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Light Strategist

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Everything posted by Light Strategist

  1. I really like this, perhaps there could be a unique spin on them depending upon certain circumstances. For example, Morgan could likely be an interesting idea for 1, given that his/her Japanese name is Marc. I'd like to see Marth and Lucina having some deep, meaningful conversations with Marth telling Lucina to lighten up a little. Similarly, I'd also like Lucina to have conversations with Lyn, Alm and Eirika, since she has common ground with each of them. Naturally though, if characters can use multiple classes that dictate their weapon availabilities, I have to hear Owain yelling something along the lines of: "GAH! The fields of battle cry out for one of my heroic lineage! These fields/halls will run red with the blood of my enemies for now, I awaken the slumbering power within! My sword hand twitches and today it will mete out a great justice the likes of which have never been seen before! For I am Owain/Odin Dark!" Of course if Laurent, Inigo, Leo, Niles or any other characters associated with him that find it embarrassing were to chime in some way through that if they're on the battlefield and chastise him for doing it, it'd be rather amusing. Of course it'd be equally funny if Lucina chimes in and references her temporary renaming of Falchion to 'Pointy Demonspanker' as a piece of dialogue that occurs after it if nobody stops him and she's present. I'm sorry. I've channelled my inner Owain... I've been told not to do that... I should probably go to bed...
  2. Well then welcome to the site! Already, I like your choice of imagery. Please take the time to sample the entries you have yet to.
  3. He posted about this on Facebook. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1330022640367006&id=668707393165204&fs=5
  4. In Awakening, I chose a Male, but in Fates, I chose Female. For my first runs of each at least. I did it that way because of a headcanon but it's not really necessary to explain. I otherwise occasionally alternate but it's usually just me trying out customization options just for fun.
  5. So many missed opportunities spring forth. How can you not have trained Owliver Queen? Alola's very own Verdant Quill! Ironically, though I always choose the Grass Type starter (it's become a tradition for me), I actually feel as though Primarina is the best of Alola's starters. Why's it ironic? Well, normally, I end up getting all 3 starters in my final team by trading with friends, however this time, I only had 2 Gen 7 Pokémon in my team total. Incineroar and Decidueye. I'd have added Primarina but... Ash-Greninja exists and I utterly refused to pass it up at all. My final team wound up being Snorlax, Metagross, Incineroar, Talonflame, Greninja and Decidueye. What was yours?
  6. After I commented here last, I had an idea for a Pokémon that's like an archer, however unlike Decidueye, it's not based on an owl but rather a hedgehog that can use its spines as arrows. Oddly, the idea came from a combination of areas, Arrow and Pokémon, obviously but the 3rd part came from Sonic and sorta how his body is structured. Though I'm an absolutely awful artist and probably should be the last person to draw it. Mentioning Arrow, I'm also glued to the other shows as well, though I don't delve so much into the comics themselves.
  7. Literally just left a comment before finding out Arrow Season 2's now playing in Serenes Forest. This'll be cool.
  8. I was lured here by Oliver Queen. Hello there! Welcome to the Forest. Based on the archery questions you've already gotten, I want to ask if your Avatar's Talent in Fates is Archer. Takumi's pretty solid but the Fujin Yumi is kinda broken in that regard. Overall, I personally prefer Noire as an Archer but that might be because I typically pair Gaius with Tharja... Please, enjoy your stay, and don't be shy to ask a question if you need help. Nobody starts perfect and Veterans have the experience you need. (Let's disregard the accidental Skill pun shall we?)
  9. I literally read that whilst also glancing at a small salt packet that's by my bed. Ephraim was a solid choice for a base, but yeah, as BlazeKing says, factor in the colour palette, the shade of blue you've added is VERY obvious that it's not primarily there, try balancing the colours more based on other areas of the armour and a shade selection tool. Honestly, it's better to start with simpler ideas first. If only practicing with recolouring things, do that first. I will admit that the menu icon for Aldhuma looks pretty cool in his hand, but it's also as BlazeKing has said about the colour limit. Inserting sprites into a GBA game requires you to think about colour limits because of how the system can only display so many colours at a time. Even if you don't intend to use them in a GBA ROM hack, try to adhere to that guideline because it's automatically a possibility later down the line. For visual appearance, I'd give it a 2/5. Overall, there's not too much difference from the original and certain differences should've been kept in mind. If you want to give him a Rapier, try copying it from Eirika's Roy's or Eliwood's battle sprites. It's a lot quicker and less likely to hit a colour limit. The size issue I assume was to better fit the Aldhuma sprite in his hand? It kinda broke the balance of his headband/tiara/thing. Overall, not a bad first attempt, but practice needs to be made long-term.
  10. Then Marth's plotlines wouldn't make sense. Though arguably, it'd be significantly more interesting to tweak the games that way... I wanna see it now... What if Fates didn't mimic the majority of things that made Awakening special and unique within the franchise?
  11. Slightly unrelated, but I see a possibility of it in FE Warriors. Overall, if we're talking about background information and ancient lore, any of the plots could do. Actually I think the prospect of Pokémon Generations but Fire Emblem based would be a cool idea. Give the audience a little bit of everything, but at the same time, make it things they wouldn't know perfectly.
  12. Catria. She probably needs one. WCWY like to see outrageous drunk behaviour from?
  13. As such with literally everything that exists. Joining the conversation personally, Awakening was my first entry in the series and a short while later, I jumped to the GBA for Blazing Blade. I've kinda hopped back and forth in time, so to speak. Technically, I still need to finish the endgame of Path of Radiance and the last 2 chapters of Sacred Stones but I can't say that my experience has been a bad one (though looking back on Fates...) I've played a bit of Gaiden but it was basically how it's aged that's deterred me from playing the original. On the other hand, I'm trying to play a bit of Genealogy and feel like I could finish it with the patience for it. As for 1 and 3, I'd prefer to stick with the remakes for a simplified control scheme that's more readily stored in my mind. That leaves Binding Blade out of everything I've played at least a little which feels very much like the other GBA entries to me which is satisfactory. Getting to the point, I feel as though the accessibility of Echoes will be useful for the people that fall into a category similar to myself. Falling into a category of wanting the convenience and simplicity of a control scheme that's functional and responsive with updated features and additional content. Maybe that's just me though.
  14. Most likely Mist. She seems to me like she'd enjoy them. WCWY go on a cruise with?
  15. Female Morgan, nothing fazes her and she'd come up with tons of ideas. WCWY interview for a web series?
  16. Fates specifically? All 10 of the royals with Corrin having both the male and female variations on the same stand and the Dragon form behind them. Looking at older FE titles I'd list Lyn, Roy, Lilina, Hector, Sue, Eliwood, Eirika, Ephraim, Lyon, Joshua, Tana, Innes, Chrom, Awakening's Children with Morgan having both genders on the same stand, Priam, Ike, Soren, Lethe, Black Knight, Elincia, Reyson and Ena.
  17. I'd cry. What if we got to see more shapeshifters in Awakening?
  18. Also probably Owain, he literally speaks in references! WCWY travel the globe with?
  19. It floats up into the sky because it's no longer rooted into the ground. In an alternate universe, motorcycles are...
  20. Lissa, she'd offer lots of chances to rest, which, being me, I'd need. WCWY play Pokémon with?
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