basically Morgan's inherited hair is under a permanent shadow!
  19. I was just messing around with Fire Editor and noticed a minor oddity about Miriel. If you look closely, you may notice the strip that indicates her hair's colour is the same colour as the majority of her hair that's shaded by her hat. So basically, any Morgan that Miriel mothers actually has darker hair than they should do. It's nothing super-amazing but I just noticed it and thought it might be something nobody noticed before.
  20. Can't say it's really been a situation I've been in. The closest I can really offer is (of all things) being skeptical about whether or not I wanted the Fire Emblem Awakening Special Edition 3DS XL when I was buying my 3DS. And it was because I said yes that I am here today. Best decision I've made.
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