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Light Strategist

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Everything posted by Light Strategist

  1. I'd like to have Team Multi-Man returned as an available mode. Back in Brawl, I loved doing 15 Minute runs but only ever lasted about 12 minutes at most, so I actually think that it's a rewarding idea for it to be reimplemented as a mode regardless, but I'd love to be able to play it with my online friends as a way to show off or help each other. If there's a story mode, I'd definitely like that to be playable together online. Preferably up to 4 players.
  2. I agree. Could be in General Fire Emblem. Mods'll be a thing sooner or later.
  3. The Mario Bros getting to beat the tar out of Solid Snake or Bayonetta won't keep them interested for too long? Uuuhhh... tried looking at the prospect of endless catastrophes you can use in multiplayer modes with items on or features like the Multi-Man modes where you're endlessly set upon by enemies for a pre-determined period of time. Just because something is aimed at children, doesn't mean adults can't enjoy it too! Heck, look at Pokémon!
  4. Adding on to this, if the commanders of each army could have a unique personality type, it could more realistically achieve a solid behaviour for certain troops. Troops that are loyal to them would adhere to commands that the player visually sees them being giving by story dialogue and the like. I'm thinking of Awakening Chapter 10 where the commander doesn't want to fight you but understands he doesn't have much of a choice. In which case, after the defeat of someone like that, the loyal enemies would keep up the fight but those that have no real obligation upon his death will think for themselves and either flee or fight with their default instinctive behaviours. Conflicting behaviours could also override each other at certain points to make the AI a little unpredictable at times so it could REALLY put some full emphasis on how adaptive one might be in a battle.
  5. I'm fairly sure that the reason is for those come-from-behind wins that are commonly depicted in the anime. Typically, the anime tends to avoid the usage of those abiliities but has done so to illustrate a similar point. The user is being pushed to the limit and can't afford to lose the battle, so it digs deep to find its inner strength and pull through with the win. That said, I think that there should be an item that allows a Pokémon to swap between a Normal Ability and its Hidden Ability. It could be called a Secret Capsule or something.
  6. I wouldn't say that Mewtwo went wrong. It was a perfect success (outside of Pokémon Adventures anyway) but the issue is that it grew smart enough to question existence and thus developed as an individual. Remember, the Pokédex states that Mewtwo is incredibly violent, which I believe is credited to it being created explicitly for the purpose of fighting. As a result, everything about Mewtwo is operating as planned. Just a little better than the creators intended.
  7. I'm rather nocturnal and quite antisocial so I actually feel much more relaxed during those hours. Sunlight occasionally hurts and one of my friends' parents joked I'm a vampire. At least... I hope it was a joke.
  8. Sleep is so important to my rather non-linear routine that I got a whole hour between yesterday and today! I have a headache...
  9. Something I noticed the other day and wanted verification on: Cordelia's Resistance is much higher than either of her offensive stats which are equal to each other. If her weapon has Statflip and Topsy-Turvy so that her Resistance is her new offensive stat, would Resonating Power still specifically look at her Strength and Magic or would it compare Defense and Resistance due to Statflip with that weapon equipped?
  10. Didn't Eliwood's mother survive FE7? As for the topic at hand, I can't really think of anything that jumps out at me that hasn't already been said. (Or I'm just lacking that much sleep and unable to think straight.)
  11. Playing as Plegia in a mirrored Awakening would be good. You've already got the established background of how tyrannical Chrom's father seemed to be regarding it so why not spin that as part of the story? Or perhaps Walhart's the protagonist. There's multiple options so it covers a nice bit of ground for what could be done.
  12. I did specifically state 'Combat Practice'. Launching fireballs at scarecrows is one thing but hitting moving targets is another.
  13. I actually don't. Honestly, I wish I still had access to that picture of the cat with the Wii Remote... Now I just feel sad...
  14. But with Limit Breaker the Luck's cap always reaches above 50. ... We're gonna need to start calculating stats now aren't we? I can't be bothered to hunt around for Fates to test their initial join levels and seeing their stats there...
  15. But all of the other weapons break so it can't be perfect. Plus, that IS in Sm4sh where Chrom is basically providing permanent convoy access. Let's be reasonable about this... Robin's Mother was clearly a Fateslandian Witch and passed the skill down in Awakening where it could be inherited by Robin who also inherited a Fateslandian Bronze Sword for story reasons. Maybe Mag +2 and Tomefaire are on Robin because of all of those Tomes and THAT's why the Magic seems higher!
  16. Quickdraw could be Critical+ or something. He also has Heavy Blade from Fates because... well Ragnell in Smash isn't really fast. Robin clearly has Shadowgift, Arcfire, Elwind, Nosferatu, Thoron and the Levin Sword (as well as Convoy access for some reason). There's also Armsthrift which works only on the Bronze Sword for some reason...
  17. Path of Radiance: I was trying my best to keep as many units roughly equal as possible so splitting the Bonus Exp around a little. Normally, I don't have much luck with Pegasus Knights but Marcia got a little wind under her wings and became a rampaging scion of death from the heavens above. Even then, I was pretty much using her sparingly and she was just one of my better Lancers alongside Nephenee.
  18. I used him as an example because he basically personifies the relevancy point. Like I said, he's still in because people WON'T let him die. I don't even play F-Zero and think he needs a new game.
  19. The series that are represented in Smash will continue to keep growing (well... F-Zero likely won't but that's beside the point) and as such, more and more characters will be made down the line. We're going to get characters that are well recieved and Ultimate will show who everyone's existing favourites are. So basically, I see the cast of more than just Fire Emblem growing in Smash Bros. and hating one series getting representation isn't going to help anything under the circumstance of all of the other series getting more reps when one just stops dead. How's that fair to fans of the newer characters? Honestly, I think at this point the only thing keeping Captain Falcon alive is that people won't let him die. He gets no new games and has now been in more Smash games than F-Zero games. So this needs changing or he needs to go. Unique or not.
  20. Aww, man... this thread reminds me that my cats have been dead for years... And the only picture I remember there even being had of either of them was one of them holding onto a Wii Remote. (Which has been lost because my friend who had the picture either lost or had the phone it was saved on stolen.)
  21. Can't be built-in convenience! The only problem is not being able to scratch your back with it if you need to. Well... not without superpowers anyway. XD
  22. Anytime I shave my face, I occasionally use the stubble to scratch an itch on my chest. It's actually rather efficient.
  23. That's actually what I want to happen. Imagine the Pokémon Trainer sticking around for the other Pokémon if they're on the same side and acting as say Lucario's trainer. That'd be really cool.
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