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Light Strategist

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Everything posted by Light Strategist

  1. Ditto to your first remark there. With the second remark, I'd say it's wise business practice. You hook the majority with the content they're currently loving and add the veteran content later on to hook the older audiences and give the newbies more interesting content. I'm willing to guess we'll see a small sample of Valentia content in the vanilla release due to Echoes but more will be added with DLC. Then more for the unmentioned titles will start to flood in.
  2. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that Awakening itself is the best nod to the other entries. Be honest, did anyone really expect Alm or Seliph to get redesigns in Awakening?
  3. I'm genuinely expecting something to happen now. Ditto.
  4. I'm satisfied since I thoroughly enjoyed Awakening and felt like there was more that could have been expanded upon from it with just the same characters. I didn't so much enjoy Fates because it felt more like Awakening 2.0. It saw Awakening was successful and for a large part, to me, seemed like they were doing it again differently and hoping it'd be better than people make it out to be. I enjoy some of the characters but they feel more like a mish-mash of traits trying to live up to archetypes from a different angle. Shadow Dragon is a funny one for me because I have access to both, it and New Mystery but never actually try to play them. I've done a few chapters and stopped on both games because I just can't be bothered with them. Which in a roundabout way, is actually a good reason for me to play them. So I can decide who from them I want to be playable and why. That doesn't necessarily correlate though...
  5. I'm remaining optimistic until evidence is placed in front of me as deterrent. The translation itself may very well be 100% accurate and I've no reason to discredit the translator's work, however I don't want to consider the information as fact until there is something 100% concrete.
  6. It's still referenced in Fates with the amiibo content, likely suggesting a canonicity. Contributing to the topic now, I'd like to see: Chrom and Corrin referencing Before Awakening Corrin and the Smash reps, with Corrin mentioning having apparently met them before with the exception of Roy as a reference to Fates' My Castle feature and the amiibo battles. Marth and Chrom discussing the deeper side of their ideals and methods to attain them, perhaps showing some guilt on Marth's side for some of the hard choices he's made compared to Chrom who never had to sacrifice anybody. Marth and Robin referencing Kris. Lyn and Robin as a callback to the conversation in Awakening after recruiting DLC Lyn. Lyn and Morgan as a separate nod to the FE7 Tactician. Several Lords discussing the various Fire Emblems and being confused and amazed at the others.
  7. A little pessimism once in a while is healthy. Dwell too long and you'll just become something of a depressive little sadsack that brings down everyone. That seems irresponsible to me. Try to show a little more optimism instead of just bringing people down. I don't see a lot of likelihood of lots of characters I'd like to see getting in, but I'm not letting the unlikelihood get me to kill everyone else's hopes.
  8. I think they just need a darker overall colour. Black would be my go-to choice because it's different from the Reds, Blues, and Greens we're more familiar with, yet doesn't burn my eyes when looking at it. Silver would be a nice choice too. Alt costumes, maybe?
  9. Lucina thinks the bear hat is cute despite nobody else really liking it.
  10. Smash Bros. is a good way of distinguishing the differences between them from a visual standpoint alone. Ike's pretty slow in comparison but he does have some quick surprises in, showing off his speed. Marth's attacks are more for dancing around the battlefield and showing off that speed. On the other hand, Roy fits more closely for what I described Chrom's and Lucina's style as being. Regarding the looseness of the term 'sword users' there's still plenty of variety to be had from Mercenaries, Myrmidons, Assassins, Thieves and so on regarding swords. There's a lot to cover so I think they just for now want to avoid the oversaturation they'll likely get with 'Sword Lords: The Game'. I'd say at the very least, give it 10-15 years and dedicated hackers to bust it wide open and make more characters if we don't get a sequel. I'm sure the community of glorious people will make something incredible.
  11. That comes from their widely different upbringing. Marth inevitably knows the mannerisms needed to present at court and the like, whereas Ike basically grew up in a quiet area with a few other people around. He had no need for such a refined attitude but was still taught to be respectful, hence why his style being based around his strength more than his speed is a better fit for him. Chrom's style by comparison to both is somewhere in the middle due to Chrom's royal upbringing and distaste for their mandatory nature. So what's reflected in his fighting style is a level of both, grace and aggression, Lucina's like that as well, but it seemed like Smash Bros. missed it.
  12. I have seen many an internet comic/meme. I could indeed.
  13. That's my reason for seeing them as very likely candidates to be used. There's a lot to be doable with their weapon choices and character for something like this and I'm sure they'd not have dismissed the freedom they'd get from them.
