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Light Strategist

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Everything posted by Light Strategist

  1. The only problem with this site, really. =/
  2. This is fantastic information. But I've been trying to (and spectacularly failing at) avoiding as much information about FEW as possible... Successfully avoiding this information will be rather difficult since I regularly stop by to check my messages on here... Bummer...
  3. Not to worry. All of those enemies are here to keep him company. =D
  4. I definitely want Camus playable. He's got an interesting story all around and basically would give us a mounted Lance user with Gradivus. He could even have costumes based on Gaiden/Echoes and (New)/Mystery What's not to like? I could see Walhart, Gangrel and Aversa being important choices down to relevancy, Aversa mostly because of her general presence throughout the first and third parts of Awakening in general, Gangrel due to his importance in part 1 but also because he could be a swift character with attacks befitting a Trickster and Walhart because he'd be a great versatile Juggernaut to oppose Frederick or other tanky mounts. Garon, Iago, Hans, Mikoto and Sumeragi would all be really interesting ones. Garon because of his general potential for attacks due to his shapeshifting, Hans because I'm fairly sure we don't have any Beserkers mentioned and he'd be relevant and give a little variety that way. Iago again down to his significance through Fates but also because in Fates he has Staff access so he could mix his attacks between Staves like Freeze and through in a strong attack in addition. Looking at DLC potential. I'd really like to see Ashnard, Black Knight and if you could count him, Naesala, all coming from Tellius. From Elibe, I'd like to see Zephiel and Narcian. Maybe some members of the Black Fang too but I think Nergal would be too generic, comparatively. Lyon would be great for Sacred Stones getting some representation too. Though, truthfully, they're really the only ones that spring to mind as far as antagonists go to my memory. ^-^;
  5. Oddly, the only one I can think of that nobody seems to have thought of is the Chapter where you recruit Cordelia in Awakening. And possibly Chapter 9 as well. Endgame chapters are among my expected because of how often Final Battles are done in other Warriors crossovers with History Missions.
  6. Not in the third game. The History Missions in DW Gundam 3 have no real bearing on the main story of it. It's treated as brushing up on historical events to learn from the mistakes of the past. The more you respond, the more I see similarities in our perspectives, I agree on this part as well. On one hand it keeps the battle's events canonical, though on the other, it does allow Player 2 to play as the character your side absolutely can't afford to lose and keep them out of trouble. It reminds me of when my friend and I first started playing Dynasty Warriors. He asked me to be whoever and I just kept playing as the commander to keep them out of trouble so he didn't need to worry about his battle strategy.
  7. Same here. It's much easier if you're struggling to use a character but your friend can use anyone they're good at to cover you or swoop in to help if you're stuck in a jam. Personally, I find story flubs as a result of 2-player way more fun. Especially when playing with opposite factions.
  8. Player 2 usually gets a free pass on everything. I know in DW Gundam 3, History Missions were locked to single-player but that's the only time (to my knowledge) that it was done.
  9. In the Gundam spin-offs, they simply disallowed characters that weren't actually present or otherwise available for the specific event. Chances are it'll be the same.
  10. He'd need to be rocking Missiletainn. Bonus points if Genealogy is brought in as DLC and there's a conversation about the Holy Weapons.
  11. Nah. I totally agree. But on the flip side, I'd like to see certain characters having outfits based on specific events. As an example, an Odin skin for Owain. (I know nothing's been mentioned regarding him. Then again, that could just fall under class changes... Hmm... =/) In any case, it'd be simple enough since I'm sure there's gonna be plenty of weapons to use. Has anything been mentioned regarding durability?
  12. Spectral forms of the body performing various attacks. Think Zant and Midna in HW. Except in this case, with the same elements available with a solid texture for Grima's actual appearance. I'm a little disappointed now. It was an opportunity to redeem him from walking cardboard... That seems rather likely.
  13. True, but that wouldn't really stop them using those attack elements. Especially notable due to Validar's use of Grima's Truth.
  14. I could see Hardin as being one of the more interesting characters to use as well. Especially in History Mode. Even if he isn't. His attacks could weave Grima elements into them for some extra kick.
  15. As far as Garon goes, he does have a lot of variety to use for a moveset. Facing him could be a nightmare, but on the other hand, using him could be a blast.
  16. I've been trying to avoid the information for Warriors so I can be surprised when I finally get to play it... So like an idiot, I'm habitually coming back here daily... History mode is basically what they did with Gundam. The official story and how it unfolded originally. Doubtlessly, there's going to be a few what-ifs and such as well. It wouldn't surprise me at least. I still have this inclination that everyone's looking too narrowly at the cast's size though. Validar will be interesting, even if he's a walking cardboard plot convenience. But given that History Mode is indeed in this, Gangrel, Aversa and Walhart are doubtlessly in as far as Awakening goes. Garon, Iago and Hans I can see for Fates as well. They're important to it, so the history mode can't be too cohesive without them. Anyway, that's just my perspective for now.
  17. Maybe Marth's exclusively one side of the poster. I mean... it IS Dual-Sided.
  18. Quiz 1: Mage Quiz 2: Sophocles... This started great and turned out badly.
  19. The gimmicks of Mega Evolution and Z-Moves aren't mandatory for your use. I Mega evolved all the time in X because I like Mega Evolving, but it's an optional feature and it doesn't really need to be used. The same can be said for Z-Moves which I barely touched until I finally settled on the notion of it being put on my Ash-Greninja in the tiny aftergame. If you don't want to use it. Don't. Though Steven's Megagross in Omega Ruby (unrelated though this is) really caught me in a desperate loop and thrashed me 2 or 3 times even with it. Since you're on XY though, go right ahead and do as you wish.
  20. I second these. My view is that they'll do a Smash and have the opposite sex of Corrin and Robin as costumes so as to appease both sides. It leaves me wondering if Morgan and Kana will be playable as costumes and if any children that share a class with their parent will just be a costume for them with different voices... I mean, there's Lucina over Chrom which could work well, Siegbert over Xander etc. There's lots of interesting thoughts about this...
  21. Ike, Soren, Jill, Lethe and Sothe are my top 5 in no particular order. This will be subject to change when I decide to progress further on Radiant Dawn.
  22. From my experience, he's turned out pretty great. I've spent time grinding in the tower but I wasn't opposed to the idea. Personally, I'd say to use him if you don't especially care about grinding.Long-term. You can always grind everyone up if you so desire. You do indeed recall correctly. Knoll is a Summoner and he's kinda meh. I personally favour Ewan as my Dark Mage because of the overall boosts he can get from being a Trainee unit. With the right influences, I find him to be a formidable unit.
  23. "This is your end!" "You don't stand a chance!" "You shouldn't do this!" "Behold your fate!" Side note: Lots of the ones I've read actually seem like enemy defeated quotes.
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