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Light Strategist

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Everything posted by Light Strategist

  1. Saturday. Where it's literally the longest weekend we'll have ever thought of. In an alternate universe, speedsters...
  2. Believe so. Pretty sure it's along the lines of an empty shell. Granted! However you lose all aptitude for other languages, forget all you already know of other languages, become fully deaf and become blind in one eye. I wish I could travel to parallel universes of my choice whenever I please.
  3. If I had to guess, it's that he never makes his presence known nor does he do anything that makes him particularly stand out. So he just kinda fades into the background and is regularly forgotten about. It's suggested that there's lots of knights and the like patrolling the camp as well, so I'd guess that they probably just defaultly assume that it's someone else. At least for the most part. His upright invisibility... could prove that he's a Silence? Maybe? Or he has a perception filter forged in to his armour...
  4. So, I was just chatting with a friend about promotions and a thought of something about Kellam's quirk popped up. If he's promoted to Great Knight, lorewise would his horse gain his quirk or would everyone see a seemingly stray horse on the battlefield?
  5. So, did they patch it in the Wii U version or...? It's been a while since I've been on it and tried so I really don't know.
  6. Which reminds me of the rupee glitch which saves AGES in getting more characters to that level. It's a really useful glitch, but it's often hard to pull off successfully, I find.
  7. Likewise! =D I'm sure you'll love it here, there's people and digital trees. Everything you expect in a digital forest community! This comment literally caused me to notice your location is set to France. Like... we've spoken several times before... how did I not see that?
  8. Something a friend once suggested to me back when the game was merely a thought. Get a few of the Lords to argue over/discuss the Fire Emblem.
  9. So, Fire Emblem's roster representation in Smash is wrong? None of them are 'Fighters', they're typically Lords! Boy... I can't wait to play as Vaike and Charlotte in Smash 5... Actually, now I want supports between those two. It'd be hilarious. "Target acquired. Eliminating!" I can see myself yelling as I target a key officer from 6 miles away and destroy the Gate he was guarding instead. I do love those animations though, enough to agree anyway.
  10. I know this isn't specifically directed at Fire Emblem but my best examples are Robin and Corrin. Robin has the luxury of not being so important that s/he's the leader, or at least not having the writers stick their foot in their mouth when writing for them. There's no instance, not even in DLC where the writing for them made the player question their existence, in fact, Robin technically fills the player's role in the story. From my perspective, I felt like my Avatar in Awakening and I were very much the same entity. On the other hand, Corrin's self-insert nature is literally an afterthought. The Heirs of Fate DLC proves as much due to the lack of a contingency planned for the player's name being anything but the preset. Corrin also makes continuous decisions despite one of the points of the game being how you shaped the world around you based on your 'choices' (plural). In addition, the setting feels very artificial so it's rather ruinous to the idea of the character because they're clueless and are somehow a strategist despite literally being locked in a tower since they were kidnapped. So that I don't feel like I'm centralizing too much on Fire Emblem, I feel that Pokémon and Zelda do it well because the only things they rely on are basically your name and specifically in Pokémon's case, the player's gender. Everything you do is ultimately your decision and truly affects your experiences the only downside is that failure doesn't really punish you. =/
  11. He shouldn't. He foreswore the role of Exalt until after the war.
  12. After playing around with some audio files from Awakening... Cervantes. He has one epically glorious voice line and drastically needs more.
  13. Not sure how effective this'd be, but I wanna recommend Astra, if only for a Machine-gun Manakete.
  14. My only real gripe with Warriors games is to make enemies tougher, they typically just up their defences and max health, so they're typically having you juggle enemies for a good 5 minutes before you finish them which is pretty boring long-term. Hyrule Warriors did a good thing by making unflinching enemies but I think they should be able to disrupt your attacks instead of just taking them and attacking you without a care. Some enemies guard, that's fine. But some just don't care what's going on, nor actually counter you. It's like fighting a ghost instead of an opponent.
  15. Understatement of the week award goes to... But, if I had to some up an earlier question, I'd say that if this is 100% accurate to Lu Bu in a Dynasty Warriors entry, other characters when controlled by the AI are something along the lines of 1/16 or 1/32 of an AI controlled Lu Bu's abilities by comparison. There's a sizeable comparison but nothing that player input can't change.
  16. I just want to highlight Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce. A game that one of my friends played a lot just a few years back. It's more heavily focused on tactical planning and considering what you're doing than any other entry I've seen. Personally, it wasn't very much to my taste but it's the perfect example to show how similar the franchises are.
  17. He's in 2 and 3. I think he's in Reborn as well but I don't actually know. Personally, I'd like the format of DW Gundam 3's mission selection to be a feature, it's largely based on 2's but with a few changes. My reason for this is because of something that 3 has that's just perfect for passing to Fire Emblem. In the first 2 games, there was Official Mode which was based on the UC Timeline exclusively, however Official Mode is absent in 3, instead making room for History Missions which ultimately utilize the most memorable parts of each individual series represented that feature the involved characters for that mission. Most of it is still in the UC Timeline but there's missions like Heero vs. Zechs in Heavyarms and the Tallgeese II (the first model's not in it so it's essentially just a recoloured representation of the same MS) from Gundam Wing and Domon's Final Assault against the Dark Gundam to rescue Rain in Mobile Fighter. Essentially, History Missions implemented in FEW is my biggest desire for it, alongside an Xtreme Mode akin to DW5XL and not counting roster entries.
  18. Or as close as possible since exact replicas are never allowed in these kinds of things.
  19. I'd be willing to give an 80% certainty to my claim. I have my doubts, but right now seems as good a time as any to pull in characters from much older entries. Even factoring in DLC, it's rather illogical to not have representation from each existing entry in the vanilla version of the game.
  20. My guess is they reserved space when making Warriors so that they could use the poll to decide on additional characters outside of existing planned characters. If I had to guess, I'd say they picked a few important characters from each entry and popularity poll winners from each game too. So, I'd wager that Inigo, Owain, Severa, Lucina, Robin, Chrom, Lissa and Frederick are amongst their top choices for Awakening characters for example. On that note, I don't think what you're proposing is a crazy idea... unless I'm crazy... Am I crazy?
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