  14. A friend sent me this link and seeing the roster size mention actually inspires thought about other entries moreso than just those mentioned. http://www.siliconera.com/2017/05/30/fire-emblem-warriors-will-mostly-feature-heroes-shadow-dragon-awakening-fates/ It's like the Gundam Musou games. The Universal Century Timeline from Gundam is the most represented with the various other continuities such as After Colony and Future Century are still significantly present with significant representation from them. That's ultimately how I see this going. Massive roster meaning the inevitable strong representation for the listed titles with others getting moderate to minor representation based on popularity. I can almost certainly see Hector, Ephraim, Micaiah, and Sigurd being used. Micaiah and Sigurd I feel least likely of those 4 though however. I don't not see the Smash reps being involved and likely the represented trophies too. Long-term that's pretty good for a minimalistic sense anyway. Given a lack of the Trophy in the Wii U/3DS version of Smash, I'd wonder if they'd use Ashnard since he had one in Brawl... I wonder how shapeshifters will be used. I'm interested to know. I feel like I've rambled... Did this seem rambly to you guys?
  15. It's a fake-out. We'll get Shiro and Siegbert.
  16. So does this mean that nobody actually knows or... nobody's tried it? I just want a definitive answer for if it does or doesn't work.
  17. Then that'll open many possibilities to you since now you can learn strategies you never thought possible. Plus at the very least, you can always share how RNG blessed/screwed your units have been over the course of a playthrough. I personally remember Path of Radiance giving me something like 2-3 Strength growths for Oscar out 10-12 levels. On Binding Blade, Roy wasn't quite as bad but his strength when nearing level 15 in his base class was something like 8-10 which you don't really want to have to put up with.
  18. When my laptop was working and I was trying Genealogy, ZSNES worked pretty well. I don't think it's allowed by the rules to provide a link but a quick Google Search shouldn't be too problematic for you.
  19. Probably because Awakening introduced the mechanic.
  20. Hi there. Welcome to the Forest and enjoy your stay. Judging by your opening statement, I'd guess you're still a little nervous around the thought/knowledge of having joined. Relax. Nobody will bite your head off. Just try to enjoy the community. It's really helpful to see everyone's opinions and strategies for certain characters or maps. I'm sure you'll make plenty of friends here at least. With that said, I hope you enjoy yourself.
  21. Well, the weapons of a Bride are Lances, Bows and Staves. The Shockstick gets pretty good if you want to run a Magic Asset but due to the necessity to use physical weapons in other classes, it wouldn't be quite as wise to drop either of them and if you want to maximize the effect of your stats, I'd look toward the main site's Awakening page for how each Asset and Flaw affect other stats. If I was personally running one, I'd try to run some balance in there. Just my opinion though. Galeforce is the most common skill that people want passed down so I don't really have any alternatives since Morgan gets the same class perks as the Avatar but for the opposite gender. Lon'qu is pretty interesting as a character altogether as well so you'll probably find yourself filling his supports at some point. Good luck in advance.
  22. Specifically, I've got both Tellius games on my Wii U due to Homebrew and whatnot. I'm just curious if it is at all possible to import bonuses from a Path of Radiance file saved on an emulated Memory Card on the Wii U or not. It doesn't particularly matter to me if it's not but I'd like to know because I wouldn't mind using it if it is possible. I'm rather anxious because I've been both, itching to play it and holding off for the answer. I want the answer because previously, I only played Path of Radiance on my Gamecube via a media launcher. If possible, I'd like to make use of the bonuses the save files award but because I now have Path of Radiance emulated on my vWii via Homebrew, as well as my first chance to play Radiant Dawn also through Homebrew, I'd really appreciate the information before I dive in for the first time. EDIT: It is NOT possible to use Emulated Memory Cards. Though since USB Loader GX works on the Wii, it can access regular memory card data that way and the subsequent Radiant Dawn file can be transferred to a Wii U playthrough via SD Card. That basically solves the purpose of this topic.
  23. I suppose so. It's probably because I never actually thought of the idea until now that it just strikes me as a funny idea. On that note, I wonder if Felicia tripping over herself would be used as one of her attacks...
  24. Interesting idea. I hope it's implemented. Regarding the topic as a whole, I think the style of Gan Ning in DW6 fits this topic pretty solidly. Honestly, I think Thieves and Ninja would be easy but I literally just thought of Maids running around a battlefield slicing everything to crap and I'm now just laughing too much.
